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Hero Mar 13th, 2003 04:31 AM

Naruto? Seen it yet?
If you haven't, you have to. It's really good. Toriyama never disappoints, and in case you're wondering... People don't live forever in this anime, and they can't come back from the dead.

My favorite character is Kakashi-Sensei. He's awesome, and he has amazing character too.

ssjtrunks13 Mar 13th, 2003 12:22 PM

The great Akira Toriyama? The guy that did DBZ and the drawings for Chrono Trigger? Cool, I think I may have heard about this once. I'll be sure to check it out.

Hero Mar 13th, 2003 04:37 PM

Yup, Akira Toriyama. His company, Toriyama's World is all over the beginning of the video's.

merylsilverburg Mar 15th, 2003 03:19 AM

Surprisingly enough, the drawings for Naruto look pretty different than those of DB. Very nice, indeed.

I haven't seen this yet, but I'm definitely going to check it out soon. :)

On a note, I always seem to get this anime confused with Shaman King and King of Bandits: Jing. :P

ssjtrunks13 Mar 16th, 2003 08:00 PM

If this was create by Toriyama then how come in shonen jump the comic is done by someone else?

merylsilverburg Mar 17th, 2003 04:12 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

If this was create by Toriyama then how come in shonen jump the comic is done by someone else?
You're absolutely right, ssj. I never looked up any information on Naruto, so I had no idea about the mangaka....until you said something.

Naruto is created by Kishimoto, Masashi not Toriyama, Akira. Toriyama's World is just a site where one can download Naruto manga to read.

If there is a real Toriyama's World in the beginning of the anime, it must be just a sponsor or just an "ad" to introduce people watching Naruto to Toriyama's works.

I thought it was weird when I read that Toriyama drew this anime because I know that his drawings are very distinctive and recognizable (Chrono Trigger and DB...the drawings look very much the same). Usually a mangaka's drawing style stays the same, so I was a bit confused when Hero said it's by Toriyama because it looked nothing like his style. Thanks ssjtrunks for clearing up a lot of confusion. :)

ssjtrunks13 Mar 17th, 2003 12:24 PM

I really did?, Cool! I know where you are coming from, I was a little confused after I thought about it a while because I remembered that Shonen Jump had the people's names who created each comic in the beginning, Toriyama's drawings for DB/Z and Chrono Trigger, and when I looked it up it said someone else. Glad I've cleared somthing up for once.jk:laugh:

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 11th, 2004 02:30 PM

Ok this anime is the best out there I swear. Its got great action, the story is tight and they have awesome character development. DBZ doesn't even hold a candle to this. Now right now I am watching most of the sub versions and I pray to god when it comes here that funimation or anything associated with Cartoon network does not get it. They'll freakin ruin it.

Yeah so I would advise any anime fan to see this one, it rules. I see a lot of anime and thus far this is my favorite. GO SEE IT NOW!

Oh yeah and Toriyama or what ever his name is, has nothing to due with this anime.

merylsilverburg Feb 12th, 2004 12:51 AM

*Prepared to be flamed*

Eh, I saw about 2/3 episodes and didn't really like it. I don't know...I think it's the characters...didn't really appeal to me. Plus, Naruto isn't a really likable character, IMO. I would've seen more, but then after episode 2 or 3 (the one with the small kid who's trying to train with Naruto...? :right: ) I really lost interest.

BTW, I heard that Naruto is licensed by Viz know...the same company that brought over Ranma 1/2. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but it can't be good news...:zzz:

Cannibal Clown Feb 12th, 2004 09:52 AM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

*Prepared to be flamed*

BTW, I heard that Naruto is licensed by Viz know...the same company that brought over Ranma 1/2. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but it can't be good news...:zzz:

I figured it would be Viz to license it. The type of anime it is, and the long running story seems to attract Viz, like your example of ranma, or Inuyasha. Viz is relativly small compared to the others like pioneer, bandai, ADV, and Manga, but with another title like Naruto, with their still selling Inu Yasha, they will make lots and lots of money.

Oh, and personal opinion of the series, i downloaded one episode, and i enjoyed it a lot. I don't think it will hold up to being my favorite, but it is good.

Oh, and meryl, don't worry, you'll get no "flamming" from me.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 12th, 2004 01:15 PM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

*Prepared to be flamed*

Eh, I saw about 2/3 episodes and didn't really like it. I don't know...I think it's the characters...didn't really appeal to me. Plus, Naruto isn't a really likable character, IMO. I would've seen more, but then after episode 2 or 3 (the one with the small kid who's trying to train with Naruto...? :right: ) I really lost interest.

BTW, I heard that Naruto is licensed by Viz know...the same company that brought over Ranma 1/2. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but it can't be good news...:zzz:

The first few episodes are like that. Get into episodes 9 or 10 and it really starts to get good. Hold in there Meryl.

merylsilverburg Feb 14th, 2004 05:44 AM


Originally posted by Cannibal Clown

I figured it would be Viz to license it. The type of anime it is, and the long running story seems to attract Viz, like your example of ranma, or Inuyasha. Viz is relativly small compared to the others like pioneer, bandai, ADV, and Manga, but with another title like Naruto, with their still selling Inu Yasha, they will make lots and lots of money.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if FUNnimation (how do you spell it?) did buy the rights either. FUNnimation also would love to get the deal on really popular/good animes because after getting so many sales on the "DB/DBZ" series, they'd want more money. And if you think about it...they got "Fruits Basket"...which was the most unbelievable thing on the planet when the news came out. I mean, it's a shoujo series and they focus mainly on why'd they do it? Only because they knew "Furuba" was one of the best-selling animes in Japan and they wanted the money 'cause they'd knew many fans would get their hands on the domestic release.

So, either Viz or FUNnimation in the end.


Originally posted by Il Palazzo

The first few episodes are like that. Get into episodes 9 or 10 and it really starts to get good. Hold in there Meryl.
Unfortunately I only have episodes 1-3 and I have to buy my computer just can't take the downloading process. :P So, I guess I'll try it out again whenever I can get a hold of my distributor. Thanks for the info, Il. :)

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 15th, 2004 01:24 PM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

Though I wouldn't be surprised if FUNnimation (how do you spell it?) did buy the rights either. FUNnimation also would love to get the deal on really popular/good animes because after getting so many sales on the "DB/DBZ" series, they'd want more money. And if you think about it...they got "Fruits Basket"...which was the most unbelievable thing on the planet when the news came out. I mean, it's a shoujo series and they focus mainly on why'd they do it? Only because they knew "Furuba" was one of the best-selling animes in Japan and they wanted the money 'cause they'd knew many fans would get their hands on the domestic release.

So, either Viz or FUNnimation in the end.

Unfortunately I only have episodes 1-3 and I have to buy my computer just can't take the downloading process. :P So, I guess I'll try it out again whenever I can get a hold of my distributor. Thanks for the info, Il. :)
Yeah you must really get more. The anime is really great. I'm now up to episode 20. This anime is the first one to actually bring a tear to my eye. Just wait till you see 10 through 19 it is incredibly sad.

omni vengeance Mar 4th, 2004 10:43 PM

(Sorry for my absence, guys..I've been on the busy side..>_>)

Yes, of course I've seen Naruto. It was the first part of it, out of four I believe, it stopped at the mid-term exams.

I thought it was really spiff :)

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 24th, 2004 02:23 PM


Originally posted by omni vengeance

(Sorry for my absence, guys..I've been on the busy side..>_>)

Yes, of course I've seen Naruto. It was the first part of it, out of four I believe, it stopped at the mid-term exams.

I thought it was really spiff :)
I suggest you start to get more of it. The anime really starts picking up after the exams.

007_JamesBond Apr 4th, 2004 06:51 AM

i love it, simply

omni vengeance Apr 13th, 2004 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Il Palazzo
I suggest you start to get more of it. The anime really starts picking up after the exams.

I don't really have resources to get it. I'll borrow it from that friend if he buys the rest of it. If not, I'll wait for the rest of the manga to come out..X_X

fantasytiger Apr 14th, 2004 06:33 AM

sadly have not seen it been sooo bussie I have been mangaing every thing now but the art and the story is awesome I love this one best manga I have read so far that and fruits baskett

Cannibal Clown Apr 14th, 2004 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by fantasytiger
sadly have not seen it been sooo bussie I have been mangaing every thing now but the art and the story is awesome I love this one best manga I have read so far that and fruits baskett

Well, despite how usually, the manga is always far better than the anime, this one is the opposite. If you like the manga, you'll absolutly love the anime. If you absolutly love the manga, then I suggest finding some sort of controlling agent while you watch the series, because you just may lose control of yourself and in need of restraint.

tempted Apr 26th, 2004 03:05 PM

Well since everyone here seems to be loving the Naruto series why don't we find out What Naruto Character are You Most Like? ..well i got him.. "YOU'RE UCHIHA SASUKE! Sasuke is the natural genius offspring of the powerful Uchiha Clan. The most outstanding Clan in Leaf Village, the Uchiha's advanced bloodline give them the ability of the Sharingan. This ability allows Sasuke to be able to perform other's Jutsu just by having once witnessed it in use, as well as the ability to anticipate what a person may do next, and see through GenJutsu among other things."

..go figure i'm a .. oh well at least i got the coolest one imo..

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