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Hat Guy Nov 14th, 2002 01:11 AM

I don't mean any offence by this thread!!

I like to know what the people around me think on the subject.
I'm Daiest.

Famous Daiests: George Washington, Jhon Handcock, Abe Lincon

Sleazy P Martini Nov 14th, 2002 08:16 AM

What is a Daiest?

Hylas Nov 14th, 2002 08:18 AM

Sorry for my ignorance, but what's a daiest? Maybe it's just because I don't know the English term... I'd be happy to know.

Anyway, are you asking if we believe in some kind of specific religion? Sorry for the dumb question :heh:

Spank-A-Thon Nov 14th, 2002 08:51 AM

I don't believe in any form of religion. I have my own set of values and morals and choose to live by them.

There are many different forms of religion in the world, each with their own 'form' of God. But what amazes me is that many religions are intolerant of other religions.

They simply condemn acknowledging that any other religion could be considered valid. What makes, say, the Christian 'God' any more valid than the Hindu version of 'God'? Nothing at all - it's simply pure ignorance and arrogance to believe that your 'God' is the only 'real God'...

Besides, more people have died in the name of religion than anything else. Wars, Martyrs, Terrorism, Conflict... you name it - Religion has caused it.

However, to those who do have Religious beliefs, that's cool! Keep hold of them if it's what you want to do. I would never impose my views on anyone, and similarly I wouldn't expect anyone to impose their Religious belief on me.

- S

Jolie Nov 14th, 2002 11:29 AM

I'm Catholic. Probably it depends on the fact I was born in a Christian country. My religious principles are not the strongest ever, but I really believe in God. It's an important part of my life.
I have nothing against the people who don't believe in anything, but I often find that they are negative towards the ones who have a strong sense of religion. This is the only thing I can't stand about them.

kupoartist Nov 14th, 2002 04:16 PM

I have no religion as such, but i'd at least claim not to be atheist - I do believe that God could exist, I just doubt very highly that he does.

The UK is perhaps a little less religously inclined than other nations, but the schools i've been to have all practiced christianity in some smaller or larger way, so I could have been influenced by religon... in the end it comes down to the individual in the majority of cases: its like how the same event could turn one person towards god and another away.

Noki Noki Nov 14th, 2002 04:45 PM

I'm an agnostic.

But there are a lot of religious philosophies I've picked up here and there.. I like how Daoism beliefs focuse on having no tie to a course set by a legal system or society. Buddhism is probably my favorite basis list.

But as far as religion goes, I'm still waiting for truth to expose itself. I've never been a very religious person, I don't attend church regularly enough, and I don't believe in tying yourself to religion, but that living your life other than it to appease whatever God you believe in, is the most "religious" way to live one's life.

Really Freaking Dumb question: By the term "daist", are you referring to Daoism?

Sword 4 Hire Nov 14th, 2002 06:36 PM

I don't follow any certain religion but I do follow my own values like Spank said

Lost_myth Nov 14th, 2002 07:17 PM

I'm Catholic. At first my family was very tight with religion. Sunday school every Sunday, sometimes mass. I'd go to a catholic church for Sunday school. Then a lutheran church on holidays and such for mass, because my mother is lutheran. I strongly believe in God. Since I kind of dropped out of sunday school and we stopped going to church, his teachings really slipped. I actually want to go to church, but I'm going back when I turn 18 so I can finish.

BlackThornn Nov 14th, 2002 10:22 PM

I believe that there is some sort of higher order and/or being to the universe. I think that it would be a guiding hand in evolution. I believe in an afterlife because it's energy that powers us (bio electric energy in the brain) and energy cannot die. Only change form.

I do not believe in organized religion at all. For many of the same reasons that Spank noted. Man has no idea what god is, and no religion has any real proof that they're right. Despite this religious people are among if not the most intolerant people I've met during my lifetime.

It's not right, and it has no place in today's society..

Keep thy religion to thyself.

-George Carlin

MakgSnake Nov 14th, 2002 10:40 PM

I am a Muslim.

Redpyramidhead Nov 15th, 2002 06:34 PM


Originally posted by Jolie
I'm Catholic. Probably it depends on the fact I was born in a Christian country. My religious principles are not the strongest ever, but I really believe in God. It's an important part of my life.
I have nothing against the people who don't believe in anything, but I often find that they are negative towards the ones who have a strong sense of religion. This is the only thing I can't stand about them.

Similarly I have found that a lot of people with a strong sense of religion ( I don't mean you) feel negatively about those who don't or have alternative beliefs about their spirituality. Perhaps if both types of people can realize this we can better understand eachother instead of feeling like it's 2 sides all the time.

_RED_ stuff

Gadzoox Nov 15th, 2002 11:56 PM

I don't believe in God. We were put here through evolution and nothing more.
Except maybe Bowie... ahahaaa! You know you love it!

Hylas Nov 16th, 2002 10:04 AM


Originally posted by Jolie

I have nothing against the people who don't believe in anything, but I often find that they are negative towards the ones who have a strong sense of religion. This is the only thing I can't stand about them.

Well, this is kinda true, mainly because some people think that being religious is not "cool" or "trendy". I've heard many guys of my age saying that being religious is like being a good student: it's for nerdy persons, for losers.

kupoartist Nov 16th, 2002 01:51 PM


Originally posted by Hylas

Well, this is kinda true, mainly because some people think that being religious is not "cool" or "trendy". I've heard many guys of my age saying that being religious is like being a good student: it's for nerdy persons, for losers.

can't say i've noticed that in my school... its usually the nerdy persons who don't believe... in that way its perhaps more understandable why they're intolerant: some nerds are snobbish "My IQ is high, therefore my opinion is 20 times more valid" types. Though having said that, about the same proportion of religous people are snobbish about their views and berate others... in the end, i guess its not Religon or lack of it that corrupts people in such a way, its just people corrupting religon or somthing else...

Killuminati2 Nov 16th, 2002 04:47 PM

i don have any use for one, i am dead against Christianity, IMO it doesnt make sense and has too many flaws to be "the true faith" then again, every religon has so many flaws, i think that not one person on this earth knows whats gon happen after this(truly)

MakgSnake Nov 16th, 2002 06:05 PM


Originally posted by Killuminati
i think that not one person on this earth knows whats gon happen after this(truly)
Thats why we have god who knows. Humans are not suppose to know whats gonna happen next after this.

My opinions and views are ok. Different people have different things to say. Its alright!.!

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