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007_JamesBond Jul 12th, 2002 11:14 AM

Instinct vs. intel.
what do you trust the most your instinct or the facts? Do you trust your self or information?

Hylas Jul 12th, 2002 01:57 PM

Instict can be a support, but I don't think you can only rely on instict, especially nowadays.

007_JamesBond Jul 12th, 2002 02:49 PM

well here is how I see it I know about things before I do them but if there is a sudden change on what is going on then I trust my instinct

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 04:07 PM

Humans dont have instincts. Just a brain.

Cept' maybe the need to screw, and the need for social interaction (which is debateable).

Gadzoox Jul 12th, 2002 05:07 PM

I personally trust my instinct moreso than given information. I mean, who knows where the information in question came from?! It could very easily have been made up to sound 'real' by some twit.

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 05:24 PM

This is why youre all so blind and swallow whatever garbage you WANT to belive.

Hylas Jul 12th, 2002 06:20 PM

Asylum, I don't think you have the right to call others blind only because they have a different opinion. Adding to that, humans do have instict, not only a brain, like every other animal, but they just can control the greatest part of these insticts most of the time thanks to brain usage. Go read some scientific magazine before you say stuff like that. :laugh:

007_JamesBond Jul 12th, 2002 06:24 PM

I respect your opinion assylum, but to call one only to have a brain and no instinct, is taking away one of the only facts that makes them human

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 07:32 PM

One of the only facts that makes them human? Sorry, I don't get it.

By the way, what I said makes perfect sense. Ignoring facts and going after what you think is your "instinct" makes you blind.

Rei Jul 12th, 2002 07:49 PM

Istincts are a basilar part of human being. As Hylas said, humans have the power to control them thru their brains, but this doesn't mean facts and brain are the most important elements of human nature. I think that's what James Bond was saying in his post.

So both of those aspects are equally important IMO: you can't act without taking into consideration facts and analyzing them, but without instinct man is nothing but a mechanical creature.

happy_doughnut Jul 12th, 2002 07:58 PM

Just as Rei said : it is a combination of both. You can't fully rely upon facts and numbers without taking your instincts into consideration and same goes vice-versa.

Personally, I think I need to trust myself first. That is, my ' instincts '. After all, if you can't trust yourself, how can you possibly trust what others convey as ' right ' ?

Oh and BTW, I'm sorry but we do have ' instincts ' whether you want to believe it or not :) .

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 08:00 PM

Eh, what instincts would those be? Example please.

Rei Jul 12th, 2002 08:03 PM

Survival instinct: the one which in normal conditions tells you to not jump off a rock or tells you to grab anything in case you accidently fall from the rock mentioned above :laugh:

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 08:07 PM

No no. But those instincts do not interfere with facts. See.. if you jump off a building you will die, it's a "fact". But if you jump to the conclution that what you think is an instinct is true and it clouds judgement and facts.. well.. that makes you close minded and "blind"

Rei Jul 12th, 2002 08:12 PM

For this reason the instinct tells you to not jump, because that you're going to die is a fact... In that case the instinct decides. If you have suicidal tendencies, you use your brain to suffocate your instinct to live.

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 08:16 PM

Suicidal tendencies should be enough proof to tell you that instincts are for dogs. A person bases if he should live or not with his noggin'.

Rei Jul 12th, 2002 08:20 PM

Not all people have suicidal tendencies... and even the ones who have them, are often indecisive because the survival instinct keeps on telling them they should live.
Instincts are not for dogs, simply you have to mix brain and instinct to be a balanced person.

AsylumEscapee Jul 12th, 2002 08:44 PM

It's not an instinct. I shouldnt have to explain why suicidal people are indecisive, its a pretty big decision.

Webster says: "A largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason"

See.. it can't involve reason. Hence what i said:

This is why youre all so blind and swallow whatever garbage you WANT to belive.

If it involves facts they ignore it and call it an insticnt, justifing their wrongness... I based all these posts on religion, you see.

007_JamesBond Jul 13th, 2002 09:02 PM

If you say that about instinct, then how do the animals with low mental capasity, or the early humans who could hardly comprehend things let alone think using intel. they used to survive their instincts. with out them early humans would have died off

AsylumEscapee Jul 13th, 2002 10:33 PM


Originally posted by 007_JamesBond
If you say that about instinct, then how do the animals with low mental capasity, or the early humans who could hardly comprehend things let alone think using intel. they used to survive their instincts. with out them early humans would have died off
I didn’t say animals don’t have instincts. I just said that instincts can’t conflict with intelligence because, by definition, instincts don’t involve reason. And early humans weren’t the same as they are now, both mentally and physically. If you drop a baby in the forest you'll realize that his instincts won’t take him very far.

You know, I can’t even be bothered to argue with you. I cant make someone like you realize why "they used to survive their instincts" is wrong on so many levels. You’re obviously just typing whatever crap pops up into your mind.:disturb:

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