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luminis_knight Nov 13th, 2003 03:54 PM

Need people to become characters in my rpg story...THE FIVE CRESCENTS!!!
well i really dont know which forum to put this in but this place seems to be the best...

why dont we start up a rpg the main character and the first 5 that want to get in the story to be a part of it...has to reply now...and if you do, also create a name for for my name... i am Drake a simple guy chosen by fate to stop...

and thats were you five come in and help me create it by giving your characters name and to make comments on how to make the story...and end the story
oh yeah the name of the rpg is:

Meiko Nov 13th, 2003 07:57 PM

Seems a fun thing to do, but anyway, do we have to choose other things? Like class, weapons, or invent a sort of little story for our character?

If you don't mind it, I'd like to join. My character's name would be... Reling. Nice, huh? I like it ^_^ It's a name I often choose when playing RPGs where I have to create my own character!

luminis_knight Nov 17th, 2003 05:10 PM

you know what Reling thats a great idea create a profile for your character... oh and yes if you'd like you can give me advice on how to write the story;)

who wants to be the bad guys???

theres a cast role in our rpg story on who is to be the bad guys
if this trait suits you then come join in our rpg

luminis_knight Nov 17th, 2003 09:07 PM

Ten thousand years ago a great battle was fought. Blistering fire blazed though the night sky as Gods and Pharohs fell to thier deaths. Knights fought for thier families, stood up for thier beliefs, and died for thier religon. Demon archers fearlessly grasping thier bows yanking back thier arrows and unleashing them into the midnight sky, finding thier marks the arrows peirced into cavilians as they ran franticly looking for cover. Children hiding from what was thought to be the end of the world for them. Streaks of crimson blood lye stained across building walls as though the living were trying to escape death...A once beautiful kingdom demolished within a blink of an eye by herds of demolic beings...all this because one couldnt save what was so pricless...
THE FIVE CRESCENTS...And so the tale begins...:ghost:

luminis_knight Nov 17th, 2003 09:27 PM

Drake's Profile:
Age: 19
Color eyes: Gold
Color Hair: Silver
Hobbies: Sharpening Skills
Itroduction: A 19 year old son of the greatest King in all Reilandos
continent a soul serviver of the Crimson war...a man whom seeks to regain back the FIVE CRESCENTS and restore peace to the world...

Redpyramidhead Nov 19th, 2003 03:07 AM

Re: Drake's Profile:
Name: Jackirus

Age: ???
Height: n/a floats hovers in a misty spectre form
Weight: n/a made of ethereal mist
Color eyes: glowing green
Color Hair: long black, grey, and misty
Race: unwillingly undead psychic vampire
Hobby: finding ways to reach second death and peace
Introduction/the story: Jackirus is a villain that wanders the Necropolis domain of the Improperly Interred Dead, many of whom died in the great Crimson War. They are the angry dead who are unable to rest properly. Jackirus is a vampire who feeds upon the astral energy of the dead here, but not entirely by choice. It is not known whether he is a long dead victim of the Crimson War or not. He is the most lost and disorganized of all the villains in the story of THE FIVE CRESCENTS making his realm seemingly the easiest to retrieve the respective crescent that is lost within it. It appears this way because no organized army awaits Drake, Reling, or any other adventurer willing to enter the Necropolis in search of the 1st Crescent, the Crescent of PALE Moonlight. Looks are decieving, however, because a domain of chaos can proove to be much more treacherous than anything our heros are prepared for. We shall have to see...

How does that sound, Luminis? You said you needed a villain and I did my best to help you out there along with his story and how it might fit into your bigger vision. Hope it helps:cool:

_RED_ stuff

luminis_knight Nov 19th, 2003 01:08 PM

thanx Red!!!
thats a really big help i cant wait to put you in the story...if you could try to give me some tips on how we come across/ you became my would really help, thats if you want to, then again maybe you want to see how i fit u in my story...cause i got really big plans for your character...but it depends on you Jackirus!!!
i can hardly wait for your reply!

Redpyramidhead Nov 20th, 2003 01:36 AM

Well it's actually quite simple. Jackirus, as I said was a villain, that resides in the first domain. This means your journey will eventually take you to this place in search of the first Crescent of the PALE Moonlight and it will happen before you travel to the other four realms.

I'll help with writing about legends that have been heard of the "great spectre who haunts the Necropolis of the IMproperly Interred." That would be Jackirus, btw. Heh. Maybe Drake can hear rumors about it at Inns and stuff.

Basically, just start writing the story and work my character into it based on what I already put as his information. I'll go along with whatever you put and get ideas from that. This should be cool.

Btw, have you ever checked out a website called

_RED_ stuff

luminis_knight Nov 20th, 2003 07:13 PM

ill do that!
hey but on the chapter 1 and others ill be wrighting the story on and off...okay ill be back l8ter right now i have some stuff to take care of...

luminis_knight Nov 20th, 2003 07:15 PM

The Five Crescent...

Ten years have passed sence The Crescent War...

"My father lying in his chamber bed, soon he will go to a distent kingdom. A place were all kings can rest in peace away from all this dispare...A king never to be forgotten though out all Reilandos",Drake wisperd. "urrrggg mmmm", Drake's father moaned in great pain as he reached out for Drakes hand..."my son it is almost time for this old man to rest, but before I do I have yet one more important thing to teach you..."THE WAY"
The Way, is what The Five Crescent are meant for...Listen carefully my son...

The Pale Moon Crescent: The great moon of Whazen only appears when the virgen princess of the Anubye tribe is sacraficed on the peek of Mt. Fearoon in order to please the Moon God Whazen... Then and only then will you see The great moon, and when this happens...and it shall, place The pale Moon Crescent right in front of it and A passage shall the passage and solve its mystery...urrgggg ohhhh its is almost time for me to leave this place my son...father, speak no more!!! Drake shouted, its all right Drake soon you will lead this kingdom and the Crimsom Army to vanquish the evil that reaks this beuatiful land of ours...retrive the crescents and unlock...thier.....
myst..e..r.y.....Drakes father's hand slowly lost grip of drakes and his eyes began to shut, as though his soul were leavng his body, tears of sorrow draped along Drakes chicks, as he fell to his knees and prayed for a safe passing...

Meiko Nov 23rd, 2003 11:53 PM

Age: 17
Weight: 110 lbs
Race: Human
Color eyes: Hazel
Color Hair: Green :D
Hobbies: Stealing objects and climbing trees
Itroduction: A girl who's tired of the boring life of her little and humble village called Drevia, once devasted by civil wars. Now villagers are only interested in keeping themselves safe and living their life in peace. But Reling is looking forward to take part in great adventures, to travel and conquer glory, knowledge and yes, also money! The people of her village consider her to be a little weird because she's not the typical girl living in the countryside with her family (brother and sister). The usual occupations don't interest her at all, that's why she finds herself lonely in her own hometown. She's a daydreamer, but this doesn't mean her thirst for adventure won't help her to change her life once and for all...

luminis_knight Nov 24th, 2003 02:11 AM

took you long enough Mieko! i already started a story line for your charachter...didnt you read it??? well its Okay by me;) I'll just erase that part and create a new... the good thing is your still with us and by us i mean red hes going to be the villin and i think he'll make a good one at that........(Green Hair???) good choice....oh andthis time Mieko plz tune in more often huh....

luminis_knight Nov 24th, 2003 02:21 AM

First Mission: in search for the Pale Moon Crescent!
That night Drake sat on the rim of his balqkine thinking, stareing at the moonlight shine apon the river bed...rondom thoughts rushed though his head....what am i sopposed to do....i have nothing....father why have you....why did you leave me here alone...rambaling on and on over and again the same words...
Do what he asked....a silent whisper from a shadowed figure leaning agenst the piller behind Drake....huh!? Drake swiffly drew out his sword...who goes there!!! Drake shouted...just a simple travler ?????, said as the sounds of his voice began to fade into the night. what? Drake sounding confused...the shadow was gone...Drake's guards rush to him, is there anything wrong my lord? No, Drake quitely said as he as he slowly withdrew his sword...just my imagenation...i need some rest, to much happened tonight, goodnight....good night my lord as the guards began walking back to thier posts...that mourning as drake woke up...a messenger stood afoot from drakes lord may i have a word? yes drake replied, what is it? a thife has been cought stealing from the castle garden! would you like to see her? sure...take her to the throne room i shall be in a moment.
So who do we have here? drake asked what is your name young girl

luminis_knight Nov 26th, 2003 10:42 PM

hey i was wandering...
would you like me to draw a pic of your charachter red and reling???

luminis_knight Dec 6th, 2003 06:09 PM

sorry it took me so long to come back...had to take care of some business

Redpyramidhead Dec 6th, 2003 09:32 PM

If you would like to draw a picture of how you interpret my character for fun, by all means go ahead. Would you like a description or would you like to interpret him yourself?

_RED_ stuff

Redpyramidhead Dec 6th, 2003 09:47 PM

Ok, here's a description of how I envision Jackirus. He is a ghostly figure that seemingly does not walk, but instead floats not to high above the ground. He is not a stereotypical dracula-like vampire. He appears to have a long cloak that wraps around him like ethereal mist. He looks to have hair that is long and silver with black streaks and is constantly flowing around.

_RED_ stuff

luminis_knight Dec 7th, 2003 12:24 PM

thanx'll take some time to finish it though give me a day or so k

Redpyramidhead Dec 7th, 2003 06:07 PM

Just so you know, you don't have to draw this if you don't have the time. I only described him because you seemed to want to do it.

_RED_ stuff

luminis_knight Dec 8th, 2003 06:08 PM

yeah ok
i do want to do this!!! i working on my charachter right now...yours will be next...just wait, you'll love doing this because i think it will draw more people to get interested...and become part of my story!

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