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Darkness 4 Hire Sep 27th, 2002 09:52 AM

5 Best RPGs ever....

Alright I want to know what you all think...what are the 5 best RPGs ever?

5. Final Fantasy VII

4. Chrono Cross

3. Final Fantasy X

2. Suikoden II

1. Xenogears

Beretta55 Sep 27th, 2002 12:16 PM

and i will post my magical list!! yes it's magical!! dont defy me mortal! *baretta talking to himself*

1. FF7

2. kingdom heart's

3. FF8

4. skies of arcaida

5. legend of dragoon

Sword 4 Hire Sep 27th, 2002 03:48 PM

All right here we go...

5. Legends of Legaia- I'm possibly the only one in my town who actually enjoyed this game as much as I did. Sure it wasn't the best RPG but for some reason it appealled to me and I had a fun time playin....probably one of the most challenging RPG's I've played just because leveling in that game is a *****!

4. Final Fantasy X- A huge stepping stone for the Final Fantasy series with amazing CG's, great voiuce acting, and a brand new battle system. The characters were all well developed and while the story was rather linear it still kept you wanting more!

3. Skies of Arcadia- I had so much fun playin this game. Very light hearted and colorful. Filled with lush and diverse places and the battle system was also very well done.

2. Xenogears- By far had the greatest story. Always keeping you at the edge of your seat. Once you thought your problems were done Xeno would throw 10 more events your way all at once. It was almost like playing a real cool movie.

1. Final Fantasy VII- This game is what made RPG's what they are today in my opinion. It helped pave the way for all of my favorites and is just so brilliant. The characters, the world, the story...everything about it is gold!

Close ones were FFIX, Chrono Trigger, or the Lunar games

kupoartist Sep 28th, 2002 08:13 AM

5. Deus Ex - Great but Cliched Conspiracy storyline, that has great gameplay and customisability only bettered by System Shock 2...
4. Final Fantasy IX - Excellent Character, Stoyline, Graphics, FMVs and Soundtrack, but feels less absorbing than 6 and 7... Starts really boringly as well.
3. System Shock 2 - the best FPS RPG there is... shame no-one ever played it :/ ... and its very, very scary if you turn the lights in your room off... eap!
2. Final Fantasy VII - Excellent Characters and Storyline but I just didn't feel it got a grip early enough.. also the Soundtrack is great, but sounds completely wrong somehow...
1. Final Fantasy VI - Great everything (except graphics, but its was a SNES game...), but wins mostly for having the best FF characters ever created, even though there is double the ammount you usually get ^_^

FFX, Golden Sun and possibly Seiken Densetsu 3 (would have been Secret of Mana 2) just about miss out... But I'm hoping to get to play Vagrant Story, FF Tactics, SaGa Frontier 2, Chrono Cross, Legend of Mana, Kingdom Hearts and Threads of Fate sometime.... I probably don't have the time or money for all of them though :laugh:

Frozen Sep 28th, 2002 10:52 AM

4)Chrono Cross
5)Legend Of Dragoon

happy_doughnut Sep 29th, 2002 02:05 AM

1.) FF8
2.) Legend of Legaia
3.) Chrono Trigger
4.) FF4
5.) LoD

Oh, they're in no particular order, I think. Eh, I forgot.

Daedaelus Sep 29th, 2002 06:44 PM

1. Secret of Mana, for SNES: not only the best RPG, but the best game ever created, IMO

2. Xenogears

3. Skies of Arcadia

4. Chrono Trigger

5. Chrono Cross

Square games, yes. FF, no. I don't know if it's just me or what, but I don't think it deserves to be in any top 5.

Sword 4 Hire Sep 30th, 2002 04:14 PM

What?!? Not even FFVII??

Rei Sep 30th, 2002 04:36 PM

[list=1][*]Final Fantasy 7[*]Final Fantasy 6[*]Vagrant Story[*]Xenogears[*]Grandia 2[/list=1]

Daedaelus Sep 30th, 2002 07:11 PM


Originally posted by Sword 4 Hire
What?!? Not even FFVII??
I don't think so. If you look at my choices(without bias), you would see that I have better games than FFVII. I'm not sure however, that how many people have played Secret of Mana.

IcyMourdor Sep 30th, 2002 09:54 PM

5. Legend of Legaia- a very innovative battle system and nice music. Field and world graphics could have been a little better.

4. Chrono Trigger- What can I not say about this game?

3. Breath of Fire 3- I love the story and music. Besides, Ryu is my favorite creature.

2. Lunar: SSSC- Amine-style cut scenes, great soundtrack (got the CD), perfect story, characters you can relate to.

1. If you don't know what I'd put here, you haven't seen me post ever. FFTACTICS! The story is the best I've ever seen. The battle system is great. The music always puts me in the mood to play it. There is actually a stronger summon than Bahamut. Ultima isn't the most powerful spell. A lot of traditions have been broken and a lot more have been made.

kupoartist Oct 1st, 2002 02:02 PM

hey, Iguana... I haven't really played much of Secret of Mana, but I'd definatly recommend you check up Seiken Densetsu 3 if you can find the ROM anywhere. Even if you don't like it as much, its a very, very good game ^_^ (would have been Secret of Mana 2 as SOM1 is Seiken Densetsu 2)

oh and sorry to be picky... but I can't actually think of a single FF where Bahamut is the strongest summon :/

Daedaelus Oct 1st, 2002 02:35 PM


Originally posted by the_artist
hey, Iguana... I haven't really played much of Secret of Mana, but I'd definatly recommend you check up Seiken Densetsu 3 if you can find the ROM anywhere. Even if you don't like it as much, its a very, very good game ^_^ (would have been Secret of Mana 2 as SOM1 is Seiken Densetsu 2)

oh and sorry to be picky... but I can't actually think of a single FF where Bahamut is the strongest summon :/

I've played Seiken Densetsu 3, and I love it, but I still think that the games on my list are better.

IcyMourdor Oct 1st, 2002 11:14 PM


Originally posted by the_artist
oh and sorry to be picky... but I can't actually think of a single FF where Bahamut is the strongest summon :/
FFIV, FFV, FFVI Three classic games where Bahamut is the most powerful and you have to fight a very powerful boss to get him, usually Bahamut himself.

kupoartist Oct 2nd, 2002 12:41 PM

my mistake! ... though is Crusader better in 6? I've never summoned it before but I hear it does the most damage (and it teaches Meteor - the traditional strongest magic)

hey Iguana, i'm glad to hear you liked SD 3! ... hope they rerelease more than SD1 for the Gameboy advance...

JC Denton Oct 10th, 2002 02:52 PM

my favourite would have to be, in desending order.

5) diablo 2, i thought diablo 2 was amazing even though the storyline was absoulutly poor, but the game had such a good replay value, (a real hack n' slash) (not quite as hack n' slashy as severance though)

4)Legend of Legia, I love this game, the fighting system is so cool and the storyline is very good, its a little bit hard to play for more than half an hour at a time i find though because of its style.

3) FF8, i thought 8 was much better than 7 because the charcters in my view are better and the storyline i think is better (though seven's i excellant) in general i loved it.

2) Deus Ex, i thought the storyline on this game was great, probably better than great and the gameplay was brilliant plus the shear capabilities of the game made it playable over and over again.

1) Baldurs gate 1 + 2, my favourite game of all time probably, i know some people like the_artist dont like it but i thought they were absolutley fantastic.

Sephiroth Nov 5th, 2002 07:36 PM

First of all I would like to say yep I'm back. Now RPG fans should agree with the 5 that I choose here. I'm not going to number them but just list them. Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, to tell ya'll the truth but in my opinion these 3 games are the best RPG's ever! Some will disagree but they can't deny the fact that they are so I'll leave it at that.

Noki Noki Nov 10th, 2002 02:47 PM

1. Arc the Lad I,II,III - As a collective, this game's tie-in characters had wonderful personalities to me. The characters just seemed rightly placed, and the world seemed vivid, as well did the plot. The characters really intriged me, and even though the battle system wasn't jaw-dropping, the characters were the basic reason I loved this series so much. The $70 was well-worth it. Plus, THERE'S TOSH..

I could praise it forever, but eventually, I'd have to variate for any actually well-thought, good-spirited rants.. o_o..

2. Xenogears - Someone mentioned a "movie" experience.. This game is just deeper than most, and that's what attracted me to play it, and keep going.. because it didn't have a paper-thin "Cloud vs. Sephiroth" stereotyped approach. It just seemed very unique because of religious themes, mechs, etc. etc. and how they fit into place. Plus, THERE'S CHU CHU..

3. Wild ARMs 2 - I have a fixation with these characters too, say what you like (story too, story too!).. The graphics weren't great, but they were enough, and this game's lest a bit eccentric, the point-skill system was fun to mess around with, you could escape battles on-field, the bosses ACTUALLY REQUIRED a strategy (Especially them secret bosses.. depending on your level and equipment..) Wild ARMs is probably #2 as a favorite series. Plus, THERE'S LILKA..

4. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue - Again, the characters. (Not just because it was by Working Designs.. o-O;;) Lunar just seemed to have a lot of life, and the anime FMVs were pretty cool. Plus, THERE'S LEO..

5. Final Fantasy VII - Heh, I picked at it, and now I'm going to be a hypocrit. The battle system ruled, (Materia is God-like.) and being able to switch out a team with versatile characters made the game replayable. Plus, THERE'S BARETT..

tha16thletter Nov 10th, 2002 04:12 PM

Let me see here... top 5 RPGs... *sighs* now THIS is a hard one...

5.Final Fantasy VII-man this is where it all began for me... I had only really played 1 or 2 other RPGs before it, and this one really got me into the role playing scene... always got a spot in my heart

4.Final Fantasy Tactics- Best SPRG ever. Period. Incredible story, memorable characters, extreme customization... all around just awesome. And playin as Cloud and seein Aeris? you must be kiddin me :-p

3.Valkyrie Profile- INCREDIBLE battle system, beautiful beautiful sprite based graphics, original content, highly stylized and a great idea for background story... great stuff.

2.Suikoden II- Oh man... I cant even go into this one.... story so memorable, 108 well thought up, complex people to play as, simple fighting engine but at the same time very deep, a BASTARD of a antagonist, plot twists, drama, comedy.. this game has everythin and more one could ask for.

1.SUIKODEN III- Havent even finished this for the first time, but already the sheer enjoyment of it has surpassed even that of my beloved SuikoII... I had high expectations, and I'm very happy to say it has shadowed even what I thought it would be... a true RPG that deserves anyones 200+ hours...

Sword 4 Hire Nov 11th, 2002 02:18 PM

I agree with 16th Letter, I'm in the middle of Suido III as well and I must say its quite an experience. I don't care where you guys put it but its on my list somewhere!

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