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MakgSnake Jun 29th, 2003 12:56 AM

Mario 128 Question.
Just a simple topic....... well thats what I think it is. We all know that Miyamoto was going to show MARIO 128 at this year's E3 show but they decided not to, because they didn't want anybody else to steal their new technology that is being used for this game. Which makes it hard for me to wait for it.

So what do you guys think it could be.....? I mean what could there be that hasn't already been done? I cant even guess.... but knowing Miyamoto is working on it......anything is possible.

dan da man Jun 29th, 2003 06:34 AM

Qood question, did'nt know this, mario is a platform/adanenture right? So Miyamoto might be using the unreal engine or something, imagine how outstanding that would be for a mario game, im still try to guess....

Azuma_Ninja Jun 29th, 2003 11:40 AM

I really don't know what it could be. All's I'm hoping is that the next mario isn't something stupide like mario sunshine. Mario easily could be aimed at a more mature audience, they just can't dumb it down and that's what I didn't like about sunshine.

MakgSnake Jun 29th, 2003 12:28 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

Mario easily could be aimed at a more mature audience, they just can't dumb it down and that's what I didn't like about sunshine.
Yeah I agree with you that Mario could be aimed at more mature audience, but KIDS would be the main target, I mean its MARIO, ITS A ME!.! :D

The amazing things about Nintendo games are......that the control system gets easier and easier to use. I think Miyamoto would do the same with this...... making the controls soo easy and smooth.

But I have to say....I think Mario Sunshine was great. I love that game.....its not the usual Mario, but its beautiful and soo addictive. I love the controls too. :D

That unreal engine sounds intresting, but Miyamoto wouldn't do that....he would INFACT create a TOTALLY new UNIQUE engine for it...... he is a creative mastermind, isnt he?.! :)

I think he'll make the game complete 3D or something like that. I mean when you buy the game, it'll come with speical GameCube 3D glasses which you would have to wear so when you play the game, it'll feel like things are coming out of the screens and you know stuff like that. But just my thinking.. (I know its not completely original) but I cant think of anything else.

Vicious_2003 Jun 29th, 2003 01:40 PM


Mario easily could be aimed at a more mature audience,
I REALLY doubt that Miyamoto would go in that direction. In fact, in a recent interview of sorts he was quoted in saying something to the effect of "You can rely on the fact that mario will NEVER be picking up hookers instead of coins, I promise you that" (Not an EXACT quote). I know that sounds extreeme but he's basically sending a message that he wont be gearing it towards a more mature audience. Which I think is good, id HATE to see another bad fir day , what a disgrace that was to Nintendo.

Anyway, I too thought Mario Sunshine was an amazing game. A bit childish, yes, but thats Mario, he wouldnt be the same any other way.

As for this new engine or whatever. It's got me scracting my head. No clue as to what he could be doing with Mario now, but id bet top dollar it will be A+ stuff. At this point i would expect nothing less from the genious of Miyamoto

dan da man Jun 29th, 2003 05:07 PM

What about a metal gear solid style mario?:laugh: it could be.

Vicious_2003 Jun 29th, 2003 06:03 PM


What about a metal gear solid style mario? it could be
I can just see mario sneaking up on a soldier and breaking his neck, then dragging the body away. :laugh:

Azuma_Ninja Jun 29th, 2003 07:16 PM

When I said mature I didn't mean violence and picking up hookers. If you think that's what makes a mature game then I feel sorry for you. What I meant was that it didn't have to be aimed soley at 10 year olds. Mario 64 was great and it was played by a wide age range. Mario sunshine I thought was a different story........let's give Mario a watergun to fight the bad guys....sorry not to many people my age find games fun when they see that in games.

Vicious_2003 Jun 29th, 2003 08:32 PM


When I said mature I didn't mean violence and picking up hookers. If you think that's what makes a mature game then I feel sorry for you
I know you didnt mean that. That was a quote made by someone else not me, so you have no need to feel sorry for ME. The quote was an extreeme example of the more simple idea that it wont be getting much more mature. But how can you gear mario towards a more mature adience at all ?. Instead of a water cannon youd have him use what ? An Uzi ? A tank ? Chemical weapons ? :laugh: . Im just making fun but I DO see where your coming from Azuma. But really how would YOU gear mario towards an older audience ? I just dont see it happening. I can see maybe throwing in some more witty mature dialouge, but that wouldnt effect gameplay much .

Mario sunshine was an A+ title and if you refused to play it because it was too childish I feel sorry for you. I once said id never play Wind Waker for the same reason, and later realized I was wrong and the game is damn good (Although id still prefer it not be cartoonish)

dan da man Jun 30th, 2003 07:12 AM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

I can just see mario sneaking up on a soldier and breaking his neck, then dragging the body away. :laugh:

hmmm:laugh: Not that violent ofcourse becuase mario is for everyone! I dont think seaking about would work in mario, seeing none of us are game developers, its going to be extremely hard to guess right.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 30th, 2003 11:19 AM

How would I gear Mario towards a more mature audience? Easy I would go back to Mario 64 again. He didn't have weapons but he could do a little punch kick combo if I remember correctly. Also I would give him the ability to shoot fireballs if he picks up one of thos special flowers. Now that I think about it putting Yoshi in the game would also help. I mean he actually ate the badguys. Sure it didn't look to bad but if you think about it that's a pretty violent action right there.

Here's just some crazy ideas that I think might spice up the Mario franchise. Mario could find and use a sword (he's always around could happen). Or maybe use a staff comboed with some martial arts moves. Ehh whatever I guess I'll just have to wait for some screen shots.

MakgSnake Jun 30th, 2003 11:47 AM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

let's give Mario a watergun to fight the bad guys....sorry not to many people my age find games fun when they see that in games.
Not being rude here, but if a WATER-GUN in a game makes you NOT wanna play the game, I then feel Sorry for You. It doesn't matter what the game have in it.....what matters is what it makes out of it. The stuff you can do with "Flood" --> that water machine Mario uses in Sunshine is just amazing. Its like saying "I dont like Thermo Goggles, and just because Sam Fisher and Solid Snake used them in their games, I am not gonna play it."

Neway........Mario 128 as we all know will be the MOST important game for GameCube, till the next system comes out. So I am pretty sure Miyamoto will do something that has never done before. But soo much has been done in games....its hard to think whats left (I mean for this generation of games). I still think that 3D idea would be cool.

dan da man Jun 30th, 2003 12:08 PM

It better not be cel shading God damnit!! the sales will plunge and I will not buy it! I thought the water gun is one of the funnest gadgets in mario yet! Why do you need to aim it at the adult audience, mostly fans will buy it and if it looks good and appeals to people they might just buy it like with sunshine.:roll:

Vic Viper Jun 30th, 2003 03:31 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

It better not be cel shading God damnit!!
why are you so against cel shading ?:peoples:

Vicious_2003 Jun 30th, 2003 03:36 PM


Here's just some crazy ideas that I think might spice up the Mario franchise. Mario could find and use a sword (he's always around could happen). Or maybe use a staff comboed with some martial arts moves. Ehh whatever I guess I'll just have to wait for some screen shots.
I guess ome people would be in favor of that. I just dont see it as that big a deal personally, id prefer he have his extreemly versatile water cannon than a sword to hack up bad guys with. Mario isnt about that kind of violence. i mean marios first way of beating enemys was to simply jump on there heads. I wouldnt want them to completely loose sight of what made Mario, well MARIO. And btw, Yoshi was a playable character in Mario Sunshine


hmmm Not that violent ofcourse becuase mario is for everyone!
Hehe, yeah but its still funny to think about :laugh:


It better not be cel shading God damnit
I second that !

And as for some more thoughts on what the innovation could be in Mario 128. Im thinking maybe they will give him a cool multi purpose vehicle. I mean, they gave Link the talking boat that he uses through out the game.They could give mario a 4-wheeler or something, lol, well maybe. Or they could even set it in the future. A mechanical computerized Bowser 5000. Mario could navigate the world with a jet-pack or something. Maybe those ideas are stupid but ya never know ;)

dan da man Jun 30th, 2003 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Vic Viper

why are you so against cel shading ?:peoples:

I cant stand it in some games, the only game whats done it for is jet set radio future, but in mario it would just not be right.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 30th, 2003 04:39 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

I cant stand it in some games, the only game whats done it for is jet set radio future, but in mario it would just not be right.
What? A cel shaded Mario would be just like the old school cartoon. :) We don't want Mario looking like a real person do we?


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Not being rude here, but if a WATER-GUN in a game makes you NOT wanna play the game, I then feel Sorry for You. It doesn't matter what the game have in it.....what matters is what it makes out of it. The stuff you can do with "Flood" --> that water machine Mario uses in Sunshine is just amazing. Its like saying "I dont like Thermo Goggles, and just because Sam Fisher and Solid Snake used them in their games, I am not gonna play it."

Well then let's have snake start using a watergun and see who plays. Wait I'm afraid according to what I'm hearing that you would. Yes I'm sorry if Snake started using a water pistol I think I would have to stop playing and hope that some guard would shoot him dead. But that's just me.

dan da man Jun 30th, 2003 04:52 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

What? A cel shaded Mario would be just like the old school cartoon. :) We don't want Mario looking like a real person do we?

Not really, just like sunshine with more detail and textures.

Vicious_2003 Jun 30th, 2003 06:26 PM

I dont see a problem with a game being cel shaded if it started off that way like Jet Set Radio. But to change a game thats perfectly fine without it to cel shading, such as with Wind Waker, I just dont see the point. I would have much prefered a zelda game with an older link exploring a realistic world. Rather than a goofy looking poorly drawn 9 year old link exploring an ultra colorful cartoon land. Dont get me wrong Wind Waker is still an awesome game, I would just prefer it NOT be cel shaded. Why fix something that isnt broken ?. What was wrong with the zelda series ?. Whats wrong with Mario as it is now ? Forget cel shading nintendo, PLEASE !?

The preeceding was the OPINION of Vicious_2003 and should in no way serve to offend or anger any members of the ps2 Fantasy community. If you do however take offense to it, please call 1-800-getthehelloverit and report your experience. Or email me at [email protected]. Thank You XD

Azuma_Ninja Jun 30th, 2003 08:08 PM

I think the problem is that most game companies feel they're not original staying the way they were. Zelda is a good example, but also GTA games. There was nothing wrong with the GTA3 engine but I heard the next game in the series is going to have a completely new engine. I personally agree with the if it isn't broken don't fix it.

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