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Aubrey McFatum Sep 25th, 2004 12:28 AM

Moogles, moogles and moogles... let's talk about them.
I'm not a great Final Fantasy games player. I'm not a great player at all. RPG games in particular are sometimes not my thing. I'm talking about more classic RPG games than Final Fantasy ones.

But As I said I like moogles. A lot. I have an insane passion for moogles, which is odd because I'm not the "I like cute stuff" kind of person, most of the time. So tell me, to satisfy my insane curiosity: how many moogles fans are there around here? Who's your fave moogle and why? What Final Fantasy game in your opinion has the best moogles or shows them from the most "interesting" point of view? How many moogles do you own? Do you plan to adopt a moogle in the future? Would you adopt me if I was a moogle?

kupoartist Sep 25th, 2004 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Aubrey McFatum
I'm not a great Final Fantasy games player. I'm not a great player at all. RPG games in particular are sometimes not my thing. I'm talking about more classic RPG games than Final Fantasy ones.

But As I said I like moogles. A lot. I have an insane passion for moogles, which is odd because I'm not the "I like cute stuff" kind of person, most of the time. So tell me, to satisfy my insane curiosity: how many moogles fans are there around here? Who's your fave moogle and why? What Final Fantasy game in your opinion has the best moogles or shows them from the most "interesting" point of view? How many moogles do you own? Do you plan to adopt a moogle in the future? Would you adopt me if I was a moogle?

Count me in ^^ Are you on the Moogle fanlist? - There are 231 members at the moment, so there are a few . Sadly, I'm mad for all the cute things... Chocobos, Moombas, Cactuars, Tonberries... Kodamas, Totoros and the rest! However, Moogles are top of the pile!

Best use of Moogles in an FF game? It's between FF6 and FF9 which both had legions of them :) FF6 had 12 or so when you had to protect the unconcious Terra which was very cool (plus Mog was - until Tactics Advance - the only proper playable Moogle). FF9 probably just edges it though. I just love the fluffy moogle designs and their postman antics! Then you had the special Moogles like Stiltzkin, Artemecion and Mog... and that Mog family where the more you fed the boy mog with kupo-nuts, the more babies they got! My fave was Mog though, because she (or was it he?) protected Eiko, who was also cute! Only problem with Mog was the whole jumping into Eiko's pants for easy transport thing ^^.

Sadly, I own no moogles and feel sad about this. Europe doesn't have very good access to FF merchandise, and I probably never get that Moogle plushie I always wanted :( ho-hum! Would I adopt you if you were a Moogle? I think that really depends on how high maintanence you are. They don't sell Kupo-Nuts down my local petshop (yes, I asked) so you'd pretty much have to fend for yourself.

Faile Sep 25th, 2004 06:23 AM

I'm a huge fan of moogles. I almost fainted when I played FFIX with mognet. I was so happy.

Just started playing FFXI this week and you get your own personal moghouse! Needless to say I almost fainted again. hehehe.


Rei Sep 29th, 2004 06:44 PM

I love moogles. FF 9 is the top game for moogles. Stiltzkin is my fave because he seems smarter and travels a lot.

Yeah, I'd adopt you if you were a moogle. Are you a moogle???

baumer Oct 10th, 2004 10:21 PM

I have my own Moogle, but it's a shame he isn't palpable... :X

If you were a Moogle I would snuggle you if you were a girl Moogle, but if you were a guy Moogle we'd go scout the ladies and the Mooglies! (a mix between Moogle and ladies if i sucked at that one and you couldn't get it)

Elmyra Nov 7th, 2004 10:57 PM

For moogles, I like FF VI and IX the best. It's true that in XI having a moghouse with your own moogle in it is pretty cool!

Urahara Kisuke Dec 2nd, 2004 02:56 PM

Moogles are cool. I like it when you called them a lot in FF IX and they threatened you. lol
Moombas are also just as cool and Cactuars too.

Paint a Moogle is also really awesome. Gotta love painting those Moogles.

Zellodine Jan 30th, 2005 04:59 PM

moogles, moogles, moogles......THEY ARE AWSOME! They are just so cute. I want to play with the little bon bon on their heads. I think the ones on FfIX are indeed the best mainly because they play an important role in the story. But the theme music in FFVII for them is cool. Speaking of moogles, there is a rumor that if you beat FFIX and when it says THE END you wait for a while and a moogle come out and says, " Now you can go through the game as moogles", and when you play the game again you start off as moogles. ANY WAY the best moogle is Stiltsken from 9... cause hes got that cool jacket. :laugh: wow it'd be so awsome to own a moogle.

but why do the girl moogles wear sweaters?

To be forgotten, is worse than death...
-Freya FFIX

kupoartist Jan 30th, 2005 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Zellodine
but why do the girl moogles wear sweaters?

I suppose it protects their modesty or something. Plus, it helps the player distingush between Male and Female moogles.

Yeah, no good reasons :)

Zellodine Jan 30th, 2005 05:07 PM

uh....yeah that makes sense! the male and female thing
To be forgotten is worse than death...-Freya FFIX

Kaolla Su Feb 6th, 2005 12:16 AM

moogles are small cute little creatures that dont get the respect they deserve. I want a moogle as a pet so i could respect him. No not a pet MY MASTER! He would rule ME! if it would let me play with their little "bon-bon" things. :laugh:

kupoartist Feb 6th, 2005 05:42 AM

FOR SALE: One Soul.

Will exchange for 1 Moogle Plush Doll.

absinthe_fairy Feb 6th, 2005 07:18 AM

I love Moogles. They're so adorable. FFIX definately paid a heap of homage to the little cuties. I adore the Mini Mog card in FFVIII. I think I was staring at it for like, 5 minutes haha.
But sadly, I own none. :\

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