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jjmoohead Nov 12th, 2006 05:17 PM

Got my camping gear ready
So, all over town systems are sold out supposedly. Except walmart, superstore and zellers are not doing preorders. Also Futureshop isnt not doing preorders either.

What this means for me. Over night camping. Unfortunitly its the middle of canada and its middle of november. Its COLD!

But im going to do, i got my camping gear and im lining up just as the store closes. It will be about 12 hours in the cold, but will be worth it. If i dont respond by sunday, im dead. So I love you all ROFL.

Carlito Nov 12th, 2006 10:39 PM

Haha! Banzai JJ! Let us know when (if) you are back!

Harry Nov 12th, 2006 10:42 PM

Good luck! Beware of wolves and bears! And remember, violence is not always wrong. :arrr:

merylsilverburg Nov 13th, 2006 10:46 AM

Wait, the PS3 is released? Whoa, I so have not been paying attention...:right:

Anyways, much good luck to you...the brutal cold is a killer, so stay warm! Hope you get one...please report back to us and give us a review once you do. :D

jjmoohead Nov 13th, 2006 02:28 PM

Following the weather closly to see what to expect for thursday and as of right now (monday) thursday night is said to be "A mix of sun and cloud. Low minus 11 C. High zero C." This is in Celcius, so to our American friends who don't know the different, to you that would be low of -12 F, high of 32 F.

Not as cold as it could be, but of course its the coldest day of the week. Still 12+ hours of sitting in below freezing cant be enjoyable.

But as stated, ITS WORTH IT.

merylsilverburg Nov 14th, 2006 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by jjmoohead
Following the weather closly to see what to expect for thursday and as of right now (monday) thursday night is said to be "A mix of sun and cloud. Low minus 11 C. High zero C." This is in Celcius, so to our American friends who don't know the different, to you that would be low of -12 F, high of 32 F.

:shock: Holy cow, that's insanely cold! Man, I wouldn't be able to stand it...I went to Wisconsin once during the winter (Madison) and it was only around 35 F and I thought I was going to die...but the locals said that was still considered warm. :dizzy:

*hands out a cup of hot cocoa and a box of tissues* Stay warm!!

Berserker Nov 14th, 2006 02:12 AM

Good luck, maybe wrap yourself in thinfoil? If you're not the first one there you can keep yourself warm by setting the one in front of you on fire :laugh:

merylsilverburg Nov 14th, 2006 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker
Good luck, maybe wrap yourself in thinfoil? If you're not the first one there you can keep yourself warm by setting the one in front of you on fire :laugh:

Brilliant idea, I love it!! :roflmao:

jjmoohead Nov 14th, 2006 03:42 AM

LOL thats a great idea, and I just might do that.

Beretta55 Nov 14th, 2006 04:02 AM

My buddy since kindergarten is going to stay out at Wal-Mart for it's midnight launch since ours is open twenty four hours and he has confirmed it with them. He might want me to join him and I just might since I won't really have anything better to do on a Thursday night. I'll probably bring my DS along to stall boredom and probably be the only one in line with anything Nintendo related. XD

RobHardo Nov 15th, 2006 03:58 PM

As soon as I get out of class tomorrow I will be at our 24 hour walmart so ill have about 7-9 hours wait

jjmoohead Nov 16th, 2006 07:55 AM

Well to give you an update, I have been following the weather closely as it is novemeber. The latest update is that its going to be -8 Celcius, but with the wind and such it will feel like -17 C.

I *#$@'n nuts!

At least there is some protection at the store to block wind, so it shouldnt be too bad, but you know I am so excited that it wont matter. My blood will be pumpin with antisipation.

Please note i made an error on my conversion of Celcius To Fahrenhiet.

-11 C = 12 F no -12F

thus if it gets as cold as its saying with wind it will be about 1 F overnight.

MakgSnake Nov 16th, 2006 12:24 PM

Yo jj.... which FutureShop are you lining up on. At the bestbuy I work, the line started yesterday at 10am... that is Wed Nov 15th 10am. This is Oakville BestBuy, same case is at Heartland BestBuy in Mississuaga. And todays forecast is ... "record heavy rain" ... poor people lining up.

The first two are 14 years old spoiled brats....dropped by their parents in their BMW.... and actually asking out loud "you have your cash on you right?".....

This is nothing when compared to this LADY standing 4th in line with a BABY!!!!!, its freakin cold outside and she is with a baby! Stupid Bitch!.!

REChick14 Nov 16th, 2006 07:34 PM

So yeah I call up walmart today to see how much systems they have so I wont wait in line for nothing and the lady tells me there is 3 systems left and my scout that I sent out there counted 20 bodies outside and walmart was a no go. So now im goin for best buy, they have 26 systems, 20 of the 60gb and 6 of the 20gb. I called ahead and they said theres no one in line so guess what this chica is going to do... Im packin the camping gear and heading towards Best Buy. Wish me luck guys!!!

jjmoohead Nov 16th, 2006 08:12 PM

PS3 Night
Got My Gear, Just Heading Out. Hopefully I will not return empty handed

Berserker Nov 17th, 2006 02:14 AM

Good luck to all of you, may the psfantasy force be with you and provide you with good luck and warm clothes. Remember don't lick the lightpost.

Beretta55 Nov 17th, 2006 03:14 AM

I hope everyone is/was careful when they got in line for a PS3. Reports of PS3's getting stolen is starting to circulate, a store in California was robbed by armed men and they took some PS3's and 360's, then Thursday morning three guys were robbed near a target at gunpoint. This is extremely ridiculous, most are getting it for themselves or perhaps significant others and these people are just coming in and robbing them of money and a system, it's sad. Although I guess people buying them and selling them for an arm and a leg on eBay are also bad in a sense. My friend was going to buy two PS3's and have my mother and I list it up on Ebay, I recently decided not too. He didn't have the chance to go nab two PS3's due to him being too late but I'd just be depriving someone of a system actually want to play for personal profit if he did, wouldn't sit well with me.

I hope this crap doesn't become rampant when the Wii releases in two days, mugging happened for the 360, is starting to happen with the PS3 and I hope Wii doesn't follow the same course. Since I plan on staying in line for a Wii at a Wal-Mart midnight launch. I hope the Nintendo Wii line up at Wal-Mart on the midnight launch isn’t swamped. Some people here camped out forty-eight hours for a PS3; I just don’t have that level of commitment for something that is basically electronic parts in plastic casing. I’ll go down to the Wii midnight launch around seven or eight on the 18th. Plus it’s damn cold here so no way I’m going to stay out long.

Phenom Nov 17th, 2006 03:49 AM

^ I know desperation is a bootch, but I could never get that desperate. If people are going to start holding folks up at gunpoint, it's better to get it online.

Folks here in Detroit won't be getting there PS3's until 8:00am. Best Buy, Walmart, and I think Circuit City is going to treat this like a holiday or something like that. "said Fox 2 news"

Good call.

jjmoohead Nov 17th, 2006 08:36 AM


AND with my PS3 60GB in hand!

I am going back to a different store to get the games shortly.

I will a full recap of the days events a little later.

I was outside in about -17C for 11 hours, im frozen, tired and a little sore. But I am alive!

Harry Nov 17th, 2006 03:17 PM

Yeah! That's great JJ! Have fun!

Beretta55, I hope those remain rare episodes, but it's not difficult to imagine that a line of young people (sometimes, kids) with $700 in their pockets may seem like the best target of all times to the average thug. Well, Japan is notoriously safer than most Western countries, but there are reports of Yakuza people hiring homeless guys to wait in line and buy PS3s, which will be resold at twice their price. Anyhow, I think you shouldn't really worry about it (and if you can, pay with a credit card!) - good luck with your Wii, let us know what happens!


Originally Posted by Berserker
Remember don't lick the lightpost.

Haha, invaluable suggestion!

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