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jjmoohead Nov 8th, 2002 12:48 AM

I got my tickets tonight for the late show tomorrow. Its going to be a great flick, can't wait.

MakgSnake Nov 8th, 2002 12:50 AM

Damn you Jj, I wanted to make an 8Mile thread!.!!!!! :laugh:

Oh well, I bought the tickets yesterday for the tomorrow's 9:15 show, check ma signature.!. :D

Man I am sooooooo freaking excited about the movie. Today saw the "Making of 8Mile" on BET and tomorrow 3pm from MTV, another 8Mile special is going to come!!.!! Gonna watch that too.!.

And then the movie! Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beretta55 Nov 8th, 2002 02:23 AM

i really dont like you both now:laugh: jk going to try to see this movie in the thearter or see it on DVD:disturb:

jjmoohead Nov 8th, 2002 02:57 PM

If I could I would pre order the DVD today hehehe. A friend of mine can't come tonight so im also going on sunday and I have a date to see it tuesday (cheep night). I just hope its good enough to see it 3 times. What am i saying...ITS GOING TO RULE THE UNIVERSE!

MakgSnake Nov 8th, 2002 04:25 PM

True it is for sure. I just finished watching the new TRL and Movie House and people are saying Em could win an oscar for this movie

And the TRL was live, the fans shut down the who Time Square, damn! It was amazing....................

Neways........I know I will watch this movie more then once for sure, and that DVD, ............. I will 101% get it, whenever it comes out.

I saw a couple of more shots of the movie and its making me go crazy, some scenes are too good...... damn!.!

Cant wait till 9:15pm hits the clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MakgSnake Nov 8th, 2002 11:33 PM

I just got back from 8 Mile, the dopest movie ever!!!!!!!

Damn the movie rocked, it was almost perfect. The direction was good, the side actors were amazing, Eminem was amazing!!! in the movie. The best hip hop movie Ive ever seen, infact its one of the best movies I have ever seen!!!!!!

Man we went 45 minutes earlier to get the seats, BUT the house was full, had to sit in the 4th row!!! but still enjoyed the movie as it was soo f*ckin great!!!!!!

I'll talk more about the movie later......... This shit is crazy good!!! Mind blowin yo, Turst me!!!!!!!!! Damn!

Gonna watch again soon, may be this sunday or something. And I cant wait for the DVD yo.!.!.

jjmoohead Nov 9th, 2002 12:31 AM


That movie was unreal yo!

Eminem did a sweet job, i cant believe how funny the movie was for a drama. And it was good. So good. I don't even have the words for it. The rapping was unreal, so cool.

Anyway im comming down from this amazing flick, when I calm down ill discuss more.


MakgSnake Nov 9th, 2002 12:51 AM

True....... Jj, That movie was really funny too ...... according to the drama it had.

Espcially that "CAR" scene, shooting at the cops, and it brakes down. HAHAH. I was laughing my ass off!!!!!

And that.... Battling at the work lunch agains Xzibit, was beautiful!.!


Like I said before, this movie is one of the best Ive seen. I havn't stopped discussin it here.......!.!

And Britanny's character was soo bad, I really hated her, although she tried to act all nice in the end!.!

And that scene was great too........ "Sweet Home Trailer Park HOME" ......

But Ive got some serious groupies girls next to me, she wouldn't shut up saying "Oh my god, hes so hot, wow" and stuff like that, epecially when He took off the shirt and the pants in the final battle, (AT THAT THE WHOLE CROWD (GIRLS) WENT CRAZY!!!)


Amazing Movie YO!!!!!!!

Gadzoox Nov 9th, 2002 01:05 AM

Okay, it's apparently good.

So what's the plot boys?

jjmoohead Nov 9th, 2002 01:43 AM

If you listen to the song lose yourself, it basically is the movie.

Basically it deals with a young man living in a tough area trying to make it out by succeding. Hes a white man living in a black area and gets no respect. Everyone knows hes got talent but he seems to have a tough time getting it out to show the people. Hes trying to make it somewhere in music but not looking to be the greatest.

Note: This movie is only symbolic of Eminems life, not a biography turned movie.

I cant really say anymore without giving it away.

jjmoohead Nov 9th, 2002 01:45 AM

Man that Sweet Home Alabama bit, that was so amazing, I stood up in my seat and starting pumping my fist in the air. Good thing I was near the back. That was only just into the movie but i turned to my buddy and said the rest of the movie can blow chunks and its still the greatest movie. The best part was no matter how great that was, the ending destroyed it!!!!! Meaning the ending was so awsome it made the alabama bit look so awsome from begining to end.

jjmoohead Nov 9th, 2002 03:05 AM

Ok, so this is my 3rd straight post on this topic, but i have a question to anyone that has seen it.

I want the remix of lose yourself from the movie, if anyone has it let me know.

Beretta55 Nov 9th, 2002 03:05 AM

Damn you both!! now i really have to see this movie!! you could of invited me i would of hid in your trunk no big deal jk jk:laugh:

MakgSnake Nov 9th, 2002 03:31 AM

Jj are you talking about the Lose Yourself music being played at the back, when hes writing rhymes and all?

I want that toooo bad. Cause thats sick ass!!!! I love it.

This movie rocked!!!!

Yeah its not about Eminem but someone who is like him. Thats why the ending is like that. WHICH I LOVED

Damn, the comdey of the movie was beautiful.

and SweetHome Trailer PARK scene was dOPE. hahah I knew it from before that he did that. but it was wack lookin and hearing

The LAST 2 battles were really DOPE!!!!!

MADRUCKIS Nov 9th, 2002 03:58 AM

Great......I gotta wait for my little bro to watch it...........frigin promises.

It got 3 outta 4 stars here in NY and tickets were sold out in most places.
Soundtrack (which I bought) sold ummmmmmm.....not sure if this is right cause I only heard this on the radio once but I think 700,000 units in its first week.
It's no joke-this movies had reveiws like "A highly inspiring movie for all" and I'm like damn! I knew it was gonna be good but "highly captivating" and "a look into hip hop in its truest form"? WOW

AudioBoxer Nov 9th, 2002 10:44 AM

Sweet I cant wait until I see it, I think I am going around 5 tonight I hope. Now I know what people think of it so it wont be a waste of money! For me the countdown Begins

jjmoohead Nov 9th, 2002 01:18 PM

All I can say is I hope your 18 cause I don't know if its like this in other city's but they carded everyone that walked in the door, even if you look 30. That was the only dumb part.

I still can't get over the movie though. Seriously Amazing!!!!

AudioBoxer Nov 9th, 2002 01:20 PM

Isnt it the law or something ?

Yeah they check tickets here, but its no prob with me I am over 18

MakgSnake Nov 9th, 2002 02:14 PM

This movie is seriously rated R, Highly. ........ And I still saw a 14 year old in the cinema. I couldn't believe ma eyes.

Oh well.......
Enjoy the movie people.

Super it is.

Beretta55 Nov 9th, 2002 02:38 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
This movie is seriously rated R, Highly. ........ And I still saw a 14 year old in the cinema. I couldn't believe ma eyes.

Oh well.......
Enjoy the movie people.

Super it is.

Well damn im 14 blaseted cineama!!!!:laugh:

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