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goodman Nov 6th, 2003 12:07 AM

Lord of the Rings Return of the King
For those of you who desire to play this marvelous game and get the chance, please let us know what you think. I will be delving into it in the near future and if its anything like its originator the Two Towers, prepare for an epic experience. Admittedly, since the game uses actual movie footage and storyline closely expect some spoilers for the actual movie, which i do truely hope will be epic. The game screens are amazing, tell me what you think...

Here is what IGN thought, and they say its better than LOTRTT,

9.0 Presentation
Excellent, most excellent. The menus are majestic, the movie clips well edited.

8.5 Graphics
Far superior to last year's efforts, these graphics hold up well in single-player, but drop down a tap in co-op.

9.5 Sound
THX certified, and supporting Dolby Pro Logic II on PS2, ROTK's sound is superb. And very very loud.

8.9 Gameplay
Hack and slash perfected? Perhaps? Later combos can lead to some excellent juggles. Good, but occasionally uneven, level design makes for a unique trip in each.

9.3 Lasting Appeal
Play it once the right way, and then play it again by mixing it all up. It'll take you more than 10 hours the first time though. Overall, this game love you long time.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Oh and new to this game is online play so there should be an appeal to most gamers...

Uchiha Sasuke Nov 10th, 2003 09:11 PM

Yeah I've been really meaning to try out this game sometime. I kinda skipped Two Towers because it wasn't multiplayer, but now that this one is I'll probably add it to my collection sometime soon.

goodman Nov 10th, 2003 11:53 PM

Looks like Fatal Frame 2 may be getting kicked into next month so i could easily be seeing what this game is about soon. Between this, Prince of Persia, and Medal of Honor Rising Sun, there is mucho to choose from. If I knew ToysRus would be offering their sale again soon id just plan on buying all three of those... I bought LORTTT last year and thought it was very worthy of the purchase, which i cant say for all ps2 games...

Uchiha Sasuke Nov 11th, 2003 01:50 AM


Originally posted by goodman

Looks like Fatal Frame 2 may be getting kicked into next month so i could easily be seeing what this game is about soon. Between this, Prince of Persia, and Medal of Honor Rising Sun, there is mucho to choose from. If I knew ToysRus would be offering their sale again soon id just plan on buying all three of those... I bought LORTTT last year and thought it was very worthy of the purchase, which i cant say for all ps2 games...
I heard Prince Of Persia was quite the game from both IGN and Gamespot. You might wanna try that one out too, maybe before Return of the King.

Berserker Nov 11th, 2003 04:23 AM

Like Goodman said the screenshots look amazing, I can't believe the ps2 is capable of that kind of graphics. It seems to me they set the standard a bit higher with this game.

goodman Nov 11th, 2003 06:55 AM


Originally posted by SSSnake

I heard Prince Of Persia was quite the game from both IGN and Gamespot. You might wanna try that one out too, maybe before Return of the King.

I started a thread about Prince of Persia, SSSnake, for sure, i will be playing it. There are about four games i want to play right now, now that ive finished CLOI, pushing back Fatal Frame 2 just makes the choices easier, but still gotta decide, but PoP will be one without question....

Vicious_2003 Nov 13th, 2003 04:11 PM

I REALLY want to play this game. But I wont untill after I see the movie sence ive never read the book. You know there will be major spoilers in the game. And hey PW, if you go invite me !. I must see this movie ! ;) . Oh yeah, your paying too :laugh:

Vulcan Raven Nov 18th, 2003 02:54 AM

I am The Luckisest man on Earth.
Well i am going out to buy LOTR: ROTK next week, i own Lord of the rings: two towers and loved was a little TOO easy to clock though.

I am also lucky enough to live in New Zealand, The home of lord of the rings. The Kiwi Director, Peter Jackson is hosting the World Premiere here, in New Zealand. And i am lucky enough to go. Even to the after party to meet all the Actors.

COOOLNESS! i will try to get some pics up on the forums of the premiere and stuff. As soon as i have a chance to after the premiere.

I was even lucky enough to watch the filming of the Fellowship of the Ring Scene when Boromir Dies and Merry and Pippin are captured. And Aragorn does that kick ass move where he chops Lurtz's head off.

I am a Hardcore Fan Of lord of the rings and cant wait to get the game. See ya online Gamers, and just watch out for some Aragorn going around kicking some Orc and Uruk-Hai Ass!

goodman Nov 19th, 2003 08:28 PM

Ive heard many great things about New Zealand, my parents have been there a few times and actually lived there for a few months... Must be an experience to actually live there, i do believe the LOTR movie series has particularly been good since so much of it has been made there in NZ, what was it like meeting the actors? I would think that would be an awesome experience in itself...

Vulcan Raven Nov 19th, 2003 10:48 PM

Living in NZ.
Well yeah, it is a great country, so laid back..

But as you say that, i want to go overseas to the States! and UK!

but yeah it was awesome watching aragorns fighting scenes in Amon-Hen in The fellowship. Now i can go when im watching it, Hey! I was there when they filmed that!

The downside of being here is the games go on the UK schedule which is alot slower that the NSTC and JAP (American and Japanese) Release Schedules for games...not that just gets me pissed! I WANT SOME KINDA MULTI-ZONE PS2!! then i could order games from the states and play them before anyone else in NZ!

but yeah, its still a good country for sure!

and Prince of Persia looks awesome! And LOTR: ROTK, i am an unconditional LOTR fan so its gonna ROCK!

Vulcan Raven Dec 22nd, 2003 01:45 AM

Yeah! I Own it Now!!! (as of 5th December i have had birthday!)

It is awesome!

Berserker Dec 22nd, 2003 04:52 AM

I've played it yesterday, awesome co-op works excellent haven't got real far yet but as it looks now it's great fun no real big difference from TT as far as I can see.
I'll keep you informed...

Vicious_2003 Dec 23rd, 2003 06:10 PM

Preventer and I got through most of the game on co-op.

Great only complaint is that its sooooo friggin hard !
Especially the level where you have to shoot down the Elephants before they kill the two little kids. You have to fight through 2 billion orcs to get to the cliffs and then fight an elephant and more warriors at the same time. Then you have to shoot the wraith rider before he kills the kids. All that about 3 or 4 times and you win. THAT one was hard on co-op and damn near imppossible alone .

Vulcan Raven Dec 30th, 2003 05:26 PM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

Preventer and I got through most of the game on co-op.

Great only complaint is that its sooooo friggin hard !
Especially the level where you have to shoot down the Elephants before they kill the two little kids. You have to fight through 2 billion orcs to get to the cliffs and then fight an elephant and more warriors at the same time. Then you have to shoot the wraith rider before he kills the kids. All that about 3 or 4 times and you win. THAT one was hard on co-op and damn near imppossible alone .
Aggggh! for one, Elephant, like things are called Mumakil or (oliphaunts) in the LOTR universe..and they are not kids! HOBBITS! or halflings as some men call them as of their size.
and that freakin Witch King of Angmar/Ringwraith/Mouth of Sauron on that Fell Beast was a fuken bitch to kill.

and yeah, the battle of the pellennor feilds is a damn hard level.

Ive now seen the movie 6 times and counting (including the world premiere screening!!)

Ive read every single LOTR book countless times (incl simmirilion history of middle earth adventures of tom bomadil etc..)

sorry i may seem like im boasting (and if i am, sorry in advance)

but i just LOVE lord of the rings and well....yeah....its awesome.

so, have anyone unlocked everything on it yet?? like the Secret characters and levels and stuff?

Off Topic: Hey, are you and Preventer Wind Friends? oh, didnt know that. (well, we're all friends at ps2fantasy but u guys like live in the same area? oh cool)
~Grim Reaper~

Vicious_2003 Jan 7th, 2004 05:09 PM


Aggggh! for one, Elephant, like things are called Mumakil or (oliphaunts) in the LOTR universe..and they are not kids! HOBBITS! or halflings as some men call them as of their size.
Jeee..take it easy there killer . I didnt mean to offend...just didnt remember the proper names of the characters/animals is all.


Off Topic: Hey, are you and Preventer Wind Friends? oh, didnt know that. (well, we're all friends at ps2fantasy but u guys like live in the same area? oh cool)
Yeah Preventer, or P Dub as I like to call him :laugh: is a good friend of mine. Most co-op games I play I play with him. Wich sucks because he always manages to do better than me . Hes greedy I tell ya ! GREEDY !

goodman Jan 7th, 2004 05:24 PM

The price on LOTROK is dropping on im gonna grab it sometime in the next few months. Will be fun, i enjoyed the TT quite a bit...

pjb2006 Jan 10th, 2004 03:38 PM

this game is awesome.
I got it for Christmas and played it for about 15 hrs straight. i ve played it some more, got stuck for a while on the path of the hobbit, and started playing FFX-2. I'm gonna pick it up again soon and beat it. My favorite characters are Legolas and Gandalf. Aragorn was my favorite character in the Two Towers game, but his moves dont hit multiple enemies at once like most of the other character's attack do. I like how ROTK has more skills and attacks to buy, and the option to buy the skill for all of the characters at once is real convenient.

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