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MakgSnake Feb 15th, 2003 12:57 AM

New Game Thread.
Well its a wierd thread I am making, it goes something like this. Everytime you buy a game, you can post in this thread letting people know and what you think of it. Even if you rent it, and just wanna add something about a game without making a thread specially about it, you can pass on words here.

But basically is for when you buy a new game......

Today, I bought 6 games... and here is how the list goes.

1.) Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance .. (Till now seems just alright)
2.) Pre-Ordered Zelda Wind Waker and got "Ocarina".. for free :) which is very sweet...

3.) The Thing: Nice graphics but kinda wierd controls... still have to play it more

4.) The Terminator: Dont ask me why I bought it, just because I love the Terminator movies, I think thats why, and its an alright game. Nothing really bad about it. and MAN THE MUSIC. wow.

5.) Zone Of the Enders: Finally I found this game, I just wanted to get my hands on it before 2nd Runner hits the shelves.

6.) Dead To Rights: Saw it with a cheaper price at EB (brand new copy).. so decided to just grab it. Till now seems pretty cool, but man character movement is very bad sometimes, especially when Jack is crouching and walking.

The new game I wanted to buy today was "Dead Or Alive 3" but just couldn't find that anywhere. Oh well.

Beretta55 Feb 15th, 2003 01:11 AM

phantasy star online episode 1 and 2 (i thought it wouldnt be that great but it's awsome)

TS2 for GC (just pure awsome_

DMC1 (finally got my hand's on this game)

splinter cell (my favirote xbox game so far.......but damn hard)

the thing for xbox (greatest survival/horror game i have ever played)

the sim's for ps2 (cooler then the pc version but hard)
those are the games i got for my birthday then my reserve list is.

clock tower 3 (looks scary cant wait)

def jam vendetta (being the big wrestleing game fan i am this looks great)

legend of zelda the wind waker (i.....just....cant wait)

sk8er_kyle Feb 15th, 2003 01:57 AM

I haven't bought anything recently because im poor. But I hope to get Tony Hawk 4 as soon as I can.

Vic Viper Feb 15th, 2003 03:13 AM

got 2 games this month, also reserved a copy of XENOSAGA..:cool:

Devil May Cry 2- well, i think everyone knows how a feel about this game..

Guilty Gear X2- i must say this is the best looking 2d fighter ive ever played. gameplay is just awesome. tons of modes to play, lots of kickass and "ORIGINAL" characters to choose from. i say its the best 2d fighter for the PS2..

mark0™ Feb 15th, 2003 08:08 AM

I was gonna buy DMC1 yesterday, Ah it was so cheap, why didnt I buy It?? I Really don't know!

I'll get it next time though.

DSgamer Feb 15th, 2003 11:40 AM

Mortal Kombat deadly alliance- EZ to control, weak fatalities, but a huge fun factor

gran turismo 3- SHIZNIT!!!!!!!! this game owns all other racers

DMC 1- kick ass game, awesome gameplay, great graphics, awesome 1 liners, kew guns

MakgSnake Feb 15th, 2003 08:15 PM


Originally posted by gamer
gran turismo 3- SHIZNIT!!!!!!!! this game owns all other racers
Yup, gotta love that game...!!!!!


the thing for xbox (greatest survival/horror game i have ever played)
Yeah I heard alot about this game, through people over here at the boards and thats the only reason I bought this game. On the xbox though, cause its on Platinum now. This game seems look till now, I gotta rent the movie first before I actually get into it though.

DSgamer Feb 15th, 2003 10:59 PM

yeah dude, rent the movie. john carpenter's movies r good, 'cept for da last few.

trunks69420 Feb 16th, 2003 12:20 AM

This month I haven't bought anything yet... I did pre-order Legend of Zelda 4 gamecube (Makg: Did you get ocarina when you ordered it, or do you have to wait... I didn't get mine and they weren't sure:roll: ) But last month i had the spending spree! I bought an Xbox, Gamecube, Animal Crossing, The Sims, The Getaway, Halo, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy Tactics. I am waiting till march and i am planning on another spree!

EDIT: oh and The thing movie kicks ass!! I also like the game a lot too. The controlls are a little irratating to get used to, but once you do its great!

MakgSnake Feb 16th, 2003 12:26 AM


Originally posted by trunks69420

This month I haven't bought anything yet... I did pre-order Legend of Zelda 4 gamecube (Makg: Did you get ocarina when you ordered it, or do you have to wait..
Yup I did get the "Ocarina" and the "Master Quest" as well with this. :)

I have made up my mind, I will buy MAXIMUM 2 games per 2 weeks and ALTEAST 1 game. Cause buy 6-7 games at once, like I did yesterday is a bit too crazy and NOT SANE at all. I feel kinda wierd.

And yeah gamer, Carpentar's previous movies were great, recently his movies are lame and I dont know..... OLD OLD ideas for movies.


dan da man Feb 16th, 2003 07:05 AM

I rented night fire, I was dissapointed because it was so simlar to agent under fire, will they ever do a better one than goldeneye?

Chara Feb 16th, 2003 09:38 AM

With my budget I only get a new game a month. I havent gotten a new game for the moth of Feb. yet but for Jan. I got Shenmue II.

Infernal Mass Feb 16th, 2003 10:07 AM

Re: New Game Thread.

Originally posted by MakgSnake

Well its a retarded thread I am making, it goes something like this. Everytime you buy a game, you can post in this thread letting people know and what you think of it. Even if you rent it, and just wanna add something about a game without making a thread specially about it, you can pass on words here.

I think this is the most retarded thread ever Makg congrats.. what do you think every other section of the board is for. To talk about games people are playing, or just curious about. :sarcasm: ...

ssjtrunks13 Feb 16th, 2003 11:20 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Yup I did get the "Ocarina" and the "Master Quest" as well with this. :)

What's this master quest thing and did they remake Ocarina of Time for GC? You guys also said John Carpenter's movies are going downhill. Well, I saw Ghosts of Mars and thought it was actually good.

Anyway, here are the two most recent games I got:

The Two Towers(PS2)- This game is reallt good for one that was based on a movie. I think everyone should at least check it out if they are a fan of the movies. It's got cool special moves and weapon upgrades.

YuGiOh! Dungoen Dice Monsters- I liked it, but the tournaments aren't that hard. The real cahallenge is getting all the dice and playing against all the characters in Tournament mode so you can fight them on 'free duel'.

Well, It seems that Chara has a better buidget than me, I don't get games that often and when I do it's usually a whole bunch at one time that seem to take forever to get through. MY younger brother beat The Two Towers in two days while it's been almost three for me and I still can't beat it. I don't see how you people can get through games faster than me, it takes me a lot longer to get through stuff than others. Maybe it's because my hand-eye coordination is pretty bad, It's really hard for me to pull off combos while I've seen other people complete tham more often than me. That really messes up my enjoyment for a game.(well, I think we should get back to the topic without further interruption s, but that's just me)

dan da man Feb 16th, 2003 11:40 AM

Re: Re: New Game Thread.

Originally posted by DigiMortal

I think this is the most retarded thread ever Makg congrats.. what do you think every other section of the board is for. To talk about games people are playing, or just curious about. :sarcasm: ...
I can agree with you there, but sometimes I dont want to start a thread just about a game because some have already been made, but this thread is ok for some what.....

goodman Feb 16th, 2003 11:52 AM

He he, Digi, your too hilarious! And trunks69420, my man, from looking at your avatar youve been working at that factory too long, man, your coming unglued!! No im getting some good stuff, should get the pack in for Zelda in a few days then grab Tenchu 3, and Zelda early next month. Getting Xenosaga whenever it ships this month. This will probably hold me a good while, and then i will be looking at BloodRayne on the GC some over the next few weeks...

kupoartist Feb 16th, 2003 12:29 PM

The only game I got recently was Unreal 2... which is distinctive for a number of reasons:

1. It has the greatest Graphics ever available up to now.
2. It has the biggest potential cost to be able to suistain those graphics at a decent frame rate. It conicedentally looks like the 150th best game graphically on my pc.
3. It is hell ass short. Play it through on Hard first, and you may actually feel you've been playing it for a while!
4. The main character isn't white, which makes it one game in a thousand. (he is a guy though...)
5. One of your crew speaks engrish. yay!
6. Another one of your crew has a severe smoking habit, and a really dodgy face.
7. One of your crew is female, and she doesn't fall in love with you!
8. The storyline is great, while it lasts.
9. The twist at the end is shocking :O
10. The weapons are pretty darned interesting... and it has the greatest Flamethrower ever!
11. Theres no multiplayer, so you'll have to buy UT2003 or Unreal Championship :(
12. None of the Voice actors from FF10 appear in Unreal 2. Unreal 2 has good voice acting.
13. Bits of it are actually funny, rather than embarassing!
14. its... too short :/

So erm... buy Unreal 2! just don't expect it to be the longest game you've ever played :(


next on my list will be Final Fantasy Tactics, when I finally order it from the states... I can't get Threads of Fate though! It suddenly diappeared from the shop's list... waaahhhhhh!!!!!!

dan da man Feb 16th, 2003 12:41 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

11. Theres no multiplayer, so you'll have to buy UT2003 or Unreal Championship :(

Yea, I was shocked when it had no multiplayer, but I will get UC soon for XBL.

kupoartist Feb 16th, 2003 12:44 PM


Originally posted by goodman
I did upgrade my pc a few days ago with a new GeForce 4 ti 4200 8x video card, and must say its singularly the best addition i have ever made to my pc without question.
that should be just about enough, provided you don't go overboard with the settings, and that you've got enough RAM and CPU power to back it up... if you're interested, they'll be an Unreal 2 demo along in the near future, though I am curious about how they're going to prevent themselves from giving away half of the game for free :laugh:

Edit: and regarding multiplayer, there is alledgedly enough of the internet code in there for someone really dedicated to make a mod with the game that'll allow you to play it online... with loads of work and knowledge. But then PC games always do feel like they've got an unlimited supply of unfinished material that someone can make somthing of (like the fact that there is botmatch in Unreal 2, with no way to actually play it easily :/ )

DSgamer Feb 16th, 2003 12:50 PM

yeah man, i d/l the game a few days back, the game is short. but i liked it better than unreal 2. i have a geFORCE 4 ti4600, a 1.3 amd processor (weak!), over a gig of DDR ram (two 512 chips), and a a7v333 mobo. i get an average of 60 FPS's, ima have 2 upgrade my processor as soon as DOOM 3 comes out.

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