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FATT47 Jan 28th, 2005 09:43 AM

Hmmm, MX vs ATV Unleashed, so is......
this next racin game goin to be a good one or will it be as disappointin as ATV3 was, at least it was disappointin to this gamer.

Here's a preview of the game slated to come out early in March 2005.

My disappointment in ATV3 was the unrealistic feel the ATV's had in regard to way to much speed, the original ATV2 had such a good feel speed wise and all that was needed to make a new game IMO was to use what they already had and just add some needed goodies, improve the online features with mic support and increase the number of online gamers from 4 to 6-8, put some mini games online and leave a great game alone, I know I'd of kept ATV3 for more then 3 days if they had of done that.

Well, we'll soon know, but I'm not rushin out to get this game until I see it in a demo or get first hand info from someone that wants to take the leap.
I'm tired of anticipatin a game and then bein so disappointed in it that I end up havin to take it back.

Drafter-T Jan 28th, 2005 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
this next racin game goin to be a good one or will it be as disappointin as ATV3 was, at least it was disappointin to this gamer.

Here's a preview of the game slated to come out early in March 2005.

My disappointment in ATV3 was the unrealistic feel the ATV's had in regard to way to much speed, the original ATV2 had such a good feel speed wise and all that was needed to make a new game IMO was to use what they already had and just add some needed goodies, improve the online features with mic support and increase the number of online gamers from 4 to 6-8, put some mini games online and leave a great game alone, I know I'd of kept ATV3 for more then 3 days if they had of done that.

Well, we'll soon know, but I'm not rushin out to get this game until I see it in a demo or get first hand info from someone that wants to take the leap.
I'm tired of anticipatin a game and then bein so disappointed in it that I end up havin to take it back.

Agreed about ATV3. What a joke. :mean:

I know this, if they hold to what they did with MX Unleashed, this will be a good game, maybe great. The speed in MXU is comparable to ATV2, not just outrageous like ATV3. Plus the physics in MXU are real good.

FATT47 Jan 29th, 2005 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Agreed about ATV3. What a joke. :mean:

I know this, if they hold to what they did with MX Unleashed, this will be a good game, maybe great. The speed in MXU is comparable to ATV2, not just outrageous like ATV3. Plus the physics in MXU are real good.

I think ya said ya played the MX version, I didn't so if ya say this new game has a chance at bein good based on that I'll keep my hopes up, we seem to feel the same about most of these games :happy:

We have a little over a month to wait so let's keep our fingers crossed, we need somethin to go with ToCA to us from gettin into our rutts :bang:

Drafter-T Jan 29th, 2005 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by FATT47
I think ya said ya played the MX version, I didn't so if ya say this new game has a chance at bein good based on that I'll keep my hopes up, we seem to feel the same about most of these games :happy:

We have a little over a month to wait so let's keep our fingers crossed, we need somethin to go with ToCA to us from gettin into our rutts :bang:

I think since Rainbow made ATV1 and 2, as well as MXU, I think MX vs ATV should be a great game. Too bad we won't be able to use our wheels though, lol. :no:

FATT47 Jan 29th, 2005 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
I think since Rainbow made ATV1 and 2, as well as MXU, I think MX vs ATV should be a great game. Too bad we won't be able to use our wheels though, lol. :no:

Sounds good, ya know I was wonderin about the wheel?
Maybe when we run the sandbuggies, the monster trucks and any vehicle on more then two wheels the wheel could be used, we'll see I guess. :blergh:

Drafter-T Jan 29th, 2005 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by FATT47
Sounds good, ya know I was wonderin about the wheel?
Maybe when we run the sandbuggies, the monster trucks and any vehicle on more then two wheels the wheel could be used, we'll see I guess. :blergh:

Maybe, but I seriously doubt it. The way MXU is setup, when you are in freestyle mode, you come across a truck or something, you just jump in and take off. I have no clue how MX vs ATV will handle that, but I can't imagine them adding wheel support.

Now, wouldn't it be cool to have a controller like the handle bars of an ATV or a bike? That might be pretty awesome!

FATT47 Jan 29th, 2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Maybe, but I seriously doubt it. The way MXU is setup, when you are in freestyle mode, you come across a truck or something, you just jump in and take off. I have no clue how MX vs ATV will handle that, but I can't imagine them adding wheel support.

Now, wouldn't it be cool to have a controller like the handle bars of an ATV or a bike? That might be pretty awesome!

Ya know I was wonderin how they were gunna do the online race setup, I can see in the single player mode them doin what ya say, but for online racin it seems like they'd have to make it so the host could set the types of cars or bikes or whatever to be raced.
Ya couldn't race Monster Trucks against ATV's could ya, doesn't seem like it would be much of a race, would ya think?

Drafter-T Jan 29th, 2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
Ya know I was wonderin how they were gunna do the online race setup, I can see in the single player mode them doin what ya say, but for online racin it seems like they'd have to make it so the host could set the types of cars or bikes or whatever to be raced.
Ya couldn't race Monster Trucks against ATV's could ya, doesn't seem like it would be much of a race, would ya think?

Yeah, I don't know how they will do it either in this new game, but yeah in MXU, you could actually run races in your bike against a monster truck or whatever. Now it was in Free Style mode, and it was more or less a "side challenge" type thing. It wasn't like you went into race mode and raced against a truck or anything on a tight supercross type of track.

But I don't know how it will be with MX vs ATV. It sounds like they might've taken the extra vehicle stuff to a new level maybe. I wonder if you'll still be able to fly helicopters and planes. That was kind of a neat feature in MXU. I mean it didn't take long to get old, but it was cool for something different.

Still waiting on that handlebar controller for motocross games. Come on Sony!

FATT47 Jan 29th, 2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Yeah, I don't know how they will do it either in this new game, but yeah in MXU, you could actually run races in your bike against a monster truck or whatever. Now it was in Free Style mode, and it was more or less a "side challenge" type thing. It wasn't like you went into race mode and raced against a truck or anything on a tight supercross type of track.

But I don't know how it will be with MX vs ATV. It sounds like they might've taken the extra vehicle stuff to a new level maybe. I wonder if you'll still be able to fly helicopters and planes. That was kind of a neat feature in MXU. I mean it didn't take long to get old, but it was cool for something different.

Still waiting on that handlebar controller for motocross games. Come on Sony!

I know ya know by now not to depend on my memory LOL, but it seems I remember once seein a handlebar controller some time ago?

I think the planes and choppers are only in the single player mode, I don't think ya can do them online?

I hope ya can set tracks and types of vehicles for hosted races, same classes seems the way to go.

Drafter-T Jan 29th, 2005 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
I know ya know by now not to depend on my memory LOL, but it seems I remember once seein a handlebar controller some time ago?

I think the planes and choppers are only in the single player mode, I don't think ya can do them online?

I hope ya can set tracks and types of vehicles for hosted races, same classes seems the way to go.

You might be right about the handle bar controller. Heck, if they can have a fishing controller, there ought to be one somewhere for motocross, lol.

I just looked on the back of my ATV and motocross games and none of them say anything about special controllers.

It would have to be pretty good for me to drop money on it though. It would have to solid like the Logitech DFP, but alot less expensive, lol.

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