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Spank-A-Thon Sep 4th, 2003 06:59 PM

So how ya been? It's been a while...
Greetings to all and sundry!

After a rather lengthy hiatus, Spank is back. Pull up a chair, make yourselves comfortable - hell, remove some clothes if you like!

So how is everyone? Let me know what you've all been up to!

As for me, the last good few months have been somewhat eventful! Umm, where do I start?? I guess my love life is as good a place to start as any!

I finally realised who it was who was important to me and who I was in love with... Unfortunately (yup - you knew that was coming didn't ya!), the lady in question got sick of waiting for me and has moved on... I can't blame her, I was too scared to admit to myself how I felt about her... So I lost the love of my life - that was 7 months ago and I'm still pining! Such is life - let's just say a drinking problem developed, as did many trips to a counsellor - but I'm okay now I guess!

What else? Oh yeah, I was in a car crash which resulted in £1800 damage to my car... Fortunately no one was hurt and that was the important thing!

And finally (seeing as bad things come in three's), I tore a ligament in my knee this past tuesday during the first training session of the new basketball season - so that's me out for 3 months at least, maybe more... :weep:

So now you've all wiped the tears from your eyes (cos I know it's a sad tale!), please tell me about what's been happening with you guys! And make it happy - and I'll think of some happy stuff to chime in with too!

To all the folks who knew me previously - I missed you all and it's great to be back!!! To those who don't - hope I get to know you as well!

I look forward to hearing what you've all been up to!

- S

goodman Sep 4th, 2003 08:38 PM

Hey Spank, great to have you back on any conditions and i certainly send my condolences your way. As for myself, between work, women, and... work, im doing pretty good myself. Im going to have the inside of my home remodeled so that i can entertain more and just have a much more desireable living environment. The forum is strong with most of the good members who have always been here, and its certainly good to hear from you. Please do make it a habit to return and put your intelligent, and thought provoking comments into the forums and have a great fall!

Sleazy P Martini Sep 4th, 2003 10:44 PM

Glad to see you back, and I hope you get over these rough times. Whats up with me? Nothing much.......enjoying my new son and playing WAY too much kotor. (third time playing through.....and still not bored of it)

Anyways.......Hope things get better for ya. ;)

Berserker Sep 5th, 2003 01:25 AM

Yo Spank, good to see you've returned! Too bad life's been roughing you, dude. But hey your from Mersey side so you'll probably know every cloud has a silver lining, walk on walk on ;)
I've been enjoying the summer last few months....heatwave yeah!
Anyway good to have you back, see you around.

happy_doughnut Sep 5th, 2003 02:03 PM

It really is a great thing to see you're back, Spank. Surely - you were missed by everyone :).

Your time away was a long one indeed - Hopefully this won't happen again! Your presense was noted as missing along with your enjoyable posts, so hopefully, any other future absenses won't be as long. ^_^

And like it's been previously said : I hope that the bad times have all passed, and that the future holds better prospects for you. That was a sad tale indeed! :weep: Hopefully you shall be better now - for I truly hope so. :)

Me? Well, apart from the sad fact that I haven't played videogames at all during summer, I've done ... nothing. x_x;
There was nothing during this summer that stands out. In other words : it was quite boring. Having much, much work to do, I eveloped myself in books and whatnot - much to my dismay.
Hopefully this workload will lighten as the year progresses. ^_^

All in all, it's great to have you back! :happy:

BlackThornn Sep 8th, 2003 02:50 PM

DUDE! Spank! You're back! :) WB, man! Sorry to hear about your troubles, buddy. That's really gotta suck. >_<

I haven't been up to much all summer. A couple of temp jobs and a lot of bill juggling.. since the beginning of the year it's been downhill, but during the summer it was kind of a shallower grade, so I'm not complaining too much.

Anyway, missed you, bud. Glad you're back. :karate:

Harry Sep 8th, 2003 07:01 PM

Welcome back Spank ... what else can I say ;)

ssjtrunks13 Sep 8th, 2003 07:11 PM

It's good to see ya back.

Over the summer I got a job at a local pool and so I made some money with which to buy some video games I'd like. Besides that not much happened than beating 3 video games that I had put off finishing.

Redpyramidhead Sep 9th, 2003 01:04 AM

Nice to see you back from the front old top. Sorry about the rought times...especially with the woman. There is no pain worse than heartache...something my brother once said to me as a reminder. Actually, it was recently, and even though I know that pain well, I almost made a fatal mistake regarding a woman I know. It didn't work out, but it could have been a lot worse. So anyways, I am saying that I feel your pain man and hope the pining subsides. You will conquer!

Enough of that...we have missed your posts here, but I don't think I can say it better than Mena Sniper, who is now happy_doughnut, as you may have noticedm but still Mena to the rest of us who know better...she's not fooling anybody:laugh:

So yeah, I just bought Metroid Prime and RE 0 today for a combined price of only 40 bucks! wooo! What a deal.:cool:

PEACE out Spank

_RED_ stuff

Spank-A-Thon Sep 9th, 2003 02:05 PM

Hey guys!

Thanks for the greets and it's good to hear you all doing okay!

It hasn't been all bad though! My Dad's recently bought a 12 bedroomed Farm House in the Sierra-Nevada Mountains in Spain!!! As of April 2004 he said I can have use of it whenever I want! Woo hoo! Anyone fancy a cheap holiday next summer??

Anyways, keep an eye on the Fan Fiction forum over the next few days or so - I have an idea for something I hope will be an entertaining story!

Thanks again everyone!

- S

Piggle_humsy Sep 11th, 2003 08:22 PM

Well I never!

This site aint big enuff for the both of us partner!


ok ok it's late, I've been deprived of sleep and im feeling a little more crazy than normal!

Well sorry about the knee, the rest I knew about but the knee, that's a real bummer! Hope its not giving you too much agro!

And about the cheap holiday, that sounds great! I'll start saving! :D

Well I'll probly see you around either way!

For now byeee!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

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