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Infernal Mass May 15th, 2003 11:06 AM

MGS3 theory
Snake is using Old weapons and Old Technology...

check this out..


Big Boss - Official Bio -

"Acting as a mercenary for the French, Big Boss participated in the Congo Crisis of 1961, and continued fighting in Africa until the Second Congo Crisis in 1968. After these skirmishes, he offered his combat services in Asia, Africa, and the Middle and Far East. Just as the conflict in Vietnam commenced, he participated in the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) as an "unofficial soldier" (or mercenary), attached to a team of Green Berets and Ranger units. His skills earned the "great mythological soldier" moniker. Once the Vietnam War ended, Big Boss took part in more than 70 missions attached to groups such as the SOG (Special Operations Group), the Wild Geese, and the Delta Force."
Big Boss was in a Ranger Unit, Snaker Eater is a term used by Special Forces such as Rangers.

Now check out the end of the trailer..snake seems to be missing an eye.

- :ahoy: It's Big Boss


Family history, education and earlier activities unknown.

Fought as mercenary throughout 1960s and early 70s. Developed reputation as "Greatest Soldier of Twentieth Century." Acquired numerous international contacts and funding sources. Reportedly recruited for missions in Asia during Second Indochina War; believed to have operated with United States Army Rangers and Special Forces.

Activities during 1980s unknown. Deployed to Middle East during Persian Gulf War, 1991. Afterward founded uncoventional warfare unit, FOX-HOUND Special Force Group, to employ hi-tech weapons and tactics. Appointed commander of said unit.

During early 1990s funded and organized international mercenary group. Said group established armed fortress known as OUTER HEAVEN. Exact origin of fortress sealed.

Attempted to gain military and political superiority with development of METAL GEAR TX-55 weapon. Mercenary-backed regime later surrended to Fox-Hound operator codenamed SOLID SNAKE.

Covertly led Zanzibar Land in nation's fight for indpendence, 1997. Obtained sensitve information involving Oilix manufacturing process during world energy crisis, 1999. Recovered secret Metal Gear D prototype from Outer Heaven in effort to gain worldwide hegemony. Employed mercenaries, including retired Fox-Hound operator GRAY FOX. All insurgent activity terminated by sympathetic forces.

Killed in action by mentioned forces. Remains recovered and currently in official custody.

mark0™ May 15th, 2003 12:39 PM

Shit dude I think your right! Makg said something about the end of the trrailer saying 1960, 1961 etc. That would fit in... :)

Good Thinking Digi!

Infernal Mass May 15th, 2003 12:54 PM

i had posted this theory in an earlier thread but deleted it. i decided to post it again.

mark0™ May 15th, 2003 12:56 PM

yeah, and Big Boss will look like Snake, obviously because Snake is Big Bosses Clone.

This is so sweet! Big Boss was somewhat of an Enigma in MGS, this will be entertaining!

Infernal Mass May 15th, 2003 01:04 PM

exactly, i think this is the mission where big boss loses his eye.

Azuma_Ninja May 15th, 2003 01:10 PM

Wow I never even thought about that. I'm guessing that's right on though.

Preventer Wind May 15th, 2003 03:38 PM

Yes...I must say that is the best theory I have heard. Considering Solid Snake wasn't born until the 70's it makes sense. And this right here taken from an interview with Hideo Kojima:


Gamers .com: You can interpret the reference to the '60s literally, as "the game is set in the '60s," but is that also meant to be a comment on the themes the game's meant to discuss?

Kojima: First of all, I really can't give anything away about the theme of the story -- if I do that, I'll give away a lot of the story, and that's something I obviously can't do. But the theme of the gameplay is the jungle, and in addition to that, it's espionage.

By answering this one part, I'm giving something away, but with Metal Gear Solid, I wanted to create espionage action. Since the previous two games took place in the near future, it's a sort of skewed form of espionage action. Espionage action works best in the Cold War era, so that's where we're bringing the game. That's where the sneaking mission concept works the best, in that era. Instead of having the game set in the 21st century, having it back then, when the United States and Russia were enemies and always trying to get something out of each other, and when you didn't know who were your friends and who were your foes, this is really the best time when you want to do an espionage game.
gamers .com (still a bad word :disturb:)

So if this takes place during the cold war it certainly takes place before the other Metal Gears.

dan da man May 15th, 2003 04:23 PM

Nice theory, you could may be right, im just trying to work it out, and this is the best solution anyone has come up with so far, nice one digi.;)
If you're right this means we play big boss?

mark0™ May 15th, 2003 04:27 PM

Where will Metal Gear come in? Will there be a Metal Gear? Maybe this is just an opening mini-story like the Tanker Episode in MGS2... but It seems that the Jungle is the main Story... Ah I'll just have to wait to find out :(

dan da man May 15th, 2003 04:34 PM


Originally posted by mark0™

Where will Metal Gear come in? Will there be a Metal Gear? Maybe this is just an opening mini-story like the Tanker Episode in MGS2... but It seems that the Jungle is the main Story... Ah I'll just have to wait to find out :(

Good question, I think metal gear came in for the first game of metal gear on the NES, was that set the the 80's? snake eater might be more concentrated on what happened before the events of metal gear and big boss and the clones.

mark0™ May 15th, 2003 04:41 PM

Yeah but If the game is called Metal Gear, there should be a Metal Gear somewhere in some way or form. Maybe it's something to do with a Prototype M'Gear or plans? But a Bi-Ped Tank sounds too advanced for the 60's... Or Maybe Metal Gear will come into another Main Story. Maybe Solid Snake will have an Episode in The Jungle.

Ever thought It was wierd that Both Big Boss and Solidus Snake both lost an eye? :ahoy: lol.

Qjij_jijQ May 15th, 2003 07:36 PM

Woah! I had the same thought go through my head when I saw that Snake was missing an eye in the trailer, but your additional info makes it more than likely.

There's a good chance that you're right kiddo...

MakgSnake May 15th, 2003 09:06 PM


Originally posted by mark0™

Where will Metal Gear come in? Will there be a Metal Gear? Maybe this is just an opening mini-story like the Tanker Episode in MGS2... but It seems that the Jungle is the main Story... Ah I'll just have to wait to find out :(
That could be a possibilty.......that the video shown in E3 is a small part of Big Boss (like the tanker chapter)......BUT after playing that small part.......we play as Solid Snake who comes back to this place where all of this happened.

But I am not too sure about this guy being Big Boss........may be his another clone......... but himself?

Or it could be Big Boss which shows us how he reached the level of "Legendary Soldier".......

Harry May 15th, 2003 09:18 PM

Yeah, not to do the "we knew that" guy, but I must say that everybody here, at, came out with this theory. We were all addicted to the original Metal Gear games - well, Carlito is a master in those games - and that's the first thing we thought.

I didn't notice that Snake seems to miss an eye in the trailer, but the "1960" date, the older weapons, the map-skin of the snake, immediately made us think of Big Boss. After all, if Solid looked exactly like Liquid, and if they both were clones of Big Boss... well Big Boss should look exactly like them. Doug Perry from IGN thought the character could be another clone of Big Boss, but that wouldn't make sense... a clone in the 60s?

On a note, it's evident Kojima wanted to give fans a lot of hints to make them think that the character in the game could be Big Boss... but are we sure this isn't another trick? Do you remember the genial trailers of Sons Of Liberty? They said everything and absolutely nothing at the same time, and god knows what Kojima has in mind this time.

By the way, in a couple of interviews he stressed the fact that the game will NOT take place entirely into the Jungle. It seems that the idea is giving the players the chance of playing the whole "infilitration process". Quoting from Ign's interview to Kojima:

"Again, the game doesn't consist of only playing in the jungle. Like if you get through the jungle, you'll get to buildings and when you get into the buildings, the gameplay will be similar to the previous games. The enemy AI in the jungle will be totally different. It will be acting on a totally different program, such as tracing footprints and all that, and it will be very interesting and fun."

So, it seems Kojima might have decided, once again, to not make of Solid the hero of the game... but we all know that things will be much different than what can imagine...

MakgSnake May 15th, 2003 09:25 PM

I wouldn't actually mind playing as BIG BOSS, but only if he is just like Solid Snake was in MGS2. Because Kojima knows that we want Solid Snake and not Saladin.

It would be totally shocking if that "guy" is BIG BOSS, but it wouldn't excite me if I end up playing with him throughout. Its not the looks, its the CHARACTER that matters. In most movies, double roles take place, and you always want the good one to survive........ not saying "it doesn't matter, they both look alike"....

Bring Big Boss to the game would be awesome but not throughout. That would be a mistake.

Harry May 15th, 2003 10:39 PM

Ok, just to support Digi's theory, and to confirm that the game seems to really take place in the Sixties, we can say that the weapons in the game were used exactly in that period. The rifle in the screenshots is the perfect copy of a "classic" M-16.

"By 1963 US Army was purchasing the M16 for use in South East Asia and by various elite forces. The Army also ordered 85,000 rifles in 1963. An additional 35,000 were ordered in 1964, 100,000 in 1965, and 100,000 in 1966. These rifles were initially issued primarily to combat troops in the Dominican Republic and to Special Forces, Airborne, helicopter crews, Air Commando and other special category troops in Vietnam." from

The rifle was upgraded to the M-16 A1 in 1967 and in 1983 it was completely replaced by the M-16 A2. On a note, both these models are different from the one in the screenshots.

I'd be happy to find similar info about the equipment shown in the trailer, since Konami seems to give great attention to details, even if realism is not their #1 priority; we're putting together a preview of the game showing hints and details from the trailer that can support the "Big Boss" theory or others. If you notice anything unsual or relevant, please post here your ideas, and we'll use them in the article (of course together with a "special thanks to...")!

dan da man May 16th, 2003 04:17 AM

You're right harry, on th officail Metal Gear Solid 3 website, it say's the 60's.


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Bring Big Boss to the game would be awesome but not throughout. That would be a mistake.

Agreed, I dont want fans angry again like with mgs2.

Harry May 16th, 2003 06:00 AM


Originally posted by dan da man

You're right harry, on th officail Metal Gear Solid 3 website, it say's the 60's.

Agreed, I dont want fans angry again like with mgs2.
Yes, the "60s"date is everywhere also in the trailer, but I just wanted to show that the trailer seems really to take place in that era. Personally, I don't know anything about weapons (and I'm not that interested in knowing anything about them) so as for me, just looking at the weapons, the game could have been set in the Eighties, the Seventies...

ssjtrunks13 May 16th, 2003 09:09 AM

Maybe it goes back to big boss for some time and then they might link that to Snake presently. I was also thinking Maybe the Patriots thing links back to the Big Boss thing..

Infernal Mass May 16th, 2003 07:13 PM

that first gen. M16,was one of the first things that got me thinking. In the short trailer that was released first it's being fired. There's one thing that confuses me though..and that's the heat vision/infared being used.

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