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Mercury Shadow May 17th, 2002 05:53 PM

Virtua Fighter 4 Thread
I got this game a couple weeks ago, and I'm officially addicted.

So this thread is to talk about all the different things in Virtua Fighter 4.

Who do you play as? What's your favorite stage? Do you use grabs a lot? What dan are you? Anything.

I love playing as Jacky and Shun Di. There's just something about the drunken master that makes him so unique. His grabs are awesome (especially the one where he smacks his opponnent around!!) and Jacky has a lotta cool combos. Right now I'm 4th dan with Jacky and 2nd dan with Shun Di. And you guys?

I also have a question, you know how you can open up VF2 characters? well, I did, put I have no clue as of how to play with them. anyone know?

Infernal Mass May 17th, 2002 07:00 PM

I know that if you press P+K immediately after selecting your custom character(player file) you'll get the VF1 model. I wasn't aware that the VF2 models were in the game..if so it's an excellent bonus. I'm currently using Sarah(4thDan) & Jacky(5th Kyu). Their styles are almost identical, which makes it easier switching from one to the other. My favorite arena of the game is Lau Chan's stage.

Mercury Shadow May 17th, 2002 07:25 PM

I know what you mean about Jacky and Sarah's fighting styles being identical. After all, they're brother and sister.

I can't get those VF1 models that you're talking about. Which buttons do I push? I know triangle and circle are punch and kick, but R1 and R2 are also punches and kicks. And when you say immediately, do you mean press X (to select the character) and P+K all at the same time? or like 1 second afterwards?

I'd have to say my favorite stage is either Lion's snow level or the level with the water (who's level is that? I think it's Aoi's)

Infernal Mass May 17th, 2002 07:43 PM

On the charcter select screen press select to bring up your file, then press x to choose your custom character.. then immediately after the selection has been confirmed press and hold triangle and circle. That water level you mentioned is my second favorite arena overall..i'm guessing that's where the fight w/ invisible Dural takes place.

Infernal Mass May 18th, 2002 11:53 PM

An interview with Sega AM2 about VF4 which dispells all rumors of it arriving to microsofts console.

Link: https://www.xen***********/sections/interviews/7409/

Mercury Shadow May 19th, 2002 09:02 AM

That's sweet! All my xbox friends were bragging how they get the new updated version of VF4... hahaha... What about VF4 the RPG? I heard it's for GC, hmm, kinda sounds like Shenmue.

Also Kabuki, trying pressing and holding P (triangle) and K (circle) during your replay when you win and you will see a different win pose. You can only do it with your higher dan. Also trying doing the same thing but with P+K+B.

tedward May 22nd, 2002 04:54 PM

the invisible dural that takes place in the usual stage when you complete Arcade on easy level (so i am told but im adicted to kumite mode just now:laugh: )

I unfortunately cant get any of my characters past first dan yet my fave characters probably Aoi but I also really like Sarah and Shun, I also like jeffery but it seems harder to do throws in vf4 than it was in vf2. I couldnt get into Akira at first but I am starting to get into him with his down towards punch fist to the nuts and follow up with whatever you like. I can now do the reversals well with Aoi and Akira which is especially great in vrs mode.

Of all the characters i dont like lion at all and have not yet really got in to that vanessa either. Or lau for that matter - he seems to easy and dull. There are rumours he will be killed of soon (I say rumours but it says so in the manual)

My favourite stage is the snow one as well.

Shun is very funny it is great when you can beat a friend - sitting down, doing a handstand and lying down in one match. his throws where he slaps people about are cool too especially the one from behind.

One last thing its good to find more virtua fighter fans when i showed vf2 to my teken playing ps owners none of them got it - how did yous first get into it?

Mercury Shadow May 23rd, 2002 05:40 AM

I haven't beat Dural yet because you only get 1 chance to fight her! ahh! And I have it on medium or hard, I'll have to check that and put it on easy.

Don't worry, you'll get 2nd dan, it just takes a while. There are sometimes going from lets say 4th-5th dan will take you 60 matches! Put it's worth it. And same with the hard throws, they may be harder than VF2, but once you do one like the one where Wolf swings you around, it's worth it :D or when shun di smacks your head around, haha. It's especially hard to do grabs in VS. mode with friends because they're always moving around!

I had always like the VF series in the arcades, but I never owned the sega saturn or Dreamcast.

Esjay May 24th, 2002 11:59 PM

I LOVE this game, even though I only rented it, I was able to get to 6th Dan with Akira. I love the way the game is set up, there are only three basic action buttons, but you can execute massive combos, and each character is completely different, making TONS of replay value for the game. This is yet another must have for the ps2

Mercury Shadow May 25th, 2002 10:11 AM


Originally posted by Esjay
I LOVE this game, even though I only rented it, I was able to get to 6th Dan with Akira.
Damn esjay! 6th dan only renting it? with a hard character like akira? You're pretty damn good, must've played a couple hundred matches too. You should buy it, the game lasts forever it's so great!

Esjay May 25th, 2002 10:16 AM

yeah, I played the damn game like all night long. Akira is a difficult character to master, but once you get all of his moves down perfect he's an excelllent character. One combo that I made up is very useful, although i doesn't always work when you want it to. 'down, foward, R1, foward foward, K K, up left, P' it takes off a TON of vitality and looks really cool :D

tedward May 28th, 2002 11:48 AM

I completed the european vf4 arcade mode on easy and dural wasnt invisable so I dont know how its done> Games Radar did say thats how its done in the Japenese game though.

I would love to know a cheat to play as Dural coz she looks great but I think the only way to do it is to beat her in Kumite.

Mercury Shadow May 28th, 2002 02:08 PM

I thought of the same thing, tedward... what if you could play as dural? But then I thought, it's impossible! You know how Dural has everybodies moves? She has everyones throws, reversals, grabs, punchs, kicks, anything. So if I were to play as Dural, I wouldn't have enough buttons to do all her moves.

It'd be a great idea if you could play as dural and choose from a "moves list" and it'd sorta be like a create-a-player.

Andi May 30th, 2002 05:40 AM

Just wondering if ?
VF4 Is as good as Tag Tekken:peoples: ????????????????

Uchiha Sasuke May 30th, 2002 07:25 AM


Originally posted by Andi
Just wondering if ?
VF4 Is as good as Tag Tekken:peoples: ????????????????

Much much better.VF4 has way more reply value than Tekken tag.

Mercury Shadow May 30th, 2002 01:52 PM

Well, you mean Tekken Tag Tournament? Yes, it's 10x better in every aspect.

Infernal Mass May 30th, 2002 07:43 PM

they are two totally diffrent games..I find myself actually craving some tekken. Vf4 on the other hand is a just great game.

tedward Jun 3rd, 2002 02:15 PM

how any of you guys got an A.I character who can actually fight well? my ai aoi is coming on well but there is still too many times when she stands about doing nothing.

Infernal Mass Jun 3rd, 2002 04:10 PM

yeah i had made a AI character for Sarah.. and she would just stand and do nothing every so often. As for training the AI character i used my replay files rather than sparring to teach it effective combos and escapes..for counter attacks and throws.

It's quite a challange to create a an AI charcter no doubt..I'm guessing it must be very rewarding to see an AI fighter achieve anything past 1st Dan rank.

Andi Jun 9th, 2002 05:37 AM


Originally posted by SSSnake

Much much better.VF4 has way more reply value than Tekken tag.

VF4 Is a right load of ****e:peoples:

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