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IcyMourdor Apr 10th, 2002 05:46 PM

Member Opinion Thread
[COLOR=sky blue]Have you wanted to say something about another member, but don't have the guts to say it to their face? This is the place. This thread is mainly for positive things, but I guess you can put other things if you wish. Please, I don't want to start any arguments between members, so try and not say anything too insulting.

I'll post mine if the thread gets up and running.[/COLOR]

Pu the Owl Apr 10th, 2002 05:53 PM

Why not posting positive comments? I mean, if you have a comment to make, it can be also positive, not only negative... :P

IcyMourdor Apr 10th, 2002 05:59 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]I guess i worded that wrong now that I read it again.

This is supposed to be a positive thread, just to let other members know what you think of them.[/COLOR]

Uchiha Sasuke Apr 10th, 2002 06:01 PM

I guess i can say i really enjoying Spank a thons and black thorns in depth comments in the console thread.They explain everything so well and in depth.Too very smart guys.

IcyMourdor Apr 10th, 2002 06:13 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]SSSnake: He knows alot about many different genres of games. Although he hates losing, he is still fun to play against in multi-player. He can be annoying at times, but aren't all perfectionists?

Cannibal Clown: His knowledge of anime is almost sickening. I usually enjoy his drawings, specially the ones he did of me and the rest. Always fun to talk to.

Soul Angel: A hot woman who plays Final Fantasy. She is always fun to talk to, even though our conversations die at times. Maybe if she lived closer...

I'll put more people later, but here is a start.[/COLOR]

Pu the Owl Apr 10th, 2002 06:13 PM

I like to post comments about members.
Don't worry: they're positive comments :right:
I'm not going to forget all the others, obviously, so maybe later I'll post some more. And first of all I must thank all the members for their presence here.

Now the comments

merylsilverburg: I think you are too hard with yourself sometimes, especially when you say you're not good as other people and when you say people don't appreciate you. I mean: I'm the first one to say you're a very nice person and you must get a messenger or something so we can talk someday!
Don't judge yourself so much, ok?

Sleazy P Martini: I told I love your Star Wars wallpapers and I love even more when you post threads about weird stuff you find on the Web XD

MakgSnake: I always forget to tell you how precious is your help here! Sometimes I can't follow everything and so your help is very appreciated!

goodman: thanks for your advices :)

A last comment for Harry to tell him to be patient with me and that I love him :love:

I'll post more later :D

Spirit Apr 10th, 2002 06:52 PM

well I'd like to say a lot but I'm afraid I don't have much time :(
I'd like to thank the following people personally for enriching my life with their friendships and experience :D

Sleazy for always making those funny comments and just enjoying his posts and jokes ;)

Mourdor for always being a bit childish but funny to speak to and about different stuff

Cannibal Clown for always being this one weird guy who liked uhh nm too much heheh

Soul Angel for always being nice to me and someone great to talk to about anything almost

MakgSnake for bringing serious thinking to the forum and a lot of new ideas and things

SSSnake for being funny as hell, although sometimes annoying >.< but funny heheh

Fortune.... for always being nice to me whenever I needed help or advice, and for her generous compliments as well.

Hadoken...a great guy that hangs around here every once in a while, almost forgot to mention him, but I've chatted with him quite a few times through msn, a cool dude =P

Meryl for always being that sweet girl. I've always read her posts and enjoyed them no matter their lenght

Reid for being a smoker and we kinda connected from start, he's always been a good bud to me and now he and meryl are helping me on my site :)

Rei for always being the funny girl she is and being really nice to me the whole time (thx) I like ehr interests and I like her posts =P
(no offense Carlito :D)

and last but not least Harry, who taught me some important things about expressing your opinions and being polite, although he didn't put it in that way I understood his message =P

I hope I haven't left anyone out of here, and I assure you I'll post more if I did

Pu the Owl Apr 10th, 2002 07:00 PM

*points at the above post*

Ahhhhh! He mentioned me!!! Ahhhhhhh!


Thanks man! You know your graphic works are always very welcome ;)

Sleazy P Martini Apr 10th, 2002 09:08 PM

I don't have any comments for anyone in particular because I don't want to leave any of you out. You all are great!!!

Qjij_jijQ Apr 10th, 2002 10:30 PM

I know I just recently returned here, but I still remember back in the "Ol' days"... Everyone was very nice and also unique in their own ways... Of course, you all still look real nice now, even though there's a lot of you I don't know...

Let's see:

Hadoken: Crazy car addicted guy, but very smart and always fun to talk to.

MakgSnake: Probably the biggest fan of Metal Gear Solid I have ever seem ! Always knows what's goin' on everywhere.

Cannibal Clown: What can I say about that weird fellow... Always seems to enjoy life and is one heck of an anime lover !

nanjij: Don't know him that well, but he always reminded me of that good ol' Vegita... don't know why though ;)

Reid: That guy's avatar always made me believe he was more of the 'quiet' time and I know he really enjoy writting... Hope his talents will take him where he wants to go.

Harry: One of the nicest guy there is... He has always managed to help me out, whenever I had any kind of trouble with my account :laugh:

Fortune: Like her comrade, I couldn't have asked for more from her... She's always ready to give me a hand, whenever she has some free time.

Soul Angel: The reason why I decided to stay the first time I came to this site... Got to love that Angel. ^_^

Well, I know there's a lot of people that I forgot, but that's all the time I have right now... I'll probably come back tomorow to write some more.

...Talk to ya later !

Rei Apr 11th, 2002 12:59 AM

I don't have particular comments to make, but I must thank MakgSnake too, because he's always reporting when there's something wrong :right:

Qjij_jijQ Apr 11th, 2002 06:24 AM

Hey Rei ! I had forgotten to write about you !
You're the first member I talked to when I came to this site for the 1sy time and you were the one that was kind enough to get me that avatar I wanted !

Thanks again.

Pu the Owl Apr 11th, 2002 06:16 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ

Soul Angel: The reason why I decided to stay the first time I came to this site... Got to love that Angel. ^_^

hehehe Soul Angel's popularity grows and grows and grows...


BlackThornn Apr 12th, 2002 02:24 AM

Sleazy- Cool guy who likes Star Wars as much as I do. ^_^ And an all around likeable guy other than that. Plus I hear he makes great wallpapers.

Spank- Your posts are always a pleasure to read, my friend. Very informative and intuitive, plus you always seem to keep your cool; whereas I have a tendancy to get aggrevated.

Sword- The best RP fighter on PS2Fantasy. Besides me of course. (You jus' got lucky!)

Soul Angel- If my addled brain is serving me correctly she was the first one ever to reply to a post of mine. She's kind and intelligent, and just a cool chica. :)

SSSnake- Dude! You mentioned me! ^_^ Well, mention back man. You're doing a great job as mod for the Other Consoles forum.

Fortune- She made mah banner. *points to it* Doesn't it kick all kinda azz? Thanks again, Fortune.

merylsilverburg- Almost as self critical as me. Lighten up, hon. Trust us when we say you're plenty cool enough. *smiles* ...and just drop kick one of those immature fools in the gonads.

I forgot to mention alot of people that I origionally wanted to (apparently I used too many smileys, and when I pressed the back button to edit the entire thing was erased.. this was origionally a much longer list.), but everybody that's not mentioned here, you rule too! Every one of you contributes to making this forum one of the most pleasant places to post in the net that I've encountered.

Except for FuNkY MoNk that is. He's just an ass. (Hey, this was for posotive and negative, right? :P)

Hylas Apr 12th, 2002 03:21 PM

I would like to say something to lots of people, but I'm afraid of forgetting someone, so I won't write a comment for each person. I just want to say that I've learnt lots of things on videogames and not only videogames and also I'm having fun here.
hehehehe :)

Mercury Shadow Apr 12th, 2002 04:12 PM

Meryl is a really good friend and I enjoy talking to her about anything. I like to listen to her opinions on games and she's an excellent artist ;) & I know one day she'll get revenge on those boys in her chem class :D

Spank and Blackthornn are very informative and I love hearing what they have to say about the video game world.

and everyone else, I love talking to everyone on here! You're all great people :)

Spirit Apr 12th, 2002 08:48 PM

sorry if I neglected to mention anyone in my post. I just felt like stating things to people who I actually knew outside the site and had fun chatting with on the forums =P

merylsilverburg Apr 13th, 2002 07:12 AM

Ah, this thread is so great. Okay, here's mine:

Mercury_Shadow: A sweet guy and a great pal. I always enjoy talking to you and hearing about your life and the games you're playing and enjoying. Plus, we have a common fear: spiders! I hope to someday fight against you in an online game. ;)

Fortune: You're a great administrator and a friend. You're easy to talk to about anything, and you're advice and posts are always terrific. Thanks for the advice and your art is really great.

Harry: Though I haven't talked to you much, you're someone who is very wise and helpful in giving people advice as well, and setting people straight. I really appreciate that.

MakgSnake: Ah....what can I say? Always at the top of the Metal Gear information. :D You're a great buddy and it's always a pleasure to read your posts and your information on anything.

Soul Angel: You're such a sweet girl and your art is terrific. You're very positive and fun to talk to and I hope to see more of your art in the future.

Hadoken: Thanks for your advice and help on the Shadow of Destiny game, man. I'm glad to hear that you're Asian, but you understand about the "annoying girls" thing. There's not too many people who get what I'm talking about, but you seem to. Thanks again!

Cannibal Clown: A great anime fan. You and I have similar interests and problems, so it's really great to talk to ya and about anime. If I ever do move to Wisconsin, I'll be sure to look ya up and chat with you for a while. Keep up your art too, they're really good!

SSSnake: Well, even though you and I have our disagreements on're still a terrific person to talk to, plus we're kinda similar in personalities. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Mourdor: You're a serious and quiet guy, but that doesn't matter to me. I enjoy reading your posts on serious issues and the not so serious ones. And you like Whose Line Is It Anyway! I hope to get to know you a little more later.

007_JamesBond: A huge James Bond fan. I haven't talked to you much, but you seem like a pretty cool guy. Plus, you can cook. I need to take some tips from you.....

Neo_Soldier28: Well, I don't know if you're still on these forums anymore....but, I really enjoyed your posts while you were on here. You seem like a really cool guy, so it's sad to see you go.

BowevelJoe: Ah man, you always make me laugh. :laugh: You're great to talk to and your anime collection is superb! I look forward to discussing more anime with you and reading your posts!

Spirit:'re the first guy to call me a "babe". :right: I enjoy talking with ya and reading your posts. It's great to know you're into Kenshin a lot right now and I enjoy working with you on your site! I know it's going to be successful!

Reid: Another Kenshin fan! You're quiet, but very nice. I'm also enjoying working with you and I hope we can discuss about more animes later.

Sleazy P Martini:'re really a Star Wars fan. Heh, I've never seen it at all, but I really like your wallpapers. Plus, you're great to chat with in the Other Consoles forum. You're very open-minded, even though you own both an X-Box and PS2 and that's cool.

Mena: You're a great person to talk to and a really good friend. I know I can count on you to talk about anything. Thanks for cheering me up about a lot of things and I hope we can talk more in the future.

BlackThornn: Ha,'s really fun to read your comments, especially in the Other Consoles forum. Your information is very accurate and you're a pretty cool guy. I hope to talk to ya more!

Spank-A-Thon: Another guy whose info is accurate and very helpful. Thanks for a lot of information you posted; they're really helpful especially for me, who is kinda clueless on these kinds of things...

Rei: You're a great person to talk to! It's cool how we're both mods on the Anime forum, I'm happy to hear that you're into J-Rock music and I hope you and I can talk more about bands and Glay.

Hylas: Ah, I haven't talked to you much, but you seem really cool! You're pretty funny and also very sweet. I hope to talk to you more in the future.

Carlito: Again, I don't know you as much, but I wanted to thank you for your compliments on my art. You seem like a terrific person to talk with, and I enjoy reading your posts and comments.

kamari-ice: Ah....a major Britney Spears hater, like me. It was fun talking to you and bashing her along the way! I hope to read more of your posts!

goodman: You're very wise and it's a pleasure reading your comments, advice, and suggestions. I look forward in reading more of your analyzations and reviews of different games.

Mana: You're such a sweet girl! It's really fun and easy to talk to you because you're very open-minded and intellectual. I'm happy that you're on these forums and I hope to hear more from you.

jenova_jeb: Yay! You bought a Dreamcast!! You're easy to talk to, even though I don't know you as well, but I enjoy reading your posts anyway. I'm looking forward to knowing you better.

Sword4Hire: Ah, a Jet Grind/Set Radio fan!!! There's not many people who like this game, so I'm glad you're one! Plus, you're a wonderful person to talk to and thank you for your help regarding my "immature boys" problem.

TtTackler: Thanks for your advice for my problem. Even though I haven't used seem fun to talk to. Thanks for your help.

GaseousSnake: Ah, I don't know you much but I hope to later on. Your information on Metal Gear is really helpful, and I like listening to your ideas. Hope to know you a little more.

Xiliphore: Another Metal Gear fan. Your knowledge on the past games are amazing, which is nice to know, especially for me, since I don't know much on the past games. Thanks man!

MADRUCKIS: Ha, ha.....I really liked your "hmph" that you used to post before your comment. You also seem pretty wise when you talk about things, from games to movies, so it's great to hear from you.

Pearl: Heh....well, I don't know you much at all.....but I remember your posts back on the old forum and you seem really cool to talk to. I hope to get to know you a little better.

talon101: Hey, you're a cool guy! You enjoy skateboarding and seem pretty good at it. Plus, I like the fact that you're shorter than me :D.....just kidding, but you're still great to talk to!

x157anz: I really haven't talked to you much, but from your posts, you're a pretty cool guy. Your comments are nice to read, so I hope to know you a little more.

WHEW! I hope I didn't forget anyone! If I guys are all great to talk to and I'm happy to be a part of this wonderful forum. My life has been a bit more happier ever since I joined. Thank you all!

Sleazy P Martini Apr 13th, 2002 10:01 AM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg
even though you own both an X-Box and PS2 and that's cool.

I don't own an Xbox. I've rented one, and almost bought one. But I went PS2 instead. ;)

007_JamesBond Apr 13th, 2002 01:02 PM

alright Meryl what would you like to know?

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