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trunks69420 Nov 21st, 2003 07:22 PM

I am not sure if someone wants to move this thread but i am gonna just post it here i suppose...
I just got this game today... actually i was skeptical and rented it first... after 5 mins of gameplay i am deciding to trade in games to own this... I am broke and would sell myself to own this game...
If you like awesome stealth action w/ great combat, gore violence profanity... well this is it!

From the moment i started and made my first execution... i was hooked... I only broke away cause i felt an obligation to my ps2fantasy family to tell you all that in my opinion.. which i am sure many of you may disagree... is a fantastic game. NOT FOR CHILDREN AT ALL.... i used to work at a game store and would lethally enforce children not getting this game.. Holy shit is all i can say... but the gameplay is good.. graphics grainy and rough but in a good way... and the blood and death is well done:) Oh and did i metion the headset compatability? You can try and lure enemies by using it and the director talks to you on there rather than on the screen... not really important but a kickass feature if you are well and done w/ socom:) Well that is it for now...
Feel free to post your opinions and questions here... great game!

Beretta55 Nov 21st, 2003 07:54 PM

I plan on renting this game tonight it looks just.......just so great. one of the games i have been waiting most for my ps2 this year this game is gonna be great i cant wait to play it.

MakgSnake Nov 23rd, 2003 12:37 AM

I bought this game the day it came out.....and I AM SO FREAKING GLAD I did. Cause you never might be pulled off the shelves....any minute. Who knows.

This game is AWESOME!!!!!! Something I wanted for a long time.

Now I know....that GORE and BIZZARE things are pushed in the game, but its needed for a game like this. I can easily say that this game is a BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE of "METAL GEAR SOLID/GRAND THEFT AUTO (When it comes to control)/SPLINTER CELL.

This game is beautiful too....excellent graphics and awesome animation. Wow......I love the execution in this game. Just plain brilliant. Although sometimes I WE REALLY need a game like this.....but then seeing how things are in real life (Not saying that this is what happens in real life), but seeing our Media and Television........I see why ROCKSTAR came up with this awesome IDEA.

I love this game.

trunks69420 Nov 23rd, 2003 03:29 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

I bought this game the day it came out.....and I AM SO FREAKING GLAD I did. Cause you never might be pulled off the shelves....any minute. Who knows.

This game is AWESOME!!!!!! Something I wanted for a long time.

Now I know....that GORE and BIZZARE things are pushed in the game, but its needed for a game like this. I can easily say that this game is a BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE of "METAL GEAR SOLID/GRAND THEFT AUTO (When it comes to control)/SPLINTER CELL.

This game is beautiful too....excellent graphics and awesome animation. Wow......I love the execution in this game. Just plain brilliant. Although sometimes I WE REALLY need a game like this.....but then seeing how things are in real life (Not saying that this is what happens in real life), but seeing our Media and Television........I see why ROCKSTAR came up with this awesome IDEA.

I love this game.

I couldnt agree more my friend... This game is simply beautiful. I also think to myself while executing some poor bastard w/ a bat... is this really good? And i answer yes. This is the type of game that i think will get a lot of attention for the wrong reasons.. but as you have played it... i must say doesnt this game actually have some depth? I mean good lord... I thought it would just be a kill fest.. but doing all the executions and sneaking around and shit... this is an immersive experience for adults to enjoy.
Rockstar has definitely hit hard with this one. I am so proud to have this game as a part of my collection... Now anyone who has played this.. do you think that this game will be pulled from shelves? I mean.. i love the game and all... but goddamn that is some gory shit in here, and the F word's constant use... This game truly represents that games as a kids thing is out the window for good. It is like playing a movie really... You dont say pull this movie cause it is too violent or too bloody do you? No... this game is art whether the media and mothers everywhere want to admit or not... Brilliant job Sam and Dan Houser:)
after further playing rated as 10/10 for sure... great game.. if you want an immersive experience that is as real as it feels you cant get much better... Have fun and happy hunting:)

Beretta55 Nov 23rd, 2003 03:33 AM

im not 17 and im playing this game like none other:laugh: its mostly because i can tell this game isnt reality its a game and shouldnt be taking it seriously. the game is great but im not going to want to stick a crow bar into someone's neck because of it. but i dont think the game will be taken off the shevles since games like this and grand theft auto are protected by freedom of speech (it was posted here along time ago forget the link) but im still going to russle up some cash and buy this game as fast as i can just in case.

edit: and the f word has been in use for awhile i own a game that use's it (die hard vendetta) and the getaway that has more useage of the f word then manhunt seriously every sentance in the getaway is the useage of the F word or shit.

Edit again: i have recently thought about this now that i think about it this game is completely shocking. im not a wuss by any means i dont think this game should be banned at all but what im shocked about is....mortal kombat about years and years ago was the most violent game on the market (when it released on super nintendo and genis) that was looked apon as one of the most violent games ever made now years later we have manhunt and the early versions of mortal kombat are laughed apon (in violent matters of course) what shocks me is what will come up in the next 10 years? games are getting more and more realistic so who knows what violent game will be out in about 10 years. on another note im glad this game came out i find it neat that a company has the balls to release a game like this they are meaning to shock people and are not afraid to put games like this out. but in the end i think this game is great and im having a really fun time playing it.

Infernal Mass Nov 27th, 2003 02:26 AM

my first impressions of the game were negative, but after some time i started to really enjoy myself. :evil:

the game is great, deffinately going into my collection.

i was playing with the headset on and acciddently sneezed..the noise alerted a nearby hunter..:laugh:

pretty good stuff,

Vicious_2003 Nov 29th, 2003 02:07 AM

The screens made me think this game would go the way of State of Emergency. But I am glad to hear that it hasnt from your excellent reviews. Too bad its only on PS2 or id have to buy it. Perhaps I will play it at a friends house , its got me rather curious.

P.S = Judging by the screens the game is far from gorgeuous. But ill take your words for it

RobHardo Nov 29th, 2003 07:28 PM

It's a keeper!
I rented this, I was hooked after i killed that dude with the hockey mask. Anyways This game gets 3.5/5 solid snake stars

Redpyramidhead Dec 6th, 2003 03:09 AM


Originally posted by Beretta55

on another note im glad this game came out i find it neat that a company has the balls to release a game like this they are meaning to shock people and are not afraid to put games like this out. but in the end i think this game is great and im having a really fun time playing it.

I don't think it has to do with balls so much as Rockstar saw the opportunity to push the envelope again for their pwn personal gain. Sure they mean to schock people, but would they be doing it if it weren't the popular thing to do? The consumer likes to see taboo barriers broken. This is nothing new and in the video game business that desire has probably increased ten fold since ten years ago or so wehen Mortal Kombat first came out, as you mentioned. Yes, Manhunt has depth other than the obvious violence, but the point is still something else. I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say except that I believe it takes more cahones to not follow a marketing trend, in interest of artistry. So my question to you who have played the game is: Does the violence in this game compliment the story in an artistic way a la Max Payne or Getaway style? Or is it simply gratuitous and glorified violence for the sake of random violence and nothing else? If that is the case it is much more like a JAckass episode than artistry.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love games with ridiculous amounts of out of place violence as much as the next gamer and will probably end up sooner or later owning manhunt myself. GTA: Vice City continues to entertain me and will for ages.

So...why am I complaining? I don't know except that something about a game like Manhunt getting more notice than the previous Silent Hill installment already (seemingly) is bothering me on a personal level.

_RED_ stuff

Infernal Mass Dec 11th, 2003 06:37 PM

The developer of two of the most popular games of all time. This game may not have the GTA name on the cover, but it certainly has the style. Rockstar North, is one of my favorite developers. Their work may be controversial, but the underlying foundation of thier games is what's most important.

the blood and gore adds to this games atmosphere, much like blood and gore adds to Silent Hills. It's there to affect the player. To give the player an immersive experiance..

On a side note Brian Cox does a superb job as the voice of sadisitc director Starkweather..

visual aid

from X2 below

Vulcan Raven Dec 22nd, 2003 01:29 AM

I went to buy it and It was BANNED (in New Zealand.)


it is going on appeal though....

then i will get it! Looks good tho

trunks69420 Dec 22nd, 2003 06:14 AM


Originally posted by Grim_Reaper

I went to buy it and It was BANNED (in New Zealand.)


it is going on appeal though....

then i will get it! Looks good tho
Wow.. that is depressing... allthough i cant say there is no reason for it... I am honestly surprised that more people havent jumped on the wagon to ban this game... I have beaten it once allready.. My good friend borrowed it and i believe i will start it again on Xmas day so i will have plenty of heads under the nice douglas furr;)

Good luck reaper getting a copy... i hope you get one

Infernal Mass Jan 5th, 2004 09:37 PM

i just finished the game in hardcore mode. Manhunt is a bunch of games rolled into one. You have here the max payne shootouts, the tenchu stealth kills, and the gore from silent hill all in one!

A very odd combination, but it all comes together so very well! Rockstar North, has once again proven that they are a great development brand.

-PSX- Jan 13th, 2004 04:57 PM

I rented this game too... And this is going on my top 3 games to get along with NFS.

It is a brillaint hybrid of gore, violence, stealth and a littel bit of fun rolled into one. Excellent gameplay and visuals and the ending is brillaint. But I'll save hardcore for when I buy it.

Vulcan Raven Jan 13th, 2004 08:25 PM


Originally posted by trunks69420

Wow.. that is depressing... allthough i cant say there is no reason for it... I am honestly surprised that more people havent jumped on the wagon to ban this game... I have beaten it once allready.. My good friend borrowed it and i believe i will start it again on Xmas day so i will have plenty of heads under the nice douglas furr;)

Good luck reaper getting a copy... i hope you get one
well trunks, my local (favourite) gaming store Central Park Interactive said that they still do have 3 copies left out the back that they kept even after the copies were taken away and banned. They say they cant sell them....but they said they'll see what they can do and wangle their way into 'illegally' (i guess) sell me a copy (and for cheaper cause its not on the shelves!)
NZ$75.00 (game normally NZ$129.95 if on shelves)

So Yaaay! hopefully i'll be able to get it!!

-PSX- Jan 14th, 2004 04:36 PM

if you can't maybe you could just move cos that sucks man

Vulcan Raven Jan 14th, 2004 05:38 PM


Originally posted by -PSX-

if you can't maybe you could just move cos that sucks man
You Can Say That Again! Im moving to the states anyway! ( well i want to!)

XXAVIERR Jan 14th, 2004 05:47 PM

After hearing the reviews everybody here has given it, I will at least have to go out and rent it if not buy it. I've been hesitant to go and get this game because of the graphics. I guess from what everybody else says, the violence, gore and gameplay make up for that.

Reid Jan 14th, 2004 08:27 PM

Are the graphics really supposed to be bad?

From the footage I've seen on commercials it looks alright - I don't know if it's multi-platform or not so are those from PS2 gameplay?


trunks69420 Jan 15th, 2004 10:23 AM


Originally posted by Reid

Are the graphics really supposed to be bad?

From the footage I've seen on commercials it looks alright - I don't know if it's multi-platform or not so are those from PS2 gameplay?

The GRAPHICS!?!?! This game has great graphics for the type of game it is.. *not yelling at you reid, just the situation* Do you play silent hill?? the graphics are grainy and shit to provide atmosphere... And if i may say so this game provides quite a bit of atmosphere... The graphics are beautiful for the type of game it is....... I never hear anyone say that the GTA series is too cartoony... For how violent this game is and how great it is... to say the graphics are shitty is a severe oversight. Please aknowledge this game for what it is and how great it is.

Sorry if i seem like i am yelling... i just woke up and i am a very ornery person when i wake up:)

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