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Mana Mar 22nd, 2002 03:24 PM

Rurouni Kenshin: why so famous?
I tried to buy the first number of Kenshin's manga, because I've heard it's very famous.
Now I'd like to know from the ones who own the whole series why it's so famous. What's so good in it?
I know I should read it and give my opinion later, without caring about others' opinions, but I can't resist: every time I try something new I want to know the opinions from those who are more expert.
Adding to this, in the anime/manga shop near home, the sell Rurouni OAV at a very special price, so I'd like to know if it's good purchase or not.

Thanks :D

merylsilverburg Mar 22nd, 2002 04:02 PM

Aaaahhh! Rurouni Kenshin is my favorite anime!! This series is so good. The reason why I think this series is so incredibly popular is because of the whole conflict with the main character, Himura, Kenshin and his Hitokiri Battousai as well as the adventures and fights that takes place. Well, I don't want to spoil anything for you if you haven't read it or seen it, but basically Kenshin is a wanderer who is a pacifist; he doesn't want to kill in order to atone for his sins that he caused in his past. He is the legendary "manslayer" and people recognize him for the cross scar he has on his left cheek. He carries a sakabato, which is a reverse-bladed sword so he won't kill anyone if he has to be in a fight. His fighting style consists of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu and later on in the series, he learns new moves from his master, Hiko. This series has tons of action, humor, and even drama sometimes. Plus, Kenshin is such a well designed character, who can go from being ultra cute and calm and say his "Oro" to being serious and powerful. This series is separated into three arcs: The Tokyo Arc, the Kyoto Arc, and the "Peaceful" Arc. The Tokyo Arc gives a basic introduction to the characters and the past, the Kyoto Arc is the best, however, because that's with the most fight scenes and it's actually Kenshin going back to Kyoto where he "left" his past, in order to fight against Shishio-sama. The "Peaceful" Arc is, to me, quite dull and boring, but by then, you've already seen the entire series, so you have to see the last arc. This arc is more peaceful with slight confrontations against some enemies and so on. There are 94 episodes, but there's a secret last episode which makes it 95. The last episode you'll have to get on your own because it doesn't come with the series. The OVA is terrific too, but I have to warn you: It's incredibly dramatic because this tells about Kenshin's past and why he became a wanderer. Even though the TV Series came out first, I suggest you see the OVA then the TV, so that way, you know about Kenshin's past and won't be wondering why he became a rurouni. Now, if you get the entire manga set, there is an extra Arc in the manga that never made it to the TV. I won't spoil it for you, but the extra Arc is supposed to come after the "Peaceful" Arc, but since during that time, when the TV Series came out, no one knew about the OVA, so they planned not to put it in. Plus, Watsuki, Nobuhiro, the mangaka, finally finished this series in 2000, so he added the extra Arc along with the OVA story in the manga. I hope this didn't confuse you, it's really quite confusing, but it makes more sense if you've seen the anime. Also, right now, just released, there is a new OVA 2! It's the continuation of the previous OVA "Tsuikoku-hen". This new OVA is called "Seisou-hen" and it's the finalization of the ENTIRE series. This is the absolute ending of Rurouni Kenshin, because by now, everyone should've read the manga, seen the series and OVA, so that's why they made it. Whew.....that should be it. I highly suggest you get the SUBTITLED or get the DVD with billingual languages. That way, it feels more "authentic". Any other questions, you can ask me, or anyone else on here who's a fan. :blink: Oro? :D

Cannibal Clown Mar 22nd, 2002 05:20 PM

Thanks a lot Meryl, now I have yet another anime in my long list of anime I have to buy.

Maybe in a few hundred years I'll be able to start collecting that series too. When I'm done with all of the others I've got on my mind.

BowevelJoe Mar 23rd, 2002 09:53 AM

aye, i am working on getting this complete series in perfecto full screen, how many eps is it, 90 something i think? arrg, its a big one, but man is it awsome, i have seen roughly 15 eps and they are awsome and its definantly a series worth checking into if your into the feudal japan era and samurais and all that good stuff but im sure that Meryl has covered everything in her "book" post :laugh: ;) :p :cool:

Reid Mar 23rd, 2002 10:44 PM

Kenshin is great!
Definently check it out, Mana, especially the OVAs (or are they OAVs?).
Himura Kenshin's inner struggle is really great throughout the series. I have all of it on tape but I've only made it about halfway through at this point.
It's long but good.

merylsilverburg Mar 24th, 2002 12:15 AM

Kenshin is absolutely the best! I'm so glad you guys agree! Definitely see all 94 episodes, you guys! Also, try to snag the secret episode, 95! It'll be sooo worth it! Right now, I've seen it all, the TV, the OVA's and.....omigod....I forgot to mention about the Movie!! :shock: That's right! There's a movie on Rurouni Kenshin, I'm pretty sure you guys seen the cover right? It's titled under "Samurai X: The Movie". GET THE SUBTITLED! The dub is hideous! I have yet to see the last DVD of the new OVA's "Seisou-hen" which came out on the 20th. The first DVD was so dramatic.....well, anyway, yes, Kenshin is the best, I'm such a HUGE fan! :D I've got this humongous box, filled with postcards, plushes, the official Japanese DVD Box Sets, CD's, artbooks, VHS's, mangas, letter sets, a mini version of Sanosuke's shirt, pins.....aaaahhhh! I love this series! :love: :love:

Spirit Apr 4th, 2002 09:21 PM

kenshin is great and very addictive. It puts a new spin on a character, who is completely original. Anyone who ever seen it should get it or try to download the mortal combat music video of it off the net somewhere =P
Anyhow anyone reading this and not watching kenshin, go get it!!!!!

BowevelJoe Apr 5th, 2002 08:02 AM

aye, after the first 3 eps i was im an alcoholic too! but aslong as i got muh kenshin im just fine!:) :laugh: ;)

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