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happy_doughnut Apr 25th, 2002 10:43 PM

A drawing...supposedly.
Um, well, this is the first drawing that I make that I ever post up. I don't like to post any mainly because...well, I draw really bad >_<
Don't laugh okay! I've seen so many works of art that you guys have made and they really impressed me! I wish I had the talent some of you guys had but I don't . Oh well. Anyway, this isn't anime/manga related. It's just something I made. *blush*

Oh and yeah, thanks for the help Meryl! :happy:

Well, here it is:

Pu the Owl Apr 26th, 2002 04:30 AM

That is a very nice drawing!
Especially the pose is great! And you put nice details on the weapons and clothes! Kinda reminded me of Inu Yasha, probably because of the hair. Is it an original character or not?
Anyway, a very good work :)

Mana Apr 26th, 2002 01:47 PM

Wow! That's really good! I can't do anything like this!
You should post more drawings, 'cause this one is very good!

merylsilverburg Apr 26th, 2002 07:11 PM

Glad to help Mena. :happy: Anyway, what are you talking about? Your drawing is very good! I also like the pose, because I can't draw poses, so this is terrific!! I also like the little details you added, like the belt buckles, sword design, and the little chain on the right foot. ;) The sword sheath is a cool little extra too. I agree with Fortune, the hair reminds me of Inu Yasha. If I may make a little suggestion though.....try shading in the rest of the hair a little. That way, it'll blend in with the hair on the head. Try to keep the shading minimal, and it'll look even better. Sorry if I sound conceited or anything. :heh: It's a wonderful piece. :cool: How long have you been drawing?

happy_doughnut Apr 26th, 2002 10:41 PM

Thanks you guys! I'm glad you liked it!
Well, uh...I shade most of my drawings because I can't color :disturb: It reminds you of who??
Yeah, this is original and it took me quite a while to draw the pose. I've been drawing since I was like...11 or so. My brother taught me :)
I thought the chain would be hardly noticed! What can I say, I try. But I can make a mean circle lol.
Thanks for the advice Meryl. I'll keep that in mind next time. I appreciate the comments. :happy:

merylsilverburg Apr 26th, 2002 11:20 PM


Originally posted by Mena
Well, uh...I shade most of my drawings because I can't color :disturb: It reminds you of who??
Huh? I'm kinda confused...what I meant was, just fill in the hair with pencil slightly, in order for it to blend in with the top of the hair. I noticed that the hair on the top of the head is slightly darker than the rest of the hair, so you should try to even it out. I'm sorry if my words were kinda :roll:. I didn't mean to offend you or say you're not good....I think you have incredible talent, so you should continue drawing for us! :happy:

Sleazy P Martini Apr 26th, 2002 11:59 PM

excellent job!

Rei Apr 27th, 2002 07:16 PM

Mena, they were mentioning the main character from Inu Yasha, which is a series from Takahashi Rumiko, the same author of Ranma 1/2 ( I think you said you like Ranma..), just because the hair of your character are similar to the ones of this character.

I like this drawing, I've noticed the chain too, and I'm amazed by the little details you put here and there without exaggeration!
This is a very nice drawing indeed! Post more!

Cannibal Clown Apr 29th, 2002 07:23 PM

Mena, how can you say that about yourself. I thinknthat your pic is really really really good! The shading's great, and you did a wonderfull job on the clothing.

Here's a pointer though, the way the leg curls up is well doe, but I feel that you have to make the knee larger, to show depth and to make the two legs seem the same size, because the feemer looks to short because of the angle of the leg. Don't take this on the defensive side, I think your drawing is wonderfull, and everyone here knows that I'm always making some sort of comment about the art everyone else does. I'm not trying to seem like a god of art or anything, because I cant do nearly as good as you or meryl.

And I dissagree about what Meryl said about keeping the shading minimal. I say that if it's not colored, then the more shading thew better, just as long as you keep the contrast of the lights and darks noticable, so that you can still see the lines and figure and so on and so fourth. And while darkening the hair, remember, reflections reflections reflections!

Well that's all I have to say about this one. Other than that small issue, I think that the drawing is excelent, and Meryl can back me up on this when I say that I hate it when people who can draw really well, say that they suck. It really pisses me off, because it kinda insults me and other people on the forums who can't dfraw at all, and awe at these works of art which you are calling crap. So next time you post a pic, don't say you suck until you hear the responces from the other members, because they respect you for your art abilities, and you're only being hard on everyone who looks at your pic.

Of coarse, sometimes it feels like the people who post here about the stories and art, might justr be being really kind, and just saying nice things to get on the good sides of the members. I'm not like that at all, i see something, and I comment it all I can, expresing how I truely feel about the stroy or pic. I can tell be the praise I got from the little bit of work i was able to post a long time ago. I can't color, and I had no software to modify the pics, so I had to turn it in the way it was, and the bodie's were unproportional, and the eyes didn't look very complex or detailed and the shading from the colored pencils were terrible. But everyone said that they were really good. I admit that they were better than what the average joe could conjure up, but still, you have to bve carefull when reading what some of the members have to say about your work, becasue I feel that they may just be acting overly friendly.

The only ones I can truely trust are my friends who post here, the rest I have to be a bit wary.

So back to the subject on hand, don't say you suck, because you don't, and never get cocky either, because no one is perfect, and you can always count on me for some mean, hard, and honest truth. But you are a good draweer. I'll leave it at that.

Game_Developer Apr 29th, 2002 10:10 PM

I hope this works...... *crosses fingers*

Game_Developer Apr 29th, 2002 10:11 PM

YES!!!! It worked, this is the first character sketch. So it's pretty crappy, so bear with it..

Cannibal Clown Apr 30th, 2002 05:05 PM

Oh wow, you can really draw the male figure! Your very good. I haven't seen a full body pose in a long time.

But maybe you should post it in a thread of your own. This one belongs to Mena buddy.

But please, draw more. You have an excellent tallent! Expecially when it comes to clothing. And the way you can draw a single figure in different angles. I've never been able to do that very well, so I have to say that you're awesome.

I hope to see a name come out of it soon though.

happy_doughnut Apr 30th, 2002 09:40 PM

Hey GD that looks awesome! The angles you drew are really quite astonishing! Great job, hope you post more!

Oh and CC, thanks for the advice. I'll keep those things in mind from now on :)

Female_Vivi May 4th, 2002 03:26 PM

That is really nicely done. A BIG applause to you

Female Vivi

Spirit May 6th, 2002 11:40 AM

hey hey, thats a great piece of art :D

Soul Angel May 7th, 2002 12:55 PM

That is really good Mena, I like it :)
Keep it up ;)

And Game Developer that boss pic looks really good as well, I hope you post more of your pics up here ;)

Black Heart May 9th, 2002 09:43 PM

That's really cool Mena. I like it. You're really talented.

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