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kamari-ice May 7th, 2002 05:18 PM

Ps2fantasy Virus~
Here is a little story about PS2fantasy having a virus.

It begins.

May 1, 2002

Fortune was eating her usual dinner, punch and pie.Harry emails her later on saying that Soul Angel has gone beserk and locked all the forums.Forune emails Soul Angel saying, what has gone into you.Fortune goes to the bottom of the page and notices that Hadoken is the only one on.Fortune emails Hadoken and says wh y are you on.Hadoken replies later on and says, Buzz OFF.She then loses her temper and almost throws her printer at her computer until she notices that Soul Angel appeared onto the site.She then puts the Printer down, and looks at the site.When she starts to scroll down, Something alomost like someone wrote with a marker on her computer>>>Forune and everybody here sucks! .It goes away and she notices that nobody is on.

May 2, 2002

<kamari ice>I sign in, and start posting weird topics.Fortune then emails me and says.I am gonna delete you from this site like I did with Soul Angel.<kamari ice> I start to tell Fortune, I can do whatever I want, cause I am a minor.When he touches a key, he gets shocked and falls down and dies.
1988 to 2002
May he live in peace
the ps2fantasy member who liked everyone
no one cried
no one sighed
Fortune then notices that kamari ice isn't on no more.
Soul then pops up and with big letters says Fortune is a b***h Fortune starts saying, talk to the hand, cause you are one.Soul sends one last email saying Haha!Then immediately gets off.Then she gets a email saying Its Harry Your Lover!She says, oh my long last love have come to me.This is what the email says.
Harry <or> as you say Sugar Buns
I have missed you since I was off for 30 seconds.It really broke my heart.I saw you in my soup, and in my bread.When will I ever see you again in those 30 seconds.FOOLED ya huh, signed Soul.
Fortune gets really mad and blocks soul from emailing her.

To be continued.
Sorry Fortune, Soul, Hadoken, and Harry.
Trying to post something funny.

Faile May 7th, 2002 05:43 PM

i swear your stories get more and more bizarre, but this one made me giggle a lot . tis surreally funny .


happy_doughnut May 7th, 2002 11:29 PM

Haha! *phew* I thought I was the only one that posted weird stories! This one was really funny! I especially liked the part when Fortune gets an email from Harry "sugar buns" :laugh: Haha, very funny Kimari! Great story!

trunks69420 May 8th, 2002 11:53 AM

That was pretty hilarious, great stress releaver to laugh at.

kamari-ice May 8th, 2002 05:55 PM

May 3, 2002

Fortune wakes up to a paper that she put on her ceiling saying,
Soul Angel is a B***H She says ain't that the truth. She gets the paper, and reads it.It says, Today at ps2fantasy tradegy struck. A b***h, as they call her ruined the site.Fortune calls Harry, it rings then it says, press one if your a friend, press 2 if you call me "Sugar Buns". Fortune does a Love sigh, and then presses 2. Hello, this is Sugar Buns.Harry, our site is in paper, since Harry has a bad connection, he thinks she said, Your tights are in the paper, Sugar Buns. Harry says, you bad girl you. She says HARRY, you know I love your sugar buns, but thats not what I said. Harry still has a bad connection and thought she said, I like your butt thats what I said. Harry says, oh girl stop that, your making me hot. Fortune gets out a picture of Harry, and starts kissing it. She notices something on the paper. Harry and Fortune, the main mods are getting the hook up. Although they have been DOING IT for 10 years, they are finally getting it on. But a other mod called well b***h, is in love with Harry too. Fortune blurts out, WHAT A B***H. She is not having my man, cause she need to understand. Soul Angel calls to Fortunes house, and when Fortune answers, Soul hangs up. Fortune starred 69 her a$$ and she still hung up.

May 4, 2002

Fortune called Soul Angel again, and she said, oh no you just didn't. Fortune then says, oh yes I just did, you got a problem. Soul Angel says, yeah I got a problem, its your face. Oh, don't tell me that cause I know what you did last night, you turned around, bent over, and spelled RUN. Oh yeah, but I am gonna take Harry. I got him a name "Long Johnnie". Fortune then says, best lay your hands off my man. Oh I don't have too, cause I already did. Fortune gets really mad, so mad, she turns Hot Sauce red. Soul says, there isn't one place I didn't touch. Fortune says, you sucker, ehhh. Oh yeah I did that too. You sl*t, ghetto trash, lazy MR. F****R. Oh I ain't lazy, I am a f****r though, with Harry. He even likes me washing the dishes, and dropping the soap, if you know what I mean. Go stick it up your a$$. Oh your catchin on quick aren't ya B***H. Look the only place he goes to is his mothers house, diffenetly not to yours. Well his momma died, maybe he was concentrating too much on me, and just forgot.

May 5, 2002

I know that what cha macallit is lieing. She calls Soul again, just to get back. When she calls, a man named Terry calls, and says his name. So that sl*t is lieing right to my face. Thats what happens when you believe stink people. Oh I am gonna get her back, oh yes, I am gonna get her back, one she won't realize. Soon her name will be B***H angel.

To be continued.

trunks69420 May 10th, 2002 11:46 AM

Keep the laughs coming. What an epic saga:laugh:

007_JamesBond May 10th, 2002 11:52 AM

that was very......very....... interesting

kamari-ice May 10th, 2002 05:13 PM

May 6, 2002

Soul Angel writes in her diary, there is something more ugly than the devil. It is Fortune. Harry is a well ya know. A bomb just hits Soul Angels House, but then she walks away alive. It is later on in the afternoon, Fortune watches t.v. and turns to fox. It says, "Today there is a terrible tradegy in England, a girl nicknamed Souls house just got hit with a bomb." Fortune says, yes I finally got what I wanted, haha. "But the girl 18 yrs. old walked away." Fortune says, "WHAT!!!!! WHAT A B***H.

May 7, 2002

Fortune says, "why is it a bad day, I know it will be." She clicks on the news, to channel 4. She sees that a man named Harry just got killed in a brutal shooting. She hurries up and tapes it and records it. Formally known as "Sugar Buns" has been photographed. They show him naked from behind and in front. And they say, "now I know why they call him Sugar Buns." When they show the two news anchors, they show Soul Angel as one of them. Fortune then throws some punch and pie at the t.v. Soul says, "Man thats a whole lot a flakes on that mans Butt." She then says, "We have a new caller, the name is, WHAT a b***h, its Fortune." They hear Fortune saying, "WHAT A B***H, YOU BETTER TAKE THAT BACK, YOU ARE GONNA BURN, SHUT YOUR STINKIN MOUTH, YOU UGLY PERSON YOU! . Man she has got problems.

May 8, 2002

This is the day for Kamari ices funeral. They just throw him in a ash thing, and spread it out in the Pacific Ocean. Soul then retires. Well retires to the Porta Potty. She then gets out and someone goes in. It is Diane Sawyer from ABC. She gets out in one second and says, "DON'T YOU EVER GET IN THIS THING OR ANY BATHROOM AGAIN B***H .

To Be CoNtInUeD

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 06:37 PM

I think that's called Brain cancer :D

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 06:42 PM

Forgive me askin'... but what's Peyote ?

Hylas May 11th, 2002 07:14 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ
Forgive me askin'... but what's Peyote ?
I think Peyote is a sort of psychedelic drug or something like that :confused:

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:07 PM

May 9, 2002

Rei gets up, and dies right when she gets up. Freaky! Well she is thrown in a ditch and forgotten in centuries, and is never saw of again. It is called the ps2fantasy virus, and its the first to strike Rei, Kamari just died because he couldn't hang with the people of ps2fantasy. And what is the point when their is a virus, and nobody can get to the forums. Rei didn't even know, and she is sent to the shortplane, that only covers 1 inch of land. Me Kamari is sent to the longest farplane. Well its Fortune and the other members left. Rei is long forgotten, and ether is in the air. Ether because Fortune is tired of taking Soul Angels sick lies. She'd rather forget than remember.

May 10, 2002

Rei's ghost goes to the site, and notices that its back. Rei's ghost goes locking crazy and locks everybodys threads, and spams the whole thing. That strikes a comet into Rei's computer and her ghost goes away. Kamari is the one that struck her with the comet, and laughs. Well Diane Sawyer appears by Soul in Souls Talk Show, Soul under fire. Diane justs back talks to Soul, and the background turns to Jerry Springer. They still fight and in the audience they say, JERRY, JERRY, JERRY! Then Jerry says, "Today we are talkin about fighting against a Soul, if you just tuned in, it is the same before the commercials, Diane and Soul are still fighting." They are both in the background, YOU SLUT, YOU W***E, YOU EVERYTHING! Oh, now lets see what they did at Souls trailer. Diane starts to write in paint on the side of her trailer, B***H. Soul comes out and trips on her doritos chips. Diane starts to jump on Souls back then runs away. Soul runs 1 mph to chase Diane.

May 11, 2002

Rei starts bothering people in their dreams. In their dreams they bother their people so much, they start to smoke Ether in their dreams just to get rid of her. They say, they'd rather Fortune or Harry instead of ignorant Rei.

To be continued!

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 08:14 PM

:laugh: I think kamari-ice is a littl' pissed of a Rei because she closed his thread... Don't worry too much pal... you'll eventually come up with another good thread...

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:20 PM

No, I am making everybody die, because it is called ps2fantasy virus. There will be only one person alive, try to guess who it will be. And if ya'll want to know, I don't know what spamming is, so, SORRY rei for posting a thread you don't like. I am gonna OBEY your rules. :mad:

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 08:23 PM

Argh ! I hope I won't die... or at least I hope I'll die of a very honorable death...

Did I tell you how smart I think you are ?

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:25 PM

Uhmm, thats not gonna help you, try harder. :evil: vs. :good:

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 08:29 PM

No ? Damn...

You're so smart... your IQ = 5 times Rei's... and that's A LOT !

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:34 PM

Let me give you a hint, don't try so hard, :good:
There will be three people that live.
Thats 3 out of 200 or so people.
Just keep on praying, :evil:
That Rei thing won't cut it.

Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 08:36 PM

Amen to that ! :D

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:44 PM

It will take years though to figure out who lives.
Because I am going with the dates.
Probably by the end of 2004 I will post who Will live.

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