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Cannibal Clown Feb 24th, 2002 12:50 PM

If you can't write, Who Cares!
This thread is for posting any cool or strange dreams you've had lately.

So if you can't write or if you're not creative, or if you just want to post a story full of nonsence and crap, post what you dreamed about. I'm sure that everyone has dreams here, why don't you tell us about them in story form.

And don't hold back if you think it's too wierd or stupid or whatever. So far, other that Boweveljoe's crap, all of the stuff on here are actual stories and serious stuff like that, I want to read something from your subconsience minds.

Hope this thread works out well.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 24th, 2002 05:17 PM

Well i guess this thread is the passage way to a lot of interesting things

Faile Feb 24th, 2002 06:01 PM

the mind

cheshire kittens and cats and mushrooms and bats and cricket speaking monsters drink tea and opinum solutions to painkillers world peace is written down and




Cannibal Clown Feb 25th, 2002 04:46 PM

Well, in order to get this thread going, I guess I'll post one of my own.

I had this dream when i was like three years old and it's just about the only thing I can remember from my childhood. I know I was little because I remember myself waking up from it while in a crib. Well, here it is.

It took place in a dark attic of a barn. There was light surrounding my high chair which I was sitting in, almost contained in by how it fealt. There was darkness all around me and only one window that was about the size of a small box or a TV. I could see a dim light comming from it and it was real cold.

In the dream I began to cry because I was scarred to be all alone in the dark. But when I began to cry, the room began to get a little lighter, but only light enough so that I could see the hundred some bats that were hanging from the ceiling. That really scarred me so I began to screem. When I did so, the bats all woke up and flew to the floor and landed. They had legs because they were standing up right and were looking at me from the other side of the attic. They were all the same size as i was, so that was also scary.

Then they all at once began to walk forward to me as I could see their teeth hanging out. then the window to the side of me crashed open and a huge fricken owl came in from the outside. It turned and looked at the bats and fought all of em', eating each one it defeated. Soon he defeated all of them, and I was relieved. But then it tuned and looked at me with very large red eyes and started toward me like the bats did. It began to charge at me about to eat me.

Then I woke up screeming.

I don't know how i remember that dream so well, but I just can. It terrified me and i couldn't seem to forget that dream, even till now, i remeber it perfectly. Even the fealings I had during it.

Now someone else post a dream of theirs.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 25th, 2002 08:39 PM

I had a really wierd dream.I was sleeping in my dream and then i woke up a with a cold sweat in this dream then all of a sudden in this dream i had a real bad feeling,then i looked under my bed and i saw a pair of glowing eyes which scared the S*** outta me.Then as i toppled out of bed i lifted up my covers and my bed was pumping blood and looked like a big heart.Then all of a sudden i woke up with a cold sweat44444444444444

007_JamesBond Feb 26th, 2002 12:12 PM

Here is just a little point to ponder, I was thinking about. What if our subconsious mind (dreams)was really our consious one. What I mean is that our dreams are real and the life that we live everyday is well a dream.

JC Denton Feb 26th, 2002 04:39 PM

in that case then i have almost died several million times in weird ways in real life and dreamt about school........hmmm im not convinced if that was true that means i have a pretty adventures life.

wait a minute would that mean i would be dreaming right now.......??? then i wouldn't actually be writing does everyone i know only exist in my dream? or am i in someone elses dream??? do i exist?? who am i??? am i a figment of other peoples imagination or mine? i never look at my self when i am "awake", what do i look like?

oo7 you have found the truth........ that does mean that mj12 troops will be round to your location in 30 mins to exercute you but then acording to you it will all be a dream......

the truth hurts.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 05:20 PM

Man that boggles the mind

007_JamesBond Feb 27th, 2002 12:09 PM

It is an interesting concept, and if our dream world is the real world.

the truth only hurts if it is real, so many questions

Soul Angel Feb 27th, 2002 12:30 PM


Originally posted by 007_JamesBond
Here is just a little point to ponder, I was thinking about. What if our subconsious mind (dreams)was really our consious one. What I mean is that our dreams are real and the life that we live everyday is well a dream.
That would be really weird if it was? :shock:
I mean wouldn't that also mean you can really die in your dreams but not in the real world? (well something like that? :confused: )

Scary thought eh?

007_JamesBond Feb 27th, 2002 12:31 PM

but just imagine, then all your dreams really did come true

Soul Angel Feb 27th, 2002 01:00 PM

Hmm yeah but wouldn't that mean what you think is the real world, is the dream and so it hasn't really came true?

Also each time you wake up from the dream your never at the same place but when you dream you're always are?

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 27th, 2002 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Soul Angel

That would be really weird if it was? :shock:
I mean wouldn't that also mean you can really die in your dreams but not in the real world? (well something like that? :confused: )

Scary thought eh?

Something like the matrix almost.Die in the matrix die in the real world

Cannibal Clown Feb 27th, 2002 08:19 PM

You guys have quite an imagination.

That would be awesome if my dreams were reality. I've always got super powers and usually don't take crap from anyone.

I could also say I'm not a virgin. Like a million times over!

Just wondering, cxan anyone here, when they know they're dreaming, conlrol their dreams. I can at times and it really kicks ass when the dreams are nightmares.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 27th, 2002 08:21 PM

I can usually accept when how do i put this "make love to someone in my dreams"it always goes wrong.Oh why why must it always go wrong

007_JamesBond Feb 28th, 2002 12:28 PM

at times my mind thinks of interesting stuff but we will never know if it is true or not

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 1st, 2002 06:29 PM

I wonder if some things in my dreams mean anything like if i talk to someone in my dream does it mean thats theres something between us in the real world

007_JamesBond Mar 2nd, 2002 03:51 PM

some say that your dreams sometimes do in a sense show you what will happen in the future, like sometimes in my dreams I will be talking to someone that I know then a week later it happens and all I think is Deja Vu or something

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 2nd, 2002 03:55 PM

No kiddin that happen to me a lot of times,it scares me almost

Soul Angel Mar 2nd, 2002 05:07 PM

Yeah I've heard about people who have dreams which end up coming true!
Me personally as far as I can remember I haven't had a dream like that let?

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