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Spank-A-Thon Sep 5th, 2002 07:38 AM

Playing Video Games could land you in jail...

In Greece, use a Game Boy, go to jail

By Matt Loney and Rupert Goodwins
Staff Writers, CNET
September 3, 2002, 11:18 AM PT

In Greece, playing a shoot-'em-up video game could land you in jail.
The Greek government has banned all electronic games across the country, including those that run on home computers, on Game Boy-style portable consoles, and on mobile phones. Thousands of tourists in Greece are unknowingly facing heavy fines or long terms in prison for owning mobile phones or portable video games.

Greek Law Number 3037, enacted at the end of July, explicitly forbids electronic games with "electronic mechanisms and software" from public and private places, and people have already been fined tens of thousands of dollars for playing or owning games.

The law applies equally to visitors from abroad: "If you know these things are banned, you should not bring them in," said a commercial attaché at the Greek Embassy in London, who declined to give her name.

Internet cafes will be allowed to continue to operate, providing no games-playing takes place. If a customer is found to be running any sort of game, including online chess, the cafe owner will be fined and the place closed.

The Greek government introduced the law in an attempt to prevent illegal gambling. According to a report in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, Greek police will be responsible for catching offenders, who will face fines of 5,000 to 75,000 euros (about $4,980 to $74,650) and imprisonment of one to 12 months. "The blanket ban was decided in February after the government admitted it was incapable of distinguishing innocuous video games from illegal gambling machines," the report said.

The Greek gaming community has reacted with a mixture of shock, disbelief and anger. One Web site,, has started a news service about the ban and opened a petition to protest it. In addition, it is posting English translations of the law and messages of support from around the world.

A test case is to come before the Greek courts next week, and the Greek gaming community is already planning protests in the event that the defendant is convicted.

"We are trying to organize a protest against this law," said Petros Tipis of Thessaloniki-based gaming company Reload Entertainment, which has had to cancel a gaming tournament that was to be held this week.

If the prosecution of the defendant next week is successful, said Tipis, the Greek gaming industry will take the case to the European Court.

In the meantime, Tipis told ZDNet UK, a lot of people in Greece are very worried about the new law. "They are taking it very seriously," he said. "It even affects the games that come with Windows. This law isn't the right one," he added. "It is unfair. It was introduced too quickly."

Reload's tournament, which was to be held Fridah, was a qualifier for the CPL Oslo 2002 gaming tournament. "Now we are trying not to lose the two slots we were given from CPL for the tournament," Tipis said. "This was the first time for a qualifier (for this tournament) in Greece."

ZDNet UK's Rupert Goodwins and Matt Loney reported from London.
Absolutely unbelievable! I can't believe a country of the EC has done something like this. It's almost communist in nature what they have made law.

Any comments anybody?

- S

IcyMourdor Sep 5th, 2002 08:02 AM

You have got to be kidding me. All this time, I thought it would be nice to go to Greece.

They just completely took their country by surprise. This crap shouldn't happen to people. I can see why they would want to prevent gambling, but who do you know places bets on if a player can kill Solidius?

I remember back during the last election here in the US. The canadite Al Gore's wife wanted to place a complete gaming censorship. This angered many gamers. Greece just took it to a whole new level.

Soul Angel Sep 5th, 2002 08:27 AM

That's pretty much just plain stupid! :mad:
How on earth can you mistake someone playing a game on a console for gambling?

If we don't have Microsoft planning on taking over our computers, we've got Greece banning all types of electronic games.

Well I know I won't be planning on going to greece anytime soon :disturb: But I feel sorry for those people who live in Greece and like playing video games most of all :(

Hylas Sep 5th, 2002 11:22 AM

At the beginning I thought it was a joke, because I can't believe this can really happen! Then I looked at the source and now I'm really surprised. I knew things like that happened in some countries, but not in Greece! Geez, that sucks! Especially for those who go there and are not aware of the law! They risk to find themselves in some big trouble for not knowing this silly law! It seems some governments keep on accusing videogames of being responsible of all their troubles. I wonder if they actually know the difference between a simple videogame and gambling :sarcasm: I'm sure this comes from people who absolutely know nothing about videogames in general.

Spank-A-Thon Sep 5th, 2002 11:34 AM

Basically it would appear that Grecian Law is unable to differentiate between electronic gaming machines and electronic gaming machines.

I don't think they're trying to pin the blame on video games.

However, I find it slightly ironic that the country that invented philosophy, can't even express their laws explicitly enough!

- S

Hylas Sep 5th, 2002 11:44 AM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

However, I find it slightly ironic that the country that invented philosophy, can't even express their laws explicitly enough!

Hell, yeah! This is kinda ironic, but really sad too. Because it often happens that countries that "created" culture or that are linked to older traditions, are not able to be open minded enough to understand some really basic differences or aspects of the modern culture.

BlackThornn Sep 5th, 2002 11:51 AM

This is absolutely atrocious... Nothing but a scheme for the Greek government to have an extra scource of income. I'm sure that the same kind of conservative fools that are ranting about video games in this country over there aren't exactly displeased either. This is despicable!!

And what REALLY pisses me off is that American lawmakers from the bible belt or some damn place looking to BAN video games are going to be able to cite this as a precedent!

I'm going to do all that I can to see this law repealed. The conservative majority shouldn't be able to do this under the thin lie of "policing illegal gambling machines"!

kupoartist Sep 5th, 2002 12:52 PM

Re: Playing Video Games could land you in jail...

Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon
SourceI can't believe a country of the EC has done something like this.
You didn't watch the Eurovision Song Contest then :laugh: - with no offence to the Greeks, they're a bit behind the times (i still have bad fever ridden dreams based on their "Song" :shock: )

Now as I understand, a number of high profile games have already been banned in europe (I heard its impossible to buy Half-Life in germany for instance), but out-right banning gaming is just so unbeliveably short-sighted. Its like blamming Mario for a sudden outbreak of the flu...

I'm not one for holidaying places abroad (sadly), but I'll probably be avoiding Greece until i've worked out how to swallow my gameboy advance whole.

Frozen Sep 6th, 2002 12:52 AM

This may sound harsh, but...
If any of you ever go to Greece, it should be to know a new palce in your lives, go to as many places as you can, and enjoy (if possible) from their different cultural traditions and folklore. It would be absolutely RETARDED to go there with a video game machine to waste your time in there. Better stay home and play as much as you want. But that is an absolutely stupid argument to say "I'm not going to Greece" :disturb:

But of course, that sucks big time. However, I have a Greek friend who's a real die hard gamer. I have already sent him an email asking him about this matter. We'll see what can he tell us about this crappy thing.

EDIT: He send me a message telling me that the law is working right now as for aracades and internet caffes. It shouldn;t affect anyone who has a console at home. He's still real pissed, though. Moreover, the law could then be applied for home consoles as well.

The problem is, that not even in the media over there such idiotic law was announced... he just happened to listen about it in a radio station, in a program made by gamers. But people has begun to protest, as he told me. He may join the protests as well. In fact, the guy plans to leave Greece and head for Japan.

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