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Vic Viper Mar 8th, 2007 12:39 PM

whats your thoughts on Playstation Home?
as many of you know already Sony unvailed their new online service PSHome at GDC. its kinda like Second life/Sims where you have a virtual world were you character could interact with other PS user. if you watch this VIDEO it pretty much explain what PSHome is about.

anyway i think its a pretty cool idea, what do you think? :phones:

Infernal Mass Mar 8th, 2007 08:56 PM

as long as it doesn't distract Sony from the important elements of having an online interface. Such as game invites etc., it sounds like it's just a better way to do all those things but i need see more than what was shown, like actual features rather than just the possibilities of Home.

Also the whole apartment, clan den feature sounds neat, but if i want to see a video or view a picture, it can easily be accessed by the cross media bar, why go into a virtual apartment and access those same features(seems a bit excessive).

merylsilverburg Mar 8th, 2007 09:37 PM

The only feature that seemed useful (that actually has to do with gaming) is the ability to invite your pals onto multiplayer PS3 games. That seemed pretty cool to me.

And while I admit it does look pretty nice (the ability to create yourself, talk to others, hang out with them, invite them back to your place for a party, etc.) it just seems like it's an advanced virtual chatroom. No offense but with this HOME, how many people will seriously focus on the gaming aspect (invite your pals to join you in a game) instead of using it just as a matchmaking spot to meet people and/or show them how cool your pad looks or what outfit you're wearing today?

I'd probably only go on just to see the world but I'll probably not hang out there as much (or none at all).

Harry Mar 8th, 2007 11:31 PM

My position is mostly the same as evrybody else in this thread I like the overall idea of a more modern online interface specifically developed for gamers, and I like the fact that Home will be a great way for Sony to test and experiment online connectivity with their new console.

On the other hand, it is inevitable that users will start to use the service a bit like another Second Life - personally, I do not like Second Life and the community surrounding it, but if there is one console that can appeal to that audience, that's probably the PlayStation 3.

Finally, from a web journalist's point of view, these new developments, while expected and necessary, obviously endanger the future of smaller gaming websites. I think (hope) that some gamers will be interested in visiting unofficial sources about their favorite console, but the strength of a multi-million production like Home can easily make you lose a good part of audience. In brief, it's a very difficult thing to predict how people's online behavior will change because of software like Home, but considering all the delays in the development of, it's something that obviously worries me.

We can just wait and see how things goes.

merylsilverburg Mar 9th, 2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Harry
On the other hand, it is inevitable that users will start to use the service a bit like another Second Life - personally, I do not like Second Life and the community surrounding it, but if there is one console that can appeal to that audience, that's probably the PlayStation 3.

I had never heard of this Second Life, so I decided to look it up. I don't quite understand the idea of seems like a virtual world where you create yourself, create a residential area/neighborhood and "hang out" in there...but many of the entertainment that can be done on those islands or lots are very general things: like clubbing, watching movies, playing games...I don't know, they seem like things you can do in...real life? So I'm just a little confused. But from the way the Second Life is set up, it does seem like they (or people who enjoy things like it) would be the right candidates for HOME; although I don't think HOME will go as far as Second Life (hopefully).

kamari-ice May 15th, 2007 03:42 PM

I think that Home is a great idea. I love the idea of being able to play games and such with other people. I can just imagine how Chess will be, it will be so awesome. :) I also like how you can have your own personal space where you can show off your media, and limit what people see and such. Another great thing is the developers spots, where they can have their own spot to show off their games, for absolutely no cost. It is almost like an E3 where everybody can go to. Definitely a step in the right direction.

For a console that has recently came out, it's bringing amazingly cool stuff. There's like so many games that I have bought for the system, and it's more than the amount of PS2 games I have bought. Now, all I need to do is up my friend's list with more people, and Home is the perfect place to do it. To have an avatar that represents you, is pretty cool. I will say it now, that Home is a major improvement over what is being offered now. This console is going to be here for 10 years or more, and Home is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact that it's free, just puts the icing on the cake. :)

So, yeah, I think Home is amazing! Go Sony! :D

Berserker May 16th, 2007 12:47 AM

I don't share your fear concerning independent/unofficial sources for gaming info Harry. For example most people buy the official PSM because of the playable demos, not for the unbiased(ahum) info about games. If I want a good honoust review about a game I turn to unofficial sources and I think most gamers will.

On the subject of PSHome, I think it will be the future just like second life(or at least second life 3.1 or something like that). I personally think in 5-7 years time people will look back at 2d internet and laugh, I think second life in essence is nothing more than 3d internet, instead of visiting the webpages of you walk into a 3d store of amazon and get to check at realtime what they have in store. It's just a 3d layout for 2d content IMHO.

Beretta55 May 16th, 2007 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Harry
My position is mostly the same as evrybody else in this thread I like the overall idea of a more modern online interface specifically developed for gamers, and I like the fact that Home will be a great way for Sony to test and experiment online connectivity with their new console.

On the other hand, it is inevitable that users will start to use the service a bit like another Second Life - personally, I do not like Second Life and the community surrounding it, but if there is one console that can appeal to that audience, that's probably the PlayStation 3.

Finally, from a web journalist's point of view, these new developments, while expected and necessary, obviously endanger the future of smaller gaming websites. I think (hope) that some gamers will be interested in visiting unofficial sources about their favorite console, but the strength of a multi-million production like Home can easily make you lose a good part of audience. In brief, it's a very difficult thing to predict how people's online behavior will change because of software like Home, but considering all the delays in the development of, it's something that obviously worries me.

We can just wait and see how things goes.

That's my main feeling; I think the idea is pretty interesting and a nice and different idea from Sony. But I fear the type of community it will bring, I've glimpsed into Second Life and it's a madhouse. I don't trust the internet to develop a good or mature community for a second; such exceptions are this place which is not touched by the darker side of the internet.

On the other hand I could actually care less; I'm not what you would call an online gaming kind of guy. The only reason why I want on Xbox Live for 360 is just the extra content for Oblivion and such; I could care less about having a movie play at the same time. Or upload actual videos into a virtual TV in home, all this matters very little to me and is more of a novelty then actual substance. Unless PS3 online gets the same online content for games, better arcade classics and original arcade titles all of this home hype does very little to effect me.

I don't care about walking in a park with a virtual avatar; I'd rather just buy Tekken Dark Resurrection and play that instead "of chatting with mah virtual homies lolz" :P

Maybe I'm in the minority but online gaming has done very little for me to care about it. There are certain games online I want to play because the online aspect is very unique, but other wise I'd just get online for the extra content and then play my games offline. But I'll have to get online eventually because every day games are going more and more focused online and very little on single player and will have no choice but to ride that band wagon.

Plus the internet just has a way of ruining every single online game I want to play. For a week or two the community is pretty good then it gets kicked in the nads Van Damme style with idiots who ruin everybody else’s good time. Home will be no different, you'll walk into the virtual park and people will be making stupid insults or asking you such things such as "how do I mine for fish?"

But if the PS2fantasy website ever sets up a way for all of us to play PS3 games online and have it organized, I'd be down for that. Now I just need six hundred dollars and a reason to justify that amount of money.

lampshade333 Oct 18th, 2007 03:36 PM

I think the concept of Home is pretty ill. I BS you not, I invisioned that this is where online gaming would go several years ago. My freinds thought I was stupid :roll:
The only thing that I really want to know is if we will be able to monetarily capitalize off of the technology (i.e. Can you design your own content and turn them into commodities by selling them to other gamers in the community as you can in Second Life)?
Does anybody know if that's a Home feature?

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