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MakgSnake Apr 2nd, 2003 05:24 PM

Have any of you heard about it. Its a virus that came from South Asia.... and well people have gotten effected in Ontario. Its quite dangerous in my opinion, as there is no cure to it. And you can get it by touching or even breathing near the person who has it.

A certain type of food product was brought in from South Asia which contained "Sars"...... and now its here. Over here some Schools have been shut down and even Some Hospitals. Resturants are totally gone, as no one is eating outside. And even offices are having hard time because many people are not going to work.

I think whatever it is isn't good. So many people died in Hong Kong already and 6 people have died in the last 2 weeks in Ontario (Canada).... and in some other countries as well.

Hylas Apr 2nd, 2003 06:05 PM

I've heard you had several cases of that virus in Canada Makg, I'm sorry for you! People must be worried... Where I live, the situation is better, but people are a bit concerned by every other virus they could get, because it could be Sars. So, that's bad, especially for the moral. But let's hope it's only a temporary problem and that scientists can find a cure!

MakgSnake Apr 2nd, 2003 06:17 PM


Originally posted by Hylas

But let's hope it's only a temporary problem and that scientists can find a cure!
Thats what I have been praying for, as its very dangerous.... I am more worried about my family. I really do hope that doctors find a cure for this soon. This world doesn't need another disease that has no cure. Which is very easy to get infected as well. Its really scary. I hope everything turns out fine.

ssjtrunks13 Apr 2nd, 2003 07:03 PM

Yeah, I read about it in USA Today while waiting at the dentist office earlier today. The paper was today's and it was on the front cover, I read symptoms are very similar to that of the flu. I also hope we see less people suffer from this than some other disease.

Reid Apr 2nd, 2003 09:31 PM

I live in South Ontario, Canada about a half-hour drive from Toronto and almost half of my immediate family lives in Toronto, my step-mom is a nurse at one of the few major hospitals still open in North Toronto . . . and, well, overall it's a very real threat in my life and it's quite terrifying.

Anyone from Toronto or nearby can probably relate to the feeling of uncertainity that's more present in everyone and it's just really uncomfortable to be out and about and think about the possibility of contracting SARS.

Scary stuff . . . .

Nelo Angelo Apr 2nd, 2003 09:52 PM

Hmm.......What does this virus do?

Does it affect the immune system?

Gadzoox Apr 2nd, 2003 10:28 PM

I'm not sure, It's fatal in most (or all?) cases though.

Really scary.

I live in Orleans, pretty far from Toronto, but it's still pretty close to be scary.

At work (I work in an ice cream/chocolate store) we try to wash our hands after every time we come in contact with money, you never know if someone with SARS has sneezed on the money or not... just to be safe.

There have been a few incidents where people around here have thought they had it (but luckily it wsn't it), city bus drivers and such... my mom is a city bus driver... she comes in contact with over 100 different people a day... you never know.

Berserker Apr 3rd, 2003 01:23 AM

I feel for you about it in the newspaper but for you guys it's a real close threat to deal with. They say it's located in europe also...just have to wait and hope this disappears as fast as it came...

Piggle_humsy Apr 3rd, 2003 03:41 AM

Ok I wasn't too worried about this until I read your post MakgSnake!! I didn't realise how serious it was, I think they are trying to play it down over here to stop people panicking.

But now I'm really worried!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Beretta55 Apr 3rd, 2003 05:51 AM

Man this is getting really serious. Now im very's a good thing i stay in the house alot i guess.
I hope they find a cure soon. This could get more worse then it already is.

dan da man Apr 3rd, 2003 10:10 AM

Ive heard about it, Hong Kong has got it worse, it a flu like bug, I havent heard any cases in the UK though.

ssjtrunks13 Apr 3rd, 2003 10:14 AM

It's caused by the same virus that causes the flu, the coronavirus. So, it's easier to get than most diseases as previously mentioned.

MakgSnake Apr 3rd, 2003 04:05 PM

Well yeah its pretty scary.... I mean you get the same way you get a FLU but this time there is NO CURE to it. Doctors have said that most of the people might fight the virus, but those who cant will suffer. That is if the Cells inside our body could fight the virus, then we are safe, otherwise we aren't.

I get sick very easily...... especially if there is stress around me. I have been cleaning hand all day at work too. At Best Buy I come contact with ALOT LOT of people......

And recently my sister got a flu, but I am so freaking HAPPY that she is getting better and better. Mashallah.

Minsc Apr 3rd, 2003 04:36 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
. Mashallah.[/color]

i see u are a muslim?

Cool my parents are also muslims ;)

Spank-A-Thon Apr 3rd, 2003 04:36 PM

Okay, I've done some research on SARS and found a kind of FAQ on the BBC News website, and you can read the article here.

Q&A: Mystery pneumonia

Corona virus: The likely cause
A lethal infection has prompted the World Health Organisation to issue a global alert to doctors and governments.
The respiratory illness has so far killed at least 18 people - and perhaps as more than 50 - and BBC News Online reports what is understood about it so far.

What do we know about the source of the infection?
The first reports of an infection followed the death of a US businessman in a Hong Kong hospital in mid-March.

The man had visited China and Vietnam - hospital staff there and in Hong Kong subsequently fell ill.

However, it now seems possible that he was not the source of the Hong Kong outbreak.

It is possible, though not confirmed, that the initial source of the infection was China, where an outbreak of respiratory illness in Guangdong province, which started in February, has killed 31 people.

What form does the illness take?
Known symptoms of the infection are similar to those experienced by an influenza sufferer, including high fever, headache sore throat, and cough.

In some cases pneumonia has developed, with patients finding it very hard to breathe - some have required artificial ventilation in hospital.

In the absence of a better description, the World Health Organisation have termed it "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" (SARS).

What is it, and how is the illness transmitted?
Scientists now believe they have confirmed the culprit for the disease.

The scientists, from the US Centers for Disease Control, believe it is Corona virus.

This family of viruses is well known as a cause of the common cold.

This is possibly a new strain which has mutated to become more dangerous to humans.

Nothing is certain however - there is the chance that while this virus can be found in many people who have fallen ill, it is simply one factor in the illness, and the principal symptoms have been caused by another bug.

Initial reports suggest that the incubation period of the illness is less than seven days.

So far, there have been 487 cases outside China and 18 deaths.

Although not confirmed, it is likely that infection takes place through droplets of body fluids - produced by sneezing or coughing.

The illness has already reached North America and Europe because of the easy availability of air travel.

What can I do to protect myself?
Not a great deal, should the illness become established in the UK.

Professor John Oxford, a virology expert from Queen Mary's College in London, told BBC News Online: "There's no much you can do to avoid this, unless you go and live as a hermit."

The Public Health Laboratory Service and Department of Health are not yet advising people not to travel to the Far East.

Professor Oxford added: "If I had a holiday in the Far East booked this week, I certainly wouldn't cancel it."

Some people in Hong Kong have taken to wearing face masks, but it is unclear exactly how much protection these would offer against viral particles.

The illness has been compared to the 1918 flu pandemic. Is this really the case?
No. It's fair to say that the WHO was concerned about it, particularly as when it didn't yet know what it was.

The mortality rate for the illness is approximately 4% - higher than many respiratory infections.

However, the 1918 pandemic killed as many as 40 million, so this infection is not quite as serious yet.

What are governments and experts - and airlines - doing to stop it?
The WHO global alert triggered responses from health experts in dozens of countries.

Doctors have been asked to look out for cases, particularly arising in patients who have recently returned from abroad, and notify public health services so that the spread of the illness can be monitored.

Airlines have been asked to look out for passengers who appear unwell while checking in.

They have also been advised to disinfect aircraft in a bid to stop its spread.

In hospitals, staff have been instructed to use "barrier nursing" to try to prevent more infections.

What advice does the UK government have for travellers?

The Department of Health says travellers returning to the UK from any affected area since 23rd February should seek medical advice if they have suddenly developed a high fever, or one other symptom of pneumonia.

These include cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, or muscle aches.

At present, the government is not advising people to avoid travel to affected areas.
The key piece of information there is The mortality rate for the illness is approximately 4% - 4% is nothing. Cancer, AIDS and many other illness' have a higher mortality rate.

There's no reason to be overly-worried or start a panic. If the WHO (World Health Organisation) declare it to be a major concern then perhaps there would be reason to worry - but the WHO also declared HIV/AIDS to be of major concern... and the chances of catching that are very slim.

Anyway, I guess I'm trying to say that no-one should get too worried about this - the time to worry is when the WHO do.

- S

mark0™ Apr 3rd, 2003 06:18 PM

If it is a Virus and some people are immune to it, there will be an anti-body discovered to fight it off.

Personally I care little about it... More concentrated on Iraq, is it just me or are the US forces so stupid?

ssjtrunks13 Apr 3rd, 2003 08:01 PM

The question thing posted is the same thing I read in the paper I was talking about yesterday.

Preventer Wind Apr 3rd, 2003 10:28 PM

Well lets hope this is like the West Nile Virus. Everybody got scared and not that many died (thank god) But this sounds worse. Though it is not fatal in all. They said

So far, there have been 487 cases outside China and 18 deaths.
So hopefully all people will need to do is get a shot or something like that. Unless you hate needles....

But my concern is more with the war in Iraq. And don't diss the troops. It was a smart plan. But almost every plan has it's flaws.

Redpyramidhead Apr 4th, 2003 02:29 AM

Great! Another thing to add to my list of reasons to be afraid of am I supposed to work this out in thereapy?!

_RED_ stuff

MakgSnake Apr 4th, 2003 09:41 PM

I just heard over the Radio that a total of 2,200 people have been effected by Sars all over the world by now. As seen that there is a population of over 6 billion on this planet, its not much. STILL a disease with no cure that acts as a flu is pretty dangerous. I hope they come up with something to cure this. The people are really working hard on that.

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