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Hylas Oct 2nd, 2003 04:31 AM

They call themselves...
Hi again. You're getting used to my rants, I suppose! Topic of today's rants are persons who label themselves as "sensitive". How comes that they can always do whatever they want and then, after you get mad at them, they start sobbing or whining saying "Awww... sorry, I didn't know you got hurt, you know, I'm so sensitive" or "I didn't know this caused you so many troubles, but I'm very sensisitve, I couldn't do much about it". Holy sh*t! Who do they think they are? They're the most selfish persons ever, they can only think about themselves, and they say they're sensitive!

I'm not in the right mood to explain in better terms what happened, but I know people who do whatever they want using this excuse, knowing everybody will forgive them later knowing it's because of it, because they're sensitive, you gotta understand them etc... They can act pretty well in front of us, and we end believing them every time! But I'm tired of hearing the same excuse over and over again. You are sensitive, it's fine, I'm tolerant, but you could at least put some efforts in your action, THINK, USE YOUR BRAIN to understand there are consequences for others, you're not the only one on this planet, it's not always others who have to fix what you have ruined. I'm pissed, because they use the word "sensitive" as a shield, like if being sensitive meant being mentally incapacitated

tempted Oct 2nd, 2003 05:09 AM

I totally understand you i have the same problem here at home wiyh my sister she can always say and do what she wants but if i get a litle bit angry at her she just starts to "cry"'s so urrrh....

Berserker Oct 2nd, 2003 05:20 AM

You should give them something to really cry about, give them a good smackking they're bout to cry anyway so what the heck!

Frozen Oct 2nd, 2003 09:16 AM

Re: They call themselves...

Originally posted by Hylas

Hi again. You're getting used to my rants, I suppose! Topic of today's rants are persons who label themselves as "sensitive". How comes that they can always do whatever they want and then, after you get mad at them, they start sobbing or whining saying "Awww... sorry, I didn't know you got hurt, you know, I'm so sensitive" or "I didn't know this caused you so many troubles, but I'm very sensisitve, I couldn't do much about it". Holy sh*t! Who do they think they are? They're the most selfish persons ever, they can only think about themselves, and they say they're sensitive!

I'm not in the right mood to explain in better terms what happened, but I know people who do whatever they want using this excuse, knowing everybody will forgive them later knowing it's because of it, because they're sensitive, you gotta understand them etc... They can act pretty well in front of us, and we end believing them every time! But I'm tired of hearing the same excuse over and over again. You are sensitive, it's fine, I'm tolerant, but you could at least put some efforts in your action, THINK, USE YOUR BRAIN to understand there are consequences for others, you're not the only one on this planet, it's not always others who have to fix what you have ruined. I'm pissed, because they use the word "sensitive" as a shield, like if being sensitive meant being mentally incapacitated
I love it when you get all angry like that, you look so cute :happy: LOL

Hylas, have you actually told these people (or this person) exactly what you have told us? In the same words? If you have not, I think you should. It would probably piss off that person or people, but at least you would make things clear for them, on how does their bullshit work with you, and that you ain't putting up with their crap again.

at least that's what I would do if I were in your position.

Pu the Owl Oct 2nd, 2003 10:41 AM

I agree on the main point of your post: sensitive people are often very selfish. Not that they're always conscious of being so selfish, but they are.

Vicious_2003 Oct 2nd, 2003 10:49 AM

By sensative people you mean "Women" right. I think Ive yet to meet a girl that wasnt sensative and didnt complain that I wasnt. I just dont over react to things like that and start crying when what you really need the most is a level head. I can be sensative to someones needs to a certain extent. I just dont take myself or others very seriously most of the time. Lifes to short to let every little thing throw you off kilter. I tend to laugh at people who are crying over something stupid rather than console them (Like a 13 year old girl crying over a boy. I mean, she's thirteen, theres only going to be what, a trillion more boys in her life). I guess im just a jerk like that ;)

neomarik Oct 2nd, 2003 01:13 PM

Re: Re: They call themselves...

Originally posted by Frozen

I love it when you get all angry like that, you look so cute :happy: LOL

i agree, maybe you should confront the person, and maybe depeding on the situation, (dare i say, ) :evil: fight fire with fire. sorry, thats all i can give based on what i read.

Redpyramidhead Oct 2nd, 2003 09:44 PM


Originally posted by Fortune

I agree on the main point of your post: sensitive people are often very selfish. Not that they're always conscious of being so selfish, but they are.
I disagree strongly. The very meaning of being sensitive means sensitive to others feelings. I think what Hylas is talking about is "fragile" or "handle with care" people. I consider myself sensitive ecause I am in touch with my emotions and conscious of other people's emotions. I am constantly seeking to better this ability. On the other hand, somebody who needs to be handled with care because they whine at the slightest thing or do so because they crave attention has a different kind of "sensitivity" problem. Somebody who genuinely cries easily, however, for whatever is probably because of real problems that hurt them on the inside. Unfortunately, it's not easy to tell the difference a lot of the time so we are left with a society full of people constantly judging who has real problems or not. Most of the time, though, people are not in the right place to judge.

Hylas, I don't know with what type of person or persons you are dealing with so it is up to you to decide that for yourself.

The point of my post is that one must be careful when they judge.

_RED_ stuff

ssjtrunks13 Oct 2nd, 2003 10:06 PM

Yeah, I believe Red's right. I was gonna post something like that, I think he said it better than I would have though. Like Red, I consider myself sensitive for almost those exact reasons. That's why I can't take jokes aimed towards me or others I care about, if you want an example today everyone in one of my classes was laughing at something I really didn't find funny.

Pu the Owl Oct 3rd, 2003 04:55 AM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

The very meaning of being sensitive means sensitive to others feelings. I think what Hylas is talking about is "fragile" or "handle with care" people.
I said "often", not all of the time. Sensitive people are usually people that feel so intesely that they sort of need, consciously or not, to interiorize their point of view on things and also on events. Sometimes for this reason they can seem to others to only be able to see things following their own sensibility, thus the label of "selfishness". "Fragile" people, as you call them, are weak, while sensitive people are not necessarily weak. Also, being sensitive doesn't mean they're always open-minded regarding others' sensibility or needs as well. There are people whose sensibility is more projected on the inside of their person, and others whose sensibility is projected on the outside.

Anyway, the description Hylas offered, and that's why I couldn't agree with most of her post, which I think was more a result of a moment of anger than real thought, is the one of a manipulative carefree person. Of course this kind of persons call themselves sensitive, since it's an easy way to say "Shut up, I can do whatever I want", but that is not the description of a genuinely sensitive person, at least from Hylas' words it isn't. She said they can act pretty well when necessary. This means they do it consciously, while I don't think simulating sorrow consciously is a trait of a sensitive person's character, at least not in a crucial moment. In case they fake a little or exaggerate their reactions to impress, it's an occasional form of self-defense, not an habit to inflict pain on others and be proud of it.


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

By sensative people you mean "Women" right.
I won't even waste time to reply to this. It's clearly blasphemy :sarcasm:

Hylas Oct 3rd, 2003 05:34 AM


Originally posted by Fortune
Anyway, the description Hylas offered, and that's why I couldn't agree with most of her post, which I think was more a result of a moment of anger than real thought, is the one of a manipulative carefree person.
This is exactly what I wanted to say: I have nothing against sensitive persons, but when somebody acts as a sensitive person and use it as excuse to do whatever they want, this makes me go mad! Do they think I am stupid or what?

I told the persons all the things I told to you people, but with no real results. You know the type: they nod in agreement for a couple of minutes saying they're sorry, that they don't want to ruin our friendship because of these moments, that they'll pay more attention next time, and then they start all over again when they have no other means to get what they want or to solve a difficult situation :mad: They're not even fragile as Red said, because they can make others do whatever they want using their charismatic personality, or with well thought tricks and so on. They know how to get what they want, they're always satisfied after that, I tell you. They're not weak at all!

Meiko Oct 4th, 2003 07:02 AM

You don't have to forgive them all the times, you know. You can make them see you're angry and you're not going to forgive them, so they'll learn that to be in good relationship with you again, they have to work hard and show some real sensibility!

Carlito Oct 5th, 2003 08:00 AM

Don't be so angry girl, here, take a cookie :D

Hylas Oct 5th, 2003 06:48 PM


Originally posted by Carlito

Don't be so angry girl, here, take a cookie :D
*grabs cookie*

I'm not that angry, not anymore :)

Cannibal Clown Oct 5th, 2003 07:06 PM

I know of these people of who'm you speak. They are evil creatures. They seem to be able to become very hate-able without really trying. I see them everywhere. It usually starts out with them complaining or bitching about crap that they feel is important enough for you to give a dam about. Then they end up pissing you off somehow, and you tell them to shut up, or apologise, or end up to do anything that gets them all sobby eyed and whatnot. Then all of the sudden, you become the villian, simply because you are a human being, and have a voice of which to express yourself. You say that you are the evil one, just to get them to stop whining and sobbing. the next day, they end up doing something cruel, or selfish, or uncalled for, or plain out mean, and then you, ( maybe in a nice way) express your current feelings toward this person at the time, and they again, bust out in tears because you hurt their feelings.

People say that people who are "sensitive" as you put it, deserve more flexability, and understanding, which gives them reasons to act the way they do. It's cruel to hurt them in any way shape or form, in this case, emotionally, but no matter what kind of shit they may pull on you, it's "taboo" for you to react in an upsettting way toward them. They are sensitive, so you have to be carefull with what you say around them. Just try to ignore them and it'll go away. That never works. They pest you, piss you off, and simply act like complete asses/bitches/dicks(depends on the gender of the person in question) and in order for you to seem like "the bigger person" you have to take it.

I understand you these people are. The ones who were spoiled all their lives, "mommy and daddy gave me everything, and i am the ruler of the world, just because i am better than every one else" I hate these people. Then you tell the stubborn people off one day, and they bust out into tears, still trying to grasp the idea of people ever having anything uncompforting to say to them.

Me, being a relativley nice guy, tries my hardest never to intentionally hurt anyones feelings. It's just cruel, but in some cases, they just go too far, making it close to impossable not to react in some malice way.

Any ways, i could go on forever. but i wont, for your sakes. That's my idea on the subject. Hope it was worth your long read.

Redpyramidhead Oct 7th, 2003 03:19 AM

I just want to make myself clear. Hylas and Cannibal Clown, you are using a completely different definition of the word sensitive. Maybe it is true that it has more than one definition, but the one I speak of does not retain these awful qualities.

I know of people like the one's you speak of, but I happen to use a different word or words for them.

Everybody's got their own shit. It sounds like you, Hylas, even have shit of your own that makes you so angry. That is not an insult. You are human and we all have our things to deal with. I hope you have an easier time in the future dealing with the people that bother you.

I don't understand how the word "sensitive" got so demonized here. There are different kinds of sensitivity you know.

This is actually a big argument between couples and i think i see more of why it's so confusing now. SO many women say to their man "I wish you could be more sensitive." Then the guy thinks. "Sensitive? Are you kidding me I'm not going to be some whiney punk who gets all emotional to end up with what he wants!"
Obviously, that's not the kind of sensitive the woman is talking about. Women want their men to be strong, but they also want them to be empathetic. (spelling?)

Empathetic ...that's the word. It's a synonym for my meaning of the word sensitive. Understanding others feelings and being in touch with your own.

People who are sensitive in the sense that they are hurt too easily is a differnt meaning. And I would also like to say that if a person like that uses this to their advantage, that is a seperate personality trait from sensitive. That is why you can have overly sensitive people who are not whiney jerks looking for attention.

Does any of this make sense? I offer my opinion on this matter in hopes that people will learn to get along better with more people. I don't know who I think I am all the time, actually. I just like to see people being more excepting of eachother. Is this a bad thing? No.


_RED_ stuff

Hylas Oct 7th, 2003 04:57 AM

Maybe I'm not using the word "sensitive" in a proper way, it's true, but that's only because not being English my first language I tend to miss some details while looking at the bigger picture :heh: Anyway, I told I'm not against strictly sensitive people, of course I can't be against all of them. It would be like saying "I hate shy people". It'd be false! I'm just pissed when the word sensitive is used against others. Maybe those persons aren't sensitive at all, as some of you said, maybe they are but show it in a wrong way because they're afraid of being judged. I dunno!

Berserker Oct 7th, 2003 07:45 AM


but that's only because not being English my first language I tend to miss some details while looking at the bigger picture
I got the same problem sometimes when I express my opinion rather poorly cause I don't know the correct words.

neomarik Oct 7th, 2003 08:06 AM


Originally posted by Hylas

I told the persons all the things I told to you people, but with no real results. You know the type: they nod in agreement for a couple of minutes saying they're sorry, that they don't want to ruin our friendship because of these moments, that they'll pay more attention next time, and then they start all over again when they have no other means to get what they want or to solve a difficult situation :mad: They're not even fragile as Red said, because they can make others do whatever they want using their charismatic personality, or with well thought tricks and so on. They know how to get what they want, they're always satisfied after that, I tell you. They're not weak at all!

i know these people. i think theyre not sensitive, but know you are a very kind person, and they take advantage of it and take you for granted, and they may not realize it until your gone. you speak with an accent? i think thats really cute for a girl.

ssjtrunks13 Oct 7th, 2003 01:08 PM


Originally posted by Hylas

Maybe I'm not using the word "sensitive" in a proper way, it's true, but that's only because not being English my first language I tend to miss some details while looking at the bigger picture :heh:
I don't think it's that you use it in a wrong way, just the way you look at the word seems to be different from Red or I. When I think about a sensitive person I think of almost exactly what Red said.

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