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Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 12:13 AM

Should I buy a Ps2 for $199 or GC?
I'm gonna graduate soon and i have been asked by my parents which system I wanted. I still cant decide!!! I look on the internet everyday to try to pursuay myself into gettin one, now i need some oppinions from actual ppl.

First i wanted GC cause the gfx looked awsome
Then I wanted Xbox for a long time (cause its microsoft)
Now I want Ps2 cause all my friends have it and theres many games on it I like


and the list goes on..........

Which should I get?????

Sleazy P Martini May 29th, 2002 05:37 AM

Buy the system that supports the games you want to play. You could also rent the systems at Blockbuster to try them out for yourself.

Andi May 29th, 2002 09:18 AM

Stick with the One & Only


Sleazy P Martini May 29th, 2002 10:46 AM


Originally posted by Andi
Stick with the One & Only


That will do him no good if he wants to play games that are exclusive to GC or Xbox.

Esjay May 29th, 2002 10:48 AM

A system's power is nothing without the games. I think that you should buy the PS2. It has the best games for it now and by the end of the year, there will be even more great games. Xbox and GC have a few good games out now, but there aren't nearly as many as the amount of great games out right now for the PS2. Gamecube has a few good games, (Resident Evil) but the PS2 wins over the Gamecube either way.

KraftSLU May 29th, 2002 11:28 AM


Originally posted by Esjay
...but the PS2 wins over the Gamecube either way.
Thats a pretty biased opinion, with resident evil, wrestlemania x8, metroid prime and other great looking games coming out, gamecube might be a wise investment. In the same light, xbox has morrowind, hunter: the reconing, halo and many other great games out with other hot titles around the corner like brute force, blinx, tao feng, phantasy star online 2 and others. Personally I went first for the system that appealed to my needs. I love online gaming so Xbox was a no brainer. As soon as I scrape up enough extra cheese I'll most likely expand my video game system repotiore though!

Harry May 29th, 2002 02:07 PM

As many said, don't look at the console power, but at the games you would like to play. All the three consoles are great, and all of them have much more than just a good game.

At present, my personal choice would be a Ps2 or a GameCube. Speaking of titles coming out during the next year, the Gamecube has so many amazing top quality titles that will never be released on other systems; on the other hand, the Ps2 has more games, and gives you the possibility to play titles like Metal Gear Solid series, Final Fantasy series, Gran Theft Auto etc.

Again, take a look at the list of games and choose the console that fits your needs.

macario May 29th, 2002 02:51 PM


Originally posted by Andi
Stick with the One & Only


your right unless you want a system thats going to turn like the dc buy the ps2 it has the best games.(by the way the system thats going to turn out like the dc is xbox:cool:

Harry May 29th, 2002 03:26 PM


Originally posted by macario
your right unless you want a system thats going to turn like the dc buy the ps2 it has the best games.(by the way the system thats going to turn out like the dc is xbox:cool:
I don't think so... both the GC and the Xbox will be around for quite a long time on my opinion. The GC is selling a lot of units, and the Xbox is doing good after the price cut. Both consoles will show great stuff, even if at present I am more interested in the GC.

Mercury Shadow May 29th, 2002 05:00 PM

Get a job and buy them all. Don't buy GC first because the games suck right now... but this fall GC will be rockin. Xbox has a mediocore library right now. So I say buy PS2 first, and the other 2 depending on which has more games at the moment you buy 'em.

KraftSLU May 29th, 2002 05:17 PM

If you have a hankerin' for online play I would go for the xbox. Right now I play halo and tony hawk 3 online all the friggin time, it is so much fun!!

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 05:52 PM

Halo on THPS3 are already online for Xbox????

But which systems will rule in 1 year, which will have the best games? thats what i need to know.........will ps2 still rule or will xbox take over?

KraftSLU May 29th, 2002 06:04 PM


Originally posted by Pimp_Daddy507
Halo on THPS3 are already online for Xbox????

But which systems will rule in 1 year, which will have the best games? thats what i need to know.........will ps2 still rule or will xbox take over?

Halo and THPS3 are online... sorta. There are programs out, namely gamespy and xbconnect that let you fool your xbox into thinking that other xbox's hooked up to the internet are actually on your LAN. Gaming is free and you can play people all across the world already!

As for who will rule in one year, anyones guess. My guess is that noone will rule. Each system is going to have some killer exclusives and is going to be pushing online play and the boundaries of their systems. Im sure no matter what system you buy, you won't be disappointed with it!

Mercury Shadow May 29th, 2002 08:26 PM

Kraft is right, my friend plays Halo online as well. And I agree, each system will have killer exclusives... so that's why everyone needs to buy them all!


Xbox- Halo, Splinter Cell, Strident, Project Ego, Unreal Chaimpionship, etc.
GC- Zelda, Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, Metriod, SSBM, Pikmin, Zelda, etc.
PS2- FF, GTA, DMC, Tomb raider, Ico, Twisted Metal, etc.

Ice Cold May 29th, 2002 08:45 PM

My suggestion
Alright, you want advise? I just bought a PS2 (yesterday). I am extremely satisfied with my purchase.

I just joined this forum about a week ago to learn more about PS2 and found that it is the best. Mainly because it fits all my needs.
1. I wanted a system with affordable games. (PS2)

2. I wanted something that is portable, I plan on taking it on vacation(PS2/GC)

3. I wanted something with a great game selection (PS2)

4. I wanted something that could play DVD's (PS2/Xbox)

5. I wanted one that would look sweet.:D (PS2)

Clearly PS2 fit all my needs. I believe PS2 is THE BEST CONSOLE EVER!!! but what ever system you get I'm sure you will be happy.:happy:

-Of course if you buy a Xbox or GC you won't be as happy as me.:laugh: lol

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 09:44 PM

Youre right.........all those reasons u gave out work for me too. I think i made my choice for my system.......


Why, i have found out that many of my friends have them.....(many!!) this means i will be able to borrow, trade, whenever i get bored of my old ones. None have Xbox and only 2 have GC.

2nd, most of my all time fav games from ps1 are on there

THPS3/and soon to be 4
Devil May Cry
Stuntman (love driver)

and much much more

While Xbox only has : Halo, Doom3, and many pc games that i can get for my computer

GC has nothing really except resident evil which i have conqured on Ps1 and DC

I should get my Ps2 in about 4 more days!!!!!! I'm really happy wit my decision

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 11:19 PM

but wait, how do I know all these ps2 wonder games are gonna stay next year!? Does anyone know the ps2 line-up for next year and the years to come?

Also GC and Xbox too..........this is really important since Ps2 may hit rock bottom with their one hit wonders next year....

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 12:54 AM

Heh, since you listed all your reasons for buying a ps2, I guess I will list all of my reasons for buying a gamecube:

1. I am looking for fast online play: All of the systems are offering online play, but only XBox is exclusive to broadband. Yeah, I realized a lot of people have modems, but if having less people online means i get no lag then so be it. Guess it will be for the 'hardcore' online gamer then

2. I am looking for a system with great fps games going online: Does PS2 even have a good fps? I know gamecube has metroid prime, though its not online. GC and PS2 will get splinter cell a half year after I get it. Anyways, I am going to have halo 2, brute force, splinter cell, unreal championship and counterstrike to keep me amused

3. I want a console with innovation and power so I know it won't burn out in a hurry: XBox all the way, statistically and in real life, only the gamecube can compete with it. Its pushed out 15 mps and so has the cube, all in the first half a year... I can't even think of a ps2 game thats done that. Also, built in hard drive is the coolest thing ever. I can rip songs and create my own soundtracks for games... brilliant idea

4. I want a system that is fun to play with friends: with 4 control ports and games with LAN capabilities. This makes for awesome lan parties if you want. People whine about it being a 'huge console'... Its 8 pounds. If you can't lift 8 pounds and put it in the backpack then you need to put the controller down and go to the gym.

5. I want a future lineup of games that appeals to me: Just off the top of my head, Halo 2, amped 2, brute force, Tao Feng, MK5, Blinx, Fable (was project ego), phantasy star online 2, tony hawk 4, toejam and earl 3, ninja gaiden, shenmue 2, crimson skies, medal of honor, star wars: kotor, unreal, nfl fever 2003, etc. etc.

6. I want a system that I know will survive: [i]Nintendo has been going downhill ever since they released the virtual boy. The N64 didn't do what they wanted it to. Gamecube seems to be faring a bit better though. Without a doubt nintendo is not near the force they used to be. I worry about sony because they seem to be losing a lot of exclusive titles, How did they let GTA3 slip to PC and XBox? And Metal gear? Crash bandicoot? Toejam and earl? Though they do have some exclusives now it is not near what it used to be. Im pretty sure when you size them up the XBox and GC have the most exclusive titles, PS coming in 2nd as of now.

Eh, these are some of the reasons I got a box. not saying a ps2 or a gc is a bad idea, just not what appealed to me. I also like fruity pebbles cereal and wear adidas if anyone cares about those name brands:cool:

Ice Cold May 30th, 2002 12:59 PM

I agree with kraft, just buy the system with the exclusives you want and need. I bought PS2 because of GTA3, GT3, RF, FF, TM Black and many more.

I have to admit I know near to nothing about Xbox games. But I just needed something I could play in the car. I also like the PS2 controllers better than Xbox. I can only say that Xbox has a weak number of games. But I can't judge the games that are out or coming out because I haven't been following Xbox.

I wouldn't buy a GC unless you are an undying fan of zelda and metroid because that's all GC got going for them.

Summary- Buy a PS2 and if you got enough money left, buy an Xbox when they actually got some games out. Stay away from GC unless you like kiddy games. "Nintendo has been going downhill ever since they released the virtual boy. The N64 didn't do what they wanted it to."

So far everyone has made great points. The key is getting what YOU want not what WE want. I'm sure if someone gave me an Xbox I'd quickly become a fan.

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 01:13 PM

being the local xbox nut, I just wanted to point out that as far as weak selection goes, the box has 70+ games out right now (not sure on the exact number) and will have an unprecedented 200 titles out by christmas!!!! This is more than the ps2, 64 for any other console for that matter has ever released in their initial year. But yeah, compared to the ps2, there are a lot less titles for the box. A year and a half head start will do that for you though :)

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