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MADRUCKIS Mar 19th, 2002 11:29 PM

My Own Avatar?
Just wanna know if thats possible

In the control panel, I know they say that you can, but I don't see where you can download 'em. Can someone help?

Pu the Owl Mar 20th, 2002 06:17 PM

Custom avatar is disabled.

Cannibal Clown Mar 21st, 2002 07:55 PM

You need to have special privilages of a mod or administrator to get costom avatars. Bummer huh. But I'm sure you can find one which you think is fine in the selection givin. There's a lot of options there.

Or just get on the good sides of Fortune and Harry and try to become a Mod. Don't hold your breath though. You have to be very persuading to get an actual position here. But my friends Mourdor and SSSnake got 'em, so i guess you've got a chance. Then you can get a costom avatar.

MADRUCKIS Mar 21st, 2002 09:25 PM


Great, story of my life.
It's not what you do but who you know.

Thanx CC

Rei Mar 22nd, 2002 12:58 PM

Don't get me wrong, but Mourdor and SSSnake didn't become Mods because they were so "very persuading". We needed some new mods and being them reliable, or at least that's what we thought, we decided to give them a chance to be mods. BTW, suggesting to someone else to ask to be a mod only to get a personal avatar is not a wise choice :laugh:

Cannibal Clown Mar 23rd, 2002 02:52 PM

Yeah, I know. I was just having a little fun with the topic. I'm sure that everyone her who wants to be a mod, or those who are, didn't do it souly for the Avatar. Or did they?

Neo_Soldier28 Mar 24th, 2002 05:26 PM

And to think that me and SSSnake got mourdor on here and i had a big post count and i get slapped in the face and he gets a mod position o well thats life

007_JamesBond Mar 24th, 2002 07:37 PM

well then back to the matter at hand I would like someone to make me a James Bond avatar, if it is possible. If not well then oh well

Neo_Soldier28 Mar 25th, 2002 02:40 PM

I think that fortune should make a james bond avatar since there is non in there and he does have his on ps2 game:laugh:

IcyMourdor Mar 26th, 2002 12:27 AM

[COLOR=sky blue]SSSnake, CC, and even Neo are starting to get on my case. I just hope 007 doesn't start ripping on me now.

I didn't become a mod for the custom av. Actually, I didn't put one for a long time after I got the job.

As said before, we have a large selection of avatars here, almost 600. I'm sure that you can find one in the mix or keep the one you have now. It's your choice.[/COLOR]


Originally Posted by Rei
Don't get me wrong, but Mourdor and SSSnake didn't become Mods because they were so "very persuading". We needed some new mods and being them reliable, or at least that's what we thought, we decided to give them a chance to be mods.
[COLOR=sky blue]Was this an insult or a compliment?[/COLOR]

Pu the Owl Mar 26th, 2002 03:19 AM

I think it was a compliment in Rei's language ;)

Sword 4 Hire Mar 26th, 2002 01:48 PM

Hey I was looking through the avatars and I didn't see any Lunar one's. I was just wondering if I missed em or not?

Neo_Soldier28 Mar 26th, 2002 03:22 PM

Well i remember asking for a new avatar of sephiroth and fortune said yes she would but it was a empty promise

Pu the Owl Mar 26th, 2002 03:32 PM


Originally posted by Neo_Soldier28
Well i remember asking for a new avatar of sephiroth and fortune said yes she would but it was a empty promise
Sorry for being harsh this time Neo Soldier, but I think you're being unfair about empty promises:
I have many other things to do, other than administrating the forums, because I have exams to study for and a life outside the web as other normal persons.
People seems to not understand how much time this site requires. I spend here many hours to be sure verything's fine, also when sometimes I have other things to do. Adding avatars is ok, when I have much time to waste to look for images, but you know, you have two Sephiroth avatars and I don't think that among all the other IMPORTANT things I have to do, adding others Sephiroth avatars is very important. If you have so much time to waste thinking about having a new avatar, well, it's your business. I told you that when I have time I'll add new avatars, and it's the same thing I said to James Bond and Reid, who asked for James Bond and Furi Kuri avatars that are not among the listed ones at all. Because you know, to find good pics sometimes takes me 5 or more hours (as for example to make banners people ask me and also for avatars, and believe me, to make some of them and find all the necessary pics I spent a very long time....).
Harry told me you asked him also for the avatar, but frankly I don't get why having other two or three Sephiroth avatars is sooo important for you.

EDIT: and stop criticizing our decision to make SSSnake and Mourdor mods: doesn't matter how long you have been member, the only thing that counts is the partecipation and the support you give. And they gave us both these things.

Harry Mar 26th, 2002 03:48 PM


You maybe don't understand that

1. We don't make any money on Ps2Fantasy but
2. We spend 7-8+ hours a day on the website
3. We have to update the website (reviews, news, cheats, release dates... god, I've some work to do right now!)
4. We have to stay in contact with a dozen of different companies
5. We have to keep always an eye, or two, on the server (we have our own dedicated servers)
6. We are trying to make some money with or this website won't last forever - I'm the only investor here
7. Regina created all the 500 avatars in our collection
8. We have a life outside the website

Please, it's the second time you are using the "empty promise" expression, and it's not fair. Then, if we ever make some money on the website, we could think about having new staff members.


Uchiha Sasuke Mar 26th, 2002 07:13 PM

So whats the argument now.I say we should all get along and let byegones by byegones.Anyways I think it was a wise choice to let me be a mod im on pretty much all the time so i'll be here to take care of my forum that i mod for.Same goes for mourdor.Anyways Neo dont get mad at not getting your avatar,like harry said they have other stuff to do they cant be tending your every request all the time.

Neo_Soldier28 Mar 26th, 2002 09:16 PM

There is only one problem with that is that that is the only request and the only thing that i have ever asked for on the website/forum so i haven't been asking for very much i think. And i remember what you talked about when mourdor got the mod position and how pissed you were about it so its easy for you to say that now that you are a mod so i wouldn't push that subject too far if i were ya.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 26th, 2002 09:23 PM

Hay dont get all defensive at me now pal.I didn't make him a mod.Anyways i did get a tad bit angry when he became a mod mainly because i introduced him to the site but i told myself there must be a reason behind it and im not going to question anyones judgement.Anyways let the subject go

Neo_Soldier28 Mar 26th, 2002 10:04 PM

I know you and i talked him into it im just a little delayed in my pissed off mood lol

Reid Mar 26th, 2002 11:45 PM

I'm sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes with my request, I surely didn't mean to offend anyone.


Just to be clear, I'm very content with my Spike avatar. It's super-neat (he's all smokey and stuff).


I was more-so just throwing it out there as a request for the next time Fortune makes new ones.

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