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Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 09:29 PM

Expressing yourself
Well I have an interesting question.It seems like when i'm online its really easy to express who i am and i feel like i have a little freedom.But in real life its quite the opposite, i feel all like if i say anything or act out i will embarrass myself in some way.I feel way more comfortable talking to people online than i do in reality.I was just wondering if anyone feels the same way i do.

merylsilverburg Mar 10th, 2002 09:32 PM

Oh, I totally agree with you SSSnake. When I'm in public, like school, I can never do things that I usually do when I'm at home with my family or online. Actually, I was not going to be so personal with everyone on this forum in the beginning because I'm a very guarded person, but now, I feel comfortable asking you guys questions or expressing what I feel. The same thing goes with my family.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 09:33 PM

Yeah its just weird,cause i feel really free on here like i can do anything.But if im at school.Im afraid if i ask something or do something i get slammed on.

merylsilverburg Mar 10th, 2002 09:38 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake
Yeah its just weird,cause i feel really free on here like i can do anything.But if im at school.Im afraid if i ask something or do something i get slammed on.
Ha! Yeah! In Math class, all these popular freaks are always able to say anything or ask a question, but if I do (which I never) they're gonna start laughing and looking at me. Wow. We seem to have a lot in common. :)

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 09:42 PM

Damn those preps and jocks thinking there better than everyone.Speaking of which this one guy that thinks he's top of the world was cross country skiing with the class and when the time was up and we had to go back to school nobody would give him a ride.I was laughing so hard.

merylsilverburg Mar 10th, 2002 09:44 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake
Damn those preps and jocks thinking there better than everyone.Speaking of which this one guy that thinks he's top of the world was cross country skiing with the class and when the time was up and we had to go back to school nobody would give him a ride.I was laughing so hard.
:laugh: :laugh: That must've been the best day! By the guys went cross country skiing?! As a field trip?! I thought you said you lived in a small town. The field trip that's considered the "greatest" in my school is going to the goddamn zoo, which we have to drive 2 hours to the other state because my goddamn town doesn't have one! How pathetic...

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 09:47 PM

We go cross country skiing just as a part of the Gym class.We went snow shoeing too.Our field trip was to a ski resort were i went snowboarding

merylsilverburg Mar 10th, 2002 09:52 PM must go to a really nice and wealthy school. I mean, I've never heard of gym class doing that before! :shock: If I lived in your town, I probably wouldn't think it was small at all. My town is the smallest of small. I swear, it's the worst....we can't even afford new equipment for the weight room....okay, I'm getting off topic here....yeah, I express myself better online and at home....(looks up feeling stupid).

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 09:55 PM

Our town is fairly small 10,000 or plus people.Anyways our school is actually really poor.Ok were a little off topic so this will be my last post on this subject

Yuna Mar 11th, 2002 02:12 AM

Re: Expressing yourself

Originally posted by SSSnake
Well I have an interesting question.It seems like when i'm online its really easy to express who i am and i feel like i have a little freedom.But in real life its quite the opposite, i feel all like if i say anything or act out i will embarrass myself in some way.I feel way more comfortable talking to people online than i do in reality.I was just wondering if anyone feels the same way i do.
Amen to that, SSSnake! :phew:

BlackThornn Mar 11th, 2002 02:28 AM

I rarely censor my thoughts or keep them from coming out of my mouth IRL.. but even so I feel a lot more freedom talking online. You can think through what you're typing more than you could if you were just having a normal convo most of the time. And you avoid the dumb*** factor. (Kind of staring into space while you think of a better answer or blurting out something you didn't mean to that was really.. well.. dumb. :) )

Pu the Owl Mar 11th, 2002 05:45 AM

I wonder : ok, when you're online you can destroy some barriers you have in the real life, but is it that good after all? I mean, some poeple seem to go far beyond their real self when online and they start acting in a way that's not proper of their personality.

BowevelJoe Mar 11th, 2002 07:55 AM

its the fact that your not face to face that makes things easier, like say you have a gf and you want to break up with her, are you going to do it face to face, or on the phone? well probably the phone because your not face to face to see how it REALLY affects her ya know? its just easier to talk to someone when your not face to face with em, easier to say whats on your mind eh?

007_JamesBond Mar 11th, 2002 12:24 PM

I usually express myself the same no matter who I am with, anytime that I want, at least I think that I am the same as I am all the time

Sword 4 Hire Mar 11th, 2002 12:34 PM

I'm usually pretty mellow but when I'm around friends and I'm havin a good time I could care less!

Spirit Mar 11th, 2002 12:46 PM

well..... I must admit that I'm very strange online..... I make multiple personalities and then emerge them and evolve them to meet my neeeds.... I guess that's wrong but very few people know the real "me"

Cannibal Clown Mar 11th, 2002 05:18 PM

I think about this all of the time, and I'm soo glad this thread was made. I'm very open here and don't act at all like this when I'm at school or in public. I'm talking bout the sensitive and caring and mature things though, not the crazy bull sh*t I say, I'm like that all the time. But, I'm not afraid to express myself at all here because i know that I wont get teased if I let something personal out on these forums. I can see this a lot in my friends who go on here as well. We're more open and willing to share what's on our minds and what's bothering us.

The only time i can open up to someone in real life is if I'm alone with that person, and not in a group, even of three, I like to keep my life private, or at least anything that happened to me before freshmen year, which I never tell anyone about in life, only here. And I still keep those topics slightly to myself. Especially when it comes to the girl I like or my suicidal thoughts or about my fealings towards life in gereral.

Soul Angel Mar 11th, 2002 05:37 PM

Re: Expressing yourself

Originally posted by SSSnake
Well I have an interesting question.It seems like when i'm online its really easy to express who i am and i feel like i have a little freedom.But in real life its quite the opposite, i feel all like if i say anything or act out i will embarrass myself in some way.I feel way more comfortable talking to people online than i do in reality.I was just wondering if anyone feels the same way i do.
[color=sky blue] I'm pretty much the same, on here I'm not afraid to express myself and say what I'm thinking most of the time, the same when I'm talking to someone on msn messenger or aim, when I get to know them.

But in real life I'm a really shy person and I keep my real personality hidden away inside me. [/color]

Cannibal Clown Mar 11th, 2002 05:41 PM

I hide my shyness by acting real crazy and excited all of the time. Then there's no reason to act serious and deep and emotional.

IcyMourdor Mar 11th, 2002 08:58 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]I usually don't have a problem with it. Maybe it's because I have friends in many different *cliques*. I am only shy when it comes to asking out girls. The fear of rejection plays a large part of it.[/COLOR]

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