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goodman Jul 7th, 2005 03:04 PM

Fatal Frame3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep my favorite horror series makes its return in its third installment on Nov.1, and its getting favorable mention, as would be expected, from various sources. So at least there will be one game im playing this fall, which will be nice.............. :laugh:

Berserker Jul 12th, 2005 07:32 AM

Which do you think is best so far 1 or 2? I'm looking to try one out for a reasonable price.

goodman Jul 12th, 2005 01:38 PM

The second one is longer, but which is better is just an opinion, especially since i loved both so much. Of the horror series out there, this is the only one that i consider worthy of attention, anymore. Because Tecmo is so exceptional in their delivery and abilitity to create a great overall game with a tremendous scare factor, based not on blood and gore, but by being able to manufacture fear directly from the game interface and understanding what can get underneath our skin... they clearly not only create a game, but play through it and experience the things we as a gamer do, which is enthralling. This is one of the few games that keeps my attention at all, anymore, ive practically dispersed with playing games now...

Berserker Jul 13th, 2005 01:35 AM

I'll probably go for the second one then, I'm so in need for a good horror title since siren was such a let down.

You've probably seen this but for those who haven't's a trailer for Fatal Frame lll....Clicky clicky

(it's about 37 mb so it might take a while)

goodman Jul 13th, 2005 04:39 AM

Very good! Part of the reason i havent posted any pics or anything is i figure if people are interested they will check it out on their own. Looks like Tecmo will have another hit on its hands without a doubt. I know some people have had a hard time imagining fighting ghosts with a camera, but this game is much more than just that. Between the suspense, the challenge, and the replayability, its like no other series ive played. And there is definitely no other game that has literally had the hair on my arms standing up, and both of the fatal frame games have acheived that!!! There is a notable scare factor in these games...

Berserker Jul 13th, 2005 07:20 AM

And that's what it is all about :pimp:

I hope the inability to really fight adds to the suspense like silent hill 2 with the rather "weak" hero.

goodman Jul 14th, 2005 01:36 PM

Tell you what, there are experiences that truely have you looking around the corner in these games. You gotta be ready to pop that camera up and start firing like there is no tomorrow! It definitely adds to the tension, and unlike some games they really have the system down on how it works. And being able to upgrade the camera has you looking forward to what you can do in the game... :S

Berserker Jul 15th, 2005 02:30 AM

Is Fatal Frame ll platinum already??

goodman Jul 15th, 2005 05:23 AM

Not sure, it isnt necessarily a well known series, but one of those that many who play it either love it or are scared to ever play it again. It has that kinda effect on you, it will either thrill and chill or just plain scare the bejeezers out of you. Its got a niche audience, so not sure how well it sells...

TtTackler Jul 16th, 2005 09:47 PM

Hm, I guess I'll pick up Fatal Frame one and two up next time I'm at the mall. I need games that hold my attention enough that I feel like actually playing them, and all the way through..

goodman Sep 28th, 2005 09:18 PM

Well it looks like the down payment i was going to put down on a ps3 wont be going for that since the manager of the GameStop i had set this up with is no longer there. Im going to use that money to buy Fatal Frame 3, hurry up early November!!!!!!!!!

goodman Nov 1st, 2005 08:52 PM

Wahooo! One week till i get Fatal Frame 3! Looking forward to it......... :)

Redpyramidhead Nov 23rd, 2005 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker
And that's what it is all about :pimp:

I hope the inability to really fight adds to the suspense like silent hill 2 with the rather "weak" hero.

James is not weak... *cough* here's merely umm... depressed and very VERY confused!

As for the Fatal Frame series... wow... I cannot believe there is a new one out already. If i had been getting my video game magazines like I have been supposed to, maybe I would know this!

I just recently bought Fatal Frame 2 last month. I think I am about halfway through. Chapter 6 maybe? I stopped playing for a couple weeks, but I plan on going back to it. It has me very engrossed. So far I do not find trouble in fighting ghosts with the "camera obscura" and I find that the upgrades that you can recieve are helpful. However, for some reason I find it a pain to constantly upgrade my camera, as the interface to do so does not have the best screen layout in the world, but that is my only complaint about the game.

I can definately see why goodman finds this series so engrossing. I make it a point to play it in the dark with my headphones turned up loud to make sure I get the full effect. I must do this with any survival horror game or else I feel like I am losing out. I take my survival horror games very seriously. I have to have just the right mood going on and I have to play them at night ;)

Now if only Myu... or was it Mio?? would stop running away from me! I am quite enthralled by the storyline. I cant wait to see how I am going to get out of this ritual of the Crimson Butterfly... I'd better be able to! Please leave the sad endings to Silent Hill! :laugh:

DO NOT TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS OR EVEN HINT AT IT! lol... not that I had to say that.

_RED_ stuff

goodman Nov 23rd, 2005 04:46 AM

Im onto day 4 of Fatal Frame 3, its everything the first two games are and more. New abilities with the camera, definitely tons of wandering around, and now its a dream world your going through so that at some point your character is awakening from a dream. I played FF2 when it came out two years ago but still remember it well, was a captivating game as well as the first, and one thing for sure about a fatal frame game, you never can tell what is around the corner.........

Redpyramidhead Dec 10th, 2005 03:28 PM

I wonder if the Camera Obscura is available on EB somewhere...

_RED_ stuff

goodman Aug 20th, 2007 11:27 PM

I never finished FF3 but am close, i was making my character stronger right before i stopped playing a year and a half ago. Gonna fire up the ps2 and finish it up. Still have the 4th Onimusha to check into, have had it sitting around for, umm yep a year and a half...

goodman Feb 15th, 2008 10:26 AM

Now that ive completed Shadowhearts Covenant im looking into finally finishing up Fatal Frame 3. The ending is more than a tad bothersome due to what they throw at you. But on a good note, upon checking, this game is currently listing at a minimum of $50 on Ebay and even more on Since mine is mint with all manuals no doubt it will fetch at least that. And i was gonna just trade it in over at Gamestop (insert lol)...

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