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merylsilverburg Sep 24th, 2004 02:00 AM

Past Works
Well since I now have a scanner and photoshop, I was finally able to scan some of my old works in and fix them up a bit. Here are just a few of my past works from '97/'98 of Sailormoon and one drawing of Magic Knight Rayearth (I know, I know...Sailormoon and MKR? I was really into these series back then so...:heh: )

Sailormoon 1 I drew this in '97 from one of the manga...I did it in pencil and drew it on lined paper (hehe), so that's why it looks a bit scratchy and blurry. I don't know who the other girl is, I just drew it.

Sailormoon 2 Again, drew this in '97 on lined paper (...) with pencil. I saw this drawing in the manga (like, the last volumes or something) and thought the girl was intriguing, so I drew her. Again, have no idea who she is....but I consider this one of my best.

Sailormoon 3 Another one I consider my best. This time, not on lined paper (:right: ). I drew this from one of the colored works but I didn't color mine. So, just pencil on regular paper.

Magic Knight Rayearth This is Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth. This is the only CLAMP fanart I did. I drew this from one of the colored works I found on the web and thought this one was so pretty and cute. I didn't color mine (yeah, I have a thing against color, j/k) so it's pencil on white paper.

Okay, finally...I know the only works I've been showing were mostly fanart...none were really my own "style". So, I finally have a drawing of my actual style.

Mia This is drawn on actual manga paper with a Tachikawa manga pen. This page is from my actual manga I'm working on now...I originally did this on regular paper, but I wanted to see how my style would look if it was "authentic". So, I re-drew this page on manga paper, inked it, went onto Photoshop and did the clothing and background patterns (because I don't have actually have tone paper for the patterns). I decided to put Japanese instead of English because...well...I just like the look of Japanese. ^^;;; I know there will be some criticism because I know it looks very amateurish, but this was just a test. I'm definitely practicing my backgrounds and positions and all the other stuff.

Rei Sep 24th, 2004 01:46 PM

The last one is really cool! I'd like to know more about your manga meryl! Like... could you give us some more details regarding the characters we see in this pic? What's happening at this point of the story? Looks like a shoujo...The backgrounds are terrific!

Grat work! :)

merylsilverburg Sep 24th, 2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rei
The last one is really cool! I'd like to know more about your manga meryl! Like... could you give us some more details regarding the characters we see in this pic? What's happening at this point of the story? Looks like a shoujo...The backgrounds are terrific!

Grat work! :)

Omigosh, you really like it? :shock: Wow, thank you! :shy: Well, first off, yes...this is a shoujo manga (pretty obvious, huh? lol).
The title is just Mia and it's takes place in London where the young girl is living comfortably in a large mansion and she's very wealthy. She's celebrating her 18th birthday. However, this day is when she finds out that her mother and father are not who they are...they are actually her aunt and uncle. Her father was a British duke and he died when Mia was born and her real mother is from New York...apparently, after the father died, she just picked up and left London, going back to New York leaving baby Mia in care of the aunt, Elizabeth. Which is why all these years, Elizabeth pretended to be Mia's mother. Now, Mia will try to find her mother in New York because she may still be alive.
This is a shoujo manga because obviously, there is a theme of love and relationships, but it's also about Mia growing up and experiencing life and the world. Since Mia grew up in a sheltered and wealthy, "prim and proper" enviroment, when she goes to New York, she will stay with three guys who are all carefree and all about "living in the now".
In the page you see here, this is around the 4th page of the beginning. On the first frame on the upper right, Mia has been told to see her "mother". She's wondering what's going on because everyone (all the servants, maids, etc.) are acting very strange. She calls out to her "mother" and Elizabeth says "Mia-chan!". The bottom frame, Elizabeth hugs Mia wishing her a Happy Birthday and Mia asks why everyone is looking so sad and what is happening. The final frame, Elizabeth is hesitating because it's bad news.

kupoartist Sep 26th, 2004 05:19 AM

Your first four pictures are great... Sure, they're not perfect, but i'm pretty certain that I didn't draw as good as that in 1997 (it's debateable whether i'm any good even now!). It's always great to see how someone developed their art skills over time. You had great attention to detail, even back then!

Like Rei, I love your Shoujo Manga page :) My fave frames (manga is read from the top right to the bottom left, right? ^^) have to be the fifth and sixth... The materials in the fifth are great, and Aunt Lizzy is wonderfully drawn! In the sixth, It really looks like they are hugging, so you've posed it all perfectly. All in all, you've shown a variety of different poses and angles of your characters, and the designs have maintained continuity and frankly look great ^^. Your backgrounds aren't exactly dense IMO (not many objects or things going on, though the wall in the fifth frame looks great). Perhaps they don't need to be in these frames (I mean, the first is blank because Mia's thoughts are what are important, and the sixth is blank because the hug is all we actually need to see), but interesting backgrounds are important nonetheless (and probably really difficult to draw... like, you'd probably have to draw the settings of the London mansion and the New York skyline, or else you get no feel of where the characters are...).
Anyways, please, please keep drawing manga stories. They seem like a brilliant way of testing just how good an artist you are because you have to draw such a wide range of objects, poses, places and expressions - all whilst maintaining continuity! If you ever get really confident of your own work, seriously consider releasing your stories web-comic stylee - your art is better than that in some comics I read on a regular basis ^^ (and your story sounds interesting with it's "posh girl entering the real world" premise)

merylsilverburg Sep 26th, 2004 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
Like Rei, I love your Shoujo Manga page :) My fave frames (manga is read from the top right to the bottom left, right? ^^) have to be the fifth and sixth... The materials in the fifth are great, and Aunt Lizzy is wonderfully drawn! In the sixth, It really looks like they are hugging, so you've posed it all perfectly.

Omg, that hug...I actually didn't even look at I didn't know whether it looked right or not...I just did it out of my head. :P But...ah, I'm so relieved it looks alright. :phew:


Originally Posted by kupoartist
Your backgrounds aren't exactly dense IMO (not many objects or things going on, though the wall in the fifth frame looks great).

Oh dear...I may have to redo the fifth frame then. -_-;;; That pattern actually isn't a's supposed to be do I explain it? Okay, you know how in shoujo manga, when a female is finally presented/revealed, there's like, flowers and sparkles and stuff like that? Well, my Photoshop didn't have any pattern like that (or any that I liked), so I did this type of plate pattern and just filled it. Ack, I didn't realized it looked like a wall. @_@;;; But I'm glad you said something!


Originally Posted by kupoartist
Perhaps they don't need to be in these frames (I mean, the first is blank because Mia's thoughts are what are important, and the sixth is blank because the hug is all we actually need to see), but interesting backgrounds are important nonetheless (and probably really difficult to draw... like, you'd probably have to draw the settings of the London mansion and the New York skyline, or else you get no feel of where the characters are...).

Oh yes, I know this. I was planning on doing more background art later on in the story (like the airport when she arrives in New York and the apartment she's staying in, etc.) but right now, she's inside the house, so I didn't do much background. I know I need to improve a lot on backgrounds, but thanks for the tips. ^_^


Originally Posted by kupoartist
-your art is better than that in some comics I read on a regular basis ^^

:shock: No way! Are you serious? That's the biggest compliment I've ever gotten in my entire life. It makes me feel so relieved don't know how much I criticize myself whenever I drives my sister crazy, hehe. But, I'm so happy that my drawings actually look okay enough for you to say that! Thank you so much, I'm so happy, you really made my day! :happy: ^____^

Hylas Oct 2nd, 2004 01:21 AM

Those are nice meryl. The manga especially, looks good. You should keep it up, you're really getting better everytime you post new stuff!

Vicious_2003 Oct 5th, 2004 12:11 AM


No way! Are you serious? That's the biggest compliment I've ever gotten in my entire life. It makes me feel so relieved don't know how much I criticize myself whenever I draw
U shouldnt be so hard on yourself, although I know its hard not to sometimes. Then again i think most any great artists is critical of his or her own works. Just know that you have some MAJOR talent at your disposal. I used to draw and lost sight of that. Now ive given it up all together.

BTW I agree with what Kupo said..Excellent work

merylsilverburg Oct 5th, 2004 01:47 PM

Thanks Hylas and Vicious! It makes me feel very happy you guys took the time to check out my works. I really appreciate everyone's comments! :happy: Thank you guys again! :weep:

Pu the Owl Oct 7th, 2004 01:44 PM

The sketches are nice, but the true novelty I see here is the manga!

I'd like to say I agree with those who complimented you for the use of backgrounds. Also patterns used for the clothing add a stylish touch to it, making it look more varied, less empty and definitely more "professional" looking. Your style is taking the right direction: you took inspiration from the things you like, but developed it in a personal way! I like a lot the variety of poses, the fact you represented not only close ups of faces, like many who try to draw mangas do, but settings and different details and elements. I'm happy you're working hard to improve your style and skills! Too bad I can't read the text :heh:

I bet I'm not the only one who is interested in seeing more works like this! :)

merylsilverburg Oct 7th, 2004 02:15 PM

Thanks so much for your feedback Panuru! I'm glad my personal style can be seen despite my influences of a lot of other manga (I've worked very hard to mask my inspirations and trying to create my own). Thank you so much again! I hope I can show you guys some of my manga works in the future. :D

Pu the Owl Oct 7th, 2004 02:35 PM

I'm glad my comments actually made sense to you! Anyway, next time I won't let all this time pass before posting, I hope!

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