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Vic Viper Mar 22nd, 2005 02:39 PM

Metal Gear Acid review


Closing Comments
What it's Metal Gear Acid? Hi-tech chess. It can get pretty complicated if it's played like a typical Metal Gear game. It shares the spirit of a Metal Gear, but ever so slightly. Additionally, Metal Gear Acid isn't proactive or remotely visceral. It will grate on the nerves at times because of all the waiting that transpires. And while the sneaking feels like Metal Gear, the break-away action sequences that release the tension aren't there to reward your cunning and patience. It's cerebral and requires special attention, but that might not necessarily be fun -- all that hot PSP technology, just for an experience that's as graceful as a banana slug.

7.0 Presentation
A good story and cast, even if it's totally moot for Metal Gear fans. Attractive menus and "Intermission" are somewhat stylish.
8.0 Graphics
It looks, feels and smells like Metal Gear. Then you go shoot somebody, and they just stand there taking it. Some more realism would have gone a long way.
6.0 Sound
Metal Gear themes and sound effects are nice, but where are the character voices?
6.0 Gameplay
It divided the office whether this game was brilliant but sluggish or just clumsy and sluggish. Then we played Link Battle, and it became painfully clear even to the diehards.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
There are lots of stages, and unlike other Metal Gear games, you can play each area again for a perfect stealth score. If you can get into this game, you may be playing it for a while.

this game was a dissaster ever since it was first announce. card based crap.. :frust: :frust: :cry:

kupoartist Mar 22nd, 2005 04:02 PM

This game always sounded like they were so anxious to get a PSP game out at launch, that they'd only have enough time to make their own Graphics engine and could tag a little bit of game onto that. It was never going to be spectacular - i'm sure they could have made it good, but they could never have made it MGS good...

There's always the posibility of a proper MGS handheld adventure, but if everyone fails the PSP like this game pretty much has, the PSP will die and it'll be on the DS. Whoops.

Vic Viper Mar 22nd, 2005 06:46 PM

sales wise its not going to fail, average casuals would buy it just cause of the name recognition. :shame:

TtTackler Mar 26th, 2005 10:40 PM

Meanwhile Gamespot's review of it is very glowing. I have the game, and it is good. The guy in the review is just whining because he isn't good at the game. The isn't perfect, but I've enjoyed it so far, and you have to be pretty patient. The story is pretty interesting so far [I'm 5 hours into the game], and the new characters are great, especially these two creepy dolls that hijack the plane.

The card-system translates very well to the MG atomsphere, I don't know what that guy is talking about, realism be damned, its based on a card-game!

I'd recommend the game if you're a Metal Gear fan, and like trading card games. If you have no patience, and don't care for card games, this game isn't for you. The only problem with the game is that you have to play around with the camera a bit to see everything around you, I wish they included a way to zoom in and out while in Ariel Camera View to get a better view of the map, but that's the only problem I've encountered. Whether you enjoy this game is strictly based upon if you can get into it or not. Not because its a poorly made game or anything like that.

kupoartist Mar 27th, 2005 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
Meanwhile Gamespot's review of it is very glowing. I have the game, and it is good. The guy in the review is just whining because he isn't good at the game. The isn't perfect, but I've enjoyed it so far, and you have to be pretty patient.

I saw this last night and I was really surprised... it seems to me that the ign psp staff are crap... but for the opposite reason that the rest of the staff are!

TtTackler Mar 27th, 2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
I saw this last night and I was really surprised... it seems to me that the ign psp staff are crap... but for the opposite reason that the rest of the staff are!

I somewhat agree, the reviewer wasn't very objective in his review of the game. He should have stated more in-depth about how the game is actually played than whine about it. There is nothing with the game from a technical stand-point besides the camera and slowdown with multiple characters on screen. Other than that, it depends on the gamer's tastes on whether or not they will enjoy it. The production values are obviously there, and, in my opinion, the story is enjoyable even if you don't get into the gameplay. I'm having a blast with the game.

Harry Mar 27th, 2005 10:24 PM

The whole "realism" thing many keep on talking about when reviewing MGS games (and comparing them to Splinter Cell) is ridiculous. Despite the extremely realistic elements in the setting and in the background, they are pure gaming experiences, fruit of an all Japanese way of intending videogames first of all as videogames. Kojima may have introduced powerful cinematic elements in his games, but his trademark gameplay concepts have their roots in Miyamoto games... so, when it was announced the new game was card based, I was at first surprised, but not disappointed. I kind of expected it.

I can't wait to start writing again, also about this game, as soon as we have done with the tech stuff.

TtTackler Mar 27th, 2005 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Harry
The whole "realism" thing many keep on talking about when reviewing MGS games (and comparing them to Splinter Cell) is ridiculous. Despite the extremely realistic elements in the setting and in the background, they are pure gaming experiences, fruit of an all Japanese way of intending videogames first of all as videogames. Kojima may have introduced powerful cinematic elements in his games, but his trademark gameplay concepts have their roots in Miyamoto games... so, when it was announced the new game was card based, I was at first surprised, but not disappointed. I kind of expected it.

I can't wait to start writing again, also about this game, as soon as we have done with the tech stuff.

I agree 100%. I had no clue what the guy was talking about, even before I decided to buy a PSP the day after it came out (:P), it's a card game, there is nothing realistic about that. I love flattening up against a wall, use an attack card to blast someone in the back, then they automatically jump back behind the wall and the guard turns around with a ? mark over their head. :laugh:

Vic Viper Apr 28th, 2005 02:24 PM

hey, Tt im playing Metal Gear Acid right now, the game is not as bad as i thought it would be. the pace of the the game is kinda slow for my liking and it really takes a while to fully understand how the card system works, i havent fully understand the cards yet my self :laugh: . but the stealth aspect really works great and the story is pretty interesting. with that in said, im actually enjoying my self playing this game. this is coming from a person that hates card games and turn-based game. :laugh:

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