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merylsilverburg Sep 28th, 2002 04:20 AM

Has anyone heard about this game, BMX XXX by Acclaim? Considered to be one of the most "raunchiest" sports games, it was originally titled "Dave Mirra's BMX XXX", but they decided to drop DM because without a license, they're able to go further with the "XXX".
What goes on in this game: There's all sorts of different characters (not playable) such as pimps, dogs (and its feces), hookers, bums, drunks, monkeys,...and more. You basically accomplish small missions for these characters and that's how you progress.
For the multiplayer, there's going to be games similar to those in THPS, except the ones they have in this game is called "Strip BMX" and "Sniper BMX". For the stripping, it's almost like HORSE, and whoever For the sniping, both players are on opposite ends and the one with the sniper rifle tries to blow off the head of the other player while the other player scrambles to escape.
Besides all the stuff mentioned above, there will also be "peepshows" that have live-action videos of real strippers....

Okay, what the hell was Acclaim thinking? Do they not know that video games are already having such a bad rep. and now they throw a game together like this? Omg, imagine all the stuff from parents when the game gets released...sure, it's rated "Mature" but who cares? Millions of young kids and teens still go out and get games like this. Oh man, there will be more controversy than ever. :disturb:

Jon0074 Sep 28th, 2002 11:35 AM

Its exactly what there trying to do. There trying to create controversy to sell games. You saw how well it worked with gta3. But I think nudity in games just isn't right.

merylsilverburg Sep 28th, 2002 01:58 PM

True. But...GTA3 is an action/adventure game while this is a sports game....I mean, I'm not saying it's wrong or anything or that I've never "seen or heard such stuff before" but I just don't want more crap to come to the vid. game industry....GTA3 raised a lot of stuff and now this....oh man...

Infernal Mass Sep 29th, 2002 02:55 AM

here's a vid

it's great to see the limits of the ESRBs rating system pushed. The boundries need to be established sooner or later. BMX XXX isn't doing anything that hasn't been done already in R movies.

The reason why they're creating these more mature themed games is because they're aiming at a certain group of gamers (18-35)

Redpyramidhead Sep 30th, 2002 01:59 AM

Personally I have no problem with nudity in video games and sexual themes as long as its part of some kind of intriquing storyline and if perhaps the writers thought that it would add to the story i nsome way. Well, ok I have a little bit of a problem with it, but as long as there is sufficient artistic purpose behind it maybe its not such a bad thing. As certain types of videogames become more and more like movies (like survival horror games for example) nudity in games is probably sooner or later to be expected whether we want it or not.
On the other hand, if it's pointless exploitation of women in a game like BMX XXX which is an extreme sports game where one has absolutely nothing to do with the other...what the heck! I can picture my friends little brother (if he managed to get his hands on the game somehow which wouldnt be hard at all) now snickering with his friends about naked women doing stunts on bicycles while collecting coins to look at peepshows and being like "This is Awesome! we need to find the other coins to see it all man!" I'm pretty sure that was Acclaim's idea all along. I am not in anyway trying to be rude to younger gamers at all...I'm just saying i hope Acclaim doesn't reel people into buying the game for the gimicks and not have it offer any good gameply. I'd hate to see that.

got lost on a tangent again...sorry my bad

_RED_ stuff

Redpyramidhead Sep 30th, 2002 02:02 AM



The reason why they're creating these more mature themed games is because they're aiming at a certain group of gamers (18-35)
I can't really picture many 18-35 year olds playing BMX XXX for the sole purpose of the X-rated material. IMO

_RED_ stuff

merylsilverburg Sep 30th, 2002 06:05 AM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead
On the other hand, if it's pointless exploitation of women in a game like BMX XXX which is an extreme sports game where one has absolutely nothing to do with the other...what the heck!
Well, I don't think they'll go that far...maybe in their undies? :laugh:


I can picture my friends little brother (if he managed to get his hands on the game somehow which wouldnt be hard at all) now snickering with his friends about naked women doing stunts on bicycles while collecting coins to look at peepshows and being like "This is Awesome! we need to find the other coins to see it all man!" I'm pretty sure that was Acclaim's idea all along. I am not in anyway trying to be rude to younger gamers at all...I'm just saying i hope Acclaim doesn't reel people into buying the game for the gimicks and not have it offer any good gameply. I'd hate to see that.

got lost on a tangent again...sorry my bad

_RED_ stuff

Exactly. I can imagine a scenario like that too. It'd be outrageous. I, too, have no problems with nudity or a more mature theme in a game, but as long as it has something to do with the storyline. But...a game like'd just be so...inappropriate and pointless IMO. But hey, if it's cool with everybody and all, then there's nothing else to say, ya know?

Infernal Mass Sep 30th, 2002 12:17 PM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

On the other hand, if it's pointless exploitation of women in a game like BMX XXX which is an extreme sports game where one has absolutely nothing to do with the other...what the heck!

BMX XXX, isn't just gratuitous it's humorous, and it is the humor in this game that is the underlying foundation.

merylsilverburg Oct 16th, 2002 06:05 PM

Well, fairly old thread, I know, but I just heard today at school from a class discussion on obsenity, that "BMX XXX" is actually not coming out and is going to be banned. Apparently, the guy with this info said it was because nudity was going to be added in and that was the last straw. Just thought you guys wanted to know and see what you think of this.

Infernal Mass Oct 16th, 2002 06:54 PM

hi Meryl :)

actually it's only being banned from Walmart Toys R us and ..well here's a link.

merylsilverburg Oct 17th, 2002 01:17 AM

Ah, thanks for the link. :) Well....that's interesting, the first game to have nudity and all....I wonder how sales will go? ;)

Infernal Mass Oct 17th, 2002 07:41 PM

actually though i don't know if i'll be gettin this one.

I'm anticipating the other controversial title :sarcasm: that Tecmo is releasing in December. DOAX, looks amazing.. the graphics engine is ahead of DOA3's.:shock: Also, according to the games beta tester..the gameplay is much smoother than Yu Suzukis' recently released Beach Spikers.

are you going to buy/rent either of the two?

Redpyramidhead Oct 17th, 2002 11:17 PM

HEy I can't say I mind naked women at all, but whats the point of putting them in a video game like this where it is has nothng to do with anything?? Sure...for somebody who's enough of a dork, it'll be funny and even entertaining as hell, but whatever...
Hey and maybe I'm old school, but I don't enjoy a lot of these gross out "comedies" being made like mad these days. I prefer real wit. If these writers think they're so funny why don't they turn out something worth our while.
This game just seems so immmature to me thats all.

_RED_ stuff

merylsilverburg Oct 18th, 2002 08:55 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal
actually though i don't know if i'll be gettin this one.

I'm anticipating the other controversial title :sarcasm: that Tecmo is releasing in December. DOAX, looks amazing.. the graphics engine is ahead of DOA3's.:shock: Also, according to the games beta tester..the gameplay is much smoother than Yu Suzukis' recently released Beach Spikers.

are you going to buy/rent either of the two?

What other controversial title that Tecmo is releasing? :confused: Are you talking about DOA Volleyball? If so, how is that controversial?
Well....that's a good question. I don't know if I'm gonna rent BMX XXX 'cause I don't wanna look like some horny...uh.....chick. :right: But yet, at the same time, I'm intrigued about how bad this game is and all.

Red: Yes, I agree with you. I also don't enjoy those stupid weird gross "comedies". I don't really see how people can compare GTA3 with this game...I mean....the two seems totally different IMO. GTA3 is all about action/adventure involving gangs, violence, and "the dark side". This....this game is a sports game or raunchiness doesn't really fit in.

Infernal Mass Oct 18th, 2002 09:19 PM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg
I don't know if I'm gonna rent BMX XXX 'cause I don't wanna look like some horny...uh.....chick. :right:
:laugh: ..that was funny.

Yeah DOA volleyball..sorry for the confusion i usually call it DOAX for short.

Alot of people are talking about how it's in the same league as BMX XXX :disturb:.. from what they've seen of it. They think it's some sort of lesbian island date simulator.. or something. :laugh:
It is going to have questionable content but it's in good taste.

merylsilverburg Oct 18th, 2002 09:24 PM

Uh.....I know the game is gonna have all the chicks from the DOA series, but lesbian relations???? :peoples: That's just dumb. :disturb: I do admit though, that creating a game with all the ladies in skimpy little suits is just to entice the men (j/k :D) but's not so bad that girls can't play the game either. However, BMX XXX is just going too far.
Maybe I can secretly rent BMX XXX or something....:laugh:

Infernal Mass Nov 15th, 2002 08:32 PM

the game got a 5.4 :blergh:

MakgSnake Nov 15th, 2002 09:25 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal
the game got a 5.4 :blergh:
Probably because its the most stupidest game I have ever heard or seen. Doesn't the world have enough pornography aired?.. And even if there are some videos of some naked females kissing each other's body............ I dont seee any sense in it......... I mean Duke Nukem had some sense in it..... but an extreme sports game with tons of nudity is just plain stupid. Its like Smoking to me, no f*cking point to it!.!

Do bikers all across the world deals with nudity while doing stunts? I love skateboarding (which is a similar sport) and it has nothing to do with single double or triple XXX related things.

This game gives bikers a very bad name. Period. (My opinion, if anyone loves it, go ahead and play with it all *night* half way through everynight).

merylsilverburg Nov 17th, 2002 01:57 AM


Originally posted by DigiMortal
the game got a 5.4 :blergh:
No surprise there. :laugh:

Beretta55 Nov 17th, 2002 02:06 AM

late reply i know but i think this game is just total trash i havent played it. but putting naked women on a BMX just for sale's is one of the lowest thing's i have ever seen and heard. i just liked bmx games for biking and doing trick. but while rideing i will be seeing two dog's doing it scare's me:laugh: plus making your own biker is cool but i wouldnt care to make a nude stripper. but i think this game is just a all time low in videogame's.

but yeah i dont mind nudity in game's if it helps a story along then thats fine with me. but this game is just like showing boobie's just for the hell of it.

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