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MakgSnake Feb 8th, 2006 12:42 PM

Would You Like Him? Or Not!.!
Simple Poll. As mentioned in the other thread, Kojima is planning to make Raiden really cool and amazing and he believes everybody would love him this time around. So if the transition is perfect would you like him or still have hatred for ruining your Sons Of Liberty.?.

Vic Viper Feb 8th, 2006 03:11 PM

i choose the first one, i never once had a problem with Raiden, i enjoyed playing as him in MGS2. if kojima would make him cooler in MGS4, great. :)

dan da man Feb 8th, 2006 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Vic Viper
i choose the first one, i never once had a problem with Raiden, i enjoyed playing as him in MGS2. if kojima would make him cooler in MGS4, great. :)


Never had a problem with Raiden, awesome character. Yup bring him back even more cooler for MGS 4, but don't make him the main character I want Snake. :D

merylsilverburg Feb 9th, 2006 01:57 PM

I voted the second. Yeah, I do like him, but I can't say I entirely like him. When I first played MGS2, I really hated him. Not because he took over Snake's role as the main character or that he looks feminine (I don't care about that), but because he was so whiny, like a girl and somewhat immature. That bugged me. And even though at the end, I do have some respect for him, I can't say he's fully captured my heart.

So, in MGS4, I could care less what he looks like, just as long as he's a bit more mature in nature.

EDIT: Nice to see you again, Makg. :)

kupoartist Feb 9th, 2006 04:44 PM

All that they need to do to improve Raiden is to go back in time and do a better job of choosing his VA. I liked the character a lot, I kind of wish that Kojima's team would leave him alone. Just axe the VA. I suspect he went to the same school for obnoxious whiney voiced boys as Tidus...

merylsilverburg Feb 10th, 2006 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
All that they need to do to improve Raiden is to go back in time and do a better job of choosing his VA. I liked the character a lot, I kind of wish that Kojima's team would leave him alone. Just axe the VA. I suspect he went to the same school for obnoxious whiney voiced boys as Tidus...

You know what? That's probably why I didn't like Raiden; it must've been his voice! The guy they chose to voice Raiden sounded overly-whiny and, I'm sorry, pathetic. Maybe Raiden isn't so annoying after all, but perhaps it's the voice that ruined everything for me! Eureka! :laugh:

MakgSnake Feb 15th, 2006 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
You know what? That's probably why I didn't like Raiden; it must've been his voice! The guy they chose to voice Raiden sounded overly-whiny and, I'm sorry, pathetic. Maybe Raiden isn't so annoying after all, but perhaps it's the voice that ruined everything for me! Eureka! :laugh:

I think, Quinton Flynn (I believe thats how you write his name), was told by Kojima and Scott Dolph to sound like that. A character that is inexperienced and gets confused easily. I am pretty sure, Flynn will return for Raiden's voice, but this time around he'll be more deep and rugged. Cause if you hear David Hayter in an interview, he doesn't sound like "Solid Snake" at all. I think Quinton Flynn is a talented actor, and he'll do his job well.

merylsilverburg Feb 15th, 2006 07:18 PM

Or perhaps they wanted him to sound a bit more effeminate since, in the Japanese version, Raiden's voice is a bit more softer and less rough. But, I suppose what came off as trying to be somewhat gentle, young, and inexperienced came off as whiny instead. No offense.

Sleazy P Martini Feb 19th, 2006 08:41 PM

I never had a problem with Raiden. MGS2 was a great movie. I really enjoyed watching it.

TtTackler Mar 23rd, 2006 10:35 PM

Actually, Kojima explains the origin of Raiden in Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1. They had a group of high school girls give of their explaination why they wouldn't play MGS and what would make them play MGS. Reason why not: Would never play as a macho-man character like Snake. Reason why they would: A feminine-like character. Thus, Raiden was born.

/facepalm needed.

Although I never really had a problem with Raiden myself.

Frozen May 27th, 2006 01:05 AM

I always liked Raiden the way he was, whiny voice and all. And now that I think about it, I have my own reasons for liking him even more, and I'll just say that being a soldier is not as easy as it looks and specially if you are part of a Black Ops elite group where you are to take on an entire army on your own. I'm not even on special forces or have ever had to kill a person, and find it hard to pull through the day some times. I can't imagine the trauma I'll go through the day I'll have to do that, I'll probably cry like a biach and puke my guts out.

Raiden had just been thrown in a situation like that, it was his first real mission, it was his first kill, it was the first time he friggin got shot at. (Then again, he pulled through all those things, kept moving forward and accomplished the mission) I know it's just a video game, but, fictitional as it is, it is also very realistic on those aspects, and the reason people think that Raiden is such a cry baby is because they measure him against Snake, and that's probably the most unfair comparisson in the world. But I bet you that if there was to be a game that showed the first days of Solid Snake's training under Big Boss, he would probably be seen as a week and whiny character.

I can't wait to see a seasoned, expert Raiden, I am sure that he will kick ass, I picture him more or less like Liquid Snake. Plus he was always more acrobatic than Snake, so that can give him some more props.

Don't make mistake on what I am saying though, NO ONE will ever be as cool as Snake (other than Big Boss), no matter how cool they make Raiden, he won't "outcool" Snake. :D

TtTackler May 27th, 2006 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Frozen
Raiden had just been thrown in a situation like that, it was his first real mission, it was his first kill, it was the first time he friggin got shot at.

Actually, as a child Raiden was a ruthless killer in war known as Jack the Ripper, trained by Solidus Snake himself. :D

Frozen May 28th, 2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
Actually, as a child Raiden was a ruthless killer in war known as Jack the Ripper, trained by Solidus Snake himself. :D

That's right, but if I remember correctly, those memories had been erased from him due through brainwashing or out of his own neglective choice, the point I want to stress out is that this kind of situation will freak anyone out, that Snake is a seasoned veteran, combat expert who has survived many conflicts and missions and therefore has the attitude that we all love, then you contrast Raiden's attitude with his and obviously he looks like a whiner and wimp, but put any real soldier of our real Army (including me) who have also recieved combat training and still will be scared as hell even when we have a whole battalion on our side, imagine a guy's feelings that's in this kind of mission by himself.

SniperWolf Jul 12th, 2006 07:34 PM

I voted for the second one. I didn't really ever like him in the first place. He always seemed a little feminine to me. But if they make him over just right, it could change my mind.

I'm new here by the way.

amarant_coral Nov 1st, 2007 06:34 AM

I went for the first one. Okay, so Raiden isn't exactly the best choice of lead role... but he certainly isn't the worst.

I suppose I can sympathise with Raiden because MGS2 was my first Metal Gear game and - much like him - I was terribly confused all the way through the first run. :right:

merylsilverburg Nov 4th, 2007 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by amarant_coral
I suppose I can sympathise with Raiden because MGS2 was my first Metal Gear game and - much like him - I was terribly confused all the way through the first run. :right:

LOL, don't worry, I think even veteran MGS fans were confused with MGS2's story. :laugh:

Seeing how you've already got some posts in this'll be late but: welcome to the forums by the way! It's always nice to see another MGS fan! :happy:

MakgSnake Nov 9th, 2007 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sleazy P Martini
I never had a problem with Raiden. MGS2 was a great movie. I really enjoyed watching it.

You are a mean person.

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