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Spank-A-Thon Jan 31st, 2003 02:23 PM

Final Fantasy Origins Release date in the UK
For those who are interested.

Final Fantasy Origins - UK release date revealed

[30/01/2003: 15:14]
Final Fantasy I and II package gearing up to hit the old grey box

Square's Final Fantasy I and II double deal, Final Fantasy Origins, is scheduled to release on 14 March. Which is fantastic news for those still clinging on to their PSone.


- S

kupoartist Jan 31st, 2003 02:34 PM

Re: Final Fantasy Origins Release date in the UK
hmm.. thats great news, but it sounds wrong somehow. Origins isn't even out in the US, so that suggests that the English NTSC version is yet to be completed. PAL conversion tends to take an annoying ammount of time, so a tandem Euro-US release is very unlikely... but hey, if its true, thats one big yay from me... I just think that this is actually the confirmed US release date... (after all, why would it only be given a "UK" date, rather than a "European" one?)

- unsuprisingly, Square Europe haven't updated with anything on their site... they never do.

dan da man Jan 31st, 2003 05:58 PM

Great news, I might get this.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 31st, 2003 10:32 PM

I would get it if it were to ever be released over here.

kupoartist Feb 2nd, 2003 05:11 PM

hehe... either this is the weirdest thing to happen in European History, or a dangerous rumour is spreading futher than Square Europe want it too: apparently know somthing that isn't telling us... the price is even £17.99 !!! (£20 RRP)

- as the ffonline article puts it, this, if it happens, will actually be the second time - Europe actually once got a game before the US - Parasite Eve 2 - and it may just happen again.

The Euro Release is alledgedly March 14th, The Following US release will be April 8th

ssjtrunks13 Feb 2nd, 2003 10:47 PM

You guys got Parasite Eve 2 first? Interesting, Is there any correlation between the first and second games?

kupoartist Feb 3rd, 2003 03:57 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
You guys got Parasite Eve 2 first? Interesting, Is there any correlation between the first and second games?
I wouldn't know. The odd thing about them releasing Parasite Eve 2 in Europe first, was that Parasite Eve 1 was never released in Europe at all. Even stranger, is how Parasite Eve 1 was alledgedly just weeks away from release when Square's publishing duties moved from Sony to Square Europe. The result? we never got PE1, even if it was probably 85% complete anyway. Which is mad (incidently, I became interested in Consoles too late to be able to buy Parasite Eve 2 anyways... I may buy it if I see it, but it and Vagrant Story are pratically available only second hand now :( - at least I got SaGa Frontier 2 of some freaky guy. I haven't dropped dead yet, so it must have been a good deal!)

Spank-A-Thon Feb 3rd, 2003 06:49 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

I wouldn't know. The odd thing about them releasing Parasite Eve 2 in Europe first, was that Parasite Eve 1 was never released in Europe at all. Even stranger, is how Parasite Eve 1 was alledgedly just weeks away from release when Square's publishing duties moved from Sony to Square Europe. The result? we never got PE1, even if it was probably 85% complete anyway. Which is mad (incidently, I became interested in Consoles too late to be able to buy Parasite Eve 2 anyways... I may buy it if I see it, but it and Vagrant Story are pratically available only second hand now :( - at least I got SaGa Frontier 2 of some freaky guy. I haven't dropped dead yet, so it must have been a good deal!)
I have PE2. It's pretty good but they dropped the more RPG feel of the first to make PE2 somewhat of a Res Evil 'Survival Horror' rip-off. If you can get it cheap I'd certainly reccommend it.

As for Vagrant Story, you can have my copy if you like.... Boring isn't the word. I heard so many great things about this game, and I really tried to get into it - but it simply bored me stupid.

Everything is soooooo slow and monotone - but hey, different strokes for different folks huh! Maybe you'll like it!

- S

kupoartist Feb 9th, 2003 10:59 AM

^ is the box art that has apperead on the afforementioned "gameplay". Even if we don't get Origins first, It cannot be far away from release in the uk... yay! [edit: it is clearly PAL packaging as well: check the ugly black bar and the "PAL" bar under the PSX logo]

incidently, Square Europe's website appears to have reached new levels of disrepair, now that the "members area" has crashed... or are they actually going to update or somthing very strange?!

Edit2: - an offical source. Origins is out first in Europe. Yay!

edit3: for those of you in the US who feel left out:
different box-arts it would seem?

ssjtrunks13 Feb 9th, 2003 03:34 PM

Damn!(sorry) The box art looks so sweet. I can't wait to get my hands on it. So, Are both of them going to be in 3D?

kupoartist Feb 9th, 2003 03:44 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
So, Are both of them going to be in 3D?
uhm... no. they're roughly the same deal as the PSX got with FF4-6... the closest to 3D graphics will be new FMVs, which, whilst being quite pretty, aren't exactly PS2 quality (as this is a PSX game)

The graphical update is actually 2D graphics though... which is just as well, given that the games originally came out on the NES... technically. Essentially, they now look about as good, if not better, than the SNES graphics of 4-6 (which were not updated when put on the PSX)

incidently though, these versions of the games are actually a remake of the FFI and FFII that appeared on Bandai's Wonderswan Colour", which is basically an underpowered GBA that never made it outside of Japan. (I have badly translated roms of both), so it is technically a bad deal. But who here has a wonderswan?!


FF1: Battle pic -
FF2: Battle pic -

- ok, so the graphics have improved... not by too much, but the sprites look less squished.

and for the sake of it:

FF1: FMV pic -
FF2: FMV pic -

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 12:09 PM

Sadly parts of what you said went over my head because I jhaven't played anthology and I wouldn't have known. I had thought that the games in anthology were all 3D graphics also.

Spank-A-Thon Feb 10th, 2003 03:01 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

Sadly parts of what you said went over my head because I jhaven't played anthology and I wouldn't have known. I had thought that the games in anthology were all 3D graphics also.
Naw - they were just straight ports of the SNES originals except for one or two new FMV sequences that were added.

- S

Soul Angel Feb 10th, 2003 03:21 PM

Another game for me to add to my list of games to get.

I must admit it I'm surprised they are releasing the game out over in Europe first, but who's complaining?
A nice little treat for us for a change.

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