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Frozen Aug 10th, 2002 05:44 AM

How do I get a dog tag in the Ascending Colon?
It's the only dog tag I lack of in the plant. I know that this is a pathetic question but I just don't know how, or from which guard should I take that dog tag from.



As Raiden is naked and has no weapons or anything, and can not even grab guards to make them choke, how am I supposed to tell them "freeze!"? and after he meets Snake, all afte that leads towards the end of the game, not anymore sneaking as it is just fight and fight and fight until the end.............. so how the heck do I get that dog tag?

Frozen Aug 11th, 2002 03:24 PM

Alas, not so many replies please! :disturb:

MakgSnake Aug 11th, 2002 04:04 PM

Hmmm...Lets See!
I Would Love To Help, But I Myself Havn't Tried Collecting All The DogTags. Only For The Tanker Chapter. I Guess Cause Of Snake!.! I Am Sure .... Other Members Would Help U Out Soon!

Ice Cold Aug 11th, 2002 07:08 PM

*********************SPOILERS********************* **

Don't worry. There are no tags to be collected in the colon. Just run past all the guards and get up stairs. Go across the catwalk and to the left their is a door that leads to a cutscene.

Once you get your guns from snake, dart him for his tag. I believe It says Pliskin, or something like that.

Hope this helps.

RobHardo Aug 11th, 2002 10:36 PM


you cant dart him you can only use the sword dude unless i missed somethin

Frozen Aug 12th, 2002 12:29 AM

Mr. MakgSnake did not know how to??? :shock:

Mwa ha ha ha ha, it wasn't either the dart or the sword (if you use the sword you cut him and he says "Damn kid!!! and shoots Raiden) and I did not dare to use it many times so I would not end up killing him or he killing me. So I thought it'd be fun to beat each other's arses with our own hands, and certainly, after some rounds of fists and kicks, I knocked Snake down. While he was knocked down, I shaked him, and indeed, the dog tag jumped out from him :happy:

Thanks guys, you are the best :D

Edit: The dog tag says: Solid Snake :happy:

MakgSnake Aug 12th, 2002 10:31 AM


Originally posted by Frozen
Mr. MakgSnake did not know how to??? :shock:
Hey.....Nobody's Perfect, And I Am Only Human! :disturb: :P :roll:

RobHardo Aug 12th, 2002 01:13 PM

how tru how true, peopel expectin to much outta ya makg

Ice Cold Aug 12th, 2002 04:16 PM



you cant dart him you can only use the sword dude unless i missed somethin
My bad, I think the best way to get his tags is to put him in a choke hold. Give his neck a twist about three times and it should wear him out. Then give him a shake down for the tag.

MakgSnake Aug 12th, 2002 05:51 PM


Originally posted by Solid: Snake
how tru how true, peopel expectin to much outta ya makg
And I Let Them Down :heh: :sick: :(

Frozen Aug 13th, 2002 02:14 AM

Hey Makg, don’t let it be a big deal. I was just kidding about it :D You already said you got the ones at the Tanker because of Snake, so you are turned off to take them with Raiden, I think.

About getting the dog tag giving Snake a choke hold....... did you actually do that, Ice Cold? Snake is always facing you, so I don’t think is possible to do that. But alas, just by knocking him down and shaking him is enough! :D

bellsdelsol Aug 19th, 2002 02:19 PM

I don't know if you guys know or not but if you hit the R3 button Raiden switches the sword to the blunt side and you can knock guys out without killing them.

MakgSnake Aug 19th, 2002 07:02 PM


Originally posted by bellsdelsol
I don't know if you guys know or not but if you hit the R3 button Raiden switches the sword to the blunt side and you can knock guys out without killing them.
Yes We Know That! :laugh:

Frozen Aug 19th, 2002 10:41 PM

You can also do that with the square button :D But it really didn't come to my mind..... I was just afraid of using the sword against one of my heroes

I like how you hit him and then run away from him, but he will come for you and kick your arse calling you "moron" :laugh:

merylsilverburg Aug 24th, 2002 04:47 AM

Hey, since we're all talking about Dog Tags here, I thought I might ask a few questions myself. :laugh:

1) How do you get that Dog Tag from the guard in the Tanker where you go into the room with Box 1 in it? You know, when you get the box and the guard comes in. He gives you an attitude and if you use your USP, the other guards come rushing in on Alert Mode. That's the last one of the Tanker I'm missing and man, am I pissed! :frust:

2) Okay, silly question, but how are you able to save your Dog Tags? I mean, I played just the Plant part and I got quite a couple of Dog Tags on the Very Easy mode (I'm making my way up to Extreme) and I completed the game, right? But, when I start a new game playing the Tanker-Plant and overwrite my previous save from the Plant Chapter, all the Dog Tags I got from there are gone. :weep: So, am I supposed to create new files for each mode: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme?

Frozen Aug 25th, 2002 02:35 AM

I'll try to answer these questions Meryl-chan

1)I'm not too sure which room are you exactly talking about, but I believe is the one that has some food stored on it...... well, what I'm going to tell you is actually a technique that ALMOST ALWAYS works...... just take down the other guards nearby, you can even do that without any rounds on your tranquilizer gun....... you just make them FREEZE! then do the usual thing, get their dog tag...... and then, just walk behind them (while pointing the gun, of course) and then unequip the gun without them noticing..... so you can just kill them giving them a choke hold, that way, you don't make any noise, and you don't waste any bullets XD

Now, that you have already taken down all of them, just leave for last that stubborn soldier..... and when he says "Are you going to shoot me?" or whatever just shoot in his arm as you already know, and as everybody else is dead already, no one will hear

2)Hmmm, that's so weird..... actually, I have all my dog tags in one single file.... I'll tell you how it worked for me: I just beated the game in normal for the first time, and only got the dog tag for Stillman because I had no idea about them XD Next time, I beated the game, once again in normal..... but I beated it using "Tanker-Plant", not only "Plant" Now, when I did that, I got 100% in both. Then, I beated the game in "hard" (using again "tanker-Plant") but forgot to shake Olga when she was asleep XD So I got 96% on hard in the Tanker, and 100% in the Plant. Then, I just played with "Tanker" to get Olga's dog tag, and got 100%

So, if you didn't get confused with all my ramble, you probably have noticed that no matter how I played it, or in which difficulty, or in which file I saved.... I still got saved all of the dog tags, so it should be working the same way for you........

Probably somebody else will need to answer this question to you!!! :laugh: XD

MakgSnake Aug 25th, 2002 02:37 AM

U Dont Have To
Meryl Sweets, U Dont Have To Make New Save Files For EACH Difficulty.

Ok Do This. Start Playing Tanke With "Very Easy"..... Now Collect Most Of The DogTags And When Ure Done With It. Save The File. And Now LOAD The Game With That Saved File And Then Start The TANKER With "Easy" ..... Now Finish This, With Collecting Dogtags... And When Ure Done. SAVE Ure Game On The Same File "OverWrite" It. And Then Start Game With Normal And Keep Doing ...... Till Extreme.

And When Ure Done With Extreme........ Go To Special And Then Go To DogTags. U SHOULD Be Getting All The Info Of DogTags Uve Gotten In ALL Modes. As U OverWrote The File Name With The Complition Of The Game.

It Works For Me!.! Try It Sweets

As For The Gaurd Ure Asking Who Shows Attitude. ........ It Depends When Ure Trying To Take The DogTags. There Are Some Gaurds U Can Take The DOGTAGS With The SOCOM .... The M9 Is No Scary Thing For Them. So Make The OTHER People All Around Go To Bed Soon. Give Them An M9. And Then Head Towards The Guy U Want So Bad!.!

So If The Guy Shows Attitude..... Equip The SOCOM...... And Then Shoot Once NEAR His Ear. ... ... Once U Shoot. He'll Start Shaking And Give U His Tag And Other Stuff Too! :)

Let Me Know If All This Works Fine!.!

Or U Can Read Forzen's Answer, He Answered Before Me, As We Both Were Answering At The Same Time.

Frozen Aug 25th, 2002 02:46 AM

LMAO, Makg's answers were much more clear and less complicated, so just don't mind what I said and do what he said XD

PS: I just suggested the choke hold thing because I enjoy it soo much! :laugh:

MakgSnake Aug 25th, 2002 02:52 AM

Nah Man!

Originally posted by Frozen
LMAO, Makg's answers were much more clear and less complicated, so just don't mind what I said and do what he said XD
Nah Man, I Think Ure Answers Are Better!.! I Am Serious!.! Well She Have Choices Now!.! But Its Cool What U Said About Chocking!.! :laugh:

merylsilverburg Aug 25th, 2002 03:44 AM

Ah, domo arigatou gozaimasu Frozen-sama and Makg-sama! :happy: I will try those techniques and see what happens. Thanks again guys, you both are great!! :D :cool: :D :cool:

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