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MakgSnake Jan 28th, 2003 11:36 PM

DMC2 reviews.
Hmmm.....there is no review here, but I just saw the IGN overall rating and they have given the game a 7.0 out of 10. Thats like a very very bad score! DAMN! What do you guys think of it?

Oh and *********** gave it a 6/10. MAN!!!!!

MakgSnake Jan 29th, 2003 12:20 AM

Well, www.g' gave it a 6/10. I was surprised, so there have been readers review for the DMC2 at gamespot eh?... I'll check it out.

I know IGN gave The Getaway a bad review, and you are right, I played the Demo and I loved every second of the game. I am pretty sure I would love DMC2 as well.

Beretta55 Jan 29th, 2003 06:14 AM

damn.....*british accent* Lynch the bastard's!!:laugh: but seriously what went wrong? DMC got rave review's why wouldnt this one. either way im still getting it and dont care what reviewer's say.

Vic Viper Jan 29th, 2003 11:37 AM


Originally posted by Frostman445

damn.....*british accent* Lynch the bastard's!!:laugh: but seriously what went wrong? DMC got rave review's why wouldnt this one. either way im still getting it and dont care what reviewer's say.
dont really know what happen, probably part of the reason was a new devolopment team made DMC2, and not the original,team little devil , plus the one who directed DMC, wasnt involved in making the sequel.. oh well, reviews wont stop me for getting this a matter of fact ill be getting it later on today..:cool:

Infernal Mass Jan 29th, 2003 01:18 PM

i wasn't able to get that trade in deal, so i think i'm going to hold off on DMC2 for awhile. Let the price drop, if it doesn't i may get it in a few weeks.

Here's what Dorimaga a japanese mag gave it two weeks ago..

- Devil May Cry 2 (PS2, Capcom): 8/ 7 / 8 / 7 - Total 7,5
- Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox, Tecmo): 9 / 9 / 9 / 10 / 8 / 8 / 8 - Total 8,7
- Armored Core 3: Silent Line (PS2, From Software): 8 / 9 / 8 - Total 8,3
- James Bond 007: NightFire (PS2, EA): 8 / 8 / 7 - Total 7,6
- House of the Dead 3 (Xbox, Sega): 6 / 8 / 7 / 6 - Total 6,7
- Wind: a Breath of Heart (DC, Alchemist): 5 / 7 / 6 - Total 6,0
- Operators Side (PS2, Sony): 7 / 8 / 7 / 7 - Total 7,2
- Galaxy Angel (Xbox, Broccoli): 7 / 7 / 8 - Total 7,3
- Tenerezza (Xbox, Aquaplus): 6 / 7 / 6 - Total 6,3
- Makai Senki Disgaia (PS2, Nippon Ichi): 9 / 7 / 9 - Total 8,3
- Totsugeki! Army Men (PS2, Capcom): 7 / 7 / 8 - Total 7,3

dan da man Jan 29th, 2003 03:15 PM

most probally it got a low score because its not anygood duh j/k nah im still getting this title.

MakgSnake Jan 29th, 2003 03:18 PM

From all the places Ive read, they say that the game doesn't give anything new, there is nothing new in the game, some new moves on dante, and the new character is just like him. And Dante has lost his cool in this game, as the developers haven't given him that many cool lines and all. Most of the sites are saying that Dante just may no longer be the BadArss he use to be.

But yeah I do like Extended Play too....... so 4/5 is not bad, but I wanted this game to get 5/5 from that show. Oh well......

I am buying this game anyway...

Vicious Jan 29th, 2003 05:26 PM

I havent read any reviews of this game yet, i usually read Game Pro and Game Informer for reviews.

Vic Viper Jan 30th, 2003 12:53 PM

my DMC 2 impressions !
got the game yesterday, im not far off in the game, in fact im bearly on level 5. so far its actually not as bad as the reviews indicate. dante has alot of new moves at his disposal, wall ride, double jumps, flip moves, floaties like the matrix etc...

though the gameplay is not as polished compair to the last game, its still pretty ok. it feels ackward at first, but once u get to know how to chain combos, you'll learn to appreciate the game more.

the levels are bigger with tons to explore. graphics, its improve over the last game.

yes, the game is easier than DMC. so far the enemies/bosses are pretty lame, they dont put up much of a fight.

my other complaint is that you cant buy abilities anymore:mad: instead its replace by weapons upgrades and such..

Still its a pretty solid game.. yea, i suggest renting it first and find out if your going to like it or not. but for those devil may cry fans, buy it !!;)

btw, its true what they say, dante doesnt do that cool taunts anymore :(

MakgSnake Jan 30th, 2003 01:45 PM

ZT game's review....

Devil May Cry 2
In the realm of gaming we have come to expect many things, sequels for one never seem to live up to the original game's greatness. Sure there are exceptions, Resident Evil 2, Mortal Kombat 2, The Tony Hawk series. All of these games seem to get better with age. Then there are the games that seem to disappoint when brought into a newer generation, Adventures Of Link anyone? Well Capcom is always known for delivering exactly what fans of the original game loved so much and usually in larger quantities without changing much of what made the original so damn good. The case in point is that DMC 2 is exactly what a sequel to a game of that style should be more action, larger bosses, and stylish moves that would make Neo from the Matrix jealous. We now delve into one of 2003's most anticipated games Devil May Cry 2!

Bastard Son Of Sparda
We will start with the graphics, everyone knows that the original DMC game was gorgeous. The sequel takes a different approach by giving us larger environments with lower quality textures. The end result is a very drab looking world but with twice as much to explore and destroy. By no means is this game ugly, in fact this is one of the finer looking PS2 games to come along in a while. Dante has had sort of an overhaul in his appearance which the female fans will surely notice and his new partner in ass kicking Lucia sports a unique look that we cannot decide if she is hot or scary. Regardless the huge environments and polygon induced enemies and bosses are something that must be experienced on a large screen to appreciate the character design.

Let's Rock Baby!
While the game's music seems untouched I cannot complain. Heavy guitar riffs blast the speakers when a battle incurs, you are driven to kick twice as much ass when the music is thrashing your ear drums. Most of the tunes sound as if they were lifted directly from the original game and offer nothing to warrant a Grammy but it suits the game very well and that is the most important part. The voices, while very integral to the first game seem to have been toned down. No longer will Dante have a witty comment after every bullet he fires, in fact throughout the game I barely heard him speak three words. This kind of takes away from Dante's personality but it keeps the action flowing even faster than before which was already at a blazing pace. Lucia's dialogue goes from being laughable to decent, this adds to the dilemma we have in defining her character. The sound effects are pretty standard and once again sound re-sampled from DMC but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Chop, Kick, Devil Trigger
Now we get to the meat of the game, gameplay. Unlike the original game DMC2 allows you to journey through the game with two characters very similar to RE2. Playing through as Dante is very reminiscent of the first game, dispatching demons and giant goats is common fare for our favorite demon slayer. The control is just as tight as it was before and now we have an evade button which allows us to walk on walls and perform some death defying cart wheels and back flips. Learning to use this button in conjunction with regular attacks is crucial to completing the game. You still collect orbs along your journey, red ones are used to purchase upgrades and items, blue ones extend your vitality meter, and gold ones bring you back from the dead should you happen to die. I say should you happen because this game is cake, the normal mode you start off on requires very little thought in achieving victory. A beginner can hold down the square button and continuously move, this will assure victory in most cases, but what the other reviewers don't tell you is that in order to obtain stylish ratings you must get those massive combos.

There are two unlockable difficulties of course you have hard mode which is a touch tougher than normal and Dante Must Die mode which is actually pretty difficult. This adds some much needed replay to an already finely crafted game. Throw in the ability to play as an alternate character and you have a big chunk of game to blast through. Both stories are close to identical but differentiate enough to keep you playing. There is also a ton of unlockable goodies for you to strive for such as two new characters to play as (I won't spoil who they are for you) and new costumes for Dante and Lucia. There is also a giant survival mode along side a level select mode. There is enough to appease the fans of the series as well as hook newcomers, there is certainly no lack of gameplay to be found. Along your journey you also collect power ups for your devil trigger mode, these can range from speed bursts to the ability to fly. Using these will become crucial throughout the game as well as being fun to disperse upon enemies.

Flock Off Reviewers!
Well after careful analysis of this game I must say I am pleased with the end result. Most sites and mags have been a little harsh on this game for being too easy and not innovative. What can I say it's exactly what I wanted, more of the ass kicking that I loved about the first one with enough added goodies to warrant my $50. This is how a sequel should be done and even though it was handled by a different team I am happy to say they did their job well. If you are a fan of DMC and want even more action to satisfy your demon hunting needs look no further than DMC2, a true sequel to one of the finest action games available on the PS2. Highly Recommended!

OverAll Score 9/10

Nelo Angelo Jan 30th, 2003 02:49 PM

This game is very good.

True, the demons don't put up that much of a fight.

However, there is a Dante/Lucia Must Die mode. :D

ssjtrunks13 Jan 30th, 2003 05:01 PM


Originally posted by Nelo Angelo

However, there is a Dante/Lucia Must Die mode. :D
I bet you they got that idea from the movie, Romeo Must Die.:cool:

Vic Viper Jan 30th, 2003 07:19 PM

damn, gamespot gave the game a 6.4.. :(

capcom totally drop the ball on this one, its still a solid game, but come on ..:mad:

Infernal Mass Jan 30th, 2003 09:39 PM

lamespot doesn't know anything..they gave DOAX a 6. IGN is where it's at.

i'm still waiting for the price to drop on this one though. i think war of the monsters is next on my list..

Daedaelus Jan 30th, 2003 10:54 PM

It's not surprising at all. I mean, sequels rarely do very well. As for review, well I only really trust Extended Play. IGN used to be great until they became a pay site. It's going to be the same situation for me as it was for the first one: this game is one hell of a rental.

David Jan 30th, 2003 10:56 PM

I saw a movie clip about it, I'll get it because it looks good, not by stinking reveiwers saying it's gonna be bad, I understand your point makgsnake, but would it be better to try it then judging by the sound of it, and the reveiwers thoughts or marking out of 10?

DragonSphere Jan 30th, 2003 11:09 PM

I got the game yesterday as well, and have been enjoying it very much for the last 10 missons. True, not many new things are included except bigger levels, weapons, moves, etc.; but is still a pretty good title. My only problem with it so far is that some of the cutscenes aren't actually clear of where the hell you are or even how you got there.

Spoiler: show
First your on the damn island for a few missions, and somehow you end up in an oil rig with hardly any explanation of how you got there at all.

Either that, or I have been misunderstanding them the whole time.

And yes, the game feels quite "empty" without Dante's taunts. :(

ssjtrunks13 Jan 31st, 2003 01:33 AM


Originally posted by David

I saw a movie clip about it, I'll get it because it looks good, not by stinking reveiwers saying it's gonna be bad, I understand your point makgsnake, but would it be better to try it then judging by the sound of it, and the reveiwers thoughts or marking out of 10?
I'd get it because it looks good too. I've learned not to trust reviewers because in the end it's what you believe that counts and whether you get it or not is up to you.

I also agree with IGN being great in the past. Now they've become a paysite out of the blue, They had such great guides too. Like FFVII and FFIX.

MakgSnake Jan 31st, 2003 01:46 AM

Yeah same here, although reviews gives a big impact on my, still I think its going to be great. I am buying The Getaway as well, which didn't get good reviews either. But I loved the Demo, and it changed me. Tomorrow evening I'll be playing DMC2 and The Getaway for sure.

David Jan 31st, 2003 03:22 AM

Thank's for pointing that out more Trunks. You follow what you like. Good, no one is against my post, yipee!:laugh:

I love games, so I follow what I believe in, that's why im gonna make games, as a game designer in the future.

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