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merylsilverburg Jun 25th, 2003 06:02 AM

Britney Spears gets a Star!
Geez, what is the world coming to? I was listening to the radio yesterday and they had news about what's going on in Hollywood and whatnot and get this: Britney Spears is getting her own Star to be put in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. :frust: What the :censored: is that about?! Did she do anything worthy to get her own damn Star? She only had 1 stupid movie and it's not even Oscar-worthy or anything. Besides, she's a singer, not an actress! And I know that some would argue and say that Lionel Richie (and maybe some others) got a Star for himself, but he composed music for many films and so that's acceptable. But, Spears?! This is completely unfair to all the actors and actresses who actually deserve to be recognized/honored for their acting.

And yes...I know that some will argue and ask me "What about Christina Aguilera? You'd be okay with her getting a Star?" and actually, no, I would be annoyed as well. Both Spears and Aguilera are singers...unless they did something that involves many films and many years of hard work devoted, then I would be okay. But no, Spears nor Aguilera didn't...but yet, Spears is getting recognized for doing nothing!

Of course, nowadays, there aren't any real talent in the movie industry anymore, so the whole "Walk of Fame" doesn't have a true meaning anymore. But even so, this is completely ridiculous!

Does anyone here think it's unfair or feel the same as I do?

Hylas Jun 25th, 2003 07:02 AM

This is probably because of some smartass producer meryl. I don't even think you can consider Britney's movie a movie, because it's plain terrible and she can't act, and whoever could do a movie like she did, having the name and everything.

Meiko Jun 25th, 2003 07:19 AM

I can't see the reason for her getting a star either... There are many other singers who now and then try to be actresses as well, but they rarely get a star or are considered to be good actresses. :confused:

Berserker Jun 25th, 2003 07:30 AM

I totally agree with you meryl, what a shame. She should've stayed with singing stupid meaningless songs for teenagers who think the only thing that's important in life is popularity and girl/boy friends. Any music that makes them think gives them a headache and takes some effort to truely understand so they just ignore it.

dan da man Jun 25th, 2003 10:23 AM

Hhhmmmm, I would of give Britney Spears a star if I was a producer.:laugh:

BlackThornn Jun 25th, 2003 10:55 AM

Calling Britney's monstrosity a movie is like calling chinese water torture a trip to the pool.

That ***** doesn't deserve anything on the Walk of Fame. I agree with you whole-heartedly, Meryl. I mean, the girl doesn't even make good music! She just writhes around and moans into the mike. Some producers got horny, that was her break.

It really pisses me off how shallow this country is getting. I mean.. Shallow AND stupid! We were the nation that went from barbarism to decadence, but now we're somewhere inbetween. As Robin Williams says even Caligula is going "What the fuck are you people doing!?"

Don't even honor our OWN traditions any more. Disgusting.

Carlito Jun 25th, 2003 12:04 PM

This is so ridiculous that it only makes you understand how being or not in the Walk of Fame is totally irrelevant, speaking of acting/artistic skills.

She could get an Oscar next year, who knows? Maybe her producers will be so good at their "job" to make her get one too :laugh:

MakgSnake Jun 25th, 2003 12:11 PM

If she could get one, EMINEN should too... he did a way better job, infact an AMAZING job. But I dont think Eminem would give out his hand prints, instead he just might rub his ass on the star. :laugh:

Beretta55 Jun 25th, 2003 12:20 PM

i cant wait for hollywood to relize how much of a mistake they have made in the future.
but there are so many actors,actresses who deserve to be there. spears shouldnt be on it this is total crap and not to mention funny:laugh: but she has only made "one" movie and it wasnt even good at all. but i hope they learn their lessons from this and relize that spears did "NOTHING" oscar worthy.

merylsilverburg Jun 25th, 2003 02:42 PM

Whew! I'm glad that a lot of you guys feel the same about this. I was so annoyed that some people called in to the radio and congratulated Spears! And a large majority were, duh, teenage girls and guys. :disturb: Ugh, how aggravating...


Originally posted by BlackThornn

That ***** doesn't deserve anything on the Walk of Fame. I agree with you whole-heartedly, Meryl. I mean, the girl doesn't even make good music! She just writhes around and moans into the mike. Some producers got horny, that was her break.
That's all she's good for...she sells her "music" using her body...and people get horny and think "Oh wow! She's terrific!".


It really pisses me off how shallow this country is getting. I mean.. Shallow AND stupid! We were the nation that went from barbarism to decadence, but now we're somewhere inbetween. As Robin Williams says even Caligula is going "What the fuck are you people doing!?"
Yes! This country is becoming more shallow and stupid and it really bothers me. A lot of people even know that Spears can't sing and yet, she's still so popular due to her image. What about those people who can really sing, give a good stage performance, and be a real role model to people?

On a side note: What also is annoying to me is about the whole "Punk" craze that's sweeping the nation. All those girls who were Spears fans are now turning to Avril Lavigine (or whatever her name is) and saying "Punk rules! Britney is stupid!". Oh, is that really so? Where was all that before punk music became the next big thing? :irk:

Vic Viper Jun 25th, 2003 04:11 PM

just to point out that HwoF does give "stars" to mucians, tv stars, brodcasters sports icons etc.

so i dont think there honoring her for that crappy movie that see made but for her accomplishments in the music industry(which isnt saying much):disturb:, cause there are alot more musicians out there deserving of that honor.

Vicious_2003 Jun 25th, 2003 04:43 PM

As Kelly Osbourne once said in reference to Christina Aguilara "Shes had people kissing her ass all her life". The same holds true for Ms. Spears, this is just another example of people kissing her ass. I bet whoevers responsible is getting payed back one way or another by the Spears camp. Weather it be endorsements or well you name it :laugh: . Shes a telentless bimbo who deserves nothing more than a swift kick in the ass yet she gets everything handed to her on a silver platter. It just goes to show that if you give someone enough money, suddenly everyone praises them for being so accomplished. I just dont know how hard it is to dress trashy and sing a crappy song someone wrote for you . But I guess people admire her for that :bang:

Carlito Jun 25th, 2003 06:46 PM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

As Kelly Osbourne once said in reference to Christina Aguilara "Shes had people kissing her ass all her life". The same holds true for Ms. Spears, this is just another example of people kissing her ass.
Yeah, of course, but Kelly Osbourne is nothing better than Spears or Aguilera. Instead of a perfect body she's famous and has people kissing her ass thanks to her family, which, if you ask me, is a good enough reason for her to hide in a corner and shut up :peoples:

And those kids saying "PUnK RuLeZ!" still have to listen to some real punk album. Do they even know what The Clash is? Or do they know Green Day as the most inspired example of punk music? To not mention all the Lavigne-like crap going around these days...

Deathwatchz Jun 25th, 2003 08:15 PM

Hey, doea anyone wanna pitch in on a jackhammer??? We can take the star and throw it off a bridge. Hopefully, we can get spears tied to it as well...

kittens&cats Jun 26th, 2003 02:23 AM

all i can say is wow that britney spears got star even know her
movie wasn't that good anyway there actor who i think need
star walk of frame you guys will think iam nut but how
robert patrick who play t1ooo ihepretty good actor lot better
than britney spears

Berserker Jun 26th, 2003 03:51 AM


And those kids saying "PUnK RuLeZ!" still have to listen to some real punk album. Do they even know what The Clash is? Or do they know Green Day as the most inspired example of punk music? To not mention all the Lavigne-like crap going around these days...
Amen my brother, Avril Lavigne probably never heard of Joe Strummer, Marky Ramone or Glen Danzig at all. So do all the young "punk", they walk down the street in their baggy trousers and spiky hair thinking that Green Day and Good Charlotte invinted the punk music. Giving me the eye when I'm at some crappy show cause I look "normal" ( as in normal hair colour, normal trousers and no friggin'make-up). I went to punk gigs when they were in their daipers(???). Avril is exactly the same as Britney with all that I'm so the Anti-britney and "the kids like someone whose real"..... Real punk music stays away from anything that has to do with MTV or any other hype seeking media. It's cool if you start listening to punk through acts like green day or the offspring , but have the decensie to check out the classics and were it all started and listen to some Exploited, the clash, ramones, peter and the test tube babies, discharge etc. etc. Then we'll see if you like "punk" music.

Pu the Owl Jun 26th, 2003 07:50 AM

About Spears getting a Star, I don't care. I mean, these things happen all the time. She's not good at anything but she got a Star on Walk of Fame. Hope she satisfied for getting it for doing nothing!

About Kelly Osbourne, I agree with Carlito. Is it a quality to have someone in your family who's famous? Is it a quality to record an album or have gadgets with your face on just because one of your parents is famous? It's easy and a privilege, not a quality. It's like doing nothing in this case too. And in fact I think Kelly Osbourne's music sucks as much as Spear's one. Gawd, that's even worse than being famous for selling your image IMO... Being Ozzy, I'd rather die than making my daughter famous only because... like you know... "I can".

As for the punkish kids that just go around dressed in baggy clothes, with safety pins everywhere pretending they're punk, that's just plain ridiculous. Avril Lavigne will disappear in few years, or she'll turn into a new Madonna-wannabe :lmao:

dan da man Jun 26th, 2003 03:29 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

If she could get one, EMINEN should too... he did a way better job, infact an AMAZING job. But I dont think Eminem would give out his hand prints, instead he just might rub his ass on the star. :laugh:

I was thinking that, heard the news makg? Eminem might quit being a MC and become a actor and producer, the whole rapper thing is being alot for him.

Vicious_2003 Jun 26th, 2003 04:28 PM


Hey, doea anyone wanna pitch in on a jackhammer??? We can take the star and throw it off a bridge. Hopefully, we can get spears tied to it as well
Hell yeah !!. Count me IN ! :laugh:


Yeah, of course, but Kelly Osbourne is nothing better than Spears or Aguilera
I dissagree. Id say shes a little worse than Aguilara and company. I mean atleast they have an OUNCE of talent. Have you hard Kelly sing !? Shes downright terrible. I just used her quote because it tied in with the post so well.

merylsilverburg Jun 26th, 2003 08:34 PM


Originally posted by beserker

Amen my brother, Avril Lavigne probably never heard of Joe Strummer, Marky Ramone or Glen Danzig at all. So do all the young "punk", they walk down the street in their baggy trousers and spiky hair thinking that Green Day and Good Charlotte invinted the punk music. Giving me the eye when I'm at some crappy show cause I look "normal" ( as in normal hair colour, normal trousers and no friggin'make-up). I went to punk gigs when they were in their daipers(???). Avril is exactly the same as Britney with all that I'm so the Anti-britney and "the kids like someone whose real"..... Real punk music stays away from anything that has to do with MTV or any other hype seeking media. It's cool if you start listening to punk through acts like green day or the offspring , but have the decensie to check out the classics and were it all started and listen to some Exploited, the clash, ramones, peter and the test tube babies, discharge etc. etc. Then we'll see if you like "punk" music.
Exactly. I don't listen to punk music, but I know there are the classic punk bands...and I've heard Green Day before. And it's annoying to see all these teeny-boppers warping themselves into, like you said, spiky-hair, dark make-up punk wannabes when they don't know anything. This saying goes especially to the people who listen to "Good Charlotte". I would be at my school and there would be girls and guys all dressed in black with the piercings and hair and blasting "GC"'s music all over. :disturb:


Originally posted by Carlito

Yeah, of course, but Kelly Osbourne is nothing better than Spears or Aguilera. Instead of a perfect body she's famous and has people kissing her ass thanks to her family, which, if you ask me, is a good enough reason for her to hide in a corner and shut up :peoples:
To be honest, I really don't like any of the Osbournes. I particularly dislike Kelly Osbourne more only because she's in the spotlight nowadays. And from the way she acts, she's a little whiny brat, IMO.


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

I dissagree. Id say shes a little worse than Aguilara and company. I mean atleast they have an OUNCE of talent. Have you hard Kelly sing !? Shes downright terrible. I just used her quote because it tied in with the post so well.
Though I've never heard Kelly Osbourne's music, I agree that Aguilera can sing, but to me, Spears can't. But even so, I wouldn't care much for any of it anyway.

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