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Rei Jun 14th, 2004 07:03 PM

Weirdest Abilities
C'mon now guys, I need some good laugh and distraction! I want to know what are your weirdest abilities, the things you can do while nobody else can! Like touching your feet with your chin, swallowing a whole pizza without chewing it, singing old folk songs while sleeping, doing your homework with your eyes literally shut, beating Super Mario games without a working controller... other stuff like this, that probably doesn't help you in your everyday's life, or that nobody would call an ability, but that you can do better than any other person you know! I know you hide this kind of secrets, just share them with the rest of us, and maybe we'll have a good time reading!

squirms_619 Jun 14th, 2004 07:59 PM

my weirdest ability would have to be being able to do nothing for hours on end, ok not really an ability but im a boring person haha

jjmoohead Jun 14th, 2004 08:03 PM

a can do more things with my tounge then most can do with their hands. Ok not that much but i can do freaky things with it. For example some people can make curl their tounge. i can flip mine back and then curl it. I can also curl it in 4 different places at one time. Also i can curl my tounge then move the curl point anywhere along the front of my tounge...

Piggle_humsy Jun 14th, 2004 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by jjmoohead
a can do more things with my tounge then most can do with their hands. Ok not that much but i can do freaky things with it. For example some people can make curl their tounge. i can flip mine back and then curl it. I can also curl it in 4 different places at one time. Also i can curl my tounge then move the curl point anywhere along the front of my tounge...

I bet you've made a few girls happy. ;)
Sorry I had to say it. :P

I don't think I've got any special talents... I can raise both my eyebrows independently and on request :peoples: ... Some ppl can't do that I suppose... but it's fun watching them try. :roflmao:

Can't think of anything else...

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

007_JamesBond Jun 15th, 2004 04:44 AM

i have like a triple jointed thumb i dont know

IcyMourdor Jun 15th, 2004 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Piggle_humsy
I bet you've made a few girls happy. ;)
Sorry I had to say it. :P

Hehe, keep it PG Piggle.

As for my abilities, I can retain knowledge really well. Problem is, they are just stupid things like my friend's license plate number, phone numbers, and an insane amount of FF knowledge (which never stops thanks to FFXI and the upcoming FFXII).

Chara Jun 15th, 2004 11:02 AM

I can move my eyes independently of each other. Its fun to walk up a person with one eye off to the side and acting like a crazy person.

Cant really think of anything else.

kupoartist Jun 15th, 2004 11:36 AM

apparently I have the rather annoying ability to link a song to most things that people say to me. This usually results in me bursting into song just because someone said something that sounds like, rhymes with or is part of a line in a song! I'm pretty good with lyrics like that. One person says that I know "every lyric to every song or something like that", which is of course not true. My problem is that I know lyrics to the kind of songs that loads of people know, but never listened to enough to know the words. And all of them seem to be really old songs, mostly stuff from before I was born or when I was so young I shouldn't have remembered them!

It all results in various embarrasing situations where someone says "you remember X song?", and 2 minutes later I remember where I am and notice the funny looks everyone is giving me :D

merylsilverburg Jun 15th, 2004 12:07 PM

No weird abilities here except maybe to know people's personalities by looking at their face. If you consider that weird.

007_JamesBond Jun 15th, 2004 05:56 PM

good one to have

Piggle_humsy Jun 15th, 2004 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
apparently I have the rather annoying ability to link a song to most things that people say to me. This usually results in me bursting into song just because someone said something that sounds like, rhymes with or is part of a line in a song! I'm pretty good with lyrics like that. One person says that I know "every lyric to every song or something like that", which is of course not true. My problem is that I know lyrics to the kind of songs that loads of people know, but never listened to enough to know the words. And all of them seem to be really old songs, mostly stuff from before I was born or when I was so young I shouldn't have remembered them!

It all results in various embarrasing situations where someone says "you remember X song?", and 2 minutes later I remember where I am and notice the funny looks everyone is giving me :D

Hey don't worry kupo your not alone! That's sound just like me and my sis! :)

Also something like that I do is for every situation in life and everything people say or do, or something I see..just anything.. I can usually connect it with a quote from friends, simpsons, seinfeld, buffy, angel, will & grace just all these programs I'm addicted to, Because I know the episodes so well, me and my sis are forever quoting things..
It comes with being a t.v addict.
I do it with films aswell.
I'll probably do it at least 5 times an hour!
Other people think we're weird coz we remember things like that, and me and my sis our known for our useless facts to do with celebs, films ect
Our mate calls it 'Our useless fountain of knowledge' :P

It's just me.

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Daniel Legge Jun 16th, 2004 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
No weird abilities here except maybe to know people's personalities by looking at their face. If you consider that weird.

I can do that as well, its very strange, you can tell what they are like by their apperance, i know ppl say u shudnt judge ppl by their appearance but i dont i just know wat they is like.

Also i can predict wat music video will come on the TV next most of the time, or maybe i have special powers..........

Chara Jun 16th, 2004 12:16 PM

Woah, piggle, I just realized you had a crapload of Arcade awards! =O You rule!!

Umm... that is all.

Chara, signing out.


merylsilverburg Jun 16th, 2004 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Legge
I can do that as well, its very strange, you can tell what they are like by their apperance, i know ppl say u shudnt judge ppl by their appearance but i dont i just know wat they is like.

*nods in agreement* I know...many say it's bad to judge people, but it's hard for me not to since I can tell what they're like already.
This kinda applies to my earlier ability, but I didn't know if I should say more since I didn't know what response I'll get from what I said. But:

When I look at kids (around 5-6), I can kinda tell what they'll grow up to look like and their personalities. I can also kinda tell what career they'll have.

When I look at adults (older people), I can kinda tell what kind of person they're likely to date or marry and what career they have. I can also tell what type of friends or group of friends they have.

This may not be a real "ablility", but sometimes (not often), I can tell the cultural heritage from the person I'm looking at. For example, if that person is part English, part German, and part Italian, I can kinda guess it. It's just the way their faces are shaped and the way the features are.

Alright, so my abilities aren't very weird, but I'm not quite as talented as my sister. She can (scarily enough) predict how many kids that person will have, what future lifestyle they'll have, which type of person they'll date/marry and probably more she hasn't discovered. :right:

Redpyramidhead Jun 19th, 2004 03:22 AM

I can go into trances and then come in contact with The Universal All and Devine. It communicates to me vast amounts of knowledge at an extremely high rate at which I am having epiphany after epiphany so fast that it is overwhelming and I nearly have a complete mental breakdown. There, somebody try and beat that one.

I can also lay down and compose whole songs in my head... what they would sound like. This is intense music. Unfortunately, I do not yet have the ability or knowledge to put these compositions to actual music outside my head and never will because of their complexity. This is the burden of a musical mind... the frustration created by this. But that does not mean I do not benefit from the ideas I learn from them.

I have also been told I am an empath. This means that I am very in touch with other people's emotions. So much so that it is uncanny and may be something quite beyond explainable science.

_RED_ stuff

Gadzoox Jun 20th, 2004 03:09 PM

I can make animal noises!
And my left arm can bend the wrong way kinda, because I broke it once.
And I can fly, and shoot lazers out of my eyes at will and can run faster than a cheetah and I can draw things and makes them come to life!

Infernal Mass Jun 20th, 2004 07:41 PM


RobHardo Jun 20th, 2004 08:00 PM

i can shoot 10 out of 10 clay pidgeons with a mossberg 12 guage pump shotgun, yes while they are moving through the air not in a resting position

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