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goodman Nov 23rd, 2003 10:22 AM

Fatal Frame 2 Woo Hoo!
Fatal Frame was easily my favorite game of 2002 and now the sequel will be here in about two and a half weeks!!! FINALLY!!! They have pushed it back and had different dates, but apparently this one is for real. Ok, here is the IGN review, and for anyone who is into this type of game, get ready to freak you fricking rear end to the hilt......

If anyone wonders what im doing for the next two months, just refer to this post, hehe!!!

Daedaelus Nov 23rd, 2003 12:37 PM

Re: Fatal Frame 2 Woo Hoo!

Originally posted by goodman

Fatal Frame was easily my favorite game of 2002 and now the sequel will be here in about two and a half weeks!!! FINALLY!!! They have pushed it back and had different dates, but apparently this one is for real. Ok, here is the IGN review, and for anyone who is into this type of game, get ready to freak you fricking rear end to the hilt......

If anyone wonders what im doing for the next two months, just refer to this post, hehe!!!
A fantastic game, I remember how much fun I had playing the first one. However, I WILL NOT buy this game, because it is so damn creepy... actually, I probably won't be able to resist. :laugh:

Berserker Nov 24th, 2003 08:45 AM

Excellent, I'm gonna love this game, check out the trailer

Vicious_2003 Nov 26th, 2003 09:04 PM

Oh man I cant wait to take pictures of ghosts :disturb:.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ ...............;)

goodman Nov 27th, 2003 08:41 AM

Dont worry, Vic, i think there will be some things in there to keep you awake, looks like these chicks arent sleepy...

I fortunately have kept an offer that EB World made way back in July to send the game for free shipping and no tax so i will get it for $49 complete. I thought i may have cancelled the offer when they pushed it back, it was originally slated for an August release. I dont pay full price for games nowadays so this tells you how much im anticipating this baby...

Redpyramidhead Dec 6th, 2003 03:13 AM

Fatal Frame is to goodman the way Silent Hill is to me:cool:

_RED_ stuff

goodman Dec 6th, 2003 10:18 AM

I will be able to tell you about it by this time next week!

goodman Dec 9th, 2003 07:30 PM


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Berserker Dec 10th, 2003 04:40 AM

Congrats, Goodman. You're one lucky....

goodman Dec 10th, 2003 08:47 PM

Been playing about two hours so far, so far so good! I had played the original Fatal Frame so much that a lot of the scares that would startle a newer player dont phase me as much, but the game is early and good, either way! I think it will be probably my fav game this year, but there hasnt been a huge crop of killer games... so far so good, though...

Beretta55 Dec 11th, 2003 02:15 AM

I'm interested in playing this but all i heard in the first one is you took pictures of ghosts:peoples:
is this still the main issue in this one? i mean it looks really scary and i like scary games....but should i rent it just to see what its look or is it worth a buy?

Daedaelus Dec 12th, 2003 12:38 AM

How is it goodman? Creepy as hell? Not as scary as the first one? I'm dying to know the details. Share man! ;)

goodman Dec 12th, 2003 07:08 AM

Its good, for sure, i havent played a whole lot more since i last posted, but can tell you it has everything the first did, with better graphics, and the game is twice as big so its at least twice as long. Your character moves slowly along, like in the first game, but with the camera, and already getting enhancements, you got the ghosts on the run! Im playing on normal, and the ghost seem fairly tough. I dont suggest renting it because there is too much in the game to ever truely experience it in five days. This will be a two month experience or so for me. Of course since i know how to play better than a new player that will speed my progress some...

Infernal Mass Dec 16th, 2003 10:22 PM

tecmo makes great games, i'll try this game out one day for sure. the box art looks great.

goodman Dec 17th, 2003 07:38 AM

Ive gotten a fair ways into the game so far, havent been totally blown away with the challenge, but im sure it only gets tougher from here. Ive already upgraded my camera three or four times and have several types of film, but have been able to get away with the first upgrade film for all my fights. Its a good game, if youve played the first id say yeah check it out especially since you already know the game some, that helps on the challenge considerably...

Beretta55 Dec 20th, 2003 05:22 PM

The Scariest of the year and i think it will still take the gold as of next year. This game love's to scare you and then it does it again. no matter how lame you think the camara combat system sounds (i have actully gotten use to it and its not too bad just takes some time) this game will still scare you and give you a since of dread and paranoia. That only some games i have played can only hold that for awhile. This game has been holding that on me since i first popped the game in. I rented it but i used the local gamepass here at blockbuster so i have this game in my house for a month chances are im most likely going to buy this and the first fatal frame for a bargain price.

goodman Dec 20th, 2003 05:47 PM

Good deal, yes as much as some think that Silent Hill is scary or no doubt creepy, Fatal Frame takes the prize for all out under the skin chills and creeps. And its not through gruesome overkill on the blood, its the around the corner whats next gonna happen suspense that makes the hair rise on your arm. I had never experienced this kind of sensation in another game till i played Fatal Frame. It is very much present in the second game, there are times when i experience a ghost and its a mild effect, then i turn around and have one raise the shackles and get my heart pumping three times its normal heart rate. I havent played since my last post, between Everquest and having a social life ive been doing other things, but will be soon back at the controls for another frightful dose of Fatal Frame 2... I hear that Gamepass is pretty neat, forgot about that, its something i should consider when i think about playing Medal of Honor, Prince of Persia and some of the other new games...

goodman Jan 7th, 2004 05:26 PM

Been a while since i said anything again about this game, but ive played it quite a bit now, i must say its very worthwhile endeavour and never ceases to have a surprise around each corner. They've captured any of the good qualities of the first game, and added even more, enough to say its a noticeably better game than the first, and you will indeed be wetting your pants!

goodman Mar 1st, 2004 04:49 PM

Im now into my third playing of Fatal Frame 2, this time i played it on hard level, which while not a god awful lot different, there will be another ending segment and it will open up more features for the camera and the costumes. Again, i must say this has been a very worthwhile investment for me, and i dont pay full price now but rarely for a game (next will be Doom3 for the pc). So i should be done with the hard level here in the next day or so, then will see what i can unlock and make the game even more enjoyable. This game offers very much what the first did, great replayability, which is rare nowadays...

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