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missingno Mar 20th, 2005 02:35 AM

PSP? Anyone??
So the PSP is comming up very soon. Is Anyone Going To Buy one?
Its odd though, With only a few days left in the launch, theres no sign of
commercials or playable PSP kiosks. Well my guess is as good as yours. And I have to agree when i hear people talk like this:

"They're afraid that overuse in a store setting will reveal flaws; wouldn't want to hurt the hype by having "John Q." Consumer walk into EB and see the PSP demo missing it's square button with a "Out of Order" sign hanging over the promotional material. The Fanboys and Hardcore have already pre-ordered, but for people on the fence that sort of sight could do damage, especially just before launch."

Am I going to buy one? Nah. I figured the PS2 and PSP are the same, in terms of graphics. The PSP has crappy launch Titles, which are mostly Ports of crap EA games and Activision games... why play them on this little screen when i can play them on my Huge Screen at home (or why play them at all... its just the same ol' Madden!@__@) And the topping on the cake is the Battery life. About 3 hours for movies and about 4 hours for graphic wise games. Which brings me to the UMD format movies. Why the heck pay almost triple on a UMD when i can pay 10-15 bucks on a regular DVD?

PSP for me? Nope... i rather get me a DS and play that new Katamari Damacy game thats comming up.

Vic Viper Mar 20th, 2005 03:15 AM

im not getting it at launch. ill wait for the price drop. :lick:

kupoartist Mar 20th, 2005 06:31 AM

No games interest me, and it's not exactly cheap... I'll wait this one off. I've not got a new game for any system since Christmas and my priorities lay elsewhere. Plus there's the DS... and I'm so confused over which I'd prefer that i'm going to end up with neither.

DSgamer Mar 20th, 2005 02:54 PM

okay umm ds has mario 64 yesssssssss and theres gona b metroid hunters and mario kart and animal crossing, and age of empires, and first person shooters are like a million times better since they feel ur playing with a mouse n keyboard. DS is the best and if u want mp3s n movies just buy a friggin play-yan

happy_doughnut Mar 20th, 2005 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by missingno

PSP for me? Nope... i rather get me a DS and play that new Katamari Damacy game thats comming up.

You've never even played the first KD, you liar. :mean:

Anyway, I haven't really noticed any of what you said. I guess I haven't really thought about it. But I guess you're right: with most consoles, there's always a huge amount of advertisement via different media. And I haven't seen anything about the PSP. In fact, if it weren't for some people excitedly waiting for its launch, I wouldn't even know it was coming out.

As for me, I'm not going to get one. I simply don't see Sony in the realm of handhelds... and when speaking of handhelds, I do think Nintendo has by far the better edge. If I were to get one, which I probably am... sometime, I'll get the DS for several reasons, two of them being that I have more trust in the Nintendo company and the other that the game line-up for it seems far more interesting.

In fact, I now plan to get the DS sometime in the summer. I don't think the price will drop much by then, but that's okay. School pains will be less severe then and I heard that Nintendogs is coming out. This way I will be able to tickle the pupies to my hearts content :love:.

For the PS, the only one I am anticipating, god only knows why, is the PS3, and that's not due out for some time still. For this one, I will be in line on launch day... I think.

So as someone so wisely put it:




Nelo Angelo Mar 20th, 2005 05:12 PM


None of the games on the PSP interest me at all.

And I need to hear more about DMC for the PSP and what's featured in it.

Kerotan#6 Mar 21st, 2005 08:54 AM

im gonna buy one when the price goes down and im gonna get a DS too! why? you ask. because im the kind of person that likes to boast that i have all the new next generation handhelds and consoles :laugh: then laugh unremoresfully (editers note: one wonders whether thats a word or not) in your face like a cackling hyena MUAHAHAHA :mean:

fannyalwaysrocks Mar 27th, 2005 02:42 PM

OK first of all the PSP is the greatest invention of all time why would you want to play on a little crappy DS screen with crappy graphics when you could play on a PSP with great graphics and a nice big screen. the price is a little steep but worth it for the most part it plays vidoes songs and games this thing is soooooo tight i'm gonna wait for the price to drop cuz i'm broke though!

DSgamer Mar 27th, 2005 04:30 PM

go away kid, my ds plays NES roms, game boy advance games, has pretty good graphics, mp3s, and videos. i think anythin that can play NES games is better than PSP

TtTackler Mar 27th, 2005 10:24 PM

The PSP is worth the money. There is nothing to complain about except dead pixels, which are very common in LCD screens. Sony is coming up with ways for people to have systems with a large amount of dead pixels to be replaced, or you can just go to the retailer you bought it from. I have two in mine, but I don't mind since I never notice them unless I have the screen up to my face and I'm trying to hunt them down, or the screen is one solid colour, but even then it doesn't detract from my gameplay experience.

kupoartist Mar 28th, 2005 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by fannyalwaysrocks
OK first of all the PSP is the greatest invention of all time

Now, now youngster... Everyone knows that accolade falls to being able to throw a urinal at someones face in an online deathmatch. And it's all about the games anyway... the main reason why I'm not interested in either Console at the moment.

Incidently Gamer, I do believe that the PSP could play NES and GBA games, and probably even easier than the DS: I assume you mean those large rom carts that you buy off the net? All you need for the PSP is someone to programme an emulator and dump it onto a Memory stick. Besides, it's hardly a selling point when the GBA itself can play NES and GBA games through the same methods and is cheaper... though the DS is competitively priced...


Originally Posted by TtTackler
There is nothing to complain about except dead pixels, which are very common in LCD screens.

Crap LCD screens. I have no dead-pixels on this 17" 1280x1024 Viewsonic screen here, and I would have been mighty pissed to have had any after spending £250 on it. Anyway, you're right that this can't be complained about, because isn't the DS LCD as well?

TtTackler Mar 30th, 2005 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by kupoartist

Crap LCD screens. I have no dead-pixels on this 17" 1280x1024 Viewsonic screen here, and I would have been mighty pissed to have had any after spending £250 on it. Anyway, you're right that this can't be complained about, because isn't the DS LCD as well?

Any LCD can get dead pixels. My friend's father recently bought a top-of-the-line plasma screen TV and it has about 7 dead pixels, but since they are so tiny and the TV screen is over 40 inches, you don't notice them at all unless you hunt them down. I have a cheap LCD monitor and it only has one dead pixel in the corner by the computer clock, and I would have never noticed it unless I meticulously searched my monitor for dead pixels.

And the DS has dead pixel "problems" too, after a week of its release Nintendo released its dead pixel return policy, Sony just announced their's the other day.

TtTackler Mar 30th, 2005 03:09 PM

Sorry for the double post, but I guess I may as well reply to this.


Originally Posted by missingno
So the PSP is comming up very soon. Is Anyone Going To Buy one?
Its odd though, With only a few days left in the launch, theres no sign of
commercials or playable PSP kiosks. Well my guess is as good as yours. And I have to agree when i hear people talk like this:

"They're afraid that overuse in a store setting will reveal flaws; wouldn't want to hurt the hype by having "John Q." Consumer walk into EB and see the PSP demo missing it's square button with a "Out of Order" sign hanging over the promotional material. The Fanboys and Hardcore have already pre-ordered, but for people on the fence that sort of sight could do damage, especially just before launch."

Sony has fixed the square button 'problem' and has made the system more sturdier than the original Japanese version. Also, my local gamestores all had playable PSPs out before its release.


Originally Posted by missingno
Am I going to buy one? Nah. I figured the PS2 and PSP are the same, in terms of graphics. The PSP has crappy launch Titles, which are mostly Ports of crap EA games and Activision games... why play them on this little screen when i can play them on my Huge Screen at home (or why play them at all... its just the same ol' Madden!@__@) And the topping on the cake is the Battery life. About 3 hours for movies and about 4 hours for graphic wise games. Which brings me to the UMD format movies. Why the heck pay almost triple on a UMD when i can pay 10-15 bucks on a regular DVD?

Some Sony reps say that the PSP is more powerful than the PS2, which I somewhat think is true. Right now, the system is only using 66% of the PSP's power, this due to the battery pack being a bit weak. It has been confirmed that the system is locked at only 222mhz instead of the advertised 333mhz, once Sony releases new, more powerful battery packs, a firmware upgrade will be released that will unlock these settings so that developers can start using 100% of the system's power. Once this happens, I predict that we will start seeing games that look as good or better than PS2 games. A friend of mine put it best when he said that the graphics are kind of on the level of the Dreamcast but a little bit better right now.

About battery life right now. At 100% and the light at the lowest setting, my battery life is 8 hours and 4 minutes (with a game loaded), with the light at the brightest, it goes to about 6 hours and 30 minutes. And the backlight gets pretty darn bright. I havn't tested to see how the battery life is with Spider-Man 2 loaded yet. But in the Instruction Manuel for the PSP it says that game life should be on average [this average depends on the game [some games take up more juice than others depending on how much power it uses], volume level/headphones, and light brightness] about 3 - 6 hours and for video playback 3 - 5 hours. I seem to get a couple more than what they average.

I've heard that UMD movies will be $19.99. Which is the same price as DVDs, but some DVDs are usually priced at about $24.99 or $29.99. I can't confirm that price though, sorry.


Originally Posted by missingno
PSP for me? Nope... i rather get me a DS and play that new Katamari Damacy game thats comming up.

I want Katamari Damacy..but then again, they might implement the touch screen with the game, I can't stand using that thing to control. Hopefully not. But, just that one game isn't enough to make me want to buy a DS.

Vic Viper Mar 30th, 2005 03:28 PM

if you want katamari just buy it for your ps2 Tt. :P

TtTackler Mar 30th, 2005 04:07 PM

I do have it for PS2. I got it the day it came out, and anxiously awaiting part two.


go away kid, my ds plays NES roms, game boy advance games, has pretty good graphics, mp3s, and videos. i think anythin that can play NES games is better than PSP
There are emulators in the works for PSP, NES/SNES/Genesis/etc.etc.

Redpyramidhead Apr 28th, 2005 04:34 AM

The PSP just came out. Like somebody mentioned, the developers arent even able to use the full extent of the machine's processing power yet. Even if they did have access to it, it would take them a while to learn it. New and exciting levels of gameplay are still being tweaked out of the PS2. My guess is there is a very bright future for the PSP and that Sony probably has some very interesting and fun plans for it. Also, I am hoping for some interesting compatibilities with the PS3, but I should make clear I don't mean in terms of the way nintendo had connectibility between the gamecube and the gba. Most of the time, that was just ridiculous.

As for now, though, I am not really willing to pay 250 dollars for this thing. Plus anthing else I would have to deem necessary to get with it, like games (duh,) a carrying case, something to protect the screen, and other things they dont include in the box. So, if I buy this device, it wont be for a while. Yes, I will be waiting until the price comes way down and I got the extra money laying around to spend all at once. Yikes.

_RED_ stuff

Phenom Apr 28th, 2005 07:44 AM

The PSP probably will have a nice future, but I still wouldn't pay for it. I guess it's because I'm biased against portables. (no I don't own a DS, GBA, or GB) I never have been fond of them... "shrugs"

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