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trunks69420 Feb 27th, 2003 05:28 PM

What needs to happen???
Allright. I was at work and was thinking about video games when GTA popped into my head and i got to thinking. (yes it did hurt:laugh: )
What do you guys/girls think needs to happen to the GTA series so that it doesn't become stale... ie: Army Men, Tomb Raider,ect...
I am concerned that it will be just a new city, and not a whole new game. I think, of course, online would be nice... But maybe a whole new scheme, the way that GTA3 changed it all. I don't really know if they can do another GTA3 that was a huge evolution on PS2. Maybe we will have to wait till PS3. NEways, what do you guys think??

Sleazy P Martini Feb 27th, 2003 07:03 PM

What ruined games like Tomb Raider for me was the addition of new features. The "sprint" and the "crawl" moves just meant frustrating time puzzles and crawl spaces. If it's not broken, don't fix it. I've loved GTA from day one, I don't want to see my beloved series ruined by extra features. For example: I don't want "missions where I have to swim" if they decided to incorperate swimming. New stuff is good, but not if it changes the gameplay too much.

dan da man Feb 27th, 2003 07:09 PM

It might get ruined by just being the same every time, but that wont happen, Maybe being a WOMAN gangsta, or instead of a city, A whole country, but that would be crazy!
Dont worry, it wont get ruined, the game is there for you to play, so at the end of he day it can only be ruined for yourself, if you dont like it.

trunks69420 Mar 15th, 2003 10:40 AM

Dan... You hinted at something... a whole country... maybe not in detail but being able to travel to different locations and take out your own contracts... think of it. Thats the kind of non-linear game i want... I CONTROL EVERYTHING. Whut do you guys think about that?? I mean... i think it would be a good idea to include that kind of expansivity...

Zone Mar 16th, 2003 05:54 AM

I doubt there will be any major changes to the GTA games until the PS3, but what could be done to keep the series from getting boring?...

I've got a good idea. Maybe the main character could be like the one from GTA3 (no name mentioned, never talks) and at the beginning of the game, you create how the main character looks (like the "create-a-wrestler mode" in the SmackDown! games).

Another good idea is to have a "stats" feature, like Driving Skills, Shooting Skills, Stamina, etc. The higher your Driving Skills, the better you are with vehicles. The higher your Shooting Skills, the better you are with weapons, and so on. As the game goes on, you can build these stats however you please. Include this with being able to choose how the main character looks will add quite a bit of customization.

Hmmm...Now that I think about it, that "Stats" idea is actually really good. It would add a RPG element...

merylsilverburg Mar 16th, 2003 06:25 AM


Originally posted by Zone

I doubt there will be any major changes to the GTA games until the PS3, but what could be done to keep the series from getting boring?...

I've got a good idea. Maybe the main character could be like the one from GTA3 (no name mentioned, never talks) and at the beginning of the game, you create how the main character looks (like the "create-a-wrestler mode" in the SmackDown! games).
I like this idea, but I also don't. It's a good idea to create your own character, but I feel the GTA series is best when the character is already given to you, so you're immersed in their world and looking through their eyes.


Another good idea is to have a "stats" feature, like Driving Skills, Shooting Skills, Stamina, etc. The higher your Driving Skills, the better you are with vehicles. The higher your Shooting Skills, the better you are with weapons, and so on. As the game goes on, you can build these stats however you please. Include this with being able to choose how the main character looks will add quite a bit of customization.

Hmmm...Now that I think about it, that "Stats" idea is actually really good. It would add a RPG element...
Another good idea, but the RPG-ish element might take away the whole style of the GTA series. I can see how they would be able to add this feature in, but I think it'll be too much of a "new feature" that it might annoy some fans.

I do like dan's and trunk's idea about the country and the traveling. That might be a nice addition.

dan da man Mar 17th, 2003 05:39 PM

What about more gansta style, I mean more releastic.

trunks69420 Mar 17th, 2003 10:34 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

What about more gansta style, I mean more releastic.
Like how dude?? You mean like Urban gangsta?? How would you put in the story... Earn money to move your family out of the projects.... has some possibilites... i dont know.

Vicious Mar 18th, 2003 11:45 AM

I think that online gameplay would be awesome. With the gameplay of Vice City and the endless possibilities of online play, we're talkin about one huge game

Boromir028 Jul 4th, 2003 06:38 PM

The Mafia Angle in GTA 5
Not many people have thought of this, but if the next GTA is to be based in '70's Las Vegas, there will have to be a ton of Mafia involvement, since they're the ones who still were in control of it back then (See the film "Casino" with Robert DeNiro for proof). Also, more than likely the Red Light Districts will be bigger and there will be more of them. If you think about it, though, all of Vegas is a glorified Red Light District anyway.

Boromir028 Jul 4th, 2003 06:43 PM

A good possible idea for GTA 5
It would be great if they'd add a wrinkle where you could travel to Amsterdam or someplace else throughout the course of the game rather than splitting the city into three parts again. Also, adding a sort of drag racing element to the game would really be awesome. After all, it will probably be in the '70's, when muscle cars were much more prevalent. So racing on a flat strip outside of town (a la "American Grafitti) would be the best thing to do. Otherwise, it would be too much like Midnight Club with the in-town racing. Any other ideas I'd love to hear about, and let's hope the people from Rockstar read some of these brainstorming sessions as well.

Boromir028 Jul 4th, 2003 06:56 PM

A good idea
I got this idea while reading a mag about GTA. What if you could possibly recruit actual citizens to do some of your dirty work, much like recruiting a driver, shootist, and safe man for "The Job" in Vice City? I mean think about it. Hiring part time help so that you could do more than one thing at once would add a more boss type of atmosphere. Of course, this feature should not be available until your character has attained some form of a high stature in the city. After all, who would go to work for a person with no reputation? That dimension would keep the game from going stale. Also, I have another post I made which I explored the possibility of doing something other than splitting the city into three sections again. Maybe go to Amsterdam or London for a while in the game. Just a thought.

dan da man Jul 5th, 2003 04:48 PM

All I know pal, that GTA 4 is going to be in the 70's, thats why rockstars is having trouble getting lincence for many of things trying to be in the GTA 4!

hijakedGTR Jul 6th, 2003 05:00 AM

a used idea
Boromir028, sounds like you've played the pc game Kingpin, or if you haven't that game has the basic principals, get cash, get goons, either way great idea

Chara Jul 10th, 2003 11:26 PM


Originally posted by trunks69420

Like how dude?? You mean like Urban gangsta?? How would you put in the story... Earn money to move your family out of the projects.... has some possibilites... i dont know.
lol. Best game idea ever.

What I think they should do is give you the ability to have control over everything. You start the game out being a dude with HUGE money problems. You can either join the mafia or take on missions like the previous GTA games. When you join the mafia you are nothing but a little grunt doing little jobs such as stealing card but you can earn your way up. The higher you get the more interesting and harder your jobs get. For example one mission may be assasinating a crime lord in his own home, surronded by many guards or you might have to steal a moving truckload of contraband items. You'll eventually become the head honcho and you send people out to do stuff or you elect to do things yourself. Thing about sending people to do stuff yourself is that they may mess up the job and get you in trouble with thefeds or a rival gang.

Boromir028 Jul 11th, 2003 08:24 PM

Great post, Chara
That last post was a really good one. It made a lot of sense to me in that I never thought of the possibility of other people mucking up your missions. I suppose what I meant by hiring people is that they wouldn't do specific missions by themselves, but to maybe bump copcars out of the way when they're on you or something. Somehow I get the feeling that working for the Mob again will sort of seem a little like GTA 3. But a great thought just came to me. Maybe an idea would be to start out as a police recruit of the FBI Counter Mob Task Force, and by the end of the game you are the complete opposite of a person as you were at the beginning of the game: corrupt and in control. Sort of like Donnie Brasco in that respect. But hey, that's for Rockstar to figure out. I like the money struggles angle, also.

Boromir028 Jul 13th, 2003 06:58 PM

Or possibly you could drive or walk by people's houses, see into their homes through the windows, and decide whether or not to break in. That would be easy because alarms weren't as sophisticated back in the '70s, either.

Boromir028 Jul 13th, 2003 06:59 PM

Then, you could sell the stolen property to a fence, or middleman, who would make it all very clean for you as far as the cops are concerned.

dan da man Jul 14th, 2003 03:02 PM

Nice ideas pal, but I dont want to sound horrible, but I don't think double posting is aloud.:disturb:

Chara Jul 14th, 2003 05:15 PM is your friend.

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