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Meiko Aug 29th, 2006 12:29 AM

Internet and Lies
Do you ever lie on the Internet to the people you talk to? Do your internet friends really know who you are? Do you tell them the truth because you want them to accept you as real friends would or do you try to make your life more interesting to make more friends?

What do you think about people who create fake identities or simply change the truth a bit to feel liked or accepted? Do you think they are always conscious about their lies?

Berserker Aug 29th, 2006 01:28 AM

Never lie, I mean it's the internet there's really no point in being accepted or liked that much IMO. I think if you need to lie to be accepted on the internet what the hell do you need to do irl :laugh:
IMO the biggest *******s on the net are mostly pathetic little youngsters irl, so if you're not liked by some internetwarrior I wouldn't care too much about it. Just be yourself, if you have troubles expressing yourself freely from an anynomous position you have issues IMO.

trunks69420 Aug 29th, 2006 02:33 AM

i have some crazy shit in my life so alot of people think i lie.. but anyone who really knows me... can tell instantly that i am all those things i say and more... and sexy.

tempted Aug 29th, 2006 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by trunks69420
i have some crazy shit in my life so alot of people think i lie.. but anyone who really knows me... can tell instantly that i am all those things i say and more... and sexy.

true. ;)

I don't lie. end of story. I just don't see the point in lying, either on the internet or real life, those that like/love me, do it for who i am, not for who i am not. Plus you need a very good memory to be a good liar. and it's too much work.

kupoartist Aug 29th, 2006 05:13 AM

I lie 75% less to myself and other people than when i'm in most face to face situations.

Zebraman Aug 29th, 2006 10:52 PM

I lied in some occasions. For example in chatrooms you only visit once for getting info about something, you couldn't care less to tell everybody asking question about yourself the pure truth. If they ask and I don't want to talk, I tell them whatever they want, so they can leave me alone and I can do what I need to do. It's not compulsive behavior and I don't do it to be liked, I just do it now and then. Most of the times I don't care about telling real details about myself and my life.

Redpyramidhead Aug 31st, 2006 02:20 PM

If you're going to develop a friendship either in real life or online, lying puts up a huge obstacle to truly getting to know that person. If they can't trust you from the beginning how can you trust them? It doesn't matter whether its online or in front of you... you are still talking to real people. Fabricating stories about your life, which I assume is what this thread is about, is a waste of time and a sign or being extremely uncomfortable with who you are.


Faile Aug 31st, 2006 04:36 PM

No, I see no need in lying. It just complicates everything immediately.

Pu the Owl Sep 2nd, 2006 12:35 AM

Back in 1999, I was sort of Internet newbie. I used to have connection and account and everything before, but wasn't a regular user. One day I entered to a chat room and started talking to people. Then a girl contacted me in private and started asking questions. The girl was weird. She asked many questions, also things you wouldn't ask when you meet somebody for the first time. I started to be bothered, so I made so many things up just to have fun trying to cause the girl some kind of reaction. My creative efforts caused a reaction... indeed. The girl wasn't a girl. She got angry after some of my answers and revealed her true identity: she was Harry :laugh:

This little anecdote teaches good kids of the world that lies are dangerous, especially when you don't know who you're lying to :P

merylsilverburg Sep 2nd, 2006 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Panuru
She got angry after some of my answers and revealed her true identity: she was Harry :laugh:

:laugh: That really must've been a shock! This was a very funny story, thanks for sharing it! :laugh:

EDIT: Oh, forgot to answer the thread question. No, I don't lie on the internet and I get enraged when other people do it for a) attention or b) to make themselves or their lives seem more interesting. It completely ruins the trust you develop and causes hurt feelings or something worse.

Phenom Sep 2nd, 2006 09:51 AM

Nope. Don't really have any point to lie. Too bad I'm also blunt and sarcastic as well ^^

Harry Sep 2nd, 2006 12:41 PM

Errrr... guess somebody already answered for me :good: I can lie, sometimes, but it mostly happens when I am joking or when I have some (sometimes evil, sometimes good) reason to do so.

Hylas Sep 3rd, 2006 01:07 AM

The lies I tell online are like the ones I could be telling in real life. I'm not a saint, so I can lie, and sometimes I don't even notice, but it's not the online or not that influences that.

Meiko Sep 3rd, 2006 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Panuru
Back in 1999, I was sort of Internet newbie. I used to have connection and account and everything before, but wasn't a regular user. One day I entered to a chat room and started talking to people. Then a girl contacted me in private and started asking questions. The girl was weird. She asked many questions, also things you wouldn't ask when you meet somebody for the first time. I started to be bothered, so I made so many things up just to have fun trying to cause the girl some kind of reaction. My creative efforts caused a reaction... indeed. The girl wasn't a girl. She got angry after some of my answers and revealed her true identity: she was Harry :laugh:

This little anecdote teaches good kids of the world that lies are dangerous, especially when you don't know who you're lying to :P

lol, funny story! :D

Uchiha Sasuke Sep 13th, 2006 07:28 PM

I lie all the time :)


Aubrey McFatum Oct 4th, 2006 09:04 AM

I still have to wait for the occasion to reply to this. I don't need to lie at the moment, but I'm not against the idea itself. Sometimes lies on the internet are just another way to be yourself, and they can be useful in particular circumstances.

Chara Nov 18th, 2006 03:49 PM

I used to be an extremly compulsve liar online to people that I didn't know. It wasnt to impress anyone, I just found it to be fun. Sometimes I didnt even set out to fool anyone and just told stuff that couldnt possibly be true, like me being a 14 year old CIA agent being held prisoner by the Chinese. If I got to know someone I didnt lie and if they brought up a lie I told them I would just say that wasnt the truth. It is just easier to come out with the truth instead of rememebring lies.

Nowadays I dont lie anymore on the net as I got tired of that a while ago. I am more truthful online than I am in real life because online it is easier to avoid those little white lies.

Frozen Nov 19th, 2006 02:48 PM

Not to toot my own horn, but that's one of the reasons I put up that MySpace thread, so that I could get to know more about people in here who have it and so that other get to know a bit better about me.

I usually just don't tell people everything about me, but never make up bs either. The only times I lie is for entertainment purposes only, never to deceive or mislead anyone.

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