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Reid Mar 20th, 2004 03:47 PM

The Anime Awards
Alright. Give this a whirl.

I'll list a bunch of different categories and reply with what you think deserves the award for it.

I'll add just a few off the top of my head but feel more than free to create more as you think of them.

Best Anime Soundtrack

ex. Cowboy Bebop (my opinion as well)

Best Anime Hero

Best Anime Villain

Best Anime Death Sequence

Best Anime Action Sequence

Fill in the blanks and create some more of these. Hopefully this will create some discussion but not a lot of anger over strong opinions.


Well . . . give'r!

merylsilverburg Mar 20th, 2004 08:36 PM

Re: The Anime Awards
Best Anime Soundtrack: Hellsing or The Big O Original Soundscore

Best Anime Hero: Alucard (Hellsing) or Himura, Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)

Best Anime Villain: This is tough...either Legato (Trigun) or Angel (The Big O)

Best Anime Death Sequence: Wolfwood (Trigun)

Best Anime Action Sequence: Hellsing

Here are a few of mine: (some are the pretty typical ones)

Best Movie: Millenium Actress or Whisper of the Heart

Best Story: Cowboy Bebop or The Big O

Best Animation (overall): Wolf's Rain

Best Anime Heroine: R. Dorothy Wayneright (The Big O)

Best Characters (meaning which series do you like the overall characters?): HeatGuy J

That's all...I'll think of more later. :right:

Reid Mar 20th, 2004 11:04 PM

Alright. I'll fill out a few.

Best Anime Villain : Probably Griffith from Berserk because he has such incredible depth and is probably the most cold-hearted character in an anime.

Best Anime Hero : Himura Kenshin is a great hero character. He represents honour and positivity but my favourite is probably Spike Spiegel because he oozes coolness, has a good reason for doing what he does and is just plain likeable.

Best Anime Heroine : I might say Motoko Kusanagi from the Ghost in the Shell movie and series. She's the first one I think of as being a good and well developed heroine. Unlike Spike and Kenshin she's a little less pure in her actions though, so it's hard to think of her as being completely a hero figure.

Best Anime Action Sequence : I'd probably go with either the train or tower fights from Knockin' on Heaven's Door or Spike escaping from that facility disguised as a janitor. The fight scenes in the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs (first and second sets) are great.

Best Characters : I like the Neon Genesis Evangelion cast a lot. The Jubei-chan (1 and 2) and FLCL cast is great because they're so colourful and dynamic which I like a lot. Cowboy Bebop is also really good.

Best Animation (overall) : I really like BONES style so Cowboy Bebop, Rah Xephon, and Wolf's Rain all had great animation. I'd agree with meryl and say that Wolf's Rain is most likely the most consistently well animated shows. The Metropolis movie is visually fantastic and I really like the work that Gainax and Project I.G. put out.

Best Soundtrack : Yoko Kanno is very talented as well as the musicians she works with. My all time favourite is definently Cowboy Bebop but I like the other BONES production's music. FLCL, Hellsing and Gad Guard have also had really stand out music. I'm drawn to soundtracks that aren't typical cheery J-Pop/J-Rock.

That's all I've got for now.


Cannibal Clown Mar 22nd, 2004 04:05 PM

Here's mine, i'm also incorporating meryl's catagories along with new ones of my own in as well.

Best Anime Villian Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) He's not super evil or anything, but for some reason, i can't think of a villian i like as much as him, with abilities, actions, and sheer personality unlike many other villians out there.
Best Anime Hero Gutts (Berserk) Like posted above concerning berserk, one of the deepest anime good guys out there. My second would be kenshin or spike however.
Best Anime Heroine Excel (Excel Saga) <=Not sure if she's much of a heroine, but she's my favorite anime girl out there who isn't evil or wrong willed. If not her, then Faye from Bebop.
Best Anime Characters Evangelion Each are so unique from everyone else, and i seem to enjoy each aspect of all of them.
Best Animation (Overall) Cowboy Bebop I don't think i need any reasoning for this one.
Best Story RahXephonTo me, one of the most complex stories out there, even if it almost paralleled Eva.
Best Movie Akira Yeah i know, it's over rated by many, and should be eased over after so many years, but it still gets my vote for best movie.
Best Voice Acting (English Dub) Cowboy Bebop Again, i don't think i need reasoning, it's just the way it is, bebops english cast owns all.
Best Voice Acting (Japanese Dub) Naruto Il Palazzo got me into this one, and i am glad. The acting in this one is astounding, and should be given kudos to.
Best Anime Death Sequence Naruto (Haku And Zabusa) Saddest thing i ever saw. If not this one, it would ahve to be Spike's death, Kenshin's death, or Wolfwood's
Best Anime Fight Sequence Kenshin (Kenshin VS Saito) I don't think i've ever enjoyed watching a sword fight more than i did their's.
Best Anime Soundtrack Cowboy Bebop We all know that Yoko Kanno is a genius. He work is unbelievable, and she shows it without competition in Bebop.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 22nd, 2004 05:04 PM

Best Anime Villian - Vicious, overall I just think he's one of the most badass villians out there.
Runner Up - Griffith

Best Anime Hero - Gutzs, see CC's post.
Runner Up - Dark Schnieder

Best Anime Heroine - Sorry can't think of one that stands out

Best Anime Characters - Naruto, each character is payed special attention with a wonderful back story to make you either love them or hate them. Naruto has the absolutely best characters
Runner Up - Cowboy Bebop

Best Animation (Overall) - Cowboy Bebop, I haven't seen anything that has truely stood up to this anime
Runner Up - Naruto

Best Story - Naruto, from what I've seen of the anime this far it is already having the potential to be one of the best stories told.
Runner Up - Berserk

Best Movie - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knocking On Heavens Door), its Cowboy Bebop in movie form what is not to like about this
Runner Up - Can't think of any that would get runner up, maybe when the Naruto movie comes out there will be one. :)

Best Voice Acting (English Dub) - Excel Saga, they found a great voice for each character that potraits them perfectly. Definately a very well done dub
Runner Up - Cowboy Bebop

Best Voice Acting (Japanese Dub) - Naruto, this anime has THE BEST japanese dubbing I ever heard. They make the characters so believable. The emotion, the pain, and misery is all there any you feel for them.
Runner Up - Full Metal Alchemist

Best Anime Death Sequence - Naruto (Haku and Zabuza), this death scene made me cry. It was the saddest thing I ever seen and everything that led up to it was absolutely hear breaking. Great feeling was expressed with this one.
Runner Up - Spike (Cowboy Bebop

Best Anime Fight Sequence - Naruto (Any fight scene) There all crafted wonderfully. The animation doesn't get cheap or anything. Its amazingly fluid and lifelike. This anime is definately the best.
Runner Up - Berserk (Gutzs vs 100 Men)

Best Anime Soundtrack - Naruto, the music brings this anime to life. Be it the fight scene, death scene, whatever. Excellent, excellent soundtrack.
Runner Up - Cowboy Bebop and Berserk.

merylsilverburg Mar 23rd, 2004 09:01 AM

Oh dear, I should've put reasons for why I voted for those animes, shouldn't I? *smacks forehead*

Best Anime Soundtrack: Hellsing or The Big O Original Soundscore. The Hellsing soundtrack basically has dark, eerie, but upbeat music, but that's what makes this soundtrack so wonderful. I especially love the clunky piano music in some songs. The Big O soundtrack is the complete opposite of Hellsing, but the music is so captivating and it's so easy to listen to. It's very soothing, with a majority of piano music and orchestrated songs. I especially love "Sleep My Dear", the main piano theme to the series.

Best Anime Hero: Alucard (Hellsing) or Himura, Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin). Heh, as Reid said, Kenshin represents all moral, pure, honorific qualities and that's what makes him a true hero. However, I picked Alucard (similar to Reid's Spike) because he is basically badass but not only that, Alucard has that confidence (or is he cocky...? ;)) that I haven't seen in such a long time, so it's refreshing. Also, he does have
some honorable qualities (maybe not in the same way as Kenshin), but it's there.

Best Anime Villain: This is tough...either Legato (Trigun) or Angel (The Big O). I said Legato because, while I don't quite remember what he did since it's been ages, I do remember that this guy really pissed me off and was very "evil" in his ways. As for Angel, she also made me incredibly mad (she's also pretty annoying to begin with) but her reasons for doing what she did were just very...manipulative and not really "evil", but more like...unreasonable. Which is why I voted for her.

Best Anime Death Sequence: Wolfwood (Trigun). As CC mentioned that Kenshin’s death was one of the saddest, I agree...however, I’d say the most beautiful death was when Wolfwood died. I just loved the whole build-up leading to his death. While I do think it was annoying to see him die in such a way (after all those episodes), I still think it’s one of the most shocking and unexpected ones.

Best Anime Action Sequence: Hellsing. Well...basically the fight scenes are incredible. Some may not be so wonderful visually, but I just loved the majority of the fights between the characters especially Alucard and Anderson. Since Alucard is nearly invincible and Anderson is a Regenerator, it’s always so interesting to see their battles because they truly want to kill the other. Absolutely fascinating.
EDIT: My second favorite would have to be in Rurouni Kenshin. There are a lot of good fights in this series, but my favorite would have to be Soujiro's and Kenshin's fight. Holy cow, this fight just blew my mind away...beautifully animated, I love this fight.

Best Movie: Millenium Actress or Whisper of the Heart. I said Millenium Actress because I love the story and how it was played out. It was so tragic though, but it was wonderful to be “included” in the journey through Chiyoko’s
past and the events leading up to her life currently. The animation is superb as well. For my second choice, I said Whisper of the Heart because, while this story is more
calmer and more of a romance, I just really love stories about life, maturity, experience and all that. When it involves Studio Ghibli, the stories are made even more sweet and sad, so Whisper of the Heart really set it for me.

Best Story: Cowboy Bebop or The Big O. Cowboy Bebop’s story isn’t unique or different...the story is quite unoriginal...however, I chose this as best story because I think it was played out quite nicely and there were great episodes along the way. There were only a few episodes that were somewhat “pointless”, but a majority of the story followed through the development and changes of the characters and you see their lives being affected by this change. I think that’s what’s so brilliant about it. As for my second choice, The Big O would have to be one hell of an original plot to me. The city...the event that happened 40 years ago and the intrigue and mystery surrounding it...all so mysterious and entrancing. A seriously addicting story that actually makes you wonder and think about what happened in the past and try to figure out all the little clues in the anime and how they could be related.

Best Animation (overall): Wolf's Rain. While Cowboy Bebop has classic animation and is quite beautiful even now, Wolf’s Rain is an updated, more amazing version of Bebop. BONES really does a splendid job of animating and I don’t even think they use a second studio, their animation is so good. The colors, the details, the smoothness of the scenes...for a TV series, it’s A++ quality.

Best Anime Heroine: R. Dorothy Wayneright (The Big O). There are many heroines I could pick for this category, but I chose R. Dorothy for the fact that she can really do something. Sure, she’s an android so of course it’s cheating a bit, but even so, there are other androids that could be made to be completely useless, however she’s not. She also does more than physical work for she put a complete effect on the main character, who is a real pain at times. She’s an android who acts so human and seems to have more emotion than a real human being. And that’s because humans take advantage of having emotions since it’s something which we are already “born” with. So, with R.
Dorothy already being incredibly realistic, you also see her express more emotion than normal, even though it’s subtle.

Best Characters (meaning which series do you like the overall characters?): HeatGuy J. I don’t know...there’s something about the cast of this series which is just so...darn likeable. Even the supposed “villain”, Clair, is likeable...despite him being a selfish, immature, spoiled and pathetic guy. There actually isn’t a person I really dislike in the whole thing, which is amazing for me since I find annoyances/flaws easily.

Best English Voice Acting: This is tough too...either Cowboy Bebop, The Big O (both by licensed by Bandai), or Shoujo Kakumei Utena. Considering the voice actor for Spike also did Roger, it's a no brainer that it sounds good. However, both series features excellent voice acting and it's too hard to decide on just one. For Shoujo Kakumei Utena, I think the voices fit the characters scarily well and I actually like it better than the Japanese.

Best Japanese Voice Acting: The Japanese usually does outstanding work on the voice acting, but I think Fruits Basket really takes the cake. Let's just say I can't imagine another person doing a voice for one of the characters in this series because it would just ruin/destroy it. You really feel and see the personality of each characters, just by the voice alone. Amazing.

BlackThornn Mar 30th, 2004 05:52 PM

Re: The Anime Awards
Best Anime Soundtrack

Cowboy Bebop

Best Anime Hero

Alucard (Hellsing

Best Anime Villain

Griffith (Berserk)

Best Anime Death Sequence

The Death of Spike Spiegel in the final episode of Cowboy Bebop. The Death of Nicholas Wolfwood in Trigun. The former for just being cool, the latter for being amazingly tragic and poignant.

Best Anime Action Sequence

Assault on Chuda fortress, particularly the fight between Guts and the Purple Rhino Knights general, in Berserk.

Best Animation

Out of what I'd seen it would have to be a tie between Cowboy Bebop and Last Exile.. with the scale tipping toward Last Exile's absolutely beautiful imagery.

Best Feature-Length Anime

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

Best Single Track (song)

Title song of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.. I think it's called DNA or something, but it's one of the catchiest tunes I've ever heard in an anime.

Best Story

Berserk, but maybe that's just cause I'm a sucker for medieval europe-esque war stories.

LrdAlucard Oct 28th, 2004 10:14 AM

Best Anime Soundtrack:

Best Anime Hero: Alucard! :D

Best Anime Villain: I would bet on Beibi :)

Best Anime Death Sequence: Vegeta...when he dies in ashamed...but i really had a teardrop in my eye when i saw it :blush:

Best Anime Action Sequence: Naruto!

Best Movie: Laputa - Castle in the Sky

Best Story: Rurouni Kenshin

Best Animation (overall): Wolf's Rain

Best Anime Heroine: Excel?? :D LOL

Best Characters (meaning which series do you like the overall characters?): DB!

Phenom Oct 29th, 2004 05:21 PM

I haven't seen too many animes so don't bite my head off for the ones I put up.

Best Anime Soundtrack:
I'd give this to Cowboy Bebop. It matched the story quite well.

Best Anime Hero:
Kenshin Himura without a doubt. I don't really think there could be another hero like him. (Of couse this is my opinion)

Best Anime Villain:
This is really tough, but my choice would be Vicious. Either him or Makoto Shishio.

Best Anime Death Sequence
Spike got this one for me. His ending almost brought tears to my eyes especially with the music.

Best Anime Action Sequence
Rurouni Kenshin, the fight between Kenshin and Saito was great, didn't have much suspence or anything.

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