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Uchiha Sasuke Jul 21st, 2002 11:01 PM

Console Impressions of what you played
Ok First things first no negative comments or anything insultive cause if something does happen this thread is going down.Ok list your impression on the next generation consoles and how you think there future looks.What do you think of consoles going online.

Xbox~Great system,Nice selection of games.Developer support is strong and it has a good selection of titles in development that look to be winners in the future.As far as online plans xbox live looks to do well.I dont like the idea of not supporting people without broadband but maybe its something in microsofts plan.

PS2~No doubt the best console to have as of now.Great library of games.Has many big big titles coming out this fall and winter that will no doubt extend the systems life.Developer support is strong is ever and it doesnt look like anyone will stop making games for the ps2.As for online plans i hear what sony proposing and it sound very intriging,the only thing i dont like is the add-ons but heck i shell out the bucks for the online componets as long as i get to play RE online :P

GC~The cutest system of the all.Has a nice selection of some good titles and has one of the strongest franchise around "mario" which is enough alone to sell the console.First party games are some of the most anticipated titles in the next 2 years.As for third party support it seems strong but not as strong as the other 2 consoles.Online i dont know.I hear nintendo is going online around next year but its going to a 56k connection which i dont think is a great idea.

Well lets see some more impressions

Solidus Jul 22nd, 2002 07:27 AM

XBox- Good system good games

PS2- Great, perfect, smooth, fits in my room (the X-Box doubtly)
The games on it are great. No negative things to complain about.

GC- Good system. Further more, I don't say anything more because all of it is negative.

There you have it.

KraftSLU Jul 22nd, 2002 01:24 PM

Alright, lets go through the bests

Best Graphics - tie between Xbox and GC
Best Sound - Xbox hands down
Best 1st party dev - GC
Best 3rd party dev - PS2
Best DVD playback - Xbox
Best connectability - xbox
Most liked controller - ps2 (though many points are lost for only 2 controller ports)
Best sized - xbox (i accidentally yoinked a gc right off the shelf with a controller cord, ps2 though it is lighter than the xbox is all goofy shaped and looks weird on my ent. center. Xbox is perfect, square and looks great)
Best portability - GC
Best Future lineup - Tie. All 3 systems have some amazing games on the horizon that I want to play.

Vicious_2003 Jul 26th, 2002 12:09 AM

Gamecube - Out of the three I see this one doing the worst, i dint say it would do bad just the worst. Main fault, completely screwed itself out of the Online race. By the time they do get there 56k system running people will be far too dedicated to either X Box or PS2's online goings on, they would have allready sunk too much money into them . Other than that it fairs pretty weell in most other catagorys. I would definately put the GC over the X Box for now if they hadnt gone and screwed with the Zelda series. I cant stand cell shaded titles

X Box - Second best in my view it has limitless patential and eventually, thorugh its future concoles I see it taking the top spot. The marketing budget and well, the over all budget, will simply not allow it to be 2nd to anything. As far as graphics and all go it tied for first ofcourse with the GC. Its selection of games is very descent as well as the gamecubes. I havent really seen and really good titles planned for the near future but I havent really been looking for them.

Playstation - Simply the best, nuff said. More titles, better titles. Best online strategy if yu ask me. That alone makes it number one for now

BlackThornn Jul 26th, 2002 10:37 AM

Playstation- I played demos when it first came out but was woefully underfunded, so I could not afford it. Plus it was out of stock everywhere for a good long time. I tided myself over with an actual life before I picked one up for 300$ (just before the price drop -_- ) at Gamestop, then called Babbages. Even with just a couple of games (Onimusha: Warlords and Armored Core 2, coupled with Another Age) I was almost immediately in love with the system.. though the strange lack of Analog controls for the first games I played kinda freaked me out. :D In my opinion, this is the best overall system, It has the most support and the largest fanbase, plus many many good series.

Current PS2 most awaited list- Final Fantasy XI, SOCOM: US Navy Seals, Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 2, Armored Core 3, Zone of the Enders 2, Metal Gear Solid: Substance

Xbox- My "awe" at the graphics was much dimmed 'cause I got this after I picked up my new computer and started playing all the beautiful 3d PC games I'd been drooling over for months. This console has really good graphics power, though, as well as some good titles. ..I just can't get over the fact, though, that most of those titles were simply snatched by buying out many small publishing studios and turning all of thier projects toward the Xbox.. and that the company putting it out is Micro$oft.. possibly the closest thing we have to the "evil, allpowerful conglomerate" that a lot of futuristic fiction is based around. Even with that though I was dead set on getting one, until I saw this little pamphlet called "70 reasons to buy an Xbox"... which was pure propaganda bullshit that went so far as to outright lie about other consoles, insult the owners of other consoles, and say in bold text that the Xbox was the be-all end-all of all console systems.. which, I don't care HOW good the graphics are, is untrue for any console. That, right there, is what turned off my interest in actually buying a box off like a switch. I still play the games for it gladly, but at my bud Tony's house, where M$ gets not a penny from me. :D

Current Xbox most awaited list- Murakumo, Steel Battallion, Project Ego

GameCube- To be honest I want the system, but have only played it once and have not really researched it as much as the Xbox and PS2. It looks good, and the way it's being marketed (as a "party" system you can take to a friend's house and hook up) is novel.. but the only game I can see myself playing a lot is Rogue Squadron, and I've never been one to buy a console for one game only. It doesn't exactly help that despite Nintendo's best efforts the GCN has a definite kiddy feel about it, too..

DragonSphere Jul 26th, 2002 02:51 PM

PS2 : So far, has a great lineup of PS2 games that will satisfy any type of gamer; thereby making it the leading next-gen console among the other competitors. A strong third-party support greatly contributes to the system's success with such titles as the Red Faction series, Grand Theft Auto series, Final Fantasy series...etc. I'm still a bit skeptic (due to paying monthly fees for certain games) about going online with the PS2, but it seems that everything should work out just fine. Overall though, I believe that Sony will once again maintain its high position in the video-game industry for quite some time.

GameCube: Nintendo's system is now forced to contend with the X-Box at second place in this console war, and has a very good chance of beating it too. While they aren't that many good games out for the GC at the moment (IMO), that might all change once Nintendo released its first-party titles within the next few years: the return of the platform hero that started it all in Super Mario Sunshine, the legendary warrior in a more unique outing in the new Zelda game, and the much anicipated Metroid Prime. And with the price being only $150, you can't go wrong.

X-Box: True, it's graphics processor is a bit more powerful than the PS2 and NGC, but that doesn't prove anything. The only games that I think going for this system is the Halo series and quite possibly Project Ego; but that's about it. Others, while having interesting concepts, always seem just average and never more. X-Box Live, on the other hand, looks to have a more "organized" online plan than Sony (or so I understood in EGM). So this might give the system its chance to succeed against the NGC as #2 . Only time will tell.

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