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Vicious_2003 Jan 18th, 2004 08:37 PM

Consoles (Howd they do ?)
Okay its simple, give a grade to each system thats on the market . Each system has been out a while and has had ample time to show its stuff. So how did they live up to your expexctations ? Heres mine

Microsoft/XBOX = C+

Id give microsofts efforts thus far a C+. They've managed to take a console in its very first year up against VERY stuff competition and establish quite the fan base. Perhaps not abroad but certainly here in the states. On top of that they have a game that is concidered by many to be one of if not THE best games ever made, that being, of course halo. On top of that they've equipped the X Box with all the ementities, such as 4 controller slots, a top of the line DVD player and a hard drive that eliminates the need for those pesky memory cards. Not to mention they have the best online gaming network BAR NONE

Some of its downfalls...not an ABUNDANT selection of good console specific titles, a horribly large controller upon release, and poor support from overseas consumers. Also they dont have a very large selection of titles for the RPG lover such as myself

Sony/Playstation2 = B-

The task for sony wasnt quite as difficult . They allready had numerous great console specific titles under thier belt such as final fantasy and the metal gear franchise. They really just had to stick to the formula of keeping a steady flow of titles headed our way. And that they have, releasing more far more titles thus far than the other two major consoles. Its backwards compatibility was a hit for hardcore PS1 fans. And they also have arguably the best online game available in Socom 2.

The downfalls howver bring it down a notch or two. Its damn near inexcusable to stick with just 2 controller ports. It sorely neaded a hard drive included, and the DVD player isnt exactly the best. On top of that theyre online plan isnt the most stable and hasnt stacked up to the popularity of X Box Live.

Nintendo/Gamecube = C-

To this point Nintendo has established itself as a clear number 3 to me. They do have a very good number of console specifics to brag about, I.E- The Mario Franchise, Smash Bros, Mario Cart, the list goes on.

Its downfalls though are tough to over look, even with a 100 dollar price tag. IMO the controllers are dowright terrible. Way to small...way too awckward. There was NO need for those tiny little discs, id rather have the ability to play DVD's myself. And lets face it here people, Nintendo is still over marketing to a younger audience. That may or may not be a good thing in your eyes, but in mine, its bad..real bad. And of course there is the fact that they have ignored online gaming like it was a fad that would pass. I think its clear now that it isnt and Nintedno will, and has suffered the consequences

Up to this point id give the nod to Sony for having the best console. They've just got way too many great franchises to themselves . But its clear that Microsoft isnt going to be taken lightly. And the future of Nintendo has been questioned due to thier efforts and sales on the Cube. Some changes are in desperate need and I have a fealing this big secret theyve got brewing might just be it.

Daedaelus Jan 18th, 2004 10:27 PM

Microsoft X-Box: A-

Maybe it doesn't have the largest/most varied game library, but what the X-Box does have is just awesome. I have to admit, I cannot stop playing HALO. HALO 2, and Ninja Gaiden are also coming to this great system, and heck, even Perfect Dark is making its appearence on X-Box. The LIVE online subscription is the best online service I have ever seen. It is almost flawless. I think the X-Box deserves an A-.

Sony Playstation 2: B+

I know many of PS2Fantasy's Sony zealots will disagree with me on this grade, but it is what Sony deserves, IMHO. Large, and impressive game library, but Sony really dropped the ball when it comes to online service, and graphics. Sure, the games look good, but they could have been better had Sony taken its time with the system, instead of rushing it, releasing the system early, with a backfired attempt to get ahead of the competition. Grow up Sony, gamers would rather wait and buy and impressive console, rather than purchase an immediately available sub-par system.

Nintendo GameCube: B-

Ok, it's nice, its got the games we grew up on. It's lovable, and gosh-darnit, it just looks so cute! Aesthetically speaking, GameCube looks amazing. Being as forthcoming as possible, I have to say that games just aren't fun... Sure, I love Mario, and Banjo Kazooie, and Donkey Kong, but sometimes, you just have to have a shoot-em-up-kill-everything-in-sight kind of game. GameCube just doesn't offer something like this, and while its respectable, it gets boring fast. The only reason I gave Nintendo a B- is because of the fact that I'm a Zelda whore, and proud to admit it. One of the greatest games of all time, IMHO, and it's only availble on GameCube? Where do I sign up, Miyamoto?

Vicious_2003 Jan 18th, 2004 11:25 PM


I gave Nintendo a B- is because of the fact that I'm a Zelda whore, and proud to admit it
lol:laugh: . I used ot be a Zelda whore untill they turned it into a cell shaded kiddy fest. Still a good game sure..but not at all what it COULD have been

Daedaelus Jan 18th, 2004 11:55 PM

I didn't think about this until now: I remember being one of those people who laughed at Microsoft when the X-Box first came out, but now I realize that it is, in fact, the number console right now. :roll:

tempted Jan 19th, 2004 06:40 AM

PS2 - A..because it's the one i have and it's working pretty well so far...

XBOX- B+...because i don't have one but i have played in one and it seemed rather good..

Gamecube-never used one so no grade ....

-PSX- Jan 19th, 2004 02:08 PM

First of all I would like to state that this is an unbiased opinion having played all three consoles and only owning one (a PS2).

PS2: A+

The reason I rate the PS2 this is because the Playstation 2 has been a legendary console since its release in November 2000. Since then it has gone from strenght to strength, releasing classic after classic to itself from all the major companies (EA Games, Capcom, UbiSoft) such as two Grand Theft Auto titles with one just around the corner and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty (the sequel to this is also around the corner). But these are only two of thousands of games rolling of production lines each day. The console is built with fashion, power and gamers in mind alike. It looks sleek and stylish, it plays any game you put in it perfectly as well as DVDs and CDs and it has all the best games to keep just about anyone entertained. Its 128-bit emotion processor delivers perfectly any media you put in (apart from VCDs). It even backlogs and plays Playsation 1 games. With hundreds more titles appearing each year it is an excellent console with power and style to its gaming. So to put a conclusion to this, Sony has developed an excellent games console which everyone can have a taste for - it plays perfectly, looks great and is an excellent machine.

XBox: C+

Microsoft's first game console, the XBox is currently the most powerful console in the market - but doesn't have a great array of games to match. But the horrible problem lies within the controller and software - it may be built beautifully with its big X but the controller is horrible, big and way too fragile. The software market for this isn't too hopeful either - with not many *excellent with a capital e* titles coming out. No major sellers part from the odd Tom Clancy or Gotham Racing :yawn:. Now I know a lot of members of PS2 Fantasy have a box but believe me I hate it deeply. Microsoft should really have kept with the PC market instead of this venture.

GameCube: B-

The second best console because it has that element that makes it unique - for instance, the size of both the console and the discs. They are excellent because it makes it stylish and appealing. It also has the old Nintendo favourites - Mario and Luigi. This is another swaying factor - classics. Many consoles these days think classics are boring and come out with grunge (Gotham Racing anyone). Whereas Nintendo have stood up proudly and brought classics back to light (Luigis Mansion, Mario Kart). Personally this deserves second place truly. If I were to buy my next console before PS3 this would be it (and im seriously thinking about it).

So there you go, you asked - I answered. Hope you had as much enjoyment reading this as wrote it.

kupoartist Jan 19th, 2004 02:18 PM

Microsoft X-Box:
Overall Grade: B
Hardware: B [Pros: Though quite far behind cutting-edge technology, still the most powerful games system you can plug into your TV with no hassle. Also has a HDD complete in the package] [Cons: Wins no prizes for it's size. DVD player facility needs to be "unlocked"]
Software Library: B [Pros: Has most of the PS2 library, with better graphics] [Cons: Has most of the PC library, with worse graphics]
Flagship titles: C [Pros: Games exclusive to consoles, often gets titles before PC] [Cons: Too few "wow" titles, practically all of which are eventually available on the PC anyway]
Future: B- [Pros: Halo 2] [Cons: Maybe Halo 2 is just too exciting, but the XBox isn't due any hits beyond Halo 2 judging from]

Sony Playstation 2:
Overall Grade: C
Hardware: C+ [Pros: Innate DVD capability, Backwards compatability with PS1] [Cons: Nothing Spectacular. I still have my PS1 as well...]
Software Library: B- [Pros: Very big software library] [Cons: With a library so big, there are a fair ammount of crappy games. Most titles available in better graphical quality on other systems.]
Flagship titles: B [Pros: More big name titles than the other consoles.] [Cons: Porting has stolen it's thunder. Some big-name titles not all their cracked up to be (FFX... ick).]
Future: A[Pros: Extension of big franchises like MGS, FF and GTA imminent] [Cons: Big names could disappoint or migrate.]

Nintendo Gamecube
Overall Grade: B+
Hardware: C [Pros: Very teeny-tiny, and somewhat portable. Available in Purple.] [Cons: Nothing overwhelmingly great, hardware wise. Lacks DVD capability, Internet capability next to non-existant. Available in Purple.]
Software Library: B [Pros: A Diverse, often exclusive selection. Plenty of "good" titles] [Cons: Not a very wide selection.]
Flagship titles: A [Pros: A selection of good, and platform Unique games.] [Cons: Not that big a selection of them.]
Future: B [Pros: FF: Crystal Chronicles and MGS: Twin Snakes are very promising prospects] [Cons: Not exactly inundated with titles beyond these two.]

Overall grades aren't averages. They work on some kind of weird logic or something. As far as these consoles go, none score an A because I personally think that modern consoles are far more threatened by the PC than they used to be. Also, with 3 competant competitors in the battle, its easy to see the merits and faults of each one. The SNES and Mega Drive are my idea of "A grade" consoles.

Vicious_2003 Jan 19th, 2004 11:25 PM


Maybe Halo 2 is just too exciting, but the XBox isn't due any hits beyond Halo 2 judging from
Dont forget Ninja Gaiden, thats getting tons of hype. Of course theres always the possibility that it wont live up to all the talk

Piggle_humsy Jan 25th, 2004 12:22 AM

:cry: Man all you guys have so many consoles and I cant even afford one!

If anyone has a console that they are bored of and want to give it to me coz I am lovely and sweet and they are nice and giving then feel free to! :love:
Or if anyone wins the lotto and feels like sending me the money to buy a console feel free! ;)

NOTE: Address all cheques to the 'The Piggle Humsy Charity"

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

-PSX- Jan 25th, 2004 07:53 AM

awww... I cant write cheques - not until im 16.

Just give me a couple o years...

Piggle_humsy Feb 8th, 2004 11:10 PM

No other offers?? Oh well... Thanks anyway PSX. :)


Piggle :roll:
x x x x

jjmoohead Feb 18th, 2004 01:54 PM

sorry its a little late piggle,

when I go to england you can come over and play consoles at my house. Oh and if your really nice, maybe you will get one for christmas. :)

Piggle_humsy Feb 23rd, 2004 04:50 PM

Awww Thanks! :D ;)

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Preventer Wind Feb 24th, 2004 03:15 AM

I I own all three so my opinions are final! :laugh:


Hardware: As far as performance goes it is the best of the 3. Other then some occasional freezing and some strange loading (Morrowind) everything runs smoothly that I have played. On an additional side it also looks a little bit better. Even though you have to buy a remote in order to use the DVD capabilities it is just a small set back considering it comes with a modem and a hard drive already installed. The only small problem I had with the hardware side is the freezing as mentioned previously. There was also a problem with disc scratching on some earlier models. Still I give it an A-.

Software:'s got Halo! (Which, for whatever reason, is considered to be one of the greatest games of all time) That's fine and dandy but what else is there? It has 2 good RPGs and they are both computer styled ones. Granted they have some good exclusives in Shenmue 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gothem Racing, Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind and Halo (please tell me if I missed any) But that doesn't compare to what the ps2 or the game cube have. I give it a C.

I think Microsoft accomplished what it wanted to do. It has established a firm fan base in the US with a lot of subscribers to their online service. They only have a few things to tweak and as long as they don't screw something up they have a chance to take a bigger piece of the pie the next time around. Though I do hate both types of controllers I still say the console did well. In all I give it a...B


Hardware: According to the specs it is the weakest of the three consoles. Though in most games you can barely tell the difference and it never is a big problem. The addition of a DVD and CD player gives it a slight boost over the GC. Having no hard drive is ok to me. I still would have bought one or two memory cards and they are set to have one come out in the next month with a free game. The big problem I have with the ps2 is that I have had to buy 3. The first models were made with defections and, even though they were corrected, it is a big big big deal to me. Because of this I must give it a C.

Software: The software makes up for the hardware woes a lot. A lot more RPGs then both consoles. Maybe not as many good ones as the ps1 but I still enjoyed most of them. Simply put, Sports games are better for the ps2. The controller is better suited for them and the biggest plus is that EA Sports is online exclusively for the ps2. They also have many more exclusives then the X-BOX. Plus you can play every game made for the ps1 (Which should probably be in the hardware section but oh well). A big bonus. It deserves an A.

I think Sony pretty much dominated this time around. They had control of the market at the start and, even with a new competitor, may have even more control. The sales figures are amazing especially compare to the X-Box and GC. In all I believe it merits a B+

Game Cube:

Hardware: OK so it doesn't have a DVD player or a CD player or a hard drive. So what? The graphics are slightly worse then the X-Box and better then the ps2s. I've never heard of any problems with malfunctions. Plus it costs $100 less then the ps2 and the X-Box. Because of this I give it a B.

Software: The sports games are the worst out of all the consoles because of the wacky controller. They have very few RPGs and almost 0 FPS games. But with possibly the best bunch of exclusives I can over look all this. But that might be the biggest problem. The Game Cube is hit or miss on a lot of their exclusive titles. Some people don't like the "kiddish" styles of the Mario games or Wind Waker. Personally, I don't mind it. Because of this it earns a C.

Nintendo has lost a lot of ground since the SNES. The GC did not make things any better. Maybe it was the change to disks? Or possibly people didn't like that there were no DVD or CD capabilities. The Game Cube wasn't a total blunder though. And Nintendo still holds onto the handheld market for the time, which earns them enough Bling Bling. For all this I give the Game Cube a B-

So there you have it...
PS2 = B+ :king:

X-Box = B

NGC = B-

Daedaelus Feb 24th, 2004 09:14 AM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind
They have very few RPGs and almost 0 FPS games.
NGC has the best FPS to date: Metroid Prime.

There is NO FPS better than this game (right now anyway). Period.

Vicious_2003 Feb 26th, 2004 10:42 AM

Metroid Prime ? Better than Halo ? Me thinks NOT

Metroid Prime was a fun game for sure. But it is a clear 2nd best for sure

Daedaelus Feb 26th, 2004 01:17 PM

I meant on the NGC. :P

Vicious_2003 Feb 26th, 2004 06:14 PM

Oh ahem.........sorry

My inner Halo fanboy self took over for a moment

Anyway, in THAT case I agree :laugh:

Daedaelus Feb 26th, 2004 09:10 PM

LOL @ Vicious. :laugh:

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