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Gadzoox Dec 12th, 2003 12:33 AM

Xbox VS. PS2
Which one, in your opinion, is all round better and why?

See, I'm a strict PS2 girl, I love PS2 and don't even consider other consoles.. but (and this is a big but!) for Christmas/Birthday my parents want to get my brother a console of his own. (I get mad when he even touches my PS2... hehe.) They were set on getting him a PS2 of his own and hadn't even considered a different console until I (reluctantly) brought the Xbox up. I figure the Xbox might be better suited for his needs. He lives in our basement and constantly has friends over and they sit in the basement and like to drink and get high and play video games.

So the thing is the Xbox has four controller spots built in. Whereas he'd need to spend an extra $40 on the multitap for PS2.

Does the Xbox have more mulitplayer games than PS2? I seem to have noticed more, particularly games like Halo are what he'd really love to play...

And I constantly hear people say Xbox is better.. constantly. I honestly havent heard anyone say they prefer PS2 over Xbox, except me of course, but I wont give Xbox a chance. :D

So I need help! I need opinions and reasons!!! Pleaaaase!!! and thank you in advance. :)

Daedaelus Dec 12th, 2003 12:43 AM

I personally think the X-Box is a better console, probably because of the X-Box Live subscription. Undeniably the best online service at present, anyone who says different lies. The four controller ports are just an added bonus. Right now... my X-Box is dying to play Ninja Gaiden... arguably the best Ninja game of all time.

The only thing that kind of gives the PS2 an edge is its extensive game library, but the X-Box is catching up quickly.

Berserker Dec 12th, 2003 02:35 AM

I think ps2 is better for the simple fact that I think that the japanese are the best gamedevelopers around. When I feel the need to play xbox, i turn to my pc;)

Uchiha Sasuke Dec 12th, 2003 07:48 AM

I would have said ps2 awhile ago, but now the xbox beats it out. People always talk about it having no support, heck now the xbox gets pretty much a port of every good game on the ps2 plus some exclusives. The xbox's online mode stomps the ps2 too. I don't know if theres anything that seperates them anymore, xbox has kinda stepped way ahead.

Gadzoox Dec 12th, 2003 11:09 AM

Hmm... that's definately some food for thought!! Thanks you guys!

I'd still appreciate any more comments if anyone has them too! :D

Preventer Wind Dec 12th, 2003 12:45 PM

Well if you talk about the system alone the X-Box is a much better system. When you think that it comes with 4 slots and a hard drive. Plus the games usually look better.

But I still think the ps2 is a much better system. I buy all my sports games for the ps2 simply because of the controller and online play (I usually go with EA games) The ps2 has a much much much much much better selection of RPGS.

Let me just say that I own 3 X-Box games, 4 Game Cube games and 22 ps2 games. And that doesn't count all my ps1 games. 2 of the 3 games I own for the X-Box I could buy for the pc.

BUT I would recommend the X-Box to your brother because the X-Box does have better multiplayer games (Mainly FPSs).

I don't play my X-Box often. I have X-Box Live and I wouldn't say it stomps on Sonys service because there is nothing to step on. Socom I & II are still the best online games I have ever played for a console.

kupoartist Dec 12th, 2003 02:12 PM

to me, it seems that the PS2 and XBox share a lot of games, and 99% of the time, the XBox is going to be the better console because the games are the same except for better graphics in the XBox version. To tip the balance a bit, it seems to me that the PS2 gets more of the big name exclusives (like Square-Enix's stuff), but i've been majorly disappointed with the PS2 games i have. They're pretty crap really.

So that an XBox win, but for one small problem. The Xbox also shares a lot of it's games with the PC (even more games than it shares with the PS2, from what I can tell), and the Graphics on the PC versions are even better. The PC will always be my fave. And I love my GBA and PS1 far more than i'll ever love my PS2.

... wouldn't mind a Gamecube though...

Gadzoox Dec 13th, 2003 01:04 AM

Hmmm... I'm leaning towards the Xbox more now... well the whole PC thing doesnt matter because he doesn't play PC games! Thanks for the input again guys! :D

Infernal Mass Dec 13th, 2003 01:35 PM

the ps2 has a whole lot more games. the xbox has more power..i'd bring up the custom soundtrack option, but there really isn't a whole lot of games that support that feature. The internal hard drive is pretty nice too..i don't have to worry about memory cards. :)

ps2 is still my system of choice, mainly because of the variety of software.

pjb2006 Dec 13th, 2003 04:11 PM

I like all the systems. I've had a PS2 and a GCN for 2 years and I'm getting an XBox for Christmas this year. The consoles all have their own strengths. PS2 has the widest selection of games and a few very powerful exclusives (FF series, GTA series, Tekken series), XBox has the best graphics for the most part and comes out with an awesome game every once in a while, and GC has all the really cool exclusive games (Zelda, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros., all the Mario games).
It's not good to be system biased. People usually put down consoles and point out all of their weaknesses to try and justify why they don't have them. We all know that if we could, everyone would get all 3 consoles. Thats what I'm doing. However, if want a definite answer to your question, the XBox is the wisest choice for action and shooter games to play with friends. I know I'm gonna have a great time playing Halo with my friends this Christmas.

Gadzoox Dec 14th, 2003 03:05 PM


Originally posted by pjb2006

It's not good to be system biased. People usually put down consoles and point out all of their weaknesses to try and justify why they don't have them. We all know that if we could, everyone would get all 3 consoles.
It's so true too!! I love Halo, and I love Animal Crossing!! I ADMIT IT!!! I wish I had more money... ;)

Thanks for the good views on the situation guys! You've all really helped!! ^^

Beretta55 Dec 14th, 2003 05:24 PM

I'll add my late opinion;)

For me its a mixed bag i own all the systems (use to own an xbox before it broke but im sure im getting another one this X-mas) but personally i think Xbox live makes the xbox really worth it. It really depends on your brothers taste xbox mostly excells in FPS and other shooter type games. PS2 has a good Library of almost all game genre's (lots of them have been rpg ps2 is a good choice if your brother is into RPG's)
But im gearing towards Xbox because of my love for FPS games:cool:

Vicious_2003 Dec 14th, 2003 11:35 PM

I myself only own an X Box now . And while I do love my Box id have to say the PS2 has a slight and I mean slight edge over it in that it has a steller selection of games in comparrison. But the X Box is gaining on it much quicker than I expected and unless Sony revamps its online situation, it wont be long before I change my mind there. X Box's game library is growing and that edge that Sony has wont be there for long. But still...its hard to imagine Sony being anything but number one at this point

And if you Ask me that after Halo 2 comes out, my answer might be a bit different. Bwahahahaha !. Long live the X Box !

MakgSnake Dec 19th, 2003 02:03 PM

I would add something to it as well.

Ps2 has alot of games, and every single type of game. I mean, games like "Wheel Of Fortune", "Jeopardy" to name a few. What I am trying to say is.....that Ps2 gets everything........ so the variety is HUGE. Its not even funny.

As for Xbox.......I would say go for it, if he likes FPS games or if he is going to subscribe to XBOX LIVE. ............. Then sure........ if not. Then Ps2..........

Spank-A-Thon Dec 19th, 2003 02:46 PM

Ultimately it boils down to not which system is better, but which games are better. Too many people make the mistake of buying the most powerful system and only later realising that it doesn't actually have many games they like.

For example I could have bought Soul Calibur for my PS2 or GameCube - in the end I chose PS2 because the gamepad is very important to me. The Cube may have the prettier graphics, but what would be the point if the controller ruined my gaming experience.

As for XBox, I know a lot of people have problems with the pad, but I can't really comment myself. If the only reason to get an XBox is for FPS's then even that seems not a good reason. Whilst out of the consoles the XBox may offer the best FPS's (although I'm sure Metroid Prime might have something to say!), all of them pale in comparison to PC FPS's purely because of the control mechanism.

Mu advice would be to first understand what games your bro would like to play - and then choose the system that has the most and best examples of those game-types.

Play Games... Not Systems...

- S

Gadzoox Dec 19th, 2003 06:37 PM

Thanks you guys SOOOOO much for all your input, but it turns out my mom is sticking with the PS2!!

She spoke to my brothers friends and they figured PS2 would be best because:
-apparently he has a bunch of PS1 games they play
-all his friends have PS2s so they can trade games and bring over their memory cards and controllers
-the DVD player on the Xbox only works with the remote control which you have to buy, whereas the PS2 can work with the controller. Something like that anyway.

I cant remember if they said anything else but those were the main reasons and they make sense! And plus my mom had actually bought the PS2 a loong time ago but didn't tell me that part.. heh.

Thanks so much for all your thoughts on the matter!!! I appreciate it to no end!! :love:

dan da man Dec 21st, 2003 02:01 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake

I would have said ps2 awhile ago, but now the xbox beats it out. People always talk about it having no support, heck now the xbox gets pretty much a port of every good game on the ps2 plus some exclusives. The xbox's online mode stomps the ps2 too. I don't know if theres anything that seperates them anymore, xbox has kinda stepped way ahead.

I agree with you SSSnake :D

Ps2 = more slection of titles

XboX = good online and more exclusive titles.

There both great machines IMO.

Daedaelus Dec 28th, 2003 01:36 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

I agree with you SSSnake :D

Ps2 = more slection of titles

XboX = good online and more exclusive titles.

There both great machines IMO.
Well, PS2 has its fair share of exclusivity. Like the artist said, Square Enix is coming to PS2 (and NGC now), and not X-Box, plus PS2 also has GTA and Gran Turismo.

Berserker Dec 29th, 2003 06:09 AM

And ea-games aren't online on the xbox.

Uchiha Sasuke Jan 4th, 2004 03:52 PM


Originally posted by beserker

And ea-games aren't online on the xbox.
Its only a matter of time before they support live. I mean there would see alot more games, espically on the xbox if they were to support live.

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