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dan da man Jul 9th, 2003 02:45 PM

New halo 2 screen shots!
Master himself


Driving a hog

Looks like trouble


Two new baddies again

Looking good huh?

Uchiha Sasuke Jul 9th, 2003 03:46 PM

Yeah this game keeps looking better and better. Its amazing what kinda work bungie is doing now.

Azuma_Ninja Jul 9th, 2003 05:29 PM

The bad guys IMO look pretty poor. Hope they get better.

dan da man Jul 9th, 2003 05:35 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

The bad guys IMO look pretty poor. Hope they get better.

Well halo 2 is not out until next year! I think they look fecking brilliant now!:P

Azuma_Ninja Jul 9th, 2003 10:58 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Well halo 2 is not out until next year! I think they look fecking brilliant now!:P
I mean the models i think look bad, not how they look graphically(not sure that's a word).

dan da man Jul 10th, 2003 04:00 AM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

I mean the models i think look bad, not how they look graphically(not sure that's a word).

Do you mean like sharp edges and blocky?

Azuma_Ninja Jul 10th, 2003 11:46 AM

This is hard to explain. I don't like the enemy designs. I don't know how else to explain it after this. The graphics are right on and with still a year to go I'm sure could even get better.

kupoartist Jul 10th, 2003 12:58 PM

hmm... I'm in two minds as to just how good Halo looks, and these screenshots are a mixed bag. Sure, The Master Chief looks extremely well textured and lit, but it doesn't really go that much further than that (also, if the video is anything to go by, if you're not the Master Chief, you look ugly. But then, he has the benefit of not having the troublesome problem of Skin which always Ruins a CGI's looks.)
The Polygons have clearly been neglected: there are too few on stuff like the vehicles, and in some shots, they look awfully jagged. Also, the Environments look a little sparse, and pretty bland in the texture department.
I know many people think that Halo 2 has "The Best Graphics Ever", But i'd probably say that as far back as last year, the Unreal (UT2003, Unreal 2) Series broke into better detail. And Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 are even further on from this... if you have the cash of course... :laugh:

As for the enemy designs... I was never really taken with any of the original. They look pretty enough, but they don't really look scary or realistic. The best designs for any game set in the future aren't outlandish or strange: they are believeable, as if they could logically exist. Stupid levitating costumes are the first sign of unbelievabilty (its ok to be levitaing, but why bother exempting what you're wearing from floating? thats just silly)... and one of those aliens seems to be wearing one.

MakgSnake Jul 10th, 2003 03:13 PM

Yeah its alright. I know I will buy this....almost everybody would. But I am not at all excited about this game. Must just be me.

Vic Viper Jul 10th, 2003 04:38 PM

looks good.

Azuma_Ninja Jul 10th, 2003 09:45 PM

the_artist you summed up my thoughts in you last paragraph. That's what I meant when I said the enemies look pretty poor (hover suits).

Chara Jul 10th, 2003 11:11 PM

Yea, like artist said master chief looks incredible but everything else looks like crap. When I first saw the halo 2 video I wasnt impressed at all. The enviroments are all bland and lifeless. If you are going into enemy headquaters I want it to looks as if living creatures have been in there. They could've included some type of alien bathrooms, conference rooms, trash cans, anything that tells you living creatures been there.

Also the animation is pretty awkward. When people speak they suffer the "floppy mouth" syndrome. Thier bottom lip just moves up and down as they speak. This was acceptable in Half-Life, back in 1998 but this is a 2004 game on the xbox. I expect them to seem more like people. I dont want to see what I have already seen before.

It seems as of Halo is just recycling the same formula they've used before. This wont impress people. Things that are new and different is what gets "game of the year" awards. Not just a recylced peice of junk.

From what I've seen I've been dissapointed with.

dan da man Jul 11th, 2003 06:21 AM

I was'nt expecting everbody to be happy about it becuase its playstation 2 site.:roll: But the game is not out untill next year, we have seen about 2 trailers, and not proper gameplay, just scripted, im sure the models and graphics will improve.

TtTackler Jul 11th, 2003 10:34 AM

Wow, my brother has been telling me how great it looks and getting me hyped up about it, the first first x-box I'd actually want to play! ...and this, not even in-game screenshots and there is jaggies galore, and that steering wheel, it looks like it was modeled after the Pentagon..:disturb:

GT4 and MGS3 blows this out of the water, and they are showing IN-GAME footage. Looks like that game Kin aka Killzone Sony is keeping so secretive about is sounding much more impressive, and I've only seen 2 screenshots that were bad quality and no information about it! :roll:

Looks like the only X-Box game I'm looking forward to is Fable now..:ghost:

Azuma_Ninja Jul 11th, 2003 11:51 AM


Originally posted by dan da man

I was'nt expecting everbody to be happy about it becuase its playstation 2 site.:roll: But the game is not out untill next year, we have seen about 2 trailers, and not proper gameplay, just scripted, im sure the models and graphics will improve.
Good Call. Everyone who is saying the graphics aren't looking good better realise this game has a ways to go. I'm positive it's going to blow anything PS2 (no offense) has out away when it's released. No I'm not an X-box fanboy I just think Halo was the most important game for X-box when it launched so I'm sure they're not going to let their fans down with the sequel.

kupoartist Jul 11th, 2003 12:48 PM

I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm not anticipating Halo 2... I am. I'd not buy an XBox for it (the only over reason to me would be for Halo 1... which is out on PC this summer), but I'm watching with interest... The graphics aren't the best, but they're quite possibly the best you'll be getting on a console until 2005...

and is the game only out next year? that is most interesting, given that Half-Life 2 is out on PC by September 30th... Perhaps it'll be HL2 vs Halo 2 on Halo's own console? (ie. the XBox release of both will be at roughly the same time...)

stevil935 Aug 22nd, 2003 11:19 AM

Re: New halo 2 screen shots!
nice screen shots! graphics look pretty good!

BlackThornn Aug 23rd, 2003 09:49 PM

I've watched the in-game demo quite a few times, now.. and, well, UT2003? Capable of better. And no worse-than-anime jerky mouth movements when it came to speech.

The only things that really impressed me was the Master Chief himself and a few of the more grand explosions such as when the Marine fighters took out that.. big..covenant..blaster..thingy. And speaking of that, was that really logical, even? I mean, that must have taken some time/effort to set up, and they were just lobbing these huge projectiles ACROSS THE STREET to hammer the building.. it looked like it was an anti-air tower but why was it smacking the building across the street from it then?

The alien design..... Halo's aliens weren't bad, really. And the elites that crashed down around the Master Chief on that bridge? Nice.

I'm expecting this to be a solid FPS.. but nothing groundbreaking or all-too-outstanding. Hopefully there will be enough level headed critics out there not creaming their jeans over the "graphics" that this one won't waste Game of the Year spots like it's predecessor (which, though it's a great game, wasn't GOTY materiel IMO).


I'm positive it's going to blow anything PS2 (no offense)
I think everybody's gotten past the point of having offense taken. The ps2's hardware is YEARS older than the Xbox's. It's not a matter of what is better/what each is capable of, but what games and what kind of graphical power can be wrung out of each.

Short? Xbox=graphics-centric console. If something looks bad on Microsoft's badboy, then it's a failure on the developer's part.

On the PS2 games that look as good as Xbox titles are great triumphs on the developer's part, but if the gameplay is bad then it's an even bigger failure.

Then again that's just my opinion.

MakgSnake Aug 27th, 2003 04:57 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

The graphics aren't the best, but they're quite possibly the best you'll be getting on a console until 2005...
Why do you keep comparing Console with PC. We all know console can never beat PC, when it comes to graphics. And its the not the graphics that matter anyway. The gamplay is very important. Look what happened to Planet Side, they were saying its going to be an MMRPGFPS HALO, but didn't even come close.

Its not what the system can do for the games, its what the developers can do for the system that can do for the game.

PC can generate amazing graphics, no doubt......... but just in my own opinion, console has way better games, but then thats a different conversation.

Half Life 2 would be mind bending on PC, and no it will not be the same on the XBOX, but seeing that its coming on a CONSOLE is a big thing on its own. And you never know may be have better controls or some other feature.

kupoartist Aug 27th, 2003 05:21 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
Why do you keep comparing Console with PC. We all know console can never beat PC, when it comes to graphics. And its the not the graphics that matter anyway.
umm... because on the simpilest level a PC plays games and a Home Console plays games? its not like i'm comparing the X-Box with a Drinks Machine or a Condom Dispenser... A Console is a computer, A PC is a computer. Therefore you can compare them.

And you're wrong. The Consoles can always beat the PC in graphics when they're first released (and in the 80s and early 90s, they were always better than PCs). Hence my "Until 2005" comment ,working on the assumption that the next-gen consoles will be around at that time.

I do own consoles you know... its not like I only care about PCs!

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