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Phenom May 27th, 2008 02:41 PM

Mid 2008 now
So, we're pretty much at the half way mark of 2008 and whatnot, and the release of MGS4 being around the corner. Too Human, forgot the release date for that. Is there anything else coming out this year, or are we done? All of my anticipated titles are out now, and nothing on IGN, Gamespot, Xplay has caught my interest.

I'm not sure when Final Fantasy 13 and Versus is coming out. I would assume those are 2009 releases. I think it's been state that Killzone 2 is a 2009 release, I think. Don't hold me to those. I haven't been following what's going on in the gaming world lately. (Trying to find some other games for the ps2 and whatnot.)

goodman May 27th, 2008 04:22 PM

Im sure if anyone knew about a worthwhile release it would be JJmoohead, but admittedly one of the big reasons ive held off on a next gen purchase has been slow release of games........... :dizzy:

jjmoohead May 28th, 2008 09:53 AM

Ok so not counting the greatest game to come out in years (MGS4) which is released on June 12th. I made up a list of games that are coming from now till Christmas.

The Bourne Conspiracy - June 3rd

I wasn't sure about this game to be honest, but after getting my hands on the demo I have to admit that this game is now a must have for me.

Battlefield Bad Company - June 23rd

Another game in the Battlefield series. Its a type of shooter that expands the war fighting into a greater spectrum. I prefer this type of action on the PC myself, but if you played the series and liked it, this should interest you.

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution - July 7th

Yeah I know what your thinking, Civilization games are a PC thing, way to much stuff going on to be a console title. Well thats where your wrong mister. The people working on this title have made this version of Civ specifically for a console, with console controls. I have always been a fan of these games and although its probably not a day one purchase, I would like to get my hands on this eventually.

Beijing 2008 - July 8th

Oh don't kid yourself, this is a must have! This is my sleeper title for the second half of the year. Its classic button mashing to 35 of your favorite Olympic events. We only get these games once every 4 years so that alone should make it worth while. Oh did I mention its also got ONLINE!

Madden 09 - August 12th

Its supposed to be bigger, better and more beautiful. Madden is one of, if not the largest selling sports franchises. If your not into football (USA) then its not for you I suppose.

SOCOM: Confrontation - September 16th

The favorite of the PS2 for many will find its way to the PS3 this year. Its an interesting title in that from what I can tell it will be a PSN release with new campaigns or (chapters) released every few weeks. All I know is the game looks great and if is anything like the Original Socom, but prettier, this will be one of my bigger titles of second half 2008.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - September 16th

I will be honest, not a big star wars guy. The game doesn't interest me. However the reports online are already saying this is the best Star Wars game we have seen to date. That alone should be huge for anyone who wants to use the force.

Silent Hill: Homecoming - September 30th

Its Silent Hill, what more can I say?

Now beyond September I have not been able to find many set release dates, however there are many listed under eat month. October is probably the best month we will see all year, and that includes all the months before too.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift

Do I really need to say anything about this? Motorstorm was an awesome looking title with very few flaws. This game promises to be better. Looking at the screen shots, its hard to argue that on first impressions.

Little Big Planet

At first I didn't really have any interest in this, but now I must admit I am so pumped for a chance to get my hands on this. This will be the biggest game of the second half and if you don't get your hands on this game, then I am sorry but I can no longer be your friend...jk jk but seriously, not my friend :) I suggest you look into this one, its the biggest buzz on the net other then MGS4.

Guitar Hero World Tour

Think Guitar Hero Meets Rockband. DRUMS! Enough Said

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Not much is known about this game other then it was supposed to be the vision of the 3rd movie that never got made. At least I think. Early screen shoots looked impressive, who cares how it looks though, WHO YOU GONNA CALL? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!!


Resistance 2

How can you not be pumped about this game. The first Resistance was a beautiful looking launch title and had a good story. Resistance 2 looks incredible and way ahead of its older brother. Its saying a lot when the improvements are at a entirely new level of amazing. Seriously, Resistance is a great looking game, and this one destroys it.

Tomb Raider Underworld

Another in the Tomb Raider series. Admittedly the series has gone a bit dry, but from what I have seen and heard the game looks to go back to its roots which brings the excitement level up for this game.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

I could care less about this game to be honest. Not a fan of fighting games, however on that note, its still pretty cool to see these 2 sets of characters mixed. Should be great for fighter fans. I really only mention this cause its a different genre that some people are into.


The Agency

The only significant release in December so far. Significant in the fact that it will be the first MMO released for the PS3. Its also made by Sony Entertainment Online, and they understand MMO, so it could be promising.

Now there are lots of games that I didn't even list that I am sure will interest some people along the way. Its amazing the money I am spending on games this Generation. It seems that every other week this year a new great title has come out. My wallet hates me.

Also note that Killzone 2 will be released in February, which Sony decided to do since there was already some great shooters coming out before the Holiday season. Well played Sony, Well Played! Plus we have been given official word on Bioshock, the biggest selling game on the 360 and last years Game of the Year for lots of sources. No release date on that yet though.

Big Dude May 28th, 2008 10:28 AM

Don't forget:

GRID - June 3rd
GT meats Dirt.

DragonBall Z: Burst Limit - June 10th
Another DBZ fighter. Looks gorgeous though.

Soulcalibur IV - July 29th

I'm looking forward to Soulcalibur although I think the whole Yoda/Darth Vader thing is kinda lame, and I'll probably give Bust Limit a rent because I quite enjoyed the demo.

IGN PS3 Release Dates List

jjmoohead May 28th, 2008 03:04 PM

I didn't even think about Dragonball Z. Thats going to be a pretty big title for a lot of people. GRID is one that I thought about adding, but with GT: P just released recently I decided against it. However it should have been added so thank you.

There is also another Horror title coming out that I couldn't remember the title of, but from a podcast I listened to they said it plays similar to Uncharted. I will see if I can track that one down.

Sadly I know nothing about Soulcalibur, never played any of them, but if there are 4 of them it must have a following so good add :)

EDIT: We can now add Bioshock to October! Holy crap am I going to be broke.

Phenom May 28th, 2008 04:46 PM

That's quite the list... Let's see how I should do this...


Originally Posted by JJ
Battlefield Bad Company
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
Socom: Confrontation

These are army games right? Battlefield may be the only one I'd actually try out, but truthfully, I don't play army games. They just don't interest me. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution, judging from what you said, it's like an MMO or tactical type game? Those are also games I normally stay away from. Something about building environments, and armies or whatnot just don't click with me. (short attention span and stuff lol)


Originally Posted by JJ
Beijing 2008
Madden 09
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift

Sports games... The only sports game I play is basketball, and that basketball game has to have the title NBA 2K in it. Racing games grew kind of stale to me over a period of time. I'll be honest to you about Madden and football games in general. I suck at them. I don't put in the time to try to learn how to play. I tend to just pick a play and try to throw the ball, lol. Last time I actually tried to play a football game, though, was NFL 2K for the Dreamcast. Kept throwing interceptions. So I just stay away from those just to keep myself from getting embarrassed by a 50 pt blowout or something.


Originally Posted by JJ
Silent Hill
Resistence 2

Unfortunately, I've never took the time to try out a Silent Hill game. Let alone a survival horror game, especially after Resident Evil on the PS1. They don't scare me, (and I don't look for them to scare me. Honestly, majority of the times, in Resident Evil and Dino Crisis, I tried to get the character killed on purpose, just for the thrill to see how they'd get killed and whatnot.) and I've become real skeptical because of the controls/camera from RE may have leaked onto the SH series. (You can tell I haven't played RE4 right? lol) Although, I've not played the first Resistence, I probably will try it out sometime down the line. But, I've not been into FPS's in a long time since Halo. (Really Goldeneye007 and Perfect Dark for the N64) And the way I see it, if you've played one FPS, you've pretty much played them all. (Outside of Gears of War being the only real difference maker.... Which I also haven't played.)


Originally Posted by JJ
Little Big Planet
Guitar Hero

This would probably be where I'd get the most static at. I'm not a fan of multiplayer games. (online or with friends) And Guitar Hero/Rock Band are normally the first type of game I'd turn my head away from simply because I can't stand games like them. (Also why I don't own a Wii) Good fun, perhaps, but just not the game for me. And besides, I'm not into rock and metal. Little Big Planet on the other hand is also a game I tend to steer clear of. Quirky games just seems so "bleh". (Till this day, I will not buy a Katamari Damashi game) I play alot of games where I can take anger out on... (Stuff like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden and Dynasty Warriors) Randomness and innovation is fine and all, but they really don't mean much to me. (I'm a very boring, simple/narrow-minded person)


Originally Posted by JJ
Bourne Conspiracy
Tomb Raider Underworld
The Agency
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe

Out of all the games that've been listed, these would be the ones I'd most likely purchase/look into. Bourne Conspiracy is my type of game. Simple minded stuff that'd be real easy to get into. I've not played any of the newer Tomb Raider games.... heh, I've not played any Tomb Raider games to be honest. I've played the first one, and that was a demo. But I have been curious about these games lately. The Agency, as I said, I'm not into MMO's, but I really do hope that this game can be played by myself, without the need of going online because I really do like how this game looks. DBZ: BL looks pretty good. It's about time they get that camera back to normal. I'm also not a fan of Star Wars, but even I have to admit from what I've seen of clips (didn't think this nor MK vs DCU was coming out this year... others I forgot about) of pulling a giant ship towards you with your hands is too good to pass up. As for Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe goes, I haven't played a Mortal Kombat game since Mortal Kombat 4, and that was utter garbage imo. But the collaboration of DC characters, and this free fall fighting mechanic is something I'd like to see.

Soul Calibur 4, while it's interesting to see Yoda and Darth Vader as characters in the game, unfortunately, I've not been interest in a Soul Calibur game since the first SC. I didn't see what was so special about the 2nd SC when it was nothing but the same as the first with updated graphics and new characters.

Can't say that I'm all that intrigued by most of these games, but I did ask, and so, thanks for the update JJ. :)

jjmoohead May 28th, 2008 06:56 PM

I do admit, pretty surprised that there wasn't much there that grabbed your attention. There is so much diversity over the next 7 months. But to each their own. Now understand that I only listed what I considered to be "Big" or in my personal opinion "fun".

Maybe I can still help you though. What sort of games are you into. I tried to grab a little something out of each area, but thats not saying there isn't more. For the record you did say you like simple minded stuff, easy to get into. Well do me a favor and don't write off Little Big Planet just yet. I know, its not the most intense looking game but from what I have seen and read its ment to be simple and easy to fall into. There are many sites saying that they had no love for it early but after playing the latest test releases they are hooked. Just from your short explanation behind the games I listed I really think it might be something you would enjoy. All I am asking is to give it a chance, even with a rental and see how you feel.

I really feel bummed about this. Its not right that a gamer shouldn't have games to look forward to. So lets figure this out and we can look deeper. What is your game/style of choice. Look at your collection and tell me what your into.

Just to note: Civilization is an Turn Based Stratagy game. Meaning although you do build up armys and stuff, you do it in a slow way were your brain doesn't have a million things to do at once. I feel you there, I'm not a big fan of those styles. With these games though its different cause you start out as 1 guy and by the end you can be the entire world. YOu learn technology and new ideas. The best way I can describe it is as follows. Look at the history of the world, look at all those great leaders of history. Now imagine you had to go back in time and help create the world as it is today. What if the Great Wall of China, was actually the Great wall of America? Its a race through time, to see which civilization can discover the worlds greatest achievements. Well anyway, to give it a try you can find CIV 2 at a EB games probably in the used area for like $10. If you have never tried it, give it a shot.

So anyway, kinda off topic there. Again let me know what your into, I'll see if I can give you a reason to be excited.

Phenom May 28th, 2008 07:18 PM

Oh.. Didn't mean to bum you out there :).

I'm into the hack n slash and button mashers. (Devil May Cry and Dynasty Warriors) Also into the Metal Gear games, and then RPG's, although, I'm a bit picky with those, but at the same time I am trying to branch out into the different types of rpg's.

Casual gaming type stuff... I suppose.

Since you asked though, I will check out Little Big Planet. :) (Couldn't hurt)

Civilization, I think my brother's friend has it, so perhaps.... We'll see.

jjmoohead May 28th, 2008 08:01 PM

Ok I found a game that might interest you.

Rise of the Argonaut

Its what they are calling an Action/RPG. I don't know to much about it other then its not a traditional RPG in that there are no menu's and stuff. So if you ask me, only a guess here, it might be a hack/slash RPG type deal. Final Fantsy + God of War?? Only judging from screens. Maybe look into that one? It says TBA 2008, so that could mean a delay, but its a 2008 game as of now thats not out yet and thats what this was all about right? Here is a link to some information on it.


I will keep looking! I can't have a gamer with nothing to play. Its why I am on this earth, or so the voices keep telling me. hehe

Vic Viper May 29th, 2008 06:50 PM

Ninja Gaiden II is coming out next week. :ahoy: :arrr:

Gears of War 2 - Nov.

Fallout 3 from Bethesda -Nov.


and RESIDENT EVIL 5 - march 09 XD :weep:

jjmoohead May 29th, 2008 11:54 PM

Vic 2 of those are xbox 360. I am assuming this would be about PS3 games since its under the General Playstation forum?? Maybe he wanted to know about 360, I dunno, guess it doesn't hurt to have them.

Vic Viper May 30th, 2008 10:57 AM

i know but he listed Too Human so i would assume he wants to know the lineup for the 360 aswell.

btw, Fallout 3 and RE5 are also PS3 title. :ahoy:

Phenom May 30th, 2008 03:07 PM

Honestly, I meant all consoles.. Perhaps I should've posted this in that other forum... lol.

And the more clips I see of Little Big Planet, the more I can't help but get turned off from it... Isn't it one of those online games?

Oh, and don't be mistaken. I don't own any of the newer consoles. I'm still playing catch up with the ps2, gamecube and xbox. I'm just curious about the new stuff.

jjmoohead May 30th, 2008 06:55 PM

OK cool, I just wanted to clear that up, nothing wrong with adding some 360 titles. Just wanted to make sure that

Also Little Big Planet has a pretty impressive single player setup from what I have read. Plus with the ability to download free user created levels the numbers are limitless. Plus its supposed to be so easy to create a level that anyone and everyone can do it. I heard one hands on report said that he can see himself spending a lot of time with creation, and has no experience or prior desire to do such a thing with other gaming experiences.

I am just more and more excited for this game. October is going to be such an expensive month.

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