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Ruby Moon Oct 4th, 2002 06:41 PM

Do you do "cosplay"?
I've been browsing many sites of coslayers. I find them really funny, even if I don't think some of the people who do it are the right persons. Let me explain: I've seen Rei Ayanami cosplayers, and they were so fat >__< I don't have anything against fat people, but why wearing a plugsuit if your "shape" doesn't allow you to wear it? :P Or many other people were using some "poor" costumes, or they simply didn't look good in them.

Would you do Cosplaying if you had the opportunity? Which costume would you like to wear?

merylsilverburg Oct 4th, 2002 07:11 PM

Re: Do you do "cosplay"?

Originally posted by Ruby Moon
I've been browsing many sites of coslayers. I find them really funny, even if I don't think some of the people who do it are the right persons. Let me explain: I've seen Rei Ayanami cosplayers, and they were so fat >__< I don't have anything against fat people, but why wearing a plugsuit if your "shape" doesn't allow you to wear it? :P Or many other people were using some "poor" costumes, or they simply didn't look good in them.
Ruby, trust me, I completely understand your points. I, too, have seen quite a few cosplayers that look....a bit...weird. For example, I've seen a girl dress up as Sugar, one of the main characters of this anime called Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar, and she was quite....large. The Sugar character is a petit little fairy. :heh: Most people, even if the shape or figure isn't exactly right, continue to cosplay just because they enjoy it and don't care. Besides, there's not many people who are thin like the anime female figures...kinda impossible, in a way. O_o;;;


Would you do Cosplaying if you had the opportunity? Which costume would you like to wear?

Hmm....if I had the opportunity, I still won't cosplay because I know that I don't look like any characters and just don't want to embarrass myself. But, I have only one Cosplay outfit, which is Anthy Himmemiya from Shoujo Kakumei Utena, but it's too small for me. :heh: Either that, or I'm fat. :laugh: But, if I had to dress up as one person, it'd probably be Seras Victoria of the moment, at least.

Ruby Moon Oct 4th, 2002 07:15 PM

hehehe, Seras ain't that thin, at least not as much as other anime characters, so apart from boobies, it's a lot better to choose a character like that one. Wise choice! jk

I know anime characters are impossible to be cosplayed as they are for obvious reasons. I don't want to say that all fat people cannot cosplay. I was just saying that a plugsuit or stuff like that are too much! They would look awful on 99% of cosplayers!

merylsilverburg Oct 4th, 2002 07:20 PM


Originally posted by Ruby Moon
hehehe, Seras ain't that thin, at least not as much as other anime characters, so apart from boobies, it's a lot better to choose a character like that one. Wise choice! jk

I know anime characters are impossible to be cosplayed as they are for obvious reasons. I don't want to say that all fat people cannot cosplay. I was just saying that a plugsuit or stuff like that are too much! They would look awful on 99% of cosplayers!

Yeah! I know, Seras is actually quite an average weight, thank God...:phew: And you're right about the chest size though...:P

What you said is true, but actually there are some people who can pull off some of the costumes quite well. Like, I recently saw this guy dress up as "D" from Vampire Hunter D....I was extremely shocked because he did the make-up, the costume, and everything so well! But, I know what you mean by some cosplayers going too far or too much. I've seen some guys dress up as Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop! :peoples:
Basically, the cosplayers I feel can pull of the costumes nicely are probably the Japanese. Their body shape and figures are just like some anime females and plus....they're Japanese. :heh:

Ruby Moon Oct 4th, 2002 07:23 PM

Yeah, but for some Japanese guys there's the opposite problem: some anime characters are too muscular for their thin shapes!:laugh:

merylsilverburg Oct 4th, 2002 08:19 PM

That's true too! :laugh:

Rei Oct 5th, 2002 07:32 AM

I don't cosplay and I don't like the idea much. I don't find anything wrong in people who like to do it, but anyway I agree that some people should choose more "carefully" their costumes :right:

Pu the Owl Oct 5th, 2002 08:35 AM

I wouldn't like to dress as a feale anime character, because most of their costumes are ridiculous for non-anime people :heh: and I don't like any of them in a particular way. I would like maybe to dress as a male anime character, but I don't know which one.

Hylas Oct 6th, 2002 09:17 AM

I find people who cosplay funny, but I agree that some of them are more than scary !:shock:
I don't know if I could think about wearing a costume inspired by anime characters. Not that I don't like the idea, but I don't find any of them particularly appealing at the moment, especially the ones of the girls. I admit I'd like to wear a plugsuit once in my life, and I'm not fat XD but I don't think I would like the feeling of being watched by guys dressed as Gendo Ikari wearing Asuka's suit! Just kidding, but I don't think I'll try it, also because I don't want to buy this stuff online, and there aren't any stores for this purposes where I live :(

Frozen Oct 14th, 2002 10:15 PM

No offense to anyone, but I think that cosplay is one of the worst ways you can degradate yourself :P

I just look at those photos and think to myself "Oh, they suck, they do indeed"

anyone I see doing that loses my respect for him/her.

And the other day I saw a black guy dressed like Ranma :peoples: What the hell was that. And at his side, there was a brown haired girl dressed as Ranma as well, but intending to look like the male Ranma. I believe that the two of them could hit it off, and then commit suicide together.

merylsilverburg Oct 14th, 2002 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Frozen
anyone I see doing that loses my respect for him/her. if you saw a Japanese person (which BTW, the Japanese are the ones who enjoy "cosplaying" the most) who decided to cosplay, you would absolutely just lose all respect for them?
The Japanese actually take the time to create the costumes from scratch or actually buy authentic, licensed costumes. They spend hundreds of dollars (or yen :heh: ) just so they could look like the characters and all. They really take pride in this hobby which they are able to call themselves pure otakus. I'm sure many Americans and all do the same and it's good at times, but sometimes they don't really take this seriously, which is the result of what Frozen and others saw, so that's why the costumes are bad and they just look awful. I would understand if the costume and person was just horrible looking, but if the person dresses up really well and look pretty close to the character, would it be right to just lose respect for that person?

Frozen Oct 15th, 2002 04:34 AM

You got it right Meryl-chan. I guess I had to make clear that, since the japanese are way different from the americans. Americans/Europeans/etc. that do cosplay are lame. Specially if they cll themselves otakus, when they are not even close to be one. So they suck. A TRUE japanese Otaku, that really looks like an anime char (which is rare) and that has really got the right clothes and all, and does not look like either a clown or transvesti, then, he/she does not lose my respect. The rest of that folk, just suck. But since most of them looks like either a clown or transvesti, that's hy I don't feel like respecting them at all. But who cares about who do I respect anyways XD

Hylas Oct 15th, 2002 11:57 AM

Sorry Frozen, but I can't agree on that. As I said, I wouldn't cosplay, but saying all European and american people who cosplay are lame, while Japanese are not , this is kinda stupid, isn't it? It's like saying they look good for the only reason they're japanese, while many characters from anime or manga series are not physically similar to asian race at all. If you look good with costume on, well, this can happen not only if you are Japanese. And not only Japanese are REAL otakus, you know... :peoples:
If you don't like cosplayers at all, ok, I can understand, but saying you only hate the ones who are not japanese for the reasons you wrote, well, I can't say you have intelligent opinions about this matter. No offence, I'm not talking in general but only regarding cosplaying.

Frozen Oct 15th, 2002 02:55 PM

Hey..... I would worship a girl who dressed like Asuka in that EVA suit, hell yeah. :evil:

You have just called me stupid in your post, with kind words.

My reasons are simple: Real otakus outside the japanese world are rare. Most of that people claim to be something they are not, and that's mostly why I think they suck. I already mentioned the reasons. They mostly look like either clowns or transvestites. That, in my non-intelligent opinion, IS NOT COOL. If you really LOOK A LOT like an anime character, really get very close to their measurements, and the clothes, outfits, whatever you are wearing are almost exactly like the character, then it's fine. But since it is RARE to see that, again comes, they just look like stupid losers most of times.

But maybe you are right after all regarding my opinion aboust cosplay... since everytime I see photographs of those conferences and stuff, all I see is a bunch of Drag Queens and macho lesbians, and I probably have never seen a single person who really looks like the character he/she's trying to look like, so there goes all my rant about them. If you gave me good examples of a cosplayer who has done his/her job well done, I could change my mind.

P.S. show us a pic of yourself dressed as Asuka :laugh:

merylsilverburg Oct 15th, 2002 08:05 PM

I have never seen a European cosplaying, so I can't really say much about it. But, for Americans, it does kinda seem shameful to see them dressing in outfits not properly put together. They take it seriously, in their opinion, but to others, it might not look so well. And like Hylas said, it would be more appropriate if Americans/Europeans cosplay more because a lot of the characters aren't necessarily all Japanese. I've only seen a couple of Americans who dressed up really well and look incredible. :cool:

Frozen Oct 16th, 2002 01:44 AM

Hylas, sweets, I'm sure you would like to see this. With all my love for you. Frozen.

Sleazy P Martini Oct 16th, 2002 07:24 AM

Ruby Moon Oct 16th, 2002 08:21 AM

*laughs at the above post*

Frozen, I'm sure Hylas was saying that a Japanese would look ridiculous as well with the same costume, and I don't think she said you're stupid. In fact I can't read the word "stupid" in her post talking about your person, but only regarding the fact you said meryl was right when she said that in general Japanese look better with costumes. :shock:
I've seen Japanese cosplayers and they look awful as well. For example, I've looked at a couple of Seymour's (ffx) cosplayers and you know that Seymour is quite muscular, while these Japanese cosplayers were not at all, so the costume really looked bad on them. Most of the people just pick the wrong costume for their body. It's normal they look bad if this happens. Doesn't matter if they're Japanese or American or European people. It's the same.
And about the quality of the costumes: I've seen japanese guys (included the Seymour's cosplayers above) with poor costumes as well. I think it's kinda pointless saying everytime that whatever comes from japanese people is better. Some of their costumes were so bad that you wouldn't like to take a look at them, trust me. It's not that they take it more seriously and stuff, it's just that more japanese people can buy this stuff with ease. But this doesn't mean all of them have fabulous costumes and that we must say "Ok, Japanese are real otakus, because they live in Japan. This means their costumes are always good and they look better than other people in them". As I said, I've seen terribly poor costumes also in many photos of Japanese cosplayers.

merylsilverburg Oct 16th, 2002 05:44 PM

Alright, first off, I didn't mean to say that all Japanese were better in cosplaying than anyone else in any other country, but all I'm saying is that sometimes they're just a little better, mainly because they have (like Ruby said) access to the goods. It's obvious that there's always bad cosplayers no matter what. But, basically: There are good and bad cosplayers, but we still have to understand that they're just trying to show their love for anime whether they take it seriously or not. I mean, there are really, really, really awful costumes....but we still have to admire their bravery for going out like that. :heh:

Frozen Oct 16th, 2002 10:33 PM

I'm sory about my assholish attitude these days. I'm going through some serious s*** :mad:

What I was talking about the japanese was more close to what meryl said, that you are more likely to find good cosplayers among the japanese otakus than the otehr people.

But Hylas DID SAY that my opinions were not intelligent, thus, if you put some sense to those words, they imply that I am stupid. But she also emphasized that only it was towards cosplaying. So no offense taken after all.

Sleazy, I'm sure he gets a lot of chicks, specially with that spectacular outfit.


Drag queens, clowns, and prostitutes, all together :laugh:

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