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Soul Angel Jan 27th, 2002 04:32 PM

Magikala Story
Okay I've decided to repost part of the Magikala story which I have done :)
I'm also going to try and make each chapter shorter as well ;)


It is pitch black when a women’s voice suddenly appears and speaks softly
Womens Voice: “Come with me to your destiny, you’re are only hope.”

Just then from all of a sudden a loud bang went of and people were started to scream with joy. At the same time a young man with brown short hair woke up out of his chair. he turned his head and looked at the window.

Young man: “Oh the party has just begun!”

There was a village called Drigon which was having its annual celebration which is known as the ‘Party Of Good Life’. Peolple from all over the world Ukila would come to this party and join in the celebration.

Suddenly another voice came out from behind the door of the room.

Old man: “Eclipse are you up?! The parties begun so you better get out of your room and come and join in!”

Eclipse: “Sure father!”

Eclipse got out of the chair and started to walk out on to the balcony and watched the celebration.

Eclipse: “Look at all of them, its so nice to see the village, my hometown Drigon once again being trusted, after that horrible attack from the Terror.”

Eclipse: “I remember it so well, it was 14 years ago when the Terror first strucked out of the blue, I was only 8 at the time.”

Eclipse has a flashback
Eclipse (*person is thinking this in their mind)
It came so suddenly during the party of good life, The weather went bad, and monsters came at us in all directions, I was so scared I didn’t know what to do.
Everywhere I turned all I saw was people getting hurt. My mother took hold of my hand and we just ran........ But then we were surrounded by monsters, my mother stood in front of me and she was strucked down.

Young Eclipse: “MOTHER!!”

Just then as they were about to take my life as well they stopped and fled for no reason and just left me by my mother’s dead side.

End of flash back and Eclipse was off the balcony and out on the street.

Eclipse: “That was a sad day.... A day which I will never forget...(takes a deep breath) But that is in the past, I have to look ahead to the future like my old man tells me too.
This is a time of celebration, The party of good life, where everyone forgets there differences, and are just enjoying there self.......... Shouldn’t this be how it should always be, people forgetting there differences and culture and just enjoying there life to the full."

Eclipse watches the party some more, music is being played and people are dancing to it. Also people are eating, drinking and talking and just plainly forgetting there differences and having fun.

Just then a dark cloud covers the sky and the sound of thunder is heard from above, the people stop for a moment looking up into the sky.

Eclipse: “A storm?”

Just then a strange screeching sound came out of the sky and stunned and shocked the people. Eclipse was strucked with fear as he had heard this sound before along time ago.

Eclipse: “No not again..... This can’t be how can it.”

From a distance Eclipse could see flying monsters flying towards the village.

Eclipse: “Not again.... The the Terror has returned but it was said to have been sealed away and to never return.”

Just then the watchtower bell started to ring and Eclipse could see the people were very confused and were starting to panic. Eclipse quickly runs into the crowd of terrified people.

Eclipse: “Quickly hurry back to your homes and shut all your windows and doors, Hurry everyone what ever you do get off the streets!”

The people started to head in all directions, Just then a flying monster flies down and attacks Eclipse.

Eclipse: “I’m older now you won’t take down this village so easy.”

Eclipse takes his sword off his back and attacks the monster, and kills it.

Eclipse quickly hurries around the village and starts to kill more monsters and help people back to safety.
Eclipse soon enoughs sees a girl who is being attacked by a monster.
The monster and girl is some distamce from Eclipse and so he decides to take his gun out and shoots the monster, which falls down dead.

Girl: “Thank you so much, I wouldn’t know what would of happen if you didn’t come.”

Eclipse: “Don’t worry your safe now, you better hurry back home.”

Just then a monster charges towards them.

Girl: “Oh no look out behind you.”

A monster comes and attacks Eclipse and the girl.

Eclipse: “Quick hurry out of here, I’ll hold it off.”
Girl: “No way I’m staying, I can fight as well! Leave it to me!”

The girl takes her staff out and starts to kind of praying.

Girl: “Oh nature of Ukila with the power of your north ice winds I ask you in all my might to release the god of ice..... Icicle I summon you!”

Suddenly a cloud of ice starts to form at the top of her staff where she then throws her staff in front of her making the cloud of dust hit the ground and form into large icicles, where it then breaks open and forms into a large bird made out of ice.
The girl then walks up to it and jumps onto its back.

Eclipse: “Whoa are you a summoner?”
Girl: “That’s right, Now lets take this monster down.”

The girl then tells Icicle to do its Ultra Skill Blizzard Dust.
The bird starts to flap its wings forming a huge blizzard of ice cold skin piercing ice. With that the monster falls down dead and disappears.

Just then the Monsters once again suddenly left and the dark clouds cleared the sky.
Eclipse and the girl looked up into the sky.

Girl: “What was all that?”
Eclipse: “The Terror.”

Girl: “What no way I thought it was surposed to have been sealed away for all of eternity!”

Eclipse: “Obviously not....... Oh I better head back home and check that my old man is okay.”

Eclipse runs off back home leaving the girl on her own.

The Terror sealed for all eternity. Then that must mean the seal has been broken, or just maybe there wasn’t a seal in the first place........... My mother was killed the first time when it attacked, people lost trust in my hometown and just now as people were starting to believe us that Drigon was a safe place again....... That’s it I’ve had it with this Terror!

Eclipse: “I vow I will find out what this Terror is and to destroy it once and for all and bring peace to my village again.”

To be continued.............

kamari-ice Jan 27th, 2002 04:38 PM

Very Good

MakgSnake Jan 27th, 2002 04:39 PM

The Magikala Is UP Guys!.! I Recommend This To EVERYONE!.! READ IT . Its Beautiful!!!!.! And So Exciting!.! Full Of Adventures!!.!!

Go Ahead!!!

Good Thing U Did Soul For Putting Up This Epic Adventure!

Rei Jan 27th, 2002 05:13 PM

Glad to see Magikala is back Soul Angel! I can't wait to see next chapters!

007_JamesBond Jan 27th, 2002 05:20 PM

WOW, I am speechless, that was so good

Soul Angel Jan 27th, 2002 06:13 PM

Thanks everyone! :D

I'll try and put the next chapter up in a few days or so! ;) :rolleyes:

Pu the Owl Jan 29th, 2002 07:47 PM

Glad too see Magikala first part 1 is back! So, when you post the other parts of the story, we can keep in mind what happened before :D

Soul Angel Jan 30th, 2002 12:31 PM

Okay well here's the next part of Magikala

(Btw it might look long but it really isn't, its just its got aload of spaces in between it :rolleyes: )

It is the next day and Eclipse is in his house looking out of the window with his father sitting at the table.

Eclipse’s dad: “Well another 14 or more years or so before the people trust poor little Drigon again...... That’s if they will ever trust the village again (sign).”

Eclipse: “They will trust this village again if the Terror was just destroyed once and for all!!”

Eclipse turns round to face his dad.

Eclipse’s dad: “That look in your eyes, you really mean it don’t you..... Your planning to go after the Terror........ I heard what you said last night in your room I too couldn’t get any sleep after yesterdays attack.”

Eclipse: “You understand don’t you though.”

Eclipse’s dad: “Better then anyone son..... You are a adventurer’s son and so have adventurer’s blood in you....... This is one adventure which is calling you, it is in your destiny to follow that call.”

Eclipse: “....... Yes father its calling me it has been since the first attack...... I’ll be leaving today so stay safe okay..?”

Eclipse’s dad gets up and walks over to Eclipse and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Eclipse’s dad: “Here take these, they’ll come in handy.”

Eclipse’s father gives Eclipse some Money.

Eclipse walks outside and starts to head towards the entrance of the village when he then heard a voice.

Voice: “Hey Wait Up!”

Eclipse turns round and see it was the girl from yesterday.

Girl: “Huff... Buff.... Wow I found you at last, I was looking everywhere for you.”

Eclipse: “Oh sorry..... I thought all the visitors have fled from are village back to their own homes?”

Girl: “Hahaha! It’ll take more then that to make me leave.”

Eclipse: “Ha! I wish the other visitors were more like you then.”

Girl: “Yeah well um.... I heard rumours that you were planning on going after the Terror..... Is it true?”

Eclipse: “News gets round fast with my old man around.”

Girl: “I’ll take that as a yes then..... Oh how rude of me I haven’t even introduced myself..... I’m Kilma from the Summoner tribe Kipartoe.”

Eclipse: “I’m Eclipse the son of Gilmosh the adventurer of Drigon.”

Kilma: “Nice to meet you Eclipse...... Um you know the reason why I asked is that I want to come with you.... I too fear for safety of my village and I too want to find out the truth about the Terror. Besides my summoning abilities were pretty effective against that monster don’t you think so?”

Eclipse: “Yeah... But I don’t no its going to be really dangerous and all.”

Kilma: “I know I thought about it all the way though and I decided that I was up for it, I have to prove myself that I’m strong enough..... So please let me come too.”

Just then Eclipse’s father walks up to them.

Eclipse’s dad: “Thank goodness, I was worried that you might of already left..... Eclipse as you know I’m getting too old to go on adventures so make sure you remember everything which I taught you. Anyway that wasn’t the real reason why I came I want you to visit an old friend of mine at Escaflane the underwater Kingdom of the Eoforwine. There is a man called Alan there who has a wife called Jane and a son which I believe is called Tito if I remember correctly.... Well anyway go and talk to Alan, like me and you he too is an adventurer and an experienced one at that too, so he might join up with you on this quest of yours.
Eclipse remember this isn’t a adventure which you can do on your own you want as many people to help you as you can...... Well that’s all son for now.”

Eclipse: “Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine, just take care of the village and its people okay.”

Kilma: “Um.... Don’t mind me asking but how are we suppose to get to Escaflane?”

Eclipse: “Well first we have to go to Cafabring Mountains where the Cafabring tribe live.”

Kilma: “And then?”

Eclipse: “Then we should head across the chukotey plains to where I heard the village of the ancient tribe known as the Edrens live, from there we will be close to the Spirit Lake, a lake which I heard about which can lead us to Escaflane.”

Eclipse’s dad: “You’ve learnt well from me son.”

Eclipse: “You was a good teacher father.”

Kilma: “Well okay now we know where we are heading shall we go.”

Eclipse nods his head

Eclipse: “Yes first destination Cafabring mountains, which should be Northeast from here.”

Both Kilma and Eclipse head off to the Cafabring mountains.

To be continued........................

Cannibal Clown Jan 30th, 2002 04:47 PM

That was really cool. You've got quite an imagination, so original and interesting. Can't wait for the next part.

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